Does anyone had constant success with phasing?

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Sorry if I ask the question but I dont read that often of phasing... people still do it in a constant way? I mean as a main technique?
I ask that because I never really had succes with it.

You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.

Karxx Gxx

Phasing is what some of the more 'experienced' projectors use often because of it's success rate and practicality.
Xanth struggled for 10 years with it, and within 3-4 weeks he had more success than in those 10 years.
The same with others.

I've heard if you are more of a tactile person then OBE techniques might be for you
Otherwise phase. Depends on how well your imagination is I suppose. How well you can engage what you imagine. Too much work for me personally. Im a lazy one.

Its great because its like no-technique technique. You dont focus on energy raising, putting awarenss outside of body or what have you.
You simply just relax for a bit and notice essentially.
I just phased this morning and last night. I just wait basically. WAY easier after when you first wake up cause I dont have to wait 2 hours to phase lol. Like 10 minitues or so
Your way is The way


As Karxx said, it took me a good 10+ years to figure things out.

At this point, I can tell you that "phasing" is really no different than any other method out there.  It's all about consciously shifting your awareness from one reality to another.  That's it.

I don't actively practice anymore as I decided a while back to put my efforts into more spiritual growth-type pursuits.


What do you mean by spiritual pursuits? Isnt astral projection one of the highest spiritual goals?
You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.


Quote from: superman on February 11, 2018, 02:14:54
What do you mean by spiritual pursuits? Isnt astral projection one of the highest spiritual goals?

I know this is aimed at Xanth, but thought I would throw in my thoughts.  Astral projection is simply an experience, it is as spiritual or as spiritual-less as you make it. Many people go into OBE's as a purely entertainment pursuit.  Michael Raguda in the phase if you watch the youtube videos has a very secular non spiritual attitude towards OBE and his techniques are some of the most highly rated for beginners.

The highest spiritual path is nothing more than whatever you can best utilize for your growth.


Quote from: superman on February 11, 2018, 02:14:54
What do you mean by spiritual pursuits? Isnt astral projection one of the highest spiritual goals?
Astralm definitely has part of it.  :)

Something I learned through my projecting experience is that there's a big reason why we're in this physical reality having a physical experience.
It's because this reality provides you with a "fast track" of sorts to spiritual growth.  Learning to interact with love and kindness to other beings HERE in this physical reality is the entire point.
I try to become a better person.  It's certainly not easy by any stretch of the imagination... LoL

Some days are better than others, but learning to accept everyone as they are and realize that I don't know everyone's story and place in the world is a big first step into that spiritual development.  That knowledge allows you to better understand the actions and reactions of the people around you.

You can't do that with Astral Projection.  I'm not saying projecting isn't helpful or useful, it is... you just have to have the understanding on WHY and HOW to use that knowledge for your growth.  And it's not like I don't project regularly... one of the nice side effects of spiritual growth is more spontaneous projections.  :)


As far as Phasing is concerned, the technique is still utilized by various people, but from a wider perspective, finding an entrance into NPR seems to be a moving target, and I am still trying to figure out the pattern or if there even is one.

The last thirty years for me were a mixture of LDs and the classic 'etheric/RTZ' OBEs. Once I came to the Pulse and learned of Phasing, I pretty quickly started doing that and it became quite easy to recognize the proper moment and just 'go'. For a few years, I was certain that I had found MY method and that was that. But over time, it became harder for reasons I haven't yet understood. The experiences themselves continue to become increasingly complex and introduce me to new concepts and abilities, but the last couple years have almost exclusively been LDs even though I have attempted various other methods. One theory I have considered is that I am being pushed to learn other techniques. Having said that, I am getting some variety of old and new exits and experiences, but the old days of easy Phasing seem sadly unavailable for now.

I do sense that there are certain discoverable patterns in all this, but the sheer variety of experiences multiplied by countless individual interpretations, makes discerning patterns rather difficult. It does seem, though, that many experiences appear to maneuver us, to circle us back around to certain lessons, before we are allowed to move on. One of the first battery of lessons is obviously confronting and controlling our emotions such as fear, sexual desire, excitement, confusion, etc. This all serves to achieving a stable mindset. Alongside these lessons, we are learning movement, navigation, communication, entity-recognition, etc. The use and application of Intent is a big one. So, why wouldn't learning a variety of exit techniques be encouraged as a part of this?

Lumaza certainly has some great stickies on Phasing methods such as the Doorway or his 6 Point method.  If visualization exercises such as these don't work, then maybe try Szaxx' Astral Blueprint, Frank's PDF, Major Tom's Vigil method. These focus somewhat on passively 'noticing' the hypnogogia as it develops; this worked for me in a WBTB situation, which was really the only way I could be relaxed enough to relinquish control enough to get to a Focus 10 level or deeper.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on February 11, 2018, 08:34:27
As far as Phasing is concerned, the technique is still utilized by various people, but from a wider perspective, finding an entrance into NPR seems to be a moving target, and I am still trying to figure out the pattern or if there even is one.

The last thirty years for me were a mixture of LDs and the classic 'etheric/RTZ' OBEs. Once I came to the Pulse and learned of Phasing, I pretty quickly started doing that and it became quite easy to recognize the proper moment and just 'go'. For a few years, I was certain that I had found MY method and that was that. But over time, it became harder for reasons I haven't yet understood. The experiences themselves continue to become increasingly complex and introduce me to new concepts and abilities, but the last couple years have almost exclusively been LDs even though I have attempted various other methods. One theory I have considered is that I am being pushed to learn other techniques. Having said that, I am getting some variety of old and new exits and experiences, but the old days of easy Phasing seem sadly unavailable for now.

I do sense that there are certain discoverable patterns in all this, but the sheer variety of experiences multiplied by countless individual interpretations, makes discerning patterns rather difficult. It does seem, though, that many experiences appear to maneuver us, to circle us back around to certain lessons, before we are allowed to move on. One of the first battery of lessons is obviously confronting and controlling our emotions such as fear, sexual desire, excitement, confusion, etc. This all serves to achieving a stable mindset. Alongside these lessons, we are learning movement, navigation, communication, entity-recognition, etc. The use and application of Intent is a big one. So, why wouldn't learning a variety of exit techniques be encouraged as a part of this?

Lumaza certainly has some great stickies on Phasing methods such as the Doorway or his 6 Point method.  If visualization exercises such as these don't work, then maybe try Szaxx' Astral Blueprint, Frank's PDF, Major Tom's Vigil method. These focus somewhat on passively 'noticing' the hypnogogia as it develops; this worked for me in a WBTB situation, which was really the only way I could be relaxed enough to relinquish control enough to get to a Focus 10 level or deeper.

I know as a novice at best I don't have much voice but an outsider opinion sometimes does some good.

Taking some advice from you. Or using your own words.  Have you even considered that you may have gotten done with your reason for having OBEs. You got out of it all you could with your current INTENT for wanting it?  I don't know this is a genuine question.

One thing I have been noticing is more often than not people are allowed to go to the NP. However they get there.  They are allowed to play and to do all various sorts of things essentially building themselves up but there is a ceiling if they are not doing it on PURPOSE.  So to use Xanth as an example he might find he doesn't even have to phase anymore because his INTENT to focus on spirituality goes hand in hand with OBEs when you can only been shown so much spirituality before you have to do it yourself so to speak.

Again this is more of a question for yourself I would happen to be interested in the answer of.  But what I meant in my other post is the entire point of being here is the ride.  You can use it as much or as little as possible.  Passively observe and reach a certain bar.  Or do more hard work and push farther.    I don't know yet if this is right but I plan on exploring it in the near future.

I have a gut instinct that while you may have changed techniques often or many times but you may not have gotten a new reason to keep doing the same thing you've been doing [IE OBE]  I guess this because it's natural for us to think that way.  You didn't change anything why the heck did it stop working.  You can't find out why.  But the one thing that stands out is the "you didn't change anything why the heck did it stop working." Part of that sentence.  Maybe it's time you changed INTENT .  The WHY for having an OBE.  Playtime may be over.


First off, excellent replies to all involved in this conversation here!  8-) :-) I just wanted to add a few things as well.

I just finished my "daily" Phase/soak session. It consists of lying n the bath water and using my Doorway technique to Phase. I put the word "daily" in quotes because that's what it takes if you wish to pursue this practice more than the normal 3 "bys" that you are given.
I was talking to EV in a phone conversation and the topic of why some can do this and why others can't came up. EV said he sees it as we get 3 bys/buys, a "by" being a kind of pass to see what there is to see. But if we want to take it further, we must learn to do the work. ...and yes, sometimes it can seem like work. Follow the "3 Ps" to success. Practice, Patience and Perseverance.

I have tutored people for about 5 years now, on Forums like this and in real life. I tutored at a college but didn't find much success. The kids there were of the "NOW" generation and they wanted results yesterday. Some got their 3 bys, but then the physical grabbed the focus back and they were done with it. At the time for most, it seemed to be "the flavor of the day". No harm, no foul. They got what they wanted then moved on to the "next flavor".

There are a few other active threads here that my reply here would be relevant in right now.

Why do some people have it from birth and others not. I have asked this question myself. One answer I see that could be a real possibility is that it is us "the Experiencers" that needs this in our lives. Some of us never got the mind wipe and because of that even as a child never actually felt like this was our home. I was included in this group. From a young child, I never did look at my parents as being my family. I went through my early life as a observer. I then left home at a young age and started observing elsewhere. I came across people all over the place that were in need of some kind of healing. Whether it was a current death/Suicide in the Family, abuse, etc. I encountered it from watching it in others. Because of that, I could help from a clear mind and a different perspective. Soon, I too got involved in physical life and when I did, it became my entire reality. During that that time, I had spontaneous events with OBEs, but nothing that really stood out.  

As with most people, it returned later in my life. With me, it began during a 3 night event that left me unable to ignore this anymore. The first night I awoken in full SP with a feeling there is someone in the room. Terror then kicked in. In the morning, I thought of it, but like usual I soon dismissed it as just a Dream. Night 2, the same thing, this time leaving a stronger recall in the morning. Still I dismissed it.
Then night 3 came. This time, I awoke in full SP, terrified for some reason. I then lost consciousness and awoke as normal, but my right eye was completely swollen shut and I had a weird inner vibration. That vibration didn't go calm for about 3 weeks and I still sense it today. The spinal pain I get during it is why I do my Phase/soak today. I had full medical tests done and nothing was found. We, my Doctor and I, figured it could be some form of "nerve encroachment". Hence the need for further medical testing. By the time I had my first Doctor appointment. my eye was not swollen anymore. My Doctor said that was likely a blocked tear duct. But, he never saw it when I had it. I had a weird rectangular shape indent in the swelling of the eye at the time as well. I wished I had taken a photo of it then.

So, that led to me finally finding this Forum. Once here, I read everything I could on the subject. I really enjoyed Frank Kepple's take on things. At the time, Szaxx, Contenteo, Xanth and Bedeekin were here as well. Each one of those guys have excellent techniques and stickies here on this Forum to help people that are serious with learning how to Astral Travel.

I then went into deeper experimentation. I used all kinds of "tools". Light/Sound Machines, Binaural Beats/Isochronic Tones, breathing exercises, Mantras. Basically anything I could get my hands on that might "speed up" the process a bit. I experimented on other people as well. Many of the people had no interest in AP, but they did get a "sneak peek" of the NP though.
I found that not all "tools" are good to use though. You have to be careful with some of them. I myself wasn't and because of that, I got Trigeminal Neuralgia. A very painful debilitating ailment that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Although, now I see it as blessing in disguise. It took a long time to see that though. My TN taught me the art of Dream Yoga. I don't "need" it anymore, so it is quickly diminishing.

Then I began working on my Doorway technique. I have tutored others using it and have a great success rate. The ones that practiced did find favorable results. Some dropped out because of that. They couldn't pass their own "fear test". We say that lightly. But you have to realize, it is terrifying at the time.

So, you see, some of us latch back onto this again in our later lives. Normally there is a strong purpose behind it. Us older folk have lived a life of adventures. We have had our ups and downs and all arounds. Because of the downs and arounds, we needed to find forgiveness or closure. Becoming aware, taught us and gave us the ability to do just that. Being aware shows you to see things anew. I made this thread years ago to explain that concept a bit further.

For anyone that is currently practicing the Doorway technique and wants to take it further, PM me here and I will give you a link to the Doorway Extensive program where we are doing just that at another Forum.
This link here is the basics of the Doorway program. I have found 6 steps that are very helpful and useful to "consistently" access "the zone" consciously aware. It took me years of practice and experimentation to create. I have honed it quite a bit in the last 2 years now.

Why am I successful still today? Because my intent is to teach and for that I am being taught. My intent in this was to be a "Invisible Helper". I do that in the NP. I have found ways all my life to do that here in the Physical as well.
Is this all for real? I have had so many unique experiences and insights due to my "NP" practice. Just this year I came across a strange Museum of sorts that contained all Wire Sculptures. When I left that room, I too was a wire Sculpture. I was then tutored how to create the Crystal Amplifiers that I make nightly now. I have seen enough to show me the realness and actual benefits that come with this practice.

I could elaborate more on that, But I really hate typing, lol. So, Thank You for listening and I hope something in what the others and I have said here can not only inspire you to continue or begin your but at least show you "what could be".

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you all for the answers. Great read.

In dream yoga there is an exercise where you imagine a energy ball in your third eye chakra. Dors that has the same effect as phasing/doorway? Thanks
You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.


Quote from: superman on February 12, 2018, 19:29:10
Thank you all for the answers. Great read.

In dream yoga there is an exercise where you imagine a energy ball in your third eye chakra. Dors that has the same effect as phasing/doorway? Thanks

Everything I have read on dream yoga involves bringing your consciousness (vindu I believe they call it) down to your throats chakra where they believe it is when you dream or even down to your heart chakra where it is during "clear light" dreams.

I also would put this ina different category than the phasing/doorway as those are you picturing yourself in a different location.  You could do a visualization like this as a phasing technique but you would want to picture your entire body doing it at a remote location not just at your third eye in your actual body.


Quote from: astralm on February 12, 2018, 20:30:21
Everything I have read on dream yoga involves bringing your consciousness (vindu I believe they call it) down to your throats chakra where they believe it is when you dream or even down to your heart chakra where it is during "clear light" dreams.

I also would put this in a different category than the phasing/doorway as those are you picturing yourself in a different location.  You could do a visualization like this as a phasing technique but you would want to picture your entire body doing it at a remote location not just at your third eye in your actual body.
*ALL* projection is phasing.

I know some people will read that above statement and shake their head thinking I'm a nut job... but it's the truth. 
It's all simply a shift from "here" to "there"... all the extra stuff that people report with projecting is extraneous.
What's worse is that some people focus so exclusively on the extraneous stuff that that focus is actually the source of their failure.


Quote from: Xanth on February 13, 2018, 02:46:32
*ALL* projection is phasing.

I know some people will read that above statement and shake their head thinking I'm a nut job... but it's the truth.  
It's all simply a shift from "here" to "there"... all the extra stuff that people report with projecting is extraneous.
What's worse is that some people focus so exclusively on the extraneous stuff that that focus is actually the source of their failure.

Could go one step further and say everything including this reality is phasing.  I assumed from his post he was referring to the Frank Kepple style phasing technique which consists of "phasing" directly using something like a rundown.  It all does blend together.  I think direct and indirect are a little better labels than phasing vs non phasing techniques.


 Phasing is a "conscious" shift from A to B. that is undergone by completely turning your focus away from A. How you do that is up to you. Once you do it, your entire focus will be on B, unless you have the ability to maintain a dual awareness and not have A bother you at all.

My Doorway program has been adapted to these steps.
My steps being #1-Relax
#2-Etheric body awareness/Disassociation from the Physical Body
#3-Daydream, lose yourself in thought. Example:  your "Happy Place"
#4-Very brief physical body "sneak peak"
#5-6 point directional focus. Motion
#6-Basic Training, Candle flame visual

#4 may seem unorthodox, but I have a reason for each step. I tried to eliminate the early"visual" aspect of the practice. Instead, by becoming proficient in this process, you will find that visuals are no problems anymore. My process doesn't use intended imagery until you are deep enough that visualizing becomes automatic. Which would be step 6. You will find though that each step will lead to "mental associations".

I have tested this and tweaked it according to results I personally found and those that I had using it in the past for the last couple of years now.  
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I had a beutiful yet very short projection this morning. It always happens like that... without me trying anything. I was flying in a beautiful green forest...

But every time I try a technique it just doesnt work for me. I guess Im not for visualization stuff.
The only thing that works sometimes is when I just focus on relaxing my body and focus on my body... I get the floating sensation, I feel like I turn endlessly... I lose the sensation of the body and it becomes somehow distorted. Sometimes it feels like I have no more legs and arms or that they are very far from me... Its a beautiful feeling and experience but I never projected with that. When this happens I still feel very awake...

I wish I could find a daily "training" that I can practice everyday ... but hard to choose whats right for me.
You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.


Quote from: astralm on February 13, 2018, 02:59:30
Could go one step further and say everything including this reality is phasing.  I assumed from his post he was referring to the Frank Kepple style phasing technique which consists of "phasing" directly using something like a rundown.  It all does blend together.  I think direct and indirect are a little better labels than phasing vs non phasing techniques.
What we can say is that any interaction with the non-physical we have is Phasing, yes.
But not EVERYTHING... "everything" is a little too all encompassing of a term.  :)

I agree with Lumaza too in which I'd include the word "conscious" in that shift.  Most definitely.
An example of an unconscious shift includes simply falling asleep at night.


Phasing is the only way of projecting that really worked for me. Lately it's harder than it was for me to succeed since I had taken a break and I'm a lot busier than I used to be, which keeps me from practicing as much as I'd like. It feels more natural than any other technique for me and I enjoy doing it.

Edit: Oh and in order to answer to the title of this topic, when I was at my best I would phase more than once each session I was doing. I could phase, come back the PR and then go again 5 times in a session (though I was less successful if I would try again the same day). The only thing is I never got to have a good awareness in those experiences. Since I had to let myself go in order to "get into" (take part in, focus on) the scenarios, it made me succeed while having a dream-like awareness. I was working on that and never really got to keep my waking awareness while phasing. I want to work on that now, I think all I need is to find the balance between letting go and keeping a tiny thread of focus as I phase, to be able to stabilize myself in my new environment afterward.


Quote from: Xanth on February 13, 2018, 16:04:03
What we can say is that any interaction with the non-physical we have is Phasing, yes.
But not EVERYTHING... "everything" is a little too all encompassing of a term.  :)

I agree with Lumaza too in which I'd include the word "conscious" in that shift.  Most definitely.
An example of an unconscious shift includes simply falling asleep at night.

Thanks for reply, I have a little view point on it.  Mainly I don't believe we ever are truly not conscious our consciousness is always somewhere even if we don't have memory at all.  So looking at it that way there is no shift without consciousness.  Also phasing is a two way street not just a to b but also b back to a, or even the original trip to a(a is here) from wherever we came from.  Within this picture phasing truly is everything.

It would be interesting also to look at the view that it isn't a one time thing such as we are at a and then phase to b but that we are constantly phasing to this reality all the time, and if we change streams we are constantly phasing to that reality.


Quote from: astralm on February 14, 2018, 01:55:17
Thanks for reply, I have a little view point on it.  Mainly I don't believe we ever are truly not conscious our consciousness is always somewhere even if we don't have memory at all.  So looking at it that way there is no shift without consciousness.  Also phasing is a two way street not just a to b but also b back to a, or even the original trip to a(a is here) from wherever we came from.  Within this picture phasing truly is everything.

It would be interesting also to look at the view that it isn't a one time thing such as we are at a and then phase to b but that we are constantly phasing to this reality all the time, and if we change streams we are constantly phasing to that reality.
Ok, let's expand a bit on that...

I believe Frank has it mostly right when he said that this reality is our "home" (or base) reality, to our consciousness that is.  If, while projecting, you were to do nothing, you would naturally return here.  This is why you simply can not get "lost".  You're born into this reality and you are, essentially, part of this reality to which you can temporarily free yourself through projecting.

Now, when I use the term "conscious" as in "consciously shifting your awareness from here to there", I'm saying the part of your consciousness which is in recognition of the "Earth / Human" you.  The "you" which has had the earthly experience of being human with your experiences and memories of such.  Some might refer to that as the egoic you.  I use the concept of how much of that egoic self you recognize as the determination for what kind of experience you're having.  Dream, lucid or astral.

In the way that you're saying it, yes, you never go "unconscious"... it's like your 5 physical senses and how they're ALWAYS processing something, even if you're not aware of them.  Your consciousness is always experiencing something, whether it be something or nothing.

The shift from "b back to a"... isn't really, for most people at least, not a shift made actively or even consciously.  Even I can only fight it off for so long before it inevitably hits and I find myself back in my toasty, warm bed.

I think, perhaps, I might be hitting too many random thoughts at this point... LoL


When you state "i prefer phasing over the classical obe" is the classical obe the ones that consist of vibrations ?Thank you.


Phasing = done while consciously awake.
Some people do not experience vibrations at all.


Right. I understand what phasing is/means but i was curious what was meant by the classical obe."? Thank you.


Quote from: Rconrad on March 10, 2018, 22:40:03
Right. I understand what phasing is/means but i was curious what was meant by the classical obe."? Thank you.

obe = getting OUT OF your physical BODY experience; this is from a physical point of view

phasing = FOCUS shift, you get out of phase with the physical, and in phase with a non-physical range; this is from a non-physical point of view
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


OBE versus Phasing-

This is where communication of these NP experiences invariably bogs down within Physics, religion, Mysticism, schools of thought, labels and personal interpretation. I suggest being receptive to it all provisionally, but then use what resonates with you personally and move on from there until new evidence/experience teaches you otherwise. This is all part of the fun and is thrown in at no charge, lol.

If you pursue this Art, you will likely find that many differing environments are available at various times. Some of us move through these as if in a progression of stages, from denser environments (the RTZ/Etheric) into less dense/lighter environments (Dream/Lucid Dream/Astral/Mental+). Some people like to categorize these environments, some just prefer to use the all-encompassing term Non-Physical. I do a little of both.

As I have said elsewhere, most people first envision the concept of the OBE as going into deep relaxation/trance/near sleep and feeling their spirit/dream body literally float/fall/roll out of the Physical body and into their room and go floating about the world. And indeed, this is what kind of happens in the 'classic OBE'. The first mistaken assumption we take with us is that we are still in the Physical Reality; but we are not. Just what it is, is up for discussion. This new environment often does appear to have similarities to our bedroom or house or back yard, but there are obvious differences: Doors, windows, furniture and other things can be in their usual locations, or they may not be. The atmosphere is different, as well: for me, it is like in-between normal air-breathing PR and being under water scuba diving. With this type OBE, most peoples' awareness is limited within a certain PR-geographical proximity of their Physical body- their bedroom, their house...some can go as far as the neighborhood. Others have reported longer 'RTZ' travels, but the times I have done this, I have definitely noticed both an environmental shift and an awareness shift. Most times when I attempt a distant travel, I simply lose awareness and wake up. Does this mean that I am failing to shift into the necessary 'energy body' to move into a 'higher' plane? Or maybe I just lacked sufficient 'energy' to continue the journey within the same plane? Does this imply other planes of existence/experience?

Certain pagan and Indian religions posit the simpler concept of a Physical body and a Dreaming or Spirit Travelling body.

Hinduism, Buddhism and several esoteric schools of thought posit the concept of multiple Energy bodies- The Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic...various names, various arrangements... the idea being that in order to achieve advancement and 'enlightenment', we need to progressively consciously activate and operate from within each energy body. Or something like that...
Within most of these schools of thought, the 'classic' RTZ OBE is one that is experienced within the Etheric energy body; your dreams are experienced within the Astral body and eventually move into higher experiences within the Mental and Causal bodies. This may help to explain some of the 'point-of-consciousness' and 'formless' experiences some of us have had.

Following this line of thought, the term 'Phasing' likely refers to a transition into the Astral, Mental or a higher body. (And let me offer a caveat here: the terms lower/higher do not necessarily connote better or worse than, just simply different; this is part of the 'label trap'. What I have read and what I have experienced have shown me that our consciousness jumps around from body to body, depending on the level of lesson/teaching we need. I can have a Mental event one night and the next be stumbling around in the RTZ).

Hope that helps some.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on March 11, 2018, 00:40:52
OBE versus Phasing-

'. The first mistaken assumption we take with us is that we are still in the Physical Reality; but we are not. Just what it is, is up for discussion. This new environment often does appear to have similarities to our bedroom or house or back yard, but there are obvious differences: Doors, windows, furniture and other things can be in their usual locations, or they may not be.

Food for thought, what if this happens because physical reality is also being created in real time, but what allows for the slow unfoldment and linear consistency is how our vehicle is designed (that is human body) and the way our brain operates. The way the belief structure is imprinted in the human body, which was passed on through evolution, from a parent to a child and so on. So naturally when one leaves the body he is still using the same process to create, but he is not doing so through the body/brain filter. That's not to say it's impossible to see physical consistency while in spirit form, the spirit is connected to everything after all and can use any other body to see the world through the human/animal lens. That would explain many things, like how can actually feel the separation process being occurred as if one really leaves the body.