Adyashanti – True Meditation Series

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If you know anything about me by now, it's that I believe that building yourself a solid foundation in Meditation is the best way to learn to Astral Project.  I came across a series of three videos on Vimeo that I believe are very awesome.  Please enjoy them as I have.


 Excellent video package Xanth. I love his approach, it's great to hear a person tell you what not to do. That the answer is "releasing control". When most people meditate they are putting so much effort in getting to the perfect point, that they actually never get to see what it really is. I am guilty of this as well, but have noticed that I use my mantra/visualizing to get focused, then I let the experience grow into whatever direction I need to see for that session. Releasing control is the key to true peace. That's also what gets us to the next level in Astral Travel. It's easy to say though, much harder to do. That's why practice is so important.


You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.