The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: Lizelle on November 12, 2011, 17:47:10

Title: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: Lizelle on November 12, 2011, 17:47:10
About five years ago I started experiencing the "rushing noises," the feeling of a presence, and even tactile sensations like pulling on the blankets. I chalked it up to some kind of nighttime hallucination, or 'waking dream.' After some research I learned that many people have this. I read that it could lead to an "out of body" experience, and within a short time I was able to get out of body and I happily began to explore. So far so good.

Then in April, it all started to dry up. I'd get a few weak vibrations, but not enough to separate. Now I haven't had the aura or the vibrations in about six months. This is very disappointing, of course. I wracked my brain trying to identify what changed, and there was only one possible answer: my husband left in April (after some very stressful years) and I've been much happier ever since.

Since this was a little bit counter-intuitive, I tried to dig deeper. Some people believe in malevolent entities, and I had to consider the possibility that I was meeting his negativity in the astral realm. I do know that he watched pornography in the next room while he thought I was asleep. He also matches many of the traits of a clinical psychopath and is a high-functioning alcoholic. Is there any chance I was picking up on his negative energy? Do you think removing the TV and devices he used had any effect? The timing seems to support that.

Please note that I'm not trying to blame him here! I welcome this window into the other world, I just want to get it back. Thank you in advance for your input.

PS I have hinted at this "dry spell" in past posts, and have already been told that it's normal. I think enough time has gone by to believe that it's not just a normal dry spell.
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: kurtykurt42 on November 13, 2011, 06:28:04
Do you think it's a coincidence that your "dry spells" began as soon as you joined this forum? For the past few years I've dedicated my life to understanding consciousness. Spending thousands of hours reseaching and practicing, hoping to understand what it's all about. Do you know what I've learned about consciousness over all of these years? Nothing. Nothing that can be measured or quantified in any real sense.

The question you have to ask yourself is why. Why do you want to astral project? To prove that it's real, that it exists, or maybe just to have fun? And then what? I would hate to see anyone continue down a path similar to mine. Obsessing over something that cant be explained. Others spend there entire lives happily living without thinking about things such as this for a second. So, do yourself a favor, quit while you're ahead.
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: Lizelle on November 13, 2011, 11:55:37
... sorta wondering why you're on this forum at all. But, thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: the8reader on November 13, 2011, 15:56:55
ok so i can try and give you and answer that is better then the last guy.. if there are any persinal effects of his still in the home, i would remove them destroy them like burn them and what not. if its his lingering energy stoping you that might help but u will have to deal with it sooner or later since he did live in the house. this is probobly not the case, but be open to all options.. have you done any energy work. when my projections go dry i go out and collect others energy. i find the best way for me to to go out to a bar. most people are happier when drunk and leak lots of good energy.. this will help get you the energy you need to get out. meditation works good to. by figureing out things that my be bothering you that dont seem like they would. clearing yourself will help. if that dosent work then do the next best thing and dont try. dont try at all for a month or two. just go about your day. go to work, eat, sleep. and dont think about it to much..
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: Oversoul123 on November 13, 2011, 16:33:49
Quote from: Lizelle on November 12, 2011, 17:47:10
About five years ago I started experiencing the "rushing noises," the feeling of a presence, and even tactile sensations like pulling on the blankets. I chalked it up to some kind of nighttime hallucination, or 'waking dream.' After some research I learned that many people have this. I read that it could lead to an "out of body" experience, and within a short time I was able to get out of body and I happily began to explore. So far so good.

Then in April, it all started to dry up. I'd get a few weak vibrations, but not enough to separate. Now I haven't had the aura or the vibrations in about six months. This is very disappointing, of course. I wracked my brain trying to identify what changed, and there was only one possible answer: my husband left in April (after some very stressful years) and I've been much happier ever since.

Since this was a little bit counter-intuitive, I tried to dig deeper. Some people believe in malevolent entities, and I had to consider the possibility that I was meeting his negativity in the astral realm. I do know that he watched pornography in the next room while he thought I was asleep. He also matches many of the traits of a clinical psychopath and is a high-functioning alcoholic. Is there any chance I was picking up on his negative energy? Do you think removing the TV and devices he used had any effect? The timing seems to support that.

Please note that I'm not trying to blame him here! I welcome this window into the other world, I just want to get it back. Thank you in advance for your input.

PS I have hinted at this "dry spell" in past posts, and have already been told that it's normal. I think enough time has gone by to believe that it's not just a normal dry spell.

Unfortunately, it's going to be difficult for anyone to give you a straight answer.  I know that we all have numerous personalities or states of consciousness that are triggered depending on the environment (people) that we are in.  Perhaps when you were with your ex you felt like you wanted to be somewhere else which facilitated your ability to have obe? 

Sometimes believing that negative entities are the root cause of your dry spell can cause unwanted placebo effects.  Good luck in your troubleshooting effort.

QuoteDo you think it's a coincidence that your "dry spells" began as soon as you joined this forum? For the past few years I've dedicated my life to understanding consciousness. Spending thousands of hours reseaching and practicing, hoping to understand what it's all about. Do you know what I've learned about consciousness over all of these years? Nothing. Nothing that can be measured or quantified in any real sense.

The question you have to ask yourself is why. Why do you want to astral project? To prove that it's real, that it exists, or maybe just to have fun? And then what? I would hate to see anyone continue down a path similar to mine. Obsessing over something that cant be explained. Others spend there entire lives happily living without thinking about things such as this for a second. So, do yourself a favor, quit while you're ahead.

I will have to respectfully disagree.  I think I said this before but just because you weren't successful in figuring out what consciousness is all about doesn't mean someone else can't.  Not every scientist that tries to find a cure for a disease succeeds.

I can only speak for myself, but this is the way I see it. The reality in which I exist is like a toy store.  When we first experience life, being the curious beings that we are, we start playing with the new toys; we are enthralled by them, marvel and play with them, the novelty wears off and move on to the next toys.  Some people, as they grow older, never get enough of the new toys, so they keep on playing.  Other people, like me, "feel" as if we have played through every toy in the store and no longer hold any fascination for them.  Since the external stimuli no longer holds our attention, we begin to search within.  That's why things such as obe's and consciousness intrigue me. 

Some people have a calling to be doctors, scientists, teachers, etc... My calling is the exploration of consciousness.  That is what "I" consider to be the true final frontier.  I understand that the path is no easy.  It's very time consuming, and can be lonely and depressing at times, but that is a price that I'm gladly willing to pay.  It is my opinion that in order to know where I'm going, I should understand who and what I am both externally (history, science) as well as internally (consciousness).

Perhaps, although I don't think that this is the case, obe's are hallucinations.  What then?  Was all this time applied researching and experiencing them spent in vein?  What about inventors such as Nokola Tesla who was able to harness the power of the subconscious mind to build and test the feasibility of highly complex machines within his imagination?  I've had an experience in which I achieved a state of mind that allowed me to tap into a part of the subconscious that greatly enhanced my ability to express myself with words.  Poetry came easy for me and I'm obviously NOT a poet, and words that would never have come to me when speaking or writing came to me effortlessly, similar to the movie Limitless.  So yes, consciousness fascinates me, and I will continue experiencing and researching this phenomenon to whatever end.

Let me ask you this—do you think that learning to have obe's and perhaps, in a mundane sense, apply this state to help you find solutions to problems, invent, enhance your creativity in music, art and so forth, be an evolutionary advantage?

I understand that this path isn't for everybody and that's fine but please don't presume to think that you know what's best for anybody other than yourself.  We're not all built to the same specifications.  We don't all need the emotional support or the approval of others to be happy.

My 2 cents...

Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: kurtykurt42 on November 14, 2011, 02:54:17
Quote from: Lizelle on November 13, 2011, 11:55:37
... sorta wondering why you're on this forum at all. But, thanks for sharing.
Don't mention it... And I wonder the same thing sometimes!
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: Ident on November 14, 2011, 10:56:48
For some months now, basically since someone close died, I've held the belief that very high levels of personal stress can weaken that which normally keeps us separated from spirit or astral realms. Inspired poetry, contact with the dead and out of the body experiences seem to be more common amongst those undergoing personal tragedies or high levels of abuse or similar. Anything which, as Oversoul mentions, makes you wish very strongly that you weren't where you are.

I've also noticed, from mediums I've spoken with, that many of the better ones, the so-called naturals, have had very rough lives. Not all, by any means, but enough for me to note a correlation out of the small sample I've befriended.

I'd suggest that what you've had come easily in the past you should be able to regain with effort. The pathways should have been laid down but as your problems have eased then the pathways have become harder to access. You were given a talent and now must find the skills to use it.
Title: Re: Bad Marriage - Cause of astral experiences?
Post by: Lizelle on November 18, 2011, 17:25:08
Thank you Ident. I had not really explored the stress issue until now, but I think you're right.

My initial experiences were stressful only in the sense that I didn't understand what was happening, and being "fooled" by a hallucination is a bit humbling to the rational mind. However it never occurred to me that stress was a contributing factor, maybe because I'd lived with the tension for so long. Indeed I was able to turn it around (pure love, don't fear the 'thing' etc.) and more or less succeeded.

I now see that his physical and emotional hostility was probably bleeding over into the non-physical world. In fact the most common "hallucination" was my husband in the room, after we'd agreed to sleep apart. Whatever part of the brain stands guard while we sleep might have been overactive in my case.

I rather miss the demons knocking on my door. Perhaps they've moved on to easier prey.