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Trying to lose weight

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I know exercise is the big one here, but can meditation help me lose some weight? I am not overweight by any means but I am trying to slim down a bit. Does anybody know of any good meditation techniques or anything along that line for trying to lose some pounds?
Thanks guys.


Change up your lifestyle ... develop a new relationship with food, diets dont exist because they are short term and you will find your self in the constant loop, so if you wanna slim down it has too be a life style choice, ask your self if you are willing too make that change


Cut out most of your sugar intake (it's VERY hard to cut out completely)... no soda pop, no pre-made meals... drink mostly milk and water, eat only freshly made foods.

I've lost 25lbs since last October doing this and I don't exercise anymore.

Sugar (well, high fructose corn syrup, at least) is probably one of the biggest threats to mankind.  It's the root cause of most of the current issues facing our civilization.


Quote from: Xanth on March 04, 2012, 13:32:26
drink mostly milk and water

I find tea can make this interesting. I'm only just getting into it (I'm actually a coffee drinker) but there is so much variety, it can be really fun.


Consider eating more in the morning, and less in the afternoon and evening!

This helps to start your metabolism high in the start of the day, burning far more calories faster, and it prevents you from eating more during the time you would tend to store the calories you consume. You will have more energy during the day (which dieters have problems with) and lose weight with far less effort.

So many people I know who wanted to control their weight tried to stop eating breakfast as a tactic- this is about the worst choice you can make- it will negatively affect your day, and make your goal harder to reach.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Count calories.  Count them on a typical day...whatever the total, subtract 500 calories and try to stick as closely to your new count as possible. 
Or just avoid bread.  :-)  I only eat it once every couple weeks or so.  When I stopped I lost 10 pounds and it hasn't returned.
Good luck!


I eat bread like it's running out of style...  lol


Made me think of this scene from Scott Pilgrim  :-D

Scott: Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favorite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping.
Ramona: Then you'd get fat.
Scott: No, why would I get fat?
Ramona: Because bread makes you fat.
Scott: (with a mouthful) Bread makes you fat?!


Quote from: ArmyOfOne1911 on March 04, 2012, 03:37:12
I know exercise is the big one here, but can meditation help me lose some weight?
Only if you change your diet and exercise habits.  You can use meditation to reinforce the desire to be healthier.
QuoteDoes anybody know of any good meditation techniques or anything along that line for trying to lose some pounds? 
Sure.  What you do is figure out what needs to go and what needs to be done (eat healthier, eat more of something and less of something else) and/or exercise more.
Then you write it down, and then record yourself telling yourself what to do- like
"I love salads" or "I love fruits" or "I am healthy" or whatever you think you need to hear.
Then you play it as you meditate, and just let it sink in, or use it as contemplation.
Keep doing it at least ten times, and it should become part of what you tell yourself in 'regular' life.
Cheers and good luck.


About 5 years ago I decided to lose some weight and get healthy. In previous years I had tried several exercises, including a stationary bike and lots of walking, but I couldn't shake the pounds, just maintain. Then I got a free set of weights and a bench and that changed everything. The thing about lifting is if you do it right and max out your muscles, they'll be sore and constantly rebuilding, even when you sleep, which ends up burning more calories than cardio (though cardio is important too). Then rather than making drastic changes to my diet, I slowly removed the junk one thing at a time, and once I removed all the junk, I slowly started making the rest of my diet healthier. And I still do. In other words, for me there was never a drastic change, just slowly changing the way I did things as I felt I needed to do them. But I suppose another major factor is I came to enjoy exercise. Even running. Go figure.

Last suggestion, is eat small meals more often throughout the day. Rather than 3 large meals, do 6 smaller ones 2-3 hours apart. This will speed up your metabolism.

Quote from: Astir on March 09, 2012, 00:17:39
Made me think of this scene from Scott Pilgrim  :-D

Scott: Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favorite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping.
Ramona: Then you'd get fat.
Scott: No, why would I get fat?
Ramona: Because bread makes you fat.
Scott: (with a mouthful) Bread makes you fat?!

Yeah, Xanth's comment made me think the same scene. That movie is a blast.


Ever since I started working out again (not a lot, but in a disciplined manner) I have rediscovered the pleasure of exercising.  Now I feel the need to.  After more than fifteen years and many many pounds.  Go figure!


Not Going to lie... you guys just forced me to make garlic bread.

