Gateway vs Centrepoint vs Ultra Meditation vs.....

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I've no esperiecne with TMI's gateway program, specifically because of the cost. I have used one of TMI's hemi sync tapes however "transendence". I've gotten more out of the 14$ tape than anything else I've tried. Perhaps I just fall into the generalized target for TMI products. I'm not sure if I'd ever buy gateway tho, way to pricey.

If your really curious as to the effectiveness of TMI products, get transendece, its pretty cheap. Verbally guided and not. I've had absolutly amazing progress that would have taken me forever without it.


Hello All !!!

Thought I start a new topic that has somewhat been discussed but not in the greatest detail IMHO.

I have long had an interest in OOBEs but have only now comeback to a serious study of them.  In my younger days I tried and tried to consciously project but unfortunately I have never been able to fully achieve it.  

So now that I'm seriously studying the OOBE and making it a goal, I'm looking for ways to make the process easier and more enjoyable.  The internet has made this both a rewarding but a challenging task.

There are now a plethora of Monroe Institute Gateway program competitiors.  Some that I'm aware of are Centrepoint, Brain Sync and Ultra Meditation.  All of course claim to be the best thing to help a person project or achieve deep meditative states.

My questions are these:
Do these "sound" programs aid (read... speed up) the O.O.B.E process?
What programs have people used here?
Is there a program which is better than another?
Are there any complications from using these sound programs?
Is there a place which rates these programs from an unbiaised perspective?
What should one look for in an audio program?
Is it necessary to continue to use these audio programs once OOBE is achieved?

Thanks and regards,


yadda yadda yadda