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Striking a Balance

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Hi All,

When I first came to this forum I was confused but determined to end that confusion and find responsible answers if any were available. Barring that I wanted to find like-minded individuals who were not afraid to talk about their strange experiences. In doing that my hope was to form some sort of basis for my own experiences. I am human as I am supposing everyone on this forums is, lol. But sometimes I just don't feel quite human, especially when most of the people I know or have met go all googly eyed at the mere mention of things as are supported here.

I have come to the conclusion that the very best life is the one lived fully. What that means is different for everyone. Some people (it seems) are meant to live a totally physical life in which they do not ever encounter these paranormal events. Or, if they do they are meant to pass through them with not much more than a nod. Others however are dragged, sometimes kicking and screaming into a world that by all accounts does not seem to be even real and certainly not concrete.

Those in the first category are probably much better at handling life on this planet in general. They are at least seen as normal.

Those in the second category are often not so fortunate finding themselves lost among people they can't communicate with and this is why they often appear - not normal. They mostly do well in most areas of life with no more than the troubles that descend upon us all but it is that OTHER where they find frustration.

It's fine line and those are some unfinished thoughts but I needed to get at least that much out for now. Feel free to add your own thoughts on striking balance. I'd also love to hear why you all came here to this forum. It need not be an entire essay, just a few lines unless of course you are inclined to write an essay. Just whatever you want to share.

Hugs and love to all and be back soon.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Well I guess I got whatever was on my chest off coz right now I can't think what ever it was I was thinking when I opened this topic. LMAO. So I'll just say that today I found No Where.

Well No Where Bridge anyway. Can't believe neither of us (daughter was with me) thought to take a picture. Dratzzzz! So if you find yourself traveling the back roads of Georgia be on the look out. If you think you are in the middle on Nowhere be sure to look for a bridge. I promise once you cross No Where Bridge you will eventually find civilization. I don't think it matters which direction you go in either.

Yes, I am rambling and yes it feels good. :=D Try it
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


QuoteWhat that means is different for everyone. Some people (it seems) are meant to live a totally physical life in which they do not ever encounter these paranormal events. Or, if they do they are meant to pass through them with not much more than a nod. Others however are dragged, sometimes kicking and screaming into a world that by all accounts does not seem to be even real and certainly not concrete.

When I first came here as a younger person 16-17 or so years ago, I had a view in mind of projection as a tool to experience a broad new reality beyond my past experiences. While... projection is that thing... over time I really came to appreciate how incredibly important and sublime / singular our current physical experience is, and by being too focused on reality outside of it, we can sort of miss the main event. It is a bit like a person that pulls out a cellphone in the middle of a movie.

Today I don't think those people drawn into the thick of our current reality are missing out. They are having a rich experience that we are all here to have, one way or another.

It is sort of a human thing to want to belong to a privileged group, or to view the groups one belongs to that way. Everyone wants to think that their religion is the final truth, and everyone else is a bunch of schlubs. They know the big conspiracy that all scrubs are fooled by...they figured out the life-hack that has them in the fast lane, etc. I think there are great experiences over in this corner, and equally valuable ones over there where no one has heard of any of this.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I came here because my experiences with dreams, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, the paranormal, with what I would call the Divine, and now AP's have always been a huge part of my life since I was a small child. I've naturally had an inclination to explore these phenomenon. But it's reached a point where it feels slightly overwhelming, I think partly because I've started intentionally diving deeper into these experiences. These states are very profound and complex, yet I feel many people who experience them are like myself and have never had anyone to talk to about what they are going through, especially not that would understand. I think I've found that community here that will help me process my experiences, and maybe my experiences will end up helping others on their path.

I think everyone is here for a different reason like Nameless said. Some people will get more out of an experience than others would, and there's nothing right or wrong about that. I don't know if there is something out there beyond the physical that is supposed to get a significant amount of my attention, but I do know at the very least that these experiences are a key point of growth for me here in the physical.

One example I'll give is my dreams. My dreams have been incrementally becoming more complex, more meaningful, and more vivid. Be it my subconscious, higher self, or some sort of Dream Walkers using my dreams to guide me, I've been finding lessons sprinkled into my dreams (increasingly so as I've gotten older). I am much more open to integrating new information if I hear it in other states for some reason.

Some months ago I was day trading with cryptocurrency. I picked it up quickly and had a 600% profit within a month. I thought this could be what allows me the time and resources to figure out what it is I truly want to do with my life. I didn't particularly enjoy trading, but I was good at it and was projecting to make 6 to 7 figures within my first year. After time though, something just wasn't feeling right, I was having to force myself to trade, instead of actually wanting to. I wasn't sure what to do, but then I had a dream. I came to a place with people dancing and singing around fires. They were all sharing their talents and passions with each other, be it singing, making clothes, food, etc. I laid down next to this woman and her son. They told me this was a place for souls to find guidance through their difficult times, both the "good" and the "bad". She then proceeded to tell me that what I was doing was just moving money around in a way to make more money, and wasn't helping humanity in the process. I asked her if this was my path, and she shook her head in loving disagreement.

Do you know that feeling you get when someone says something to you that you know to the very core of your being is true, as if it were God speaking truth through that individual? That's how it resonated with me. When I woke up that morning I quit trading and started doing work that I don't enjoy, but at the very least benefits others. And I plan to continue this work until I find what path I was meant to take. That dream might not have meant anything to some people, but for me it changed the course of my life. I think I came here to do something unique in the physical, but I think it is married with what I do in the nonphysical.


Thank you both (group hug). The both of you Stillwater and DancingBear seem very grounded and balanced. The both of you have said some inspiring things as well. It's this balanced approached that calms the waters helps each of us stay our course even when we aren't sure which way our course is going.

Much respect and love to you. :-)
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


 :-D Nameless...
well I came here because You are here of course :-D
... And I should also say that there is some very interesting curious explorers here, like you, that I want to stay in contact with for sure :roll: :wink: 8-)
I guess we all need to have some contact and conversation that are stimulating and listening to stories that can make us see the different ways we perceive, at the same time realize how similar we are when we react to our experiences.
Becoming aware and understand the power we have is probably my main drive because it feels that it is how we can create and co create. When we take the time to look into this form of exploration, we see how a good investment it is and we all can to contribute to this type of research for future understanding. I can only imagine that looking into the subtle realms will be in the future seriously explored, maybe much more easily by everyone and maybe one day become a field of research well respected. That alone is worth keeping the conversation going. I feel that deeply, only because I value my dreams and experiences to be as important then what I experience in my awaken time.

We all have mysterious and strange experiences but many may not relate them to what is happening around or see how its being manifested or reflected. Paying attention to those experiences and giving value does help see a bigger picture , maybe it is not needed when you can see how some people are living fully in there physical choices and enjoy all what there is to offer here.
That true love of life reflects the incredible powerful forces we all have available either way we choose to explore.
It always amuse me when I watch my husband and son listening to youtube and looking at those crazy passionate car racers or builders of incredible machines, just listening to their mad passionate voices in the background makes me realize that there is a true love existing  in so many ways and being express. That passionate energy and harmony we share in our home does make me feel alive and happy that we are different... 
Lets keep that conversation ... I also need to write more  :-D forgot to say that :roll:


Plume I am so glad you joined us. I don't care whether you write a lot or just a little. I love hearing from you, you have a way of looking at the world in general and making it make sense. Your writing has improved so much, I know that's something you have been working on. Congratulations girl.

That true love of life, that passion is definitely something we need to notice and build on. You're right, doesn't really matter if that love is for the here or the there and split between both long as we happy we can explore it deeply.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.

Thread Killer

"everyone else is a bunch of schlubs."
Ahh. Anyone who uses the word schlub can join my exclusive club anytime.
Pedant. Pedagogue. Prick.


schlub club you say, sign me up.  8-)

Speaking of Balance, after a long while of searching for the right perspective on the NP, i'd say im in credit, it's a currency I also don't know how to spend lol in a vaguely productive sense. of course it wasn't easy though, seriously like im still unsure how I even got to this point now, a bit of a blur in a sense that, im unsure how to explain to someone how to obtain the same perspective it took me years to achieve, even though right now it seems way simpler than it should have been.

obtaining the perspective I obtained honestly took a lot of loss/trail and error. I more of feel bad for the physical winners of the world, for they get a lot of encouragement/reward for closing themselves off to the NP, it really is a darn shame. While anyone interested in the NP gets very little support from the physical, or at least in my case, I never really had anyone I knew IRL who cared for the unknown/NP as they thought they had the answers or were to busy winning the life game that everyone losses eventually lol.

Despite everything loss,weirdness, mislabeling constantly, and de labeling a bunch of things, I wouldn't trade my life experiences ever for some normal/conformatable physical life, i'd say I got what I deserved not what I wanted, but in the end I did get what I wanted I just never knew it.

honestly my stomach turns when I see my old post's  :-P , but that is whatever was needed to get from point A to point B-Z, constant trail and error. keep trying to shove that square in the to the circle's position, and eventually that squares gonna become a circle though brute force wether it likes it or not!

Bwahahahaha after through all this trail and error, I will Demand to see lifes manager, and I'll make life's manager do whatever I want! since I get to create it nyehehehehe.  :-)  :evil:


LMAO, you are lovely Funfire! So, are we the square peg or the round hole, lol
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Yes I'd say we are the square peg trying to fit in the round hole, unless you kinda just got a circle peg to start, then im just jealous lol.  :lol:

I was looking up an example and lol I found one that fits the situation perfectly.


I wonder often why some are not at all interested in that type of experience or even want to really see the value behind .  I ask these questions often while working, and  today to be original :-D, I open the subject and ask what is the meaning of the word OCCULT.  :roll:

My partner had a good answer , but it was very much subjective to what we would generally hear from other that also look at this like some Voodo stuff , some kind of Black magic of some sort. That answer became a bit more vague when I asked what is Black magic :roll:( not that I know anything about it) I think I was really digging deeper to see where this will lead, not at all surprised,  I did not get a clear answer, just a bunch of ideas and even more confusing opinions, very much brain washed thoughts by others over many years and understandable really... Now, that alone is the reason why I am  :roll:  #*!!! whatever   #%$&&% ... curious , way to much opinions but not much personal research. THERE ...good enough for me  :wink: :-D  

Anyway a good day in the shop, OH! yes I was saying, Occult could simply be a word that means Hidden knowledge from what I am learning :wink: better to go look for yourself if you have no idea what it is, I hear that there is a long list of dillusional explorers that obviously are waisting there time because really ( wake up girl) there is nothing to go look for in that subjective realms  , only what you can see with your five senses that is valuable for now ( let the science community do that...)  :wink:and if you can reproduce this in a lab , it better be good And often And from a reputable place and finally it will get on BBC news...Wow!!! if not, your are out of luck to even come close to be taken seriously...Jeez ! don't get me wrong I don't want to be taken seriously ... :-D  seriously
I think it has to be personal research and not at all from someone else opinion... So that end it pretty much there for the science community to getting involve :roll:
Ok a bit of ranting here , got to keep things balance... :-D Feel better now... you wont get Plume doing that to often :-D I think its the title of this thread that did influence me here :wink:
Striking a balance ...
Thanks for letting me do this and again thanks for being understanding and curious , I think its hard not to be curious when you know what you can do from just even simple experiences and practices.

Thanks Nameless , I appreciate that you have notice that I am improving in writting, all about pushing the limits we believe to exist for ourself, we invest so much to keep them and only by fear of being wrong. I don't mind being wrong, I enjoy being curious way to much to worry about these obstacles.
see you... and hugs


 Hi Plume! Good to see you here again!  :-)

Jason Louv was a guest on the Fade to Black show, with Jimmy Church a few months ago and I saved this link from the show in my Favorites section on my computer. He was speaking about the Occult and John Dee. It was fascinating interview and I think you will like it as well.

Jimmy's shows are great, when he isn't constantly plugging and pushing his new "OnStar" social media site. That gets repetitive and annoying fast!  :-P :roll:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hi Lumaza,
I certainly will go check this one from Jimmy :-D
I follow Jason on Instagram , he his very interesting. the first time I heard of him was on Off Planet Radio. He has some podcast on his web pages that are great conversation, worth listening. I may get his book but I have so much reading to do this winter, I just got a subscription to a huge Library on black earth productions site. It has so much on the occult subject that my head will start to spin  :roll:
First I need to learn the Runes.
I need to tell you( kinda of something related to a door or portals ) ... I just posted on Facebook a photo of the Amplifier , I placed in a tree outside our little retirement home so Karin, maybe others like Casey and maybe you or Nameless can connect. Its just an idea Karin and I had to play with our amplifier . Having them in a portal looking place like a hole at the base of a tree. This could be fun :-D
Anyway its all play and Games, it would be nice to share it here, but I am still trying to figure this photos transfer thing here :| Got the wordpress site ,  I just cant figure out how to link it from the options they have, I know it can be done , but the language use to make the moves is totally foreign to me , I don't even know what an URLL thing is  :oops:
Anyway , I thought I should just go to my friend down the road and ask him to show me the tricks. And then I will be able to post here again.
talk soon and thank for the link  :wink: