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Do all living things have a soul?

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Hello there, i have wondered this for quite a while now, but do all living things from humans to bacterias have a soul? :|


The main theory here is that all is consciousness. So all is soul in a way. Of course we can for the most part only speculate.

Animals of lower kinds are said to have a group soul and only higher animals (e.g. primates, dolphins and us humans) are individual. But it's all in a evolution of the mind / consciousness and even lower animals might be able to develop / evolve into higher forms and then occupy more 'complex' biological containers in later incarnations.

I read in a book on regression that a pet can become more and more individual (split off from group consciousness) by close contact with humans during its incarnation(s) and then later maybe evolve into a human soul.


All conscious beings are consciousness.

A "soul" is a loaded, belief-based term... "consciousness", while every bit a belief-based term, is what all conscious beings are.  LoL