The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 02:22:08

Title: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 02:22:08
I have read for a long time now that diet affects overall physical and mental energy levels. I was always the one that said, "yeah right, who cares...mind over matter!"....basically giving myself the excuse that I can put a bunch of excrement into my body and that because I believe in mind over matter it wont matter. I was wrong.

A little over a week ago I switched to a Raw Vegan diet. For me that means zero meat of any kind, no animal products of any kind such as milk, cheese, etc. No refined sugar of any kind (I still eat a little bit of natural fruit every morning), no flour and no grains, no caffeine, no alcohol. Maybe it will help to put it this way...if its not an organic piece of fruit or raw (not cooked at all) organic vegetables then I dont put it in my body.

Now, does this taste good? NO! For the most part it tastes like excrement and is very bland. Especially in the beginning because your taste buds are readjusting back to whats natural...we have gotten so used to all these refined sugars and artificial flavors over the years that this readjustment of taste buds takes a little while. Now, am I doing this to save the animals and save the earth and all of that stuff? NO! I think thats all well and good a nice side effect....but my primary motives are 100% selfish...I want to feel better, have more energy physically, and most importantly have more mental stability and clarity.

After a week of this way of eating, basically eating for nutrition only and not for pleasure...thats the change in mindset required....I feel like a new person. My physical energy levels have never been this high or this stable. I wake up around 5am and have the same super high energy levels and mental clarity until I go to bed around 10pm. I do not have a morning or mid afternoon or evening energy crash anymore. You cant imagine how good you will feel until you try this. Now everyones body is different so what worked for me may or may not work for you...but its worth a try believe me. My only regret is that I didnt take control of this side of my life sooner.

The last thing I will say is that my dreams are now crystal clear every single night without me having to do a thing...thats just the way they are now. There is a HUGE difference between dream, meditation, astral projection clarity levels now versus a few weeks ago when I was on the average Western diet of meat, sugar, caffeine, etc. If you really want to try and give yourself every edge possible to project, or lucid dream, or whatever...I cant recommend this approach to eating enough.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralsuzy on March 12, 2013, 03:13:18
Wow, that is amazing.   You are not selfish.  You are entitled to do what you want to do provided it does not hurt anyone else.  We eat far too much sugar.  Everything you buy has sugar in it, tinned tomatoes, tinned pineapple, cereals etc.  There are natural sugars, such as, oranges, peaches etc.  I do not eat a lot of sugar.  I do not have sugar in my coffee, tea or cereal.  I could try to eat less sugar.  My husbands says that to be a vegetarian you have to make sure you get the right balance of nutrients otherwise your health could suffer.  It would be harder for you as you do not have milk, eggs, cheese etc.  You say that you feel really good and your dreams are crystal clear.  It sounds wonderful.  I think I will try harder not to eat any junk food.  That will be a start.  I do not eat a lot of junk food.  I eat two biscuits a day.  When I finish the packet I will not buy any more.  I will stop eating packets of crisps chips that my grown up children bought.  I have been having one small packet a day.  What about caffeine and tea?  Do you really think that is bad for you?   I re-read what you said and it is tempting to try it but there is a lot of food to give up.  Could you be over doing it?  You could perhaps be able to eat more things and still get the same results as you do.  I do not know.  I am asking you.  You sound like you are limited in what you can eat so what foods do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 05:09:52
Hi Suzy,

Thanks for your response and questions. And thats nice of you to say that I am not being selfish. Thank you. I dont view it that way either. I am happy that my post sparked some interest. That is really all I want....for people to at least start thinking about what they put into their bodies. As far as what path is the right one...well, I think that is individual. Some people thrive on a low carb high fat diet with lots of meats and animal products, some people feel great with a mix of veggies and meat, and some people feel good on a full raw vegan diet like myself.

Is the raw vegan diet a bit extreme? Definitely. And therefore is it for everyone? Definitely not. But for me it was really just a radical change of mindset. Instead of looking at foods as something that I should get an immediate good feeling reaction a sugar high, a caffeine high, drunk, etc....I started looking at foods as pure fuel for the body...pure nutrition...I asked myself what fuel can make my body and mind run at optimal levels? And for me, that means nothing refined or processed. Also, I had met a few raw vegans in the past and the ones that I met always had boundless energy, positive attitudes, glowing skin, glowing whites of the eyes, etc. They just seemed healthy. Now, were some of these people uptight and strict to the point of it being unhealthy? Sure. You will find those types of people in any group...and perhaps the extreme nature of the raw vegan diet will attract more of those types of people.

The way I try and approach it is not with control and restriction...but rather with good free flowing choices of what I put into my body. As for caffeine and alcohol...again, its all individual. But for me I notice a huge difference with and without that stuff. I do not judge people who consume those things...because afterall I think they taste great and I love them too! I just dont consume them anymore because I look at them as toxins to the body with very little nutritional value.

I look at life as too short to need to find kicks in food. I would rather use food as fuel and find my kicks in other areas...such as running long distances, or hiking, or sports...and then especially meditation, projection, exploring my psyche, etc. These other areas are where I want to get my kicks and I want to feel good and stable energy all the time...not just some of the time. I am sick of the food comas and overall low energy and mental clarity. So for me the time was right to make the switch and now I am so glad that I did.

You ask if clearer dreams and just better general energy and health can come from a not so extreme approach? Sure. Of course! But again, back to looking at food as a source of fuel or a source of pleasure. I want to use food as fuel and get pleasure, fulfillment, satisfaction from other areas of my life.

I hope you and others find this inspiring to take control of your diet and take control of your life. Its a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

If you or anyone else out there browsing have any questions by all means fire away. I posted this to intrigue people and I want to help in any way that I can. Happier, healthier people that feel better and love themselves will be better citizens of the world and it will be an upward spiral all the way around!

Cheers, LoG
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralsuzy on March 12, 2013, 06:45:06
Hi  leavesofgrass, it is wonderful that you are feeling very well.  I am curious, what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?  My family are curious as well.  Thanks,
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Fairywindblues on March 12, 2013, 08:17:50
I try to follow a pretty healthy diet, and I also take certain supplements. They've really helped with my clarity of consciousness. I have a whole thread about how bad fluoride is and about the vitamins I take and how they have affected my clarity in dreams and while OBE, drastically. I should have also stated that I eat a lot of greens, fruits, drink a lotta coconut water, and am a health conscious person.

Diet and the physical are connected to spirit, in my opinion. I just sense it's so. Our bodies are vessels and toxins and other things build up that should NEVER have been placed there in the first place. Luckily, there are ways of cleansing out some bad things, unwanted junk, and many other things that should not be there. One way is to eat a lot of greens and raw veggies and fruits. Lots of water. Adding raw lemon juice to water is also something to look into.

All in all, you're on the right track.  :-)
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 08:44:50
Hi Suzy,

Good question. On to the practical side of things.

For breakfast this morning I had 2 small bannanas. Then I went for a 1 hour run (about 6 miles).

When back from the run ate a few raw carrots, raw bell peppers, and some other raw root vegetable that I bought and I dont even know what it is! But it added variety which was nice. So I chop all these veggies into long sticks and then I dip them in my own home-made hummus which is just mashed up raw garbanzo beans with some oil, lemon juice, tahini, garlic, salt and pepper...oh and I add a lot of whole flax seeds to the hummus so that its in the batch...its a good way to get omega 3s which are important.

I take my dog for a mid day walk in the forest which seems to build up my lunch appetite. When I get back I make my main "meal" of the day which is a monster lunch salad...this consists of a few different types of leafy greens and then various raw veggies chopped up and thrown in....broccoli, bell peppers, cucumber, avocado, walnut, flax seeds...with a sunflower seed oil and balsamic dressing.

Then if I get hungry in the mid afternoon which I usually do I will have an apple or a pear or something.

For dinner I will throw a bunch of raw veggies in a blender...things like carrots, broccoli, beats, etc etc...and I will add spinach, flax, cashews...things like that.

And thats pretty much my day of eating. I also take a multi B vitamin for all the Bs that I am not getting from meat, I take a D vitamin because I live very far North in Sweden where we dont get a lot of sunlight this time of year, and I take Omega 3s just because why not. I should add that I take one table spoon of cold pressed coconut oil both before and after my main lunch salad...this coconut oil helps the Omega 3s transition from short chain to long chain (see the work of Dr. Gabriel Cousens)...and this is very important for overall neurological function.

The first coule of days I was of course fighting back hunger because I went cold turkey straight from eating meats, cheeses, this way of naturally my calorie intake got cut way down over night and I was hungry...but I fought the urges and after a couple of days I wasnt hungry any more and this way of eating is more than satisfying now calories-wise. I should also say that I used to really like chocolate and would get cravings all the time...since starting this new way of eating I have no cravings whatsoever. So its not even like I am fighting the desire to eat junk...I just dont get the cravings. Who knows why that may be just me but it also might be because the diet has everything running so smoothly in my body that acid is not building up etc and maybe that is suddenly making me not crave things. Again, diets are highly have to try different things and see what gives you the most energy and mental clarity...but this is working great for me. If you would have told me how much energy and mental clarity I would have by eating this way I wouldnt have believed have to try it and stick to it to find out if it works for you. One last thing, I have pretty bad tinnitus in both has gone WAY down and I have to attribute that to the new diet since I have had constant terrible tinnitus for years and its never gone, all of the sudden...wham...its almost gone!!

Lets keep this discussion going and try and get some people who are interested to give this way of eating a trial shot and see if you too have more energy, clearer projections, clearer dreams, etc. Its really cool.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 08:51:21
Hi Fairywindblues,

Thanks for your comments and support. Thats cool that you too have found that you have clearer dreams, better projections, etc. by heating a very healthy, natural diet. I agree with you that the body and mind are definitely connected. People can say "mind over matter" so I can eat whatever I want and it wont affect me. Well, I would say that if you are already an enlightened Yogi...then, Yes, you could probably do the whole "mind over matter" thing...but for us normal people we need to do all of the little things that add up...and diet is one of those things...and in a big way.

One thing I have not talked about is water. I guess I take water for granted because we live on a farm and have our own well. The water is very pure. But if you live in a city or something like that you should make sure to not drink water with fluoride or other toxins (as Fairywindblues suggests)...because it would be a shame to do everything right eating-wise but then put chemicals in your body via your water.

I will end with this. I have been projecting now for a couple of years and have documented (for myself) all of my experiences (in the hundreds). And whenever I have had bouts with no sugar, caffeine, etc. in the past my projections are always much, much clearer and more stable. Now that I am doing this diet its just taking that clarity and stability to whole new levels I couldnt even imagine before. My dreams are very clear and I can remember them all day long without even caring or trying. You just all the sudden have that kind of clarity of consciousness.

We need more people to really test this out for 30 days and see if we cant duplicate what I am experiencing.

Cheers everyone. Keep the positive vibes flowing!
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralzombie on March 12, 2013, 10:30:07
It sounds like you have made some positive changes in your life. This may be a jump start to something great. Keep up the good work for the poor saps like me. :wink:

I am remaining committed to science for now. In the interests of mankind, I will sacrifice my health and stay on the twenty first century diet. No need to thank me for my sacrifice, it is my honor.  I can't just turn my back on the animal protein that has fueled our brain growth. :-D
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Fairywindblues on March 12, 2013, 10:51:42
I get kind of slightly annoyed when people tell me to just do the mind-over-matter stuff and expect results to materialize and manifest on their own.  :-P I'm not Yoda. I mean, it's great if you have Yoda mind skills, but some people just can't channel their inner guru and make stuff just poof, happen.

I've been telling people for a while now, in my real life, that: 1) Fluoride is bad for you 2) We need vitamins and supplements because processed food strips many minerals/vitamins out 3) Eat lots of veggies, fruits, make sure to get some citric acid, and drink LOTS of water. 4) Meat is okay if not overdone. Balance it out with greens. Anything of the color green is pretty much excellent for the body and the spirit.

A year and a half ago, I cut out caffeine and alcohol. I minimized sugar, although I am aware that many products (mostly processed) are full of sugar. C'est la vie. But, I upped my intake of raw veggies and fruits, and started drinking more water and coconut water. I started adding lemon to my water, making wheatgrass smoothies, eating kelp, etc.

