Complete set of "Brain-Sync" BWGEN pre-sets

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Hi hypno, I am interested and have PMed you.


Hey everyone

My name is Justin, and this is the first time Im posting on here.  Anyways, thats not important.  I've been periodically through the past three or four years tried to astral travel and havent been able to yet.  
I came across this web site only a few days ago, and found this thread relating to the BrainWave Generator sounds.  I found this quiet interesting and I was like, hey, why not give it a try.  So, after a couple hours of searching, I found a crack for the program, and imported brain sync files.
Tonight I was listening to "The Trip", and WOW.  Ive read a lot of different methods to project, none successful for me.  But listening to this brought me within 15 minutes, not only into a deep Focus 10, but past that and into the Focus 12.  Which Ive never managed to reach.  It was great, and I cant wait to try it more and actually project.   Actually, the only reason why Im posting right now is because my first attempt brought me to F12, and then I started getting excited, I could start feeling my heart just pounding in my chest, and it woke my body up.  So, of course, I took a short walk, and tried again.  Again with the excitment when I reached F12.  Alias, I need to get use to it, but I would like the creator of the brain sync to know that Im grateful for this, thanks.

P.S.  If anyone needs the crack for the brain generator, email me and ill send it to you;

Thanks again!



Greetings everyone,

I have just uploaded to the file library a complete set of "brain-sync" pre-sets designed to take you from contentration level 10 to Astral level 27.

These are reconstructs of the original series, and are therefore not copies of the original which of course are in an entirely different format, and such copied would be a breach of copyright which these pre-sets are not in an of themselves. I am however being very careful how I describe them.

I had to think long and hard before posting them, so please, please use your discretion when you talk about them. I believe that they are too potentially useful to yo all not to make available to members.

The pre-sets are bineural breain-entrainment frequencies only, and do not include voice overs or backgrounds - they can be added if you prefer.

Enjoy, and please post your experiences here.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas