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What kind of car do you drive?

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the batmobile.  that's what i drive now.  if i could choose my dream car it would have to be a 91 beretta gtz w/ over two hundred thousand miles on it, rebuilt engine, new paint, no stereo, and it would have to break down on average about once a month.


It is very common to want to learn to drive as soon as possible. At 16 most of the people around me were anxious to learn to drive. It was not until age 26 that I got around to it. My friend has a ford taurus which I drive as needed.


FredHedd, funny.

  I'm in a 1990 Ford Probe, It runs..sorta.  I havn't had A/C for 4 years now, and my speakers were stolen about 1 year ago, along with my face plate.  It's about 250,000 miles on it, or 402,250 kilometers for you odd metric people.  If it wasn't for the bailing wire, duct tape, and bubble gum it would probably fall apart.
  I was thinking of getting a new one but then I heard if you can put 1 million miles on your car Ford will give you a new one for free.  I think I am going to try that instead.



Hehe, good to see the lack of materialism. Many people I know are very concerned with how others see them & live way beyond their means so as to create the impression (for others) that they are successful, or doing well for themselves,often to the point of bankrupting themselves & facing repossession.

Strange you should bring this topic up, as I'm presently looking for a new car (not brand new), but have been eyeing off the iraq ordeal as fuel prices have steadily increased.

The thing is, I've been driving my beloved little 4cylinder mazda 323, 83 model (oh man, I'm livin in the past,hehe) for about 10 years now, which has 360,000 kilometers on the clock. Because of a back injury I have, my little car is killing me to drive & is a manual which doesn't help. So I have been trying out various other 4 cylinder cars, one of which was a ford focus,lol.

With this Iraq thing & the public opinion worldwide waning on the prospects of war. I wonder if the bean counters are eyeing off their patents on other fuel sources & having discussions on whether it's time to let oil stay with the fossils & make the transition into a new energy source. It has to happen one day & the U.S passed it's peak production of oil in the 80's, that's why it's so important for the oil barons to secure iraq's oil supply, which is the only country yet to experience it's peak production.

Well, better get back to lookin for cars, nooooooooooooooooooo.

Good Journeys



Hermits Unite


Toyota MKIV Supra for weekend blasts and a 2.0L Honda Civic Type-R for day to day.



I'll drive anything on wheels but I don't own a car. Never have for that matter. I'll get one  when I actually have enough need for one,

2cents & L&L


There is a new car that runs on desiel fuel and gets 90 miles to the gallon...that's what we should all drive until they get the hydrogen fuel cell thing worked out (the only bi-product is water!)

Anyway, I did want to share my two dreams cars:

Range Rover
BMW M3 or Audi RS6
Audi: 450 HP Twin Turbo/ Triptronic

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


The trouble with engines burning hydrogen for a fuel is that it is expensive to make the hydrogen to fuel the engine and it is inconvenient to store it in your vehicle. There are other ways of creating a fuel cell, though.



I have a 99 Saturn SL1, dark purple in dark it's almost black.

The problem with the US is that we have such a car culture that it is damn near impossible to live without one...unless you live in NYC or some other large city with a decent public transport system.

I wish we more like Europe with their high-tech trains, and the buses that go everywhere that the trains don't. Unfortunately, our auto and oil corporations decided to make our country into a car culture, with the government and the companies't sucks up to the corp's by taking away funding for transport, *charges* Amtrak taxes instead of funding it, and pours all kinds of money into highway projects, etc.

I like cars, but I wish we weren't forced to be so dependent on them. I wish I could have one just for the occasional trip, etc...

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I drive a GS500 susuki race bike. My wife drives my old 97' Renault Megane.
I had an accident today with my bike. i feel luck to be alive!



I have a '97 Saturn that I bought used.  It gets 26 miles to the gallon.  I spend a LOT of time on the road - - - 70 miles round trip to/from work, and my boyfriend lives 350 miles away, and my family is even farther away! I need a car that can really haul, take a lot of mileage, safely hold a kid, handle well at freeway speeds, and god-forbid, avoid/survive a crash when necessary.

I'm shopping for a car now and have been test driving the hybrid cars (honda/toyota), but I'm not happy with their horsepower.  I don't know if I want to settle for 100 hp, or putter along with my Saturn until someone makes a car with good performance AND good gas mileage.

I live in New Jersey (USA) and I'm surrounded by SUVs and big trucks.  I hate them. For one, they are road hogs and I can't see around them. People in them drive like jerks. People buy them, with all these offroad fantasies, but the only off-road action they ever see is accidentally running over the grass while backing out of their driveways.  It's one thing to have a big vehicle when you really NEED it.  But most people use their SUVs to drive back and forth to work!

I like Frank's idea.  If you are in love with performance, size, whatever, buy your fantasy car or truck, but keep it in the garage for appropriate occasions.  If you're simply puttering to/from work, get a puttering car.  And EVERYONE needs to think about gas/petrol and what our buying habits do to the world economy.



Hey Tisha, don't let the hp of the new hybrids turn you off[:D]...most cars only have about 100-110 horsepower anyway, so any of the new hybrids are powerful enough for almost any situation.  When the first electric/gas powered cars were introduced they were signifcantly less powerful, so that's why it's pretty common for people to think they are wimpy.  
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I drive a 2001 Acura Integra GSR.  I bought it a couple summers ago after having a good summer job.  It's nice, fast, AND pretty fuel-efficient compared to most cars, espcially american cars.  (Acura is owned by Honda - It's Honda's "luxuary" line)
Hopefully in like 7 years when I'm looking at getting a new car again, those fuel cell cars that GM and Honda are spending so much on research will be out.  =)


...or do you even drive?  Or do you care?

I think this is an interesting topic because here in the US, we Americans are, in my opinion, obsessed with cars.  People judge your character, financial security and success by what kind of car you drive.  Not everyone does this (and I personally think it is absurd) but it is common practice.  Is it like this where you live?

I personally drive a 1994 2 wheel drive pick up truck.  It's small, fuel effecient....and to be frank, beat up.  I don't want to buy a new car for a while because for now my wife and I don't want another car payment (she drives a Ford Focus).  In about a year I am thinking about getting into a Honda (Accord)...I like Japanese cars because of their reliablility, practicality and style.  

What do you drive?  What would you drive if you could choose any car?
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum