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this post also has nothing to do w/ my puppy.

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what happens when one has a stuffy nose" border=0>

On a more serious note,Its impossible for me to just breath out of a certain nostril.This must take alot of time to learn.Interesting stuff!

"your divine awareness awakens all the love in your being.Hating and  fearing forsaken,gone are the guilt and the blame.Your soul forgives,your divinity lives"


while doing some reading i found out that scientific studies show that when the left nostril is open the right hemishphere of the brain is more dominant , activatving the more creative, feeling side of the mind.  when the reitht nostril is open the left hemishphere of the brain is dominant, facilitating more analytical, rational, and intellectual mind activity,  yogis observed tehis phenomenon thousands of years ago and developed a sophisticated practice called 'alternate nostril breathing,' or nadi shodhanam, in which they deliberately changed the flow of air through the nostrils to balance their psychophysiology.  they believed that when the right nsotril was open the surya, or sun/heating element, was dominant and that when the left nostril was open the chandra, or moon/cooling element, was dominant.  by opening and closing the nostrils in varying patterns one coudl adjust the physciolgy of the body just like regulating a hot band cold faucet to  produce warm water.  

maybe this could be incorportated into helping project.
