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Amazing cross excersize!

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I have been using this pretty frequently to syncronize my hemispheres and I have noticed remarkable results.   

What you have to do is cross your eyes to make these two circles one.  When you can do this, you will probably see one side more dominant than the other.  Make the horizontal and vertical spaces form a perfect cross (through will power and concentration).  Its difficult at first to even get one second of a distortedcross, but with practice, you should be able to maintain a perfect cross for minutes at a time.  Trust me, it gets easier every time.  I have noticed that my concentration has increase, as well as my intellegence.  I have actually grown more intellegent musically.  After 3 days of doing this (constantly throughout the day), I composed 2 songs that were much more intellegent than I am usually capible of.  My brother was suprized at my results, and began to do it throughout the day as well.  The next day he wrote the most intellegent song either of use have ever written.  My meditative skills have grown dramatically.  I still can't hold a perfect cross for over 10 seconds so I have much more to grow

trust me when I say this...


Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


looks interesting, gonna give it a shot, maybe i'll see you on the music charts :D

jub jub

I do notice something...but I'm not sure what it is. :-D
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


I've just figured out a way to free my mind of all thoughts.  I think someone refered to this as empyness.  Anyways, I never even imagined having that much mental control (well at least not now), untill yesterday afternoon.  I was trying to do this cross excercise and I was totally distracted.  I had this stupid song stuck in my head (it was on the radio in the morning) and no matter how hard I tried to concentrate, it kept blasting in my head.  I started to get more and more frusterated.  I literally could not get it out of my head!  After say 10 minutes of battling this, I realized to just relax.  I even devised a method of silencing this music, and it works pretty well.  The song continued throughout the day.  I was able to suppress for minutes at a time, but moments after I starting loosing concentration it came again.  By the end of the day, I was able to stop the music, very quickly.  I felt really weird, and I discovered that I had learned to induce "emptyness of mind" (to a limited degree).  After this experience, I now can clear my mind of all thoughts.  Not just on a fake "I can relax" level, but on a deep "...." level of blankness.  Before this, I could not empty my mind for five seconds on a good day.  Now its like I can hold it for 20 seconds (although some small thoughts begin to surface, I just push them away). Its a very peacefull state of mind.  When you can acheive it, you begin to notice things you usually don't see. Last night I meditated as usual, but with an empty mind.  And I don't mean this lightly when I say it made a huge differience.  I did not project, but I got into a pretty deep trance (definatly mind asleep/body awake).  It was deep enough to where I felt like I could remove my limbs, although I didn't because I still need more practice. 

Caution: First, I have to say that this exersise is not only difficult, but can be frusturating.  It can be extremely unpleasant, to an overwelming level.   I just read about repetitious thought patterns, and I've found that they can be a serious, chronic problem.  If not contolled, it can deprive one of sleep, and relaxation of any kind.  If you don't think that you can not handle this, then try the two methods at the bottom of this page (in blue) without the below method.  In fact, I recommend using the two methods below without the method below first.  But if you really think you can still learn from the full exercise, and you are certain that you can handle this (and believe me, it can be very effective, by forcing you to use all of your will power) then go for it.  But make shure and only do this full exercise on days that are completely free.  I do not recommend anyone trying this on days that they really need to consentrate, or have to go to work, school, ex.  Just be careful, and be sure you know what you are getting into.  If you can do this, then there is no reason you can't achieve perfect mental emptiness at will.

Well here is a roughly constucted draft of an exercise to help you learn to empty your mind at will:

-Get an extremely repedetive, trendy, catchy, simple song stuck in your head (Do this well, but DO NOT OVER DO IT).  This is not hard to do.  Just think about it over and over.  You don't have to think of the entire song, just a section that is loopable.  If it helps, you can even listen to the song before.  Subconciously repeat this song in the back of your mind as long as it takes.  It will probably help, if the song is unpleasant as well.  The reason for this is because the more anoying it is, the harder it will be to get out, therfore exercising your mental control and will power.   Also, you will use more of your will power, if it is not something you like to listen to.  Just remember that if you do use an unpleasant song, there is a possibility of it staying stuck in your head for days.  Be cautious!

-Now, try to get it out! Do anything possible.  You may get frusterated, anxious, and angry but this is not what you want.  You might try to force it out, but this will only make it louder.  The best thing to do, is just calm your mind.  Let go of the "effort" and just let "nothing" fill your mind completely, taking all the room, leaving no space for the song (or any thought for that matter) to enter your mind.  Just know that its difficult to hold on to the song, and requires no will power at all to release it.

If you are having difficulty doing this, here is a few tips/methods.

  1. Go outside and imagine the wind outside is penetrating your skull and cleansing your empty head (no brain) of everything.  As the wind pushes the thoughts away, your mind becomes clear of all thoughts.

  2. Listen to the sounds around you and if it helps, create a silent beat with that sound.  If there is no sound, make a silent beat for that silence (if you need to, you can silently tap it).  Eventually, stop the beat and focus on the silence (or present sounds) as a continuous, non linear, pleasant song.  Focus all your mind on this knew song, and let it take over your mind completely.  Do not think, just listen.

Mantain the silence as long as you can, and try to deapen it as well.  As soon as you loose focus, the anoying song will return.  Its reasonably easy to mantain the silence, the hard part is teaching your stubborn mind to let go.

If you are really having problems getting the song out of your head, please email me.  If it becomes a serious issue, I'll do everything I can to help you.  Once you can get it out at will, a great benifit is that you will never get another anoying song stuck in your head again.  Its just that first step that can be nearly impossible.  Don't let it taunt you, just set it free.

Good luck, and please be careful.


Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.