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distant bell

Hi David!

Is there any reason that you are awake for 4o hours? Is it for the studies,
just some experiment or because of insomnia? Just curious.

I am a student at the University of Lund in sweden. I study religion- al different apects of it, history, psychology, sociology... but it really dosn´t lead to any jobs in the future- so I want continue with it. I only wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life.. but sadly I don´t.  

A good morning to al of ya!


-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --

Qui-Gon Jinn

Fenris, I just, well a month and a half almost I reckon´, dropped outta "uni", just to go back in aug/sep, but to a new one...  I´m thinking of perhaps studying to be a kinesiologist, know about kinesiology mate?  It falls under "alternative medicine" I guess..  the worlds FIRST kinesiology kinesiology "uni" starts up next year, and it does so in Stockholm Sweden, so it is something I have my eyes up for - but I really don´t know at all...

  Hey Felix, neither you or me know what to "do with our lives" - what do you say we start up something "original" down in Skåne?´  Couldn´t you learn to give massages?   I just got an idea from the tv-show Friends - "RelaxiCab" (Phoebe´s idea...) - people taking cabs and during the drive they  get massages....  I drive and you massage the passengers...  deal?
   And if business isn´t going down like we´d like, you can always mug them back there perhaps, and I can pretend I don´t know about it...  I wanna keep my clear conscience intact..   any better ideas??

   Caio bello //Qui-Gon Richard

- Your focus determines your reality -

distant bell

Hi Richard!

well, sounds good to me!
but let´s use mountain bikes instead of cars for the realxicab...
That has to be a hit!


-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --


G,day Fenris

I,m studying science & ethics at QUT,carseldeine campus mainly as it aggravates me less than Gardens point & kelvin grove.I was a plumber before this & so this is a new life direction for me,or another skill for the moment.I hope to get into the area of Genetics or similar,but will just change my subjects around as needed to fit into any particular area that I want to focus on.I've got plenty of time to kill,so I'll just sit back & accumulate prerequesites for the time being.

My stepfather was an ambulance officer turn paramedic & now works for careflight in N.S.W. I spent from 7 years old to 16 living on top of ambulance stations or ambulance houses around Sydney & the blue mountains.Very interesting experiences that's for sure!

Good journeys everyone & do what my stepfathers job name says
"Take Care on your Flight" "Careflight"




As for staying up so long, two reasons.
1. My compleate lack of all motivations other than absolute necesity (Im a lazy loafer who leaves everything till they are due because I find them boring!)
2. My morbid infactuation with caffine and self destruction HOW HIGH CAN THAT PULSE GO!!! (Pb is 120)

Intersesting to see what other people are up to


Wow! your opinion might be a little different but I would have loved to be exposed to all of that Paramedic life, it would provide a refresing reality punch to the kidneys for me! Its great to hear that you are geting out there and doing somthing to change your life. At least you are doing your studies with a life experience those of us fresh from high school dont have.

Just out of curiosity what is the significants of your online name? Sounds cool anyways...

I was having an interesting conversation today about all of the carear ideas we go through as children and adolesents.

My stages: SAS troop (childhood-im way to much of a runt! anyway), Police officer, psychologist and as of the last few years and definately sticking -Paramedic.


oh and for everyone that has no idea what to do with your life, my advice is to keep enjoying the roller coaster and when it happens you will know

Veni Vidi Vici


Hey Fenris

I pinched the name Mobius from a Psi/vampire/horror type book/series called "The Necroscope" by Brian Lumley.There is about 8 or 9 books in the series & an awesome story.I know it sounds a bit corny,but the main character in the series Harry Keogh has this ability of clairaudience with dead people (hears them in their graves) after talking to some dead people,he found out there was this old famous mathematician that could teach him some tricks, called Mobius.

He ended up learning this technique off Mobius where he could travel anywhere & not only anytime,but any time period using this thing called the Mobius continuum.It has a symbol (the mobius continuum) of the figure 8.Which is basically a loop or circle  turned over on itself to form an 8.

Good journeys mate



Hello everyone....
I'm new around here - I've been a student for longer than I can remember.... I'm still trying to finish my phd in engineering, in the uk. Good luck with your assignment.

Qui-Gon Jinn

servo-15, good luck on your quest for your phd, you´ll get there!

distant bell la felix, m-bikes huh...  hmm..  that could be problematic but hey, we´re out for originality so why not give it a go...   I got a new idea though, why not start a monastery?  of course it´d be a mixed monastery with
brother Richard and brother Felix as the only males, then we´ll have 138 sisters....  celebacy?  so unmodern...... *s'   what do you say mate!?´

  Be Well //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hermits Unite

distant bell

we have actually had very few essays to write, the whole first year was mainly those kind of big tests where you sitt and write in a big hal ( is that called exame?)  I think you should go fór it if you relly are interested in it!
But then again, it will probably only give you something personaly, for after all few emplyers apriciate the an exmae in religion...

Richard!! My man! Yes, yes, yes!  Let´s start a "monastery" , a place for occult studies. I have actually always dreamd about that. Of course it should be a modern monastery, not one of those old prisons that the big religins have. If people whant to live poor and chaste, that´s fine, and if people choose not to to live in celebacy and poverty that´s fine too!

I hate rules!

Imagine to live in a collective/monastery/abbey with other like minded people who also are free thinking and totaly dedicated to occult studys!
Wouldn´t that be great?

Of course there would have to be a few house rules, but just the most
necessary .. something like " keep peacefull and respect your brothers and sisters in the abbey of Felix and Richard"

That would be SO cool!


-Do waht thou wilt shall be the whole of the law-

-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --

Qui-Gon Jinn

I really do not like rulez either, brrrr...  picture an entire planet without any rulez, where every inhabitant had fully integrated their spiritual part of themselves with their intellectual part - and so no rulez deemed necessary...
 .. and no bureaucracy (sp?)....  no taxes, no paper work...  yuk, do NOT like paper work...   well I guess I "went" to Utopia on that last one..

"Imagine to live in a collective/monastery/abbey with other like minded people who also are free thinking and totaly dedicated to occult studys!
Wouldn´t that be great?"

   To be honest with you, that really sounds great!!  I lived in a "collective" once on a 4 month spell when working in Norway, wasn´t very fond of that but then again - it´s all about the people you live close to...   there were some real ´weirdos´ up there whos only reason for existing was to get drunk and fight, and well don´t want that in "Felix´s and Richard´s abbey of occult study", hehee.....

      Take care //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hello fellow forum dwellers!

Its four thirty in the morning, I have enough caffeine in me to kill a small dog and I continue to procrastinate and avoid my assignment by starting forum threads. I will literally not sleep tonight and I will have been awake for 40 hours before I will sleep again. Occasionally I hallucinate but that's kinda fun!

How many uni students reside here" border=0>

Lets here what your studying and what you want to be. Myself I am studying registered nursing but only to help me get selected by the Queensland Ambulance Service. Any paramedics here?  

Back to writing barely intelligible dribble about...hmm I should look into that before I start typing again.

Regards David

Veni Vidi Vici