How to use 'The Gateway Experience' Hemi-Sync from The Monroe Institute

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After reading Frank Kepple's explanation of how to use the Gateway Experience set, I remembered how curious I had always been about how to actually use the set.  I tried using it about a year ago, but I didn't think I was doing it right so I quit.  At the time I couldn't find any kind of guide or manual on how to actually use it.  But now I have.

This is a link to a Scribd posting of a manual for the Gateway Experience.  I don't know if this is the actual one used in Gateway Experience workshops or whatever, but here it is.

It has a lot of useful information about what each Wave is all about, and how one can go about working with each Wave.


be awesome.


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

I've created a blog of some sort:


I'm glad I found it.  It really goes in depth about the purpose of each section. 

Also, I recommend downloading it if you're able because it's not uncommon for .pdfs to be on Scribd one day and gone the next.  So grab it while you have the chance.

be awesome.



Quote from: Ignazio on January 31, 2010, 21:09:18
Doesn't work on my computer.

You should be able to view it on the site, but its just a pdf so it should download fine also.  I'm sorry it isn't working.

Quote from: Yamabushi on January 31, 2010, 21:44:35
This manual came with my Gateway collection.

This is true.  The Gateway Experience set I'm using is one that I borrowed from my boss.  I work in a metaphysical bookshop, so I was lucky enough to be in an environment where I might encounter a lot of people with interests in AP/OBE.  Thankfully my boss let me borrow her collection, but she just gave me a little zip up CD holder with the set in it, no manual.  She has had the set for a while and didn't know where the manual was (or the original boxes for that matter).  She tried to give me an explanation on how to use the set but it wasn't terribly helpful and up until now the best I've found online is the description on the Astral Dynamics online school thing website.

I know that no one on this forum would ever do such a thing, because we're all good, moral people who respect copyrights and never download files on the internet that may be slightly less than legal.  However, maybe one of the members of this forum has a friend who isn't built from such strong moral fiber.  And perhaps that friend managed to find him/herself a copy of the Gateway Experience online, but the wretched soul who pirated the brilliance that is the Gateway Experience didn't have the good common courtesy to include the manual as well.  But what can one expect from those deviant types?  Maybe it was a vigilante and they intentionally neglected to include the manual, thereby forcing a torturous ordeal on those illegal downloaders who are holding the "secrets" to personal exploration in their hands with no way to unlock the magick.  (I quoted secrets because it's not a secret, I wasn't trying to imply anything else)

But since no one in this forum is "the friend", then I might as well just remove this post.  Whatever.  I'll just leave it up for fun. 

Also.  My boss let me borrow the "Journeys Out of the Body" Hemi-Sync set.  Has anyone else used that set?  I haven't really gotten to use it much yet but I'm very curious about it's nature.  What is it about?
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on January 31, 2010, 22:49:01
I know that no one on this forum would ever do such a thing, because we're all good, moral people who respect copyrights and never download files on the internet that may be slightly less than legal.  However, maybe one of the members of this forum has a friend who isn't built from such strong moral fiber.  And perhaps that friend managed to find him/herself a copy of the Gateway Experience online, but the wretched soul who pirated the brilliance that is the Gateway Experience didn't have the good common courtesy to include the manual as well.  But what can one expect from those deviant types?  Maybe it was a vigilante and they intentionally neglected to include the manual, thereby forcing a torturous ordeal on those illegal downloaders who are holding the "secrets" to personal exploration in their hands with no way to unlock the magick.  (I quoted secrets because it's not a secret, I wasn't trying to imply anything else)

I have a 'friend' that downloaded all the Gateway CD's. He borrowed them to me and I listened to every one of them. I found them to be rather boring and never worked for me. But everyone is different so give it a shot and see what happens.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 31, 2010, 23:04:54
I have a 'friend' that downloaded all the Gateway CD's. He borrowed them to me and I listened to every one of them. I found them to be rather boring and never worked for me. But everyone is different so give it a shot and see what happens.

Yea, they are kind of boring.  Either Monroe is talking to fast or he's talking to slow and it leaves me out of "Hemi-Sync" with his instruction.  However, after reading more about what the whole set is for, it makes more sense and I appreciate what it's all about.  I thought it was just for projection training, but now I can see that it's really there for developing knowledge and experience of the energy bodies and altered states.  Using these discs has helped me overcome problems with falling asleep as well as "toughen" me up when it comes to walking that line of the borderland state.

I did use "Condition D" from the Journeys Out of Body Discs to layer underneath some of my own hypnosis scripts.  It's great because it induces the trance really fast and opens me up to receive the hypnosis.  I helped my fiance "cure" her insomnia with my Hemi-Sync/Hypnosis mash-ups. 

be awesome.


I've used gateway with success and seem to go back to them every few months, especially the F10 exercises. Even though a person can reach F10 regularly, the experience of F10 can change over time as perception changes. I think the length of the exercises are perfect. But you can't just sit there and listen, you have to be just as focused and concentrated and relaxed as you would during a normal meditation.


hi Personalreality, great post! so glad you brought it up, I'm using the gateway experience set as well and even I already had the manual I still have some comments about the right use of it, for me they're actually relaxing, but at the beginning noticed I was doing something wrong because I just couldn't stop swallowing, if you're on F10 you're obviously not supposed to do so, gotten better on that, but I'm still working on the Discovery disc, I don't want to move on to the next until I do all of it right, otherwise how am I suppose to move foward. Lately I don't have as much time as before to work with it because I have to get up early for work and last time I did it at night and just fell asleep, not such a great idea.

It would be great if you could share your experiences/progress while using the set

Quote from: Ignazio on January 31, 2010, 21:09:18
Doesn't work on my computer.

