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Shivers through body

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I'm able to generate 'shivers' through my body at will (for a second or so). I once read something regarding this.
I'm just wondering, can this be used to achieve AP or LD?
Or anything of that sort

The answer to all questions is earnest self enquiry, "Who am I?"


You should be able to ap.  When you get the shivers you will need to do an ap technique to get out of your body.


As long as you are in the right mind frame or state of conscious you should be able to have a successful projection


I get those nice and cozy shivers when I meditate and call in the higher forces or ask if they are here (mostly my Higher Self). Then I wait a while and it starts. Sometimes I think of or say "HOME" and it creates the same wave.


What do you mean in shivers? : P
can someone explain this to me please


It is difficult to describe. In my opinion it is the sensation generated from phantom exercises. It probably can be used for AP, but I haven't managed to do it. At times the sensations can be so powerful as to be completely overriding and intolerable; the first few times I felt this I aborted due to the intensity but I have since learned that it leads no where even if you ride it through.