Can binaural beats really cause OBEs?

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I listened to a binaural beat practically guaranteed to cause astral projection. I relaxed myself to the extreme as if I was about to try to project as usual, then listened to the 30 minute beat. It didn't cause projection, but when I got up I felt like I was high...REALLY high...For a couple minutes. It was pretty weird.

So it didn't work the way it was supposed to, but it was a free one on youtube. I found some elsewhere on the internet guaranteed to cause astral projection in minutes, somewhere around 20$ for an mp3 download. Is this a rip-off, or do you think this can really work? I'd prefer an answer from someone who's tried this. Thanks!


No, Binaural Beats on their own won't do anything for you.

The Binaural Beats help in putting your mind into the proper state.  They won't do anything "for" you.  You've still gotta do all the heavy lifting.  :)

But yes, they can "assist" you to have an OBE.


 Xanth is spot on here. Binaural beats aid you by shifting your focus away from the physical. What you do while in that state is up to you.  :-)


I have to agree, i have tested the binural beat and it was a good "warm up" but thats the extent of it.

Frequent Flier

I've tried binaural beats, Hemi-Sync more specifically from the Monroe Institute, and I've tried isochronic tones.

I've read over and over that isochronic tones were supposed to be more powerful than Hemi-Sync...

In any case - and the tones were either for deep relaxation or astral projection specifically... they never worked all on their own.

They helped. Some isochronic tones (I have some from a few different sources) were more powerful than others.

But without relaxation and training, they don't seem to work too well.

Maybe it's possible to make sounds that are so powerful that they could get you out of your body guaranteed, but I'm not aware that such technology exists.  :wink: (on the market, that is)


I've used binaural beats since I began 3 months ago. I use them as a "warm up" so to speak. After I listen for 30-45 mins, I go back to sleep and then have OBEs. I have much better success using binaural beat as part of my routine than not using it. There are free iPhone apps with various beats available. Multidimensional Man has two good onse on his site too.

I like the one at the bottom of the page best. I've never had an OBE during meditation or while listening to a binaural beat. I had vibrations once or twice but I had fallen asleep while listening. Have you ever tried the timer method? I posted about it here:


Binaural beats help entrain your brainwaves to a certain set of frequencies, provided you can hear both tones.  In theory this facilitates OBE because statistics show that certain types of experiences happen when your brain is in those frequencies (from theta to delta).
However, that doesn't mean that everyone will entrain perfectly, or that a specific (theta) frequency will cause an OBE- like everyone said, it will facilitate the conditions that have been  statistically seen to have such experiences.
There are many variables that can affect the entrainment itself (how tense, comfortable, etc. you are to begin with) and what type of experience comes more natural to you (visions, OBE, channeling, etc.) when in those states.
I enjoy binaurals, as well as some simple meditations, but the earphones bug me enough that I can't get deep enough, so I use them to 'tune up' with no immediate expectation, and sometimes I get visions, or projections later on when I'm not using them (but within the evening).


Quote from: CFTraveler on February 11, 2012, 18:15:06
I enjoy binaurals, as well as some simple meditations, but the earphones bug me enough that I can't get deep enough, so I use them to 'tune up' with no immediate expectation, and sometimes I get visions, or projections later on when I'm not using them (but within the evening).

Have you tried isochronic pulses?  Headphones are not required for isochronic beats.
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


MRI scans prove they help in relaxation and also prove they do absolutely nothing to the parts of the brain active when projecting.
Don't buy any Xanth has a perfect one for free.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Personally I have never had any luck with free or paid for BB or isochronic tones.


Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 14, 2012, 14:30:50
Have you tried isochronic pulses?  Headphones are not required for isochronic beats.
Nah- I'm not as dedicated as I used to be.  If I can get free ones I'd give them a try, otherwise it's the 'natural' way for me.


I was listening to monroes hemi sync not too long ago while I was trying to go to sleep (I used it to relax when I wasnt relaxed enough to sleep) and I just all of a sudden started getting close to having an OBE without me really purposely doing anything. Not sure why it happened, but it did.


You relaxed- no expectations, you relax.


I've been using Gnaural for the past 2-3 months and have been testing out which sound patterns are effective... My first binaural beat started with a base frequency of 250hz which began with a beat frequency of around 10hz that slowly ramps down to 7hz over a period of four minutes and remains at a steady 7hz for another 6 minutes. It then slowly ramps down to 3.755hz over a period of 4 minutes and remains there for the duration of the file. I used this binaural beat for about a month and it seemed to be working great.

Just recently, I switched to a base frequency of 137.5hz while keeping the same pattern of decreasing beat frequency. The low base frequency put me straight to sleep the first couple times I tried it, haha. But I've used it a couple more times and it seems to work a lot better in helping me obtain a deeper level of relaxation.

I would love to hear from others on the forum who've made binaural beats of their own and what patterns they found to be particularly effective.


An interesting variation of playback on Xanths has boosted its relaxation strength.
Play the original in its glory, then play another identical copy at the same time a minuit or so later. The dropping frequency from the first track mixes with the higher freq from the second track giving many harmonics. The time delay has to be adjusted to suit you.
Try this out, its excellent.
I use the standard player on my phone for track 1 and use a downloaded equaliser for the second by making a copy of the beat and placing it into the demo file. Play this first and stop start the original player with the wired headset control button.
Have fun.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: CFTraveler on April 14, 2012, 17:22:18
Nah- I'm not as dedicated as I used to be.  If I can get free ones I'd give them a try, otherwise it's the 'natural' way for me.

I have some free ones at my YouTube site (link in my signature)

Like snlee06 I am interested in what people have tried and their results.  I have some lucid dreaming videos and some astral projection videos and I would like to make more.

I would be interested in knowing what frequencies people have tried and their results. Also does any one use solfeggio?

Do you find that verbal positive affirmations such as reminders to do reality checks etc. along with the binaural & isochronic beats help?

Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


I've bookmarked the page and plan to use the 'back pain' one after I clean the house, and will report what I found.


Quote from: snlee06 on April 19, 2012, 01:13:08
I would love to hear from others on the forum who've made binaural beats of their own and what patterns they found to be particularly effective.

I make most of mine with steady beat and base frequencies.  I like to use base frequencies that known to be good like 136.1Hz the frequency of OM, 210.42Hz frequency of Synodic Moon, 221.23Hz Venus.

In my latest one I used 211.44Hz Neptune as it supports intuition and enhances the dream experience.

Quote from: CFTraveler on April 20, 2012, 14:51:57
I've bookmarked the page and plan to use the 'back pain' one after I clean the house, and will report what I found.

I sure it will help 8-)
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:



I have created a range of BWE tracks with the very latest "technologies".  Most of my recent ones are "phased-shifted ambient music and sounds".

No I am not going to promote them :)

The observation I would like to add to this topic however is this:

I never make claims that these tracks serve any particular purpose.  I have been creating BWE tracks for years and at the final analysis they all serve a single purpose - an expanded state of consciousness. Different people expect and react in different ways, which is why I have created such a wide range of tracks and "technologies".

However, as has been so well stated in this topic thus far, I personally do not see how specific tracks can be created for specific purposes. To the extent that a specific track with specific claims works it is due to the Expectation - the Mind - of the listener as opposed to the characteristics of the track itself.

Astral Projection, OBE, LD etc are all Expanded States of Consciousness and Vibratory Frequency, once achieved the rest is for the individual - the possibilities are infinite.

The word "Astral Projection" is actually a misnomer based in duality.  We cannot "project" anywhere because we already exist Every-Where.  So what is known as AP, OBE, LD and so on is a Projection of Consciousness Within the All - we do not "go" anywhere or "leave our body" - our focus changes.

So what does this have to do with BWE?

Well quite simply, anything that can invoke an expanded state of consciousness, whether BWE, early morning awakening, meditation or some other approach will bring the possibility to Perceive beyond the narrow band of the physical waking consciousness - after that it is down to Mind.

I hope this does not sound too enigmatic, but the point I wish to make is that BWE is a means to an end, not the end itself.

In Love, Light and Service,

Vincit Omnia Veritas



You are correct a certain amount of this has to do with belief and expectation.  I have been asked where this info on frequencies comes from.  Some comes from EEG and other research.  Some comes from spiritual and philosophical beliefs.

There is science that says brainwaves can be entrained with binaural and isochronic beats.  It is possible to have your brainwaves in the range normally seen during sleep, yet you are awake.  We call that an altered state of consciousness.

Generally delta range is considered to be healing and theta is associated with the range monks are in when in deep meditation.

It is science that says relaxation and lowering stress is beneficial to health.  So is a positive outlook.  Meditation and the various aids to it can help to relax and reduce stress.

As for any specific meaning such as astral projection, lucid dreaming etc.  People report having better results for certain things with certain frequencies.  I started out with the idea of just making stuff and stating what beats and frequencies were used.  But then I realized most people are not going to do the amount of reading on the subject I am doing, and most are not going to look through a list of frequencies and try to make heads or tails of it.  They will not get into the technicalities.  They just find this stuff works and want someone to make it for them with a bit of guidance for them as well.

Often times when I listen to binaural beats and when I am making them I go with what feels right to me.  I know that when others use them they are going to be attracted to what feels right to them.

My personal experience is that meditation to delta or theta range defiantly helps me sleep at night.  I favor 4Hz beat with 136.1Hz base. That gets me into the "zone" :-D

I have not been able to lucid dream, astral project or any of those things just yet.  So I can only go along with what others report.

When I first started making binaural beats, I tried various base frequencies in the range of 100 - 200Hz, because that was recommended in some of what I read.  I tried the frequency of OM 136.1Hz and found that most pleasant. And, it is still my favorite base frequency.  I make videos with other base frequencies as well because these frequencies are believed to have different effects and because different people might have different favorites just as I do.
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 25, 2012, 17:54:01

You are correct a certain amount of this has to do with belief and expectation.  I have been asked where this info on frequencies comes from.  Some comes from EEG and other research.  Some comes from spiritual and philosophical beliefs.

There is science that says brainwaves can be entrained with binaural and isochronic beats.  It is possible to have your brainwaves in the range normally seen during sleep, yet you are awake.  We call that an altered state of consciousness.

Generally delta range is considered to be healing and theta is associated with the range monks are in when in deep meditation.

It is science that says relaxation and lowering stress is beneficial to health.  So is a positive outlook.  Meditation and the various aids to it can help to relax and reduce stress.

As for any specific meaning such as astral projection, lucid dreaming etc.  People report having better results for certain things with certain frequencies.  I started out with the idea of just making stuff and stating what beats and frequencies were used.  But then I realized most people are not going to do the amount of reading on the subject I am doing, and most are not going to look through a list of frequencies and try to make heads or tails of it.  They will not get into the technicalities.  They just find this stuff works and want someone to make it for them with a bit of guidance for them as well.

Often times when I listen to binaural beats and when I am making them I go with what feels right to me.  I know that when others use them they are going to be attracted to what feels right to them.

My personal experience is that meditation to delta or theta range defiantly helps me sleep at night.  I favor 4Hz beat with 136.1Hz base. That gets me into the "zone" :-D

I have not been able to lucid dream, astral project or any of those things just yet.  So I can only go along with what others report.

When I first started making binaural beats, I tried various base frequencies in the range of 100 - 200Hz, because that was recommended in some of what I read.  I tried the frequency of OM 136.1Hz and found that most pleasant. And, it is still my favorite base frequency.  I make videos with other base frequencies as well because these frequencies are believed to have different effects and because different people might have different favorites just as I do.

I personally feel that all specific abilities attributed to BWE arise from the actual expectation of the end result.

This is simply an observation - not negative.  If a BWE tracks was not labelled as "Astral Projection" for example, then the listener would not be "programmed" to expect Astral Projection.

