Can we talk about chakras...

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I know this is a hot button issue here.. but I think we can all be adults and try to make some better sense of it, as a community than just a metaphor for emotional blockages. I think the fact that there is corroborating evidence that puts the chakra centers at the same place as the plexus points/ clusters of nerves in the body, should be looked at more.

     The reason I feel this way is because I for one know that when I feel extreme emotional sensations, powerfully positive or negative, it translates to a physical pain or exuberance, emanating from my chest stomach and joints. I posit that or physical nervous system, is one part of a double system. One physically translating stimulus to and from the mental plane in order to articulate expression of mental equilibrium and will, spirit granting. And the other part is the non physical chakra systems translating and receiving relaying emotional resonances from the emotional/ astral body. They are sympathetic to one another and completely reliant.

   When one loses an arm for instance, you feel sympathetic feeling there due to an esthetic double and the system in place that is creating these ghost feelings is the fact that the chakra system is non physical and still in place and so it still translates the sympathetic and reciprocal feelings, just like in the other way around if I feel intense emotional trauma it manifests as pain in my heart and stomach and I even become light headed as if I been hit with something really heavy.

     I feel like, because we are used to thinking we are the non primitive advanced humans, we tend to think of religious/ non religious myths as only the explanation of things that were not provable so ppl made up stories about phenomena to explain the best they could when in fact that's just not true. The ancients created tales to explain phenomenon that would resonate deeply with the layman of the day, so that the stories would be popular and be told orally for centuries or longer and little did the layman know that, in those stories were the allegories to much larger truths about the scientific world. And if you read between the lines and think deeply, you realize they were just as advanced if not more so than us for doing so. We don't have tales that everyone knows in order to explain the movements of the heavens and all of the mathematics and laws of nature. We just bore the world with blunt un-encourageable dribble. No one thinks of the laws of physics and non physical phenomena as highly dynamic epic tales to be relished over the camp fire.

        For instance, we take the fact that because chakras are explained in several different ways and allegories, we decide to exclude some evidence and include what fits our specific paradigm. This is the same exact tactics the that the quackademics and lame stream media use to advance the church of progress, and that being the paradigm that we are the epoch of civilization, that progress moves in one direction from primitive hunter gatherers to settled agriculturalists and so on and so forth, until we reach the present day.

         I can easily be wrong, You can be upset or prostrate me before the rest of us with perfect arguments that no one could deny. Do what must be done, if it means we begin healthy discourse of some of the really interesting topics, that's ok! but I think we need to work these problems out in a healthy fashion, as a community or if you don't want to be inclusive yourself we should encourage others and hear out what they have to say. Remember there are many more levels and dimension other than the astral/emotion/desire realms.. there are other double and other ways to get out. What one person experiences is t going to be the same as someone else ALWAYS and when different phenomena's occur, and someone else's story doesn't match our own, we should be paying even more attention and take their word at face value in order to encourage others to speak up. If you turn away or disbelieve someone with a crazy story that just couldn't possibly be true and wanna call them out,.. don't.. do everyone a favor and don't.. they may be experience something novel and when the next experience occurs it could change everything we know and hold dear, flip everything on its head, but they will never talk to us again because we told them they are big fake phony liars.   

I hope that this will encourage some really good replies. Everyone pls take your time to use this thread to talk not only about chakras but also other things that are normally equal to throwing out the sink along with the bath water. Thanks everyone!



P.S. I'm not saying that using chakras as important and powerful metaphors for the emotional baggage or trauma one needs to confront or forgive/ analyze when they feel their success rates of obe have become next to nothing. That's ok and the people who created/ mapped the chakras explained them in one such way. The thing is, that's only one function/ meaning and there is more content to scrutinize. If we just end it their it's not helping anyone. We don't need to confuse people by adding more details to the definition, give people the whole story and let them decide for themselves and caution that they are almost always only used as metaphors and not semi physical systems that are literally blocked.

      We may have no way to test see or feel these things in action. But, just for example, if we can't see the earth or planets are round and maybe let's say for arguments sake, if we couldn't see any function that would add to these celestial bodies. That doesnt mean we should just tell everyone that everything is flat just because being round doesn't change anything to our immediate understanding or hold any weight to change earthly matters.


Last anecdotal thought, I won't keep replying to my own thread without letting someone else chime in first now I just wanted to say that, to me personally it makes sense that the chakras and nerves would be intermingled and if not somewhat dependent than atleast communicate and compliment each other. Example, we are not supposed to be able to feel our brain, there are no nerves but since it's a chakra center maybe, perhaps this is why we can feel physical sensation in our third eye and crown chakra, because the chakra system and nervous system communicate and can translate emotions into physical biological manifestations and physical and or biological phenomena including but not limited to smell taste touch and sound can stimulate emotional joy, sadness, fear, etc. etc. I mean the fact that the mental body experiences and translates expression with the tool of the nervous system, how else does emotionally intense moments translate And transform so perfectly in sync with physical sensations. It's all got to be tied together, if you think I am just over thinking it well than fine. But I think it's an interesting topic!


Well it is an interesting topic. I see our bodies ( I do mean that plural) as much like the overlays that were used on overhead projectors (microfiche) when I was a kid. The first shows our physical body, the next layer may show our emotional body, the next our spiritual body, next mental and so on and so forth. No different than the ones in our science books that showed our musculature, then the veins and arteries, etc. And of course it would be logical to see how each body affects the others. So yes, if a friend stabs you in the back metaphorically then you certainly can feel the pain between your shoulder blades.

I can't say much about the actual chakras as I have not studied into that very much at all. Sometimes I think we humans have a tendency to overthink our reality. We want to understand it down to its last nut and bolt and that (I think) is where we mess up. Not always of course but often enough. We tend to believe we understand just because we've come up with a workable understanding, that is workable far as we can make out with limited understanding. Then we get stuck in those thoughts and others follow along and next thing we know everyone is repeating the same thing not realizing that we may have gone off track let alone knowing where.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.