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i smoke and drink coffee

Here is a list of general terms for so called 'psionics'.

I don't know what happened.  I used to have thousands of these kinds of terms, but they have all slipped from my mind.  I do think that it is because many of the terms that I was using were the same thing, and now, in my development, they have been simplified to these specific terms.  Although, it would be nice to have these terms defined.  Actually, if I were to properly define these terms and make all the interrelations, I might regain some of what I was trying to say all these years.  About these terms, I made excessive word pie!  Mmm, pie!  So anyway, if you want too, as an exercise, pick three of those terms and on this thread, post your definition of what you think it is.  At some point, I will repost this same list with brief definitions.  Thank you, and if you find anything useful, please adapt it and use it freely, naturally.  This is a very basic list, and it isn't what I was trying for, it's the best I can do in my shape at current.  I hope you find it useful, but some of these terms are tricky.  As, for instance, 'implosion', well, the dictionary gives a fine definition of implosion, the thing with implosion is that when you implode space itself, it generates a space pocket, or a new type of dimensional object.  It's almost like existence doesn't go anywhere, it just keeps existing.  When you implode a third of the dimensional value of an object that is one hundred percent, it changes the entire object.  So if one thing in the universe ever actually imploded, it would alter the entire universe!  It's tricky like that, perhaps that's why it is expanding way out there at breakneck speed.  Imploding small particles the entire time.  Anyway, I hope someone finds this useful, and maybe try the exercise of picking three terms and definiing them.  I'm not an expert, but I've spent ten years picking at the subject of a real, not DnD type psionics system.

dimensional energy vibration frequency
psionic capacity
potential calibration energy event horizon (action potential)
magnetic harmonized state induction
harmonized potential field implosion
dimensional wake
parameter shift
paradoxal shift
paradigm shift
point variable
psionic variable
point phase vibration
transitory field immersion
dream state submersion
forcial constant (kinetic baseline)
baseline derivative
kinetic frequency field vibration
forcial max amplitude (focus value)
target precursor
wake field
bombardment of psionic potential
psionic signature
thought form
memory imprint
residual trace field induction
harmonized field perpetualization
emanant constant
radiant frequency
focus intensity
force charge
psionic capacity per field imprint
implosion of psionic force
psionic potential
psionic energy
psionic field
psionic force
telemeterized variations to field programming
sequential buffer shifting
sequential field alignment
planar alignment
energy drain
energy infusion
infusion of state parameters
forcial charge per pattern vibration
change to sequence of events
precognition and self fulfilling prophecy
awareness molds
quasi-hypnotic magnetic field resonance
generative thought
psychic stream
psionic surge
time line
time stream
base point manuevering
charge pattern
static function
kinetic shield
hyper point paradoxal transcendent field vibration
luminous phase to phase abberations
anomallies of psychic structure
deep memory past life regression
depth perception
force of harmonized ordinates
spiritual wake
field point per sequential shift
brace point
save point
astral immersions in daily life
astral basis, physical expression
expression of spiritual capacity
faith intensity, harmonized Source link
shift per phase
phase per sequence
control bandwidth
dimensional mediums
field charge
radical point per phase
charge of dynamic static intervention
dream state hypnosis
formulations of radical experience
langauge and the identity of self expression
physical construct
psychic construct
force per pattern in sequence
frequency of hypnotic resonance
stimulation of telepathy
emotional density
auric field
forcial mutations by sequential phasic shifting
mass force implosion
light retraction
scintilliance by field harmony
perceptual energy
perspective in cognitive conscious control
belief as constructive bracer
charge of maximum focus value
release of existential charge
soul decay
phaentian host of characters
phaentian avatar
the host as environmental residual tracer
residual tracer
cotanic source taint
field charge in point per paradoxal application
magery as video game suggests
planeswalking via astral mediums
charge of light potential
silence and the impenetrable barrier
silence as devil tamer
aggravation of corrupted phase mechanic
mechanics of sub spatial field immersion
direction of charge pattern
hyper magnetic sheath
multiversal nexus
collective consciousness
group mentality
personality as conditioned response mechanism
mental control of self
mental ability
spiritual ability
physical ability
time burn
time fire
charge of paradoxal fulcrumic nexus
weak force and the indomitable frequency of residual field tracers
holographic thought form generation
spiritual greed
material greed
malevolence vs benevolence
force methodox
force canon
field bracing
shattering reality
black magick
healthy alternatives to hypnosis, self hynosis as perpetual thought aggrandizement
the delusion of existence
space pocket
time intensity