How are you sure astral projection does not end when we die physically?

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I believe people have ethereal bodies with which they can project. But there is one thing bugging me: when people do it, they are still alive physically and most importantly, they keep breathing with their physical lungs, their organs keep functioning. How is it possible to function as a purely ethereal body, how would breathing occur, when a human being is so dependant on the functions of its physical organism. How did you get so sure that after death pure ether can replace what the body is doing for us now? What if death shuts even such experiences down? Couldn't the ether be just a inseparable part of the physical and when we die, it would disintegrate and vanquish as well?


Etheric and astral bodies do indeed dissolve if you are able to progress up and not stay somehow locked in (attached to) Earth life. You don't need them as consciousness. They are just vessels to navigate realities. Many of the old traditions also talk about the dissolving of the 'bodies' and moving up to higher realities after death.


But how come can you have consciousnes without feeding it to function somehow, I mean without an organism it's integrated into?


Quote from: Riddle on December 25, 2016, 08:31:58
But how come can you have consciousnes without feeding it to function somehow, I mean without an organism it's integrated into?
In my view you see it the wrong way around. It is consiousness that fills the vehicle ("body"). The higher order steers the lower one (mind over matter). So you can discard a vehicle (physical, etheric, astral whatever body) when it is of no use to you anymore. It's the vitality principle. It is mind / consciousness / soul that activates and uses "bodies" in matter or non-physical matter reality frames, not vice versa.


I really hope you are right and it is not about evolution the way we study it in school, dictated by what we know about the physical realm. The answer decides whether we die or live after physical death, so I hope you are right. Has anyone ever astrally met Robert Monroe after his death according to records, have you ever heard of such an occurance?
I have always believed blindly that there is an afterlife ever since out of body experiences got verified to me through Robert Monroe's book. But then, one day, when I thought of losing my lungs function, I imagined that my breath would stop and I got terrified that a being can not proceed without the function of its vital organs: heart, brain and lungs. The consciousness - in the brain. Breath is what keeps my mind boggling, honestly. If you have ever  projected, have you met a ghost of a deceased person, or..?


You don't stop existing as consciousness if you are afraid of it : ) When you fall asleep at night and going on adventures or learning from your previous days by scenes, you are just switching out the physical focus and world to another focus and world in the endless NP multiverse. Do you think that what teachers teached in schools, are those really matter or useful for us or you? They are really meaningless and unnecessary, like a brainwashing machine.

Your body is just a machine, you are not in it. What is the worst what could happen? Maybe you are afraid of changing perspective or rather widen it and open up to the new, real world : ) Just do it and don't be afraid or follow people.

Those bodies are just only vehicles to operate. Learn to project and elevate your awareness in your dreams and let's find out how it is going really in your perspective. You will have surely big tests that you are afraid of these things : ) Fear is for get over that. You are limitless non-physically and this is just a temporary game for us.
Visit my blog site:


Think of your body as a car with you in the driver's seat. You are the driver not the car. If you crash the car you will no longer need to put oil in the engine, water in the radiator or air in the tires. You can walk, find a different form of transportation or buy another car, the choice is yours. Without your body you don't need lungs.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Greetings all.
It has been quite a while since my last post so it's good to be back here.
While it is true that people who go out of body have normal physical body functions those people who go out of body during a near death experience do Not have normal body functions. In fact quite a few people who have had NDEs suffered clinical death meaning no brain activity and heart beat. Many, if not the majority, of people who have had NDEs return to the physical world with the knowledge that existence does indeed continue after physical death.

Regards  8-)


There is also quite a bit of information about reincarnation with evidence.
I don't recall the specific details but over seas around India I think, there is a place where they take high notice of birthmarks believing they are death marks of former life, and its shown to be quite accurate. A boy had a birth mark that looked like a gash on his back I think and he also remembered who killed him and where they person buried the body. He confronted his old neighbor from the previous life saying you killed me with an axe and hid my body in so and so location that the person was surprised and later confessed and led the boy and police to where the boy said the body was and sure enough death by axe in the same place as his birth mark. There are many cases where kids remember previous lives and tell astounding detail that has been backed up by evidence or supporting stories from family members and the like.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Thanks for cheering me up, guys. Before I used to believe fanatically in the afterlife but when a psychiatrist convinced me almost all of what I  saw during sleep paralyses might have been mere hallucinations, I started doubting my beliefs and I needed such reassurance because the fear of death had struck the place of my previous afterlife fanatism and has been following me around as a paranoia ever since.
ps. i re read some of Robert Monroe's writings about sightings of deceased ones and explanations about the second place and the second body and that kind of raised my hopes too. but what convinced me the most was the post about clinical death. before I wasnt sure what clinical death exactly included but if it truly means what GreyTraveller described, then the chances are quite high.


Quote from: Riddle on January 19, 2017, 08:28:37
Thanks for cheering me up, guys. Before I used to believe fanatically in the afterlife but when a psychiatrist convinced me almost all of what I  saw during sleep paralyses might have been mere hallucinations, I started doubting my beliefs and I needed such reassurance because the fear of death had struck the place of my previous afterlife fanatism and has been following me around as a paranoia ever since.
ask that psychologist what is a hallucination? then he will give you a definition along the lines of sth not being 'real'.
Then ask him what is real and what not, and what is real(ity) anyway ... then you will see how stuck HE (not you) is in his thinking!  :wink:


Quote from: Volgerle on January 19, 2017, 16:30:00
ask that psychologist what is a hallucination? then he will give you a definition along the lines of sth not being 'real'.
Then ask him what is real and what not, and what is real(ity) anyway ... then you will see how stuck HE (not you) is in his thinking!  :wink:
/like!  :)


you see, after the dangerous stuff that happened, I preferred to 'believe' in it at least partially because it was the only option to control the influx of visualisations.

Subtle Traveler

Quote from: Volgerle on January 19, 2017, 16:30:00
ask that psychologist what is a hallucination? then he will give you a definition along the lines of sth not being 'real'.
Then ask him what is real and what not, and what is real(ity) anyway ... then you will see how stuck HE (not you) is in his thinking!  :wink:

Vogerle ... you are (enjoyably) light-heartedly funny!
As above ... So Below ...

Individuality is a human perspective ...


Astral Projection does end when you die...
I don't want to spice things up here but when you die you're no longer "Projecting" into the astral planes, you ARE there.
So you technically are no longer projecting yourself there with your consciousness.

Your consciousness is always active, somehow even if you would be banished in the void you'd still escape it eventually.
I'll try my best to explain this in English because even in my primary language it's tough to find the words for it.
I might have to give a few references about the Wu Chi, this is kind of complex but very simple at the same time.
It's all about the base foundations of the Yin and Yang.

Your consciousness is in an eternal state of Yin and Yang unless you consciously change it.
But this Yin and Yang is not without an origin.
This origin is the Wu Chi, it's like the number Zero, this is the nothingness.
Then emerges the number one, this is the begining state of the Tai Chi. It's the complete opposite of nothingness, so it's everything.
These two exist together and cannot go one without the other. They form the Yin and the Yang (And the Tai Chi)

Your consciousness IS the Tai Chi...
You where once in the state of Wu Chi, and something eventually popped (I don't know what happened there) And you began thinking as a consciousness.
Now I don't know what happened between the beginning of the Tai Chi state and the Yin and the Yang + the Tai Chi state in itself but...
All I know is that, even if you go back to the Wu Chi state you'll still manage to recreate the Tai Chi state...
You might forget everything! Even your past lives and maybe even create your own universe/and plane but this is what it is.
When you enter the Wu Chi state, you go back to the very foundations.
It's like if I told you that you are in a state of stasis with no physical or astral body and you're just floating still in a pure ocean of darkness with nobody to talk to.
You would eventually want something.
You would probably scream for people trying to make them hear you even tho you wouldn't have a voice in the void.
Eventually you'd go back to re-inventing the world itself.
You'd go back from the Wu Chi state and you'd make the Tai Chi.
You'd create the one and the zero. And then you'd balance these things out whatever they are and you'd somehow forge your own life once more.

I'm not sure but this is how I see this,
You don't go back to the Wu Chi state unless intentionally or that your Tai Chi is way too chaotic.
The Wu Chi being total nothingness (I'll make a comparison here because I don't have any other way to explain it)

Let's compare the Tai Chi (which is the Yin and the Yang) to a bicycle wheel,
When the wheel is not moving you can see the bars holding the wheel together and you can see the space between theses bars(spokes?).
When you start rolling with this bicycle you can still see the bars, but eventually the faster you go, the space between the bars and the bars merge together eventually becoming almost invisible.
Same thing happens with the Tai Chi.
If it becomes too Chaotic and nothing makes sense anymore then it goes back to it's original state(nothingness).
Same goes for your consciousness... If it becomes too chaotic then it's like a hard-reset...

You can balance it however you want in my opinion. Whether it's on the Good side, or the Bad side.
You know what's good by experiencing what bad is.
We know the things we know by experiencing it's opposites. You know what Love is because you've experienced what Hate is.

You know what being at peace is when you have experienced what a chaotic life is.
We probably all experienced that "Hard-Reset" in our life because we where too much in a chaotic state.

I think we're all looking for that perfect balance to feel fulfilled.
As humans, we talk, we write, we communicate our thoughts.
We GIVE theses thoughts, we release these from our mind in order to empty our mind from the chaotic state.
I think we do this (maybe subconsciously) in order to feel the stillness of the void, either to remember what it was to be in that state, or to be at complete peace with ourselves.

I wanted to add that Chaos is the opposite of Order.
When everything is in order there's no war, so we're at peace.
Peace of mind is being in balance.

If you die and you're in balance then you don't have to go through Wu Chi state again.
If you die and you're not in balance you don't have to go through Wu Chi state either, this is up to you.
You're the one who decides if it's worth it or not, if you want to keep going through reincarnations or if you just want to achieve perfect balance where you already are.
You're the one who decides if you're too much in state of chaos and you can't fix it.
You can always Slow it down. Remember it's like a bicycle. You can always press on the brakes.
Nobody has to go back through the Wu Chi state again if they've already been there.

That's what I think at least.

This is actually something I keep feeling and imagining that I've already experienced.
That big empty/void space, with no one around, that helpless feeling, and somehow screaming until I escape it.

I don't know. All I ever hope is that theses words reach people feeling the same way as me, and eventually helping them out of this cycle.

Now when I said you don't go back to the Wu Chi state unless intentionally or unless your Tai Chi is too chaotic it means that there might be some beings out there that actually go back to the Wu Chi state intentionally.
They might go back there because they (I don't know honestly) feel like it? Or they achieved enough and just want to restart from Zero, I don't know. All I know is that it's possible.

Can the universe itself go back to it's Wu Chi state? I guess that it's exactly the same thing as our minds, if it becomes too Chaotic then it will eventually return to a state of nothingness and eventually start the wheel of the Tai Chi again.

Hope that helps.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.