I started taking vitamins, particularly iodine, boron, and MSM. I'm not even talking about high doses here, this is all stuff the body can deal with and is meant to deal with. Many multivitamins have all three of those already in there. I got off the fluoride tooth paste and only drink filtered water, now.

The combination of everything I was doing took me out of my funk where my imagination and dreams went bye bye. Basically, I got into this funk where I stopped being able to visualize and I stopped dreaming. As someone who used to have LDs, SP, and was on the astral, this broke my heart. So, I heard that being more healthy could connect mind and spirit, and balance stuff out, making things all zen.

Slowly but surely, I started getting visuals again. I started dreaming. I started getting lucid dreams, and vivid dreams 1-3 times a night. Before that, I went through a period of over a year where I could recall maybe 5 dreams per three to four months. Then, suddenly, after my new healthy lifestyle, I was able to have full dream recall. I started having false awakenings, sleep paralysis all the time, and lucid dreams that blew me away.

You can tell me the mind over matter stuff all you want. My mind is telling me there IS a connection to spirit and body, and diet plays a huge role in it. After all, we are what we eat. In a matter of speaking.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Bedeekin on March 12, 2013, 13:21:44
Quote from: Fairywindblues on March 12, 2013, 10:51:42
After all, we are what we eat. In a matter of speaking.

This says a lot for cannibalism.  :lol:

Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: ChopstickFox on March 12, 2013, 14:04:36
You have my respect for tackling this. I'd probably give it a shot back in America if I had the money for nice looking fresh vegetables. Not really for much reason beyond curiosity.

As for here in China... I think I would die if I couldn't eat meat. One meal can include so many animals, a member of PETA would perform hara-kiri out of pure defeat and obligation.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralzombie on March 12, 2013, 14:29:16
QuoteOne meal can include so many animals

Quotea member of PETA would perform hara-kiri

Sorry, I do love our furry little buddies.........................but they are too preachy.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Fairywindblues on March 12, 2013, 19:02:50
I confess, I do love cheeseburgers and pepperoni pizza... a lot  :-D

I bought veggie burgers made with corn, soy protein, peppers, etc. and they are so very delicious. The best veggie burger I've ever had in my life. But, it's just not as good, if you're a meat lover.

I balance it out with a lot of raw fruits and veggies and greens, but, I always eventually give in to junk food. I just try to limit it. Chilli cheese fries are my weakness... I refuse to live in a world without having them once in a while. When I eat "bad", though, I just up the intake of healthy stuff the next day.

I call it the balancing of food karma. Yep, made that up off the top of my head. Hahah.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: LightBeam on March 12, 2013, 22:11:39
I do cleansing diets frequently and I can really tell the difference. I think the reason for a better inner tuning is because when our brain receives a relieve from all chemicals in food, meds, drugs, alcohol, etc and gets healthy, it becomes more capable to transmit signals from our inner selves. As we speak, our astral bodies and thoughts are experiencing the astral worlds, manipulating raw energy, creating, etc, but the portion of ourselves that is oriented into the physical reality through a physical body is unaware of these activities. Only when our bodies bring down the biological functions to a minimum during sleep, we are able to catch glimpses of these activities. The brain is the transmitter, that's why it is important to enhance its ability to adjust to higher frequencies and function properly. When we don't overwhelm the body and by extent the brain with high calorie diet, the body doesn't have to work 24/7 to digest, therefore it will have time to repair things, remove toxins, etc, and the brain becomes more rested and alert.
During my cleanses, I need a lot less sleep and wake up frequently during the night with refreshed mind. I don't feel groggy, so I am able to do my early morning techniques with no effort and achieve OBEs easily. But  I too love food and indulge every other weekend. That makes the enjoinment of food even more special and exciting.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralzombie on March 12, 2013, 22:35:09
QuoteI've been telling people for a while now, in my real life

FWB, What do you tell people in your fake life? If it has half the insight you show here, it must be incredible. :wink:
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: leavesofgrass on March 12, 2013, 23:37:25
Thanks for sharing everyone. Some of the comments are insightful and some are just downright funny! In fact, all this talk about pepperoni pizzas and meat are bringing back some cravings. I love that stuff, too! Who doesnt? But for now the quality of the feedback I am getting (more energy, clearer dreams, etc.) is too high so it makes it motivating to stick with this track. Last night I made a raw veggie blend in the mixer...nasty stuff I tell you! My wife looks at me...and without even saying anything I just translated the look on her face to mean, "what the hell are you eating....or drinking....or whatever"...haha.

Ok, I think there was someone on here who said they eat a crappy Western diet and are going to continue with it for the sake of mankind or something. That was funny! But seriously, can we get some people like that who normally eat pretty average to try this kind of diet for 30 days and report back to us and see if you can duplicate the kind of results I am getting. It would be interesting to see.
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Fairywindblues on March 13, 2013, 03:06:12
I never try to come as being really insightful. Mostly, I'm just glad if I don't come off as a complete loon half the time. Basically, I read a lot. I read books, I read stuff on the internet, I talk to people, and I research. I research and I muse about stuff a lot. I was reading about the importance of diet in correlation to clarity and decided to make some regime changes in my diet and up the intake of healthy stuff. My dreams became more vivid, I got more clarity in consciousness, etc. and those were the results I got. I tell people about my own personal experiences, but most just scoff and tell me I'm being posh and new agey.

Also, when I slip in my diet and go on massive junk food and sugar binges, I will notice a fog creep over my clarity. I make a shake every day. If you want to disguise veggies, just toss a ton of fruit in there. I also add flax seed and almonds to mine and blend.

In all honesty, it's very hard to eat food that's completely unprocessed and without all the excess sugar, and even chemicals. There's stuff in food we shouldn't even be consuming, sometimes. It really stinks but oh well. If you wanna change that, your only option is to go 100% organic.

Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Bedeekin on March 13, 2013, 04:10:43
Hey Fairywindblues... I saw this and thought of you... Your diet... not because you remind me of a 70 year old black woman.... 70... you heard it. This woman looks to be in her early 30s.

Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: enlightnd on March 13, 2013, 05:26:34
So do you eat tofu?? Iv heard that tofu isn't that bad if you let it sit in some soy sauce then grill it on the BBQ.. Just an idea.

I think i could handle a vegetarian diet but with an exception 1 day a week to eat a big juicy steak :-P, Iv heard its good to stick to a good regime if your serious about a certain diet and having 1 day a week were you eat something not so healthy isn't that bad aslong as your keeping to the regime.

e.g, So you eat healthy all week and then every sunday "your eat what you want day" you get to splurge an eat a nice cheesy pepperoni pizza or what ever it may be you'd like to eat. So you could do the same with a vegan or veg diet just make sure you have your "eat what you want day" on the same day every week, your body will get used to it pretty quick and no that every sunday you eat something not so healthy and won't store as much of the bad stuff.

Not sure what a vegan or a vegetarian would splurge on? But if i was going to do a veg diet i think i would make my eat what i want day a big steak haha i mean thats no were near as bad as eating mcdonalds or something, i guess thats not a vegetarian diet if your eating meat once a week just a healthy diet. :)

I fully respect what your doing i myself could not do vegan, cheese is too good haha

So ye have a splurge day if ya can?  Dont go starving now ;)
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: ChopstickFox on March 13, 2013, 05:53:45
I'm on no diet of veggies, but I'm drooling over that steak and pizza idea right now... OH MAN! Missing the states!!!

We eat a lot of tofu here, but considering it's on the menu right next to coagulated duck blood, that doesn't say too much. Oh, what do you know? In Chinese they call it "Blood Tofu". Time to learn something new!
Title: Re: Diet and Clarity of Consciousness
Post by: Astralzombie on March 13, 2013, 10:50:45
LOG, I honestly do believe there is something about what we put into our bodies and how it affects our dreams and recall.

What we eat affects every other aspect of our physical lives so why would this be any different?

However, I am currently experiencing some mind blowing personal experiences and the only thing that has changed is my mindset. When I get a grip on that, I would be happy to give this a try.

Right now, I have to leave things as they are so I can objectively see what is going on. As much as that is subjectively possible, anyhow. :-)