In broad terms, there is no specific frequency range for Astral projection of anything else, but rather that at a specific frequency and combination of sounds  - and everyone is unique - an expansion of consciousness can take place at which point a wide range of metaphysical abilities become available.

I rarely use Binaurals, except as "spatially dynamic" binaural beats which are in harmony with the base sound track. Actually, Isochronic and even Monaural beats are much more effective, but they can also be intrusive so while invoking an expanded state of consciousness, they can also disrupt that consciousness as well - but not necessarily.  So when I use Isochronic and/or Monaural beats I integrate them at a Subliminal Frequency - that is to say - the Subconscious Mind can detect them but not the Conscious Mind.

In terms of frequencies - it depends on the nature of the track. I agree with you that 4Hz is a good frequency for e.g. Meditation because it is on the borderline between Alpha and Theta.  For metaphysical and psychic abilities nearer 8Hz is better, being in the mid-Alpha sort of range.  This is the range of for example drumming and other sounds in "native" cultures for this reason.

Another fallacy, in my opinion, is the tendency to "ramp" frequencies up or down, i.e. to start at a high frequency and ramp down to the "target frequency".  The brain will entrain to any frequency very quickly and does not need, in my opinion, to be "guided" there.

Another tendency in BWE tracks that I personally disagree with is the use of multiple frequencies which serves no real purpose if there is a specific objective.

At the final analysis there are no hard and fast rules, and every listener responds differently.  I have been making BWE tracks for at least a decade, and have yet to find the "holy grail" of BWE, although I know what I wish to accomplish and have the technology to achieve it.

Ultimately any BWE track should be "captivating" to listen to - so the user does not get bored quickly - harmonious, and integrate powerful BWE to entrain the Consciousness without BWE techniques that are actually intrusive and disruptive on the Consciousness. It is a very fine balance and nt an "exact science".

My starting point is the right ambient music and/or sound, and I build on that.

I have recently for example been experimenting with Buddhist Mantras, because they alone are designed to invoke BWE, and then I have integrated 4 or 5 different, subtle BWE technologies.

I have two tracks of the "Om Mantra" to which I have integrated 4 types of BWE which are largely unnoticeable.

In Love, Light and Service,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Wonderful topic, thank you everyone for your contributions of knowledge and resources on this topic.  I found it helpful, and so am going to bump the topic for greater numbers of people to benefit. 

Little Bibble

Quote from: jc43 on February 09, 2012, 21:10:20
It didn't cause projection, but when I got up I felt like I was high...REALLY high...For a couple minutes. It was pretty weird.

This is an important thing to take note of here. This is caused by not being grounded after a mp3 exercise. I'm guessing the binaural beat track you listened to took you down to somewhere near theta but did not bring you back up again. This is not good. On the surface it can leave you feeling slightly airy and out there. Although maybe a nice feeling that may seem to dissipate it is not good for,

1/ helping you with exploring your consciousness as broad distinctions between various altered states seem to muddy if you are ungrounded whereas if you are totally grounded then you can say well this is C1 and during a tape exercise I definitely know that is, say focus 21 (using TMI jargon just for reference).

2/ keeping you on the ball in C1 consciousness (like why things like hemi-sync say don't listen while driving. Can be dangerous. You may feel okay now but you never know)


Quote from: Adrian on April 26, 2012, 04:01:29
I personally feel that all specific abilities attributed to BWE arise from the actual expectation of the end result.

This is simply an observation - not negative.  If a BWE tracks was not labelled as "Astral Projection" for example, then the listener would not be "programmed" to expect Astral Projection.

In broad terms, there is no specific frequency range for Astral projection of anything else, but rather that at a specific frequency and combination of sounds  - and everyone is unique - an expansion of consciousness can take place at which point a wide range of metaphysical abilities become available.


Another tendency in BWE tracks that I personally disagree with is the use of multiple frequencies which serves no real purpose if there is a specific objective.


I do not like to many beats in there either.  I generally go with what sounds and feels right to me.

I also believe that when a bunch of people believe that frequency is good for something and get good results it causes a law of attraction thing, that manifests itself into reality.
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog: