Spot/Single Object Focus wierdness

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When I look at an object for an extended period of time the image starts to get all distorted. Eg. When doing the spot/single object focus, I look at it for awhile and then the image starts moving, but only by a little bit, the colours start to get distorted soon after this, I also start seeing the after image of an object but it's about a cm or so away from it, the colour is usually orange.

Does anyone else get this? Is it supposed to happen



Our vision is designed in such a way that there has to be some movement, either of the eye or of the object, for something to be seen at all. These rapid but small movements of the eye ball are called Saccades. Without them we are as good as blind.

When you stare at something stationary for long enough without moving your eyes or head and without blinking, the image stops exciting the neural mechanisms involved and slowly starts blurring out, and fades into the background sometimes. You can make things disappear for a second if you try hard. This is especially true when you see from the corners of the eyes, the sensory cells there are designed to detect only moving objects.

Some animals, (e.g pigeons) must move their heads a lot, in quick jerks to see something. Because their eyes are optimized for seeing during fast motions (flying etc).


I can get stuff to blurr almost completely as well... I am intrigued yet's not bad for your eyes is it?