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Breaking the Barrier

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So after a long time if meditating I kinda gave up and just began to relax for a bit while getting up. Suddenly :-o I felt and heard a rumbling sound unlike anything I have ever heard, and I could not move. I saw flashing lights  and felt as If my head was being split open (without pain though). I got extremely scared and fought for consciousness. I wonder if this has anything to do with Astral Projecting, or is it just something weird that happened to me alone. Any advice? :-D


Breaking the barrier is an appropriate name for this topic as I feel it is probably what you have done given your description. You have broken the barrier that is darkness. Darkness is an illusion. The best example I can give to you is this: When you look at the night sky you mainly see darkness, an empty void of space speckled with tiny lights that we call stars. Humans perceive light in a very certain way. What most people don't know is that the ENTIRE night sky is filled with light and were it not for our specially tuned optical units (eyes) that block out light coming from all of these angles we would see nothing but light when we looked at the night sky. Our physical senses blind us in certain ways that enable us to function here in physical reality in the most efficient manner. Most people just accept what their physical senses alone tells them and accept this as reality. The darkness behind your eyelids is much the same way as the sky. It is exceedingly dark because your physical eye lids cut off the light that enters your eyes and is interpreted by the brain. When you find the light inside then you will be free of darkness. It will always be bright for you if you learn to find the light in the dark. Darkness is just a barrier for the sake of preventing chaos in the universe. Darkness is after all just light that we cannot see. We have forgotten this, and so we have let it bind us down. So I guess congratulations are in order for "breaking the barrier"!

All the best,
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.


Thanks for the insightful info.