Free Holosync® alternative available for download

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When listening to the track, all i can hear is this low noise like an air conditioner makes, a continuous "errrrrrrrrrrr". Is that what I'm meant to be hearing or should is something wrong, and what can i do to fix it?



Thank you for providing this free sound file.  I placed in on a CD two nights ago.  Like many other who have posted here, the other programs are cost crazy.  I found this to be very relaxing.

Perhaps I missed some postings...can you provide the tech data on this file just so i can track what works well for me.  What range is this track designed to take us to?

I would enjoy a sound track of rain, maybe even with some thunder.  Nature scapes are very relaxing to me.


Hi Guys,

I listened to the binaural trance-inducing track for about an hour... I eventually lost all consciousness after about 20 minutes, I think I just fell asleep.. can't remember anything else.

I was lying on my chair asleep with my ear phones on and my Partner come into the room and woke me up... This gave me a hugh shock... "I never jump when someone wakes me up?" I must have been really relaxed.
But for some reason I felt really strange.. sick and tired. an odd experience.

Is this normal.... Did I fell like that because I didn't awake natuarally or could it have been an effect of the binaural trance?.......

And even if I did have an OBE or was just fast asleep... I don't remember a thing..:(

I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


I downloaded the file overnight - jeez, it took me 5 1/2 hours! It seems to have been worth it so far, however.

I began listening to it earlier, and a few minutes into it I began to hear a guitar goung up and down, up and down in a range of a few notes, and it seemed to get lower and lower. I thought it was maybe part of the file, but my brother listened to it and didn't hear it, but it had me mildly entertained anyways.

About six or seven minutes into it I began to feel my heart tingle, and it felt like it began wobbling in a circular motion. Of course, just as it really started to kick in my brother came in to bug me.

Has anyone else experienced something similar to this, or is it my imagination getting the best of me?  lol


I downloaded this program, i listened to this program for about 30mins. but i couldn't even fall to a trance.  I just felt noraml, and all i hear is the same noise over and over and it get annoying.


listen up!

download this
the free version

once installed and connected

enter HOLOSYNC in the search box

I found 3 holosync files

QUIETUDE>>> it is music and fun to listen too
THE DIVE>>> rain (and/or river)glass drum annoying but very effective
THE END-IMMERSION>>> rain non stop and current in a creek(I think) I find it boring and can't listen to whole 29min 57sec.

for the 3
the most effective for me: THE DIVE (5 min and you're gone)
the most pleasant to listen to: QUIETUDE

my wife prefers THE DIVE, it is a life-changing experience(read very hard to deal with), she has to confront many things that were hidden deep inside, she felt live giving up BUT she can see and feel positive changes and that is why she keeps listening because she took conscience of more things in 2 months than in the last 5 years, pretty powerful stuff.

And myself, I've got mixed feeling. I am digging my innner self try ing to understand new sensations and altered view of my present value...yes all this from listening to a CD.

Just try it and see if you feel different.


Originally posted by alt0xFF

Ladies and Gentelmen, due to popular demand, as they say, the free binaural trance-inducing track is now available for download from Astral Pulse server (thanks to Adrian).

Much respect to alt-255 for this effort. Tried it, it is VERY strong.

Short description of my experience on this:

The first time, I fell asleep like a young puppy. I have to say, that the theme is cool too - reminds me of Pink Floyd: Wish you were here (last song on the album). I am such a person, that does not really achieve any state of "transcendence" with this - however it DOES DO magic to my overall state in the long run (while not listening) in terms of relaxation (I work in telecoms, yuck!), ability to focus, etc.

I wonder, when the 320 version will be available...

I am a participant in Centerpointe's Holosync(r) program. I have to say that they are very serious about their points of view. True, it is expensive, but they are really dedicated to what they do. I admire such people.

DOJISTARZ: You should not really try to listen to those tracks. Participants in the Holosync program usually get the tracks WITH THEIR OWN VOICE EMBEDDED on them. They (even though it is optional) tape your voice over the phone and then over-dub it (in high inaudible frequencies), onto the Holosync rain and bowls. That makes one "program himself" through subliminal messages (Like: "I am one with GOD" or "I do not attach myself to transient things", etc).

You wouldn't really want to hear these things, coming to you from your subconsciousness in someone else's voice, would you now?!

Cheers and respect to all! [:)]


What I did...

Downloaded the file to my harddrive.

Converted the file to WAV ( using MPEGDJ (free program).

(note that doing this will increase the sound time to 60 minutes)

Used my CDR software (I have nero) and burned it to CDR.

Sounds great - have not tried it yet.


I recently tried listening to these hums for several seconds.
well long story short, my head started to hurt along the sides,
(the viens pulsed).
I'm convinced it's fear induced.

never the less, I would remind all of you to be careful.
I would say that this is mainly a message for people
who our worried about such a process.


Hello Im downloading it right now...........52% . I was wondering does this Trance Thing Help you achieve astral projection while listening to it?


I have been doing Holosync intro disc for a couple times a week since September and have now ordered the 1st level. I basically think this program is good and has stabilized me in a way that I can concentrate more to become serious about such things as OBE among others. Of course the price bugs me too.

I think it must be possible to find out exactly which freqencies holosynce uses in each stage down for the next set of CDs which increases their effectiveness each time.  Frequencies are certainly not patentable. Their theory that you have to take it slow to completely change your brain waves like monks in Tibet or Zen monks who meditate for 40 years until they can acheive such deep states without problem seems pretty logical. A one time shot will only change you today. One CD alone as being offered here could not acheive such a change as 12 CDs over twelve years with progressive deepening could. Once you have gotten used to it the effects must wear off just as the idea is with holosync so that you have to switch CDs one after another until you reach the last stage. Obviously a cheap alternative is needed but the market for such  a product is too small to get a serious copy that is really identical in concept to Holosync going over the net for free or at CD burning cost.

Maybe they could just change this download slightly each time to correspond to the change to deeper frequency as holosync has in each of their deeper CDs and number them 1-12. Of course for that somebody has to buy the whole holosync set and analyze them in some sort of sound lab and they only sendt ehm out one at atime even if you pay for allof them at once (to stop copycats?).
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.


For those of you interested...

You might try this web site as an alternative to the holosync CD's. They're a bit less expensive being $13.00 for each CD.

This is also a very good site with lots of resources.

and their products list and pricing - a little bit more expensive but still not as bad as Holosync. They also offer cassette tapes.

And then for those of you that are better at computer "stuff" than I am there's this site with a program in which you can generate your own binaurals. It also has links to support groups and a forum.

*sigh* Unfortunately I do not have the knowledge base to be able to use it.

Oh, btw...if you need a good download accelerator then I suggest DAP by can run downloads through several sites at once which helps speed up the downloading. I was using their freeware version for so long that I finally broke down and purchased their premium softwaare, but you don't have to. Sorry for the plug, but I remember what it was like to have a dial up modem and to have to wait long periods of time for downloads...this helps a little bit

If anyone finds that last offensive please let me know and I will remove it.

Hope all the rest helps everyone who is interested in the subject.

In the province of the mind, there are no limits. - John C Lilly


I would like to say that this puts me in a trance state very easily, though if I am tired enough almost forcefully[xx(] It is a very good tool for people who wish to know what a trance state feels like. Simply clear your mind out and listen to this for about 5 minutes and you should get to one [:)]


Aljaz123 said "I wonder, when the 320 version will be available...".

320?  You mean there is a longer version of it?   I Have yet to try this version out btw.  Too late now to try.  [:P]


I consider myself an expert in the industry of brain-wave entrainment/mind-acceleration, so if you guys/gals want my opinion, the best product out there right now is the Neuro-Programmer by Transparent Corp:

While most of the brain-wave entrainment software out-there focuses on binaural-beats, NP adds photic stimulation, pulses, modulation and other types of augmentation that accompanies the audio-sessions. They range from Theta sessions (must have eyes closed) to Alpha sessions.

From my experience and the waste of money I've spent on all other types of software, I can honestly say this is the only one out there that is worth the purchase. Download the trial-version which, I believe, gives a couple free audio-sessions. I don't mean to sound like someone who's promoting their product...but what the hell, it's the best out there.



Originally posted by mackenzie

Aljaz123 said "I wonder, when the 320 version will be available...".

320?  You mean there is a longer version of it?   I Have yet to try this version out btw.  Too late now to try.  [:P]

I was speaking of 320 kbps encoding which gives a clearer sound. This 192 kbps version seems a bit "fuzzy" in he lower ranges, the 320 version might just be sharper and clearer...


you won't believe this but I thought of that early this am and went "Doh!!" when i realized what the # meant.  Thanks for the clarification.

It WOULD be nice to have one encoded at a higher kbps, it was enough to work even though I did cut it short.  hmm...I wonder what would happen if I was to lie down instead of sitting?  [?]  I think my left side had an easier time of letting go as I kept feeling as if i was tipped over to the right.  Going to try that again tonite hopefully as it was an interesting experience.  Thank you alt0xFF for putting it up and Adrian for hosting it.


I'm downloading this now, but I have a question. What was made with? From that BWGen program? Because I have BWGen, and haven't really fully tried it out yet, but the times I tested it for couple minute, I did noticed some weird things.


Just tried it and nice, started buzzing in about 10 mins. It's weird though, i'd be shivering and i'd take off my headphones and i'd be ok...put back on the headphones and i'd start shivering again.
Oh one more thing, i don't know if it's on the actual mp3 but i heard a male voice momentarily but i couldn't make out what was said.


just a question for a newbie here but would it make a difference to listen to it through a stereo or headphones?


Originally posted by Mikegreen

just a question for a newbie here but would it make a difference to listen to it through a stereo or headphones?

It works only if you use STEREO HEADPHONES.
To rephrase my answer: use stereo headphones, or you'll be wasting your time. If yo DO use stereo headphones, you will find some magic lurking around in your head, and then some! [:)]

Turn ON stereo, turn OFF any bass-boosters, turn OFF any 3D effects, turn OFF Dolby 5.1 and any similar mumbo-jumbo. And, for Pete's sake, turn ON the stuff in your head [:D][8D][8)].


k well im using a cd player and iv got a few questions.

On my cd player it has a 45 sec asp.  and when its off i here nothing but when its on it a steady thumping beating thing then when the asp fills then it gets high pitch fuzzy static like is that what im supposed to here?


Originally posted by Mikegreen

k well im using a cd player and iv got a few questions.

On my cd player it has a 45 sec asp.  and when its off i here nothing but when its on it a steady thumping beating thing then when the asp fills then it gets high pitch fuzzy static like is that what im supposed to here?

What is an "asp"? (sorry, I am not American [:I])
You should hear high-pitched sounds like a blizzard (or a slow windstorm) in the distance, going around your ears.
There should also be very low (bass) thumping in the middle of your head (around 10 beats per second (this goes down to 2 or 3 towards the end of the track), by which time, you will probably be asleep the first few times. Do not put the sound too loud, relax and enjoy the magic (usually takes around 5 minutes for the brain to "entrain" to the binaural beats) [:)].
And for God's sake, do NOT drive a car, for 20 minutes following your session. Listen to this tape at most once a day.


asp is anti skip protection.  its a feture on it so it doesnt skip when jogging or such.  See with it off i hear aplolutly nothing but on i hear beats that start heavy bass then go high pitch when the asp if full.


Originally posted by Mikegreen

asp is anti skip protection.  its a feture on it so it doesnt skip when jogging or such.  See with it off i hear aplolutly nothing but on i hear beats that start heavy bass then go high pitch when the asp if full.

OK, I get it. Use your computer or some other device. Remember, you have to sit and be relaxed, with your eyes closed for this to work.
If you are NOT older than 15, do NOT do this, until you're at least 15.