A significant amount of butter has transferred from the fridge to my stomach today!
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Aahhh garlic bread. The stuff that gives your friends amnesia for a while....
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I make fresh vegetable juices for two of my three meals a day.  At night I eat a healthy cooked meal.  This plus exercising at least 3 days a week helps me to lose weight or maintain depending on how many calories I allow myself.  Weight loss in the end is purely a numbers game.  Learn how many calories your body at your current weight burns by being alive and then calorie count your food to the last detail.  If you consume more calories than your body burns in a day then you will gain weight.  Exercise helps give an easy boost of negating 300-800 calories each day it is done, which is great for those days you are just dying for a cupcake (which I had tonight from Juniors in Brooklyn and it was delicious!  :-D)


Yes, I have a meditation technique for weight control. I wrote a book about meditation with various techniques and I did write about weight as well. Here it is:

   Weight Control Meditation
The best time to perform this technique is the morning, before you start you daily food intake. It helps eliminate strong cravings and creates an urge for healthy choices. It promotes respect to your physical body and sense of responsibility to keep it safe and free of harmful substances.
Get into a comfortable position (you may practice this technique immediately upon awakening while still in bed) and relax your mind. Take a deep breath and hold to the count of four. Exhale and repeat four times. As your body is fully relaxed, move your focus on your stomach looking it from the inside. Picture it as big as your both fists put together. Imagine a red light filling up your empty stomach.
Note: There are neurons all over our bodies constantly communicating with our brain and transforming information of all the occurring processes. When our stomach gets full we stop eating as a result of these passing signals. By starting this technique in the morning, we will start filling up our stomach with energy light and trigger the neurons to start communicating with the brain, suggesting partial fullness. In this case there will be an instant portions reduction throughout the day. But this won't be the only achievement. Reducing portions alone will not provide health and well-being if the quality of food is poor. Therefore during session, we will teach the brain to start craving high nutritional foods as well.
Now, picture the tiny neurons lit up and start pulsing signals up to your brain providing information of partial fullness. Observe the red light start moving slowly around your stomach, feel it slowly magnetizing, wanting to attract something else. That something is a balancing color - green. However, the green will manifest, when we physically start eating. The green energy contains of healthy foods and all other dangerous substances become foreign to your system. Your brain is excited only to allow certain food intakes. All others become rejected and undesirable.
When imagining your green light around your body, feel an urge to prepare to intake the most nutritional substances available. Get excited about it and even plan your meals for the day. Imagine your body's bliss after you supply it with this magical fuel and help ease all systems, organs and cells, let them repair and produce a reward resulting in high energy levels, clarity, excitement, radiance, smooth skin, toned body and overall confidence and inner strength. See yourself already at the state you find most perfect. With each and every day of practice and essential elements supplying the body, soon you will start seeing your very transformation.
Every time you feel like your cravings are getting out of hand, stop for a moment and visualize the red light filling up your stomach and sending signals of satisfaction and content.
Upon completing the technique, breakfast must follow, for we should never starve ourselves and let ourselves go without food for more than 4 hrs. Remember, that your body goes on a mode of starvation; it will store everything from the next meal that you have, triggered by a self preservation reflex. That's why breakfast is particularly important, since your body goes without food at least for 8 to 10 hrs during the night. If you add another 4 hrs until lunch, there is the mode of starvation already occurring within your system.
Let your lunch be the highest calories intake meal of the day. Have a snack in the afternoon and a light dinner at least 3 hrs before bed time.
Avoid heavy meals before bed, because at night your body performs other functions such as toxins removal, cells repairing, etc. If we throw an additional task of heavy digestion during the night, this will become the body's first priority and all other functions will be delayed. This is how some people wake up drowsy, with low energy levels, even headaches. It is because the body did not have a chance to regenerate. The late and heavy supper is the reason for most of the above symptoms. The first two weeks of eating habits change is usually difficult, but once it is adjusted, no further suffering will occur.
Here are some suggestions for healthy food choices:
Breakfast: green tea, oatmeal, fruit salad, yogurt, omega 3 cereals with coconut or almond milk, omelet with garden vegetables, whole wheat toast
Lunch: chicken, fish, red meat(small portion), quinoa, brown rice, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, fresh mozzarella cheese, asparagus, onions, mushrooms, book choi, lettuce, kale, spinach, all green leafy veggies
Snack: All fruits, yogurt, nuts, seeds
Dinner: salads (low calorie dressing), smoothies, small meals (try to avoid meat four nights per week. Go vegetarian at least one day per week)
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day. This is the fastest way to eliminate toxins and reduce body fat. Keep balanced meals. Try to intake foods of all groups throughout the week in small portions.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow