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OOBE Questions

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Haven't really put much time in awhile in the subject. I am a young semi disabled spiritual being. I suffer from bad insomnia and my body is in a lot of pain. I rarely have uninterruped sleep. However sometimes I imagine exploring OOBE again. I have had not what I consider true conscious OOBEs, perhaps 1. Though I discount it, due to many reasons. Though my lucid-projections-dream projections, are fairly unparalleled by the average Mortal Being. Never quite satisfies one!

I recall the INTENSE vibrations from regular meditation and hypnosis. Sometimes it feel as if I had just been hit with a curling iron in the bathtub. I recall I usually became too excited that or the vibrating would dissipate, and I would never have what I wanted. Pot interrupted my Sessions, although it helped the pain. Strange the tradeoff. I am still curious what I was doing wrong, the vibration attacks, or I prefered to call them the electric shock attacks... Anyone gotten to the this stage? Fully awake, just relaxed and awaiting the next step? But it didn't happen...

I used Hypnosis, I willed my desire to project, I did the reaching for the cup on the table trick, I tried countless other Mind Tricks. No Cigar. Something else was missing from my recipe for my perfect conscious OOBE, ROFL

Oh, and OOBE doesn't help insomnia, lordy. I was frail then and I'm frail now, may not be capable... My Mind however is sharp