Days passed in less than 70 minutes

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The following experience happened about a week ago.

The day was over, I was going to sleep. I set my timer to wake me up after little more than an hour, so that I might remember any dreams, OOBEs, etc.

I continued stimulating my energy body, though not as powerfully as I had done the previous hours.

At some point I either lost consciousness, and got transferred to an alternate reality, or I shifted to an alternate reality (I cannot tell, as I do my energy exercises with closed eyes).

I continued my energy body stimulation in what I now presume was an alternate reality. In particular, I stimulated my back, and to such a degree that I am at loss to describe it. It was WAY more powerful than anything I have ever experienced. This I clearly remember.

In the alternate reality my room was very different from my current one, my parents were the same, and I seemed to have had different experiences/memories than in this reality.

Days passed, or what felt like days passed.  I vaguely remember that I had lots of very interesting experiences. I remember thinking "shouldn't I write them down ?"
Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't. I have previously been in an alternate reality where I wrote my nightly experiences down, thinking that I was writing them down in this reality, and therefore forgetting them because I  had the experience of writing them down.

At some point I opened my eyes in this reality. My first thought was "when is my timer going to ring ?". It rang 5 seconds later.
I was not sleepy in any way, though I had gone to bed for the day, and would normally be very sleepy after waking up after less than 70 minutes of rest.
After turning off my timer, I thought about all the experiences I had had, how days had passed, and yet only little more than an hour had passed in this reality. It really amazed me that so much time had passed in so little time. Time was truly an illusion. But my memories were fading away, my physical brain in this reality was overloaded, as I vainly tried to remember it all, at once. And so, I only remember very little of it now.
The greatest adventure outside the time-space illusion begins, when the world ends.


That's very interesting. Would it make any sense to ask:
a) did the enhanced energy enable more experience (time) than usual?
b) did the enhanced energy enable greater recall?

In any case, the experience seems to indicate a relationship between increased energy and increased awareness of experience in the alternate reality.

Thanks for posting.



It might be possible that the greater amount of energy available had something to do with my extended stay in this alternate reality. Judging from previous, short experiences in alternate reality (where I did not do energy raising just before the experience), there is a definite possibility that this is the case.

I can't say for sure though.

The following, however, I am certain was a contributing factor:
Before my experience, my mind was partly occupied with the question of how fast change can occur (particularly in an  individual). The experience, I feel, was my answer. If days can pass in less than 70 minutes, there really is no limit to how fast change can occur. If it is truly wanted.


I did not recall much of my experience, so I would not say that this is the case. Though energy body stimulation has benefits, I have not noticed a significant increase in my OOBE/dream recall ability in general, in neither quantity, nor quality.

Thanks for your questions
The greatest adventure outside the time-space illusion begins, when the world ends.


Does anyone have any experience with consciously experiencing a possible past/present/future reality at will ? (not just viewing them !)

How can it be accomplished ?

I would greatly appreciate some help.
The greatest adventure outside the time-space illusion begins, when the world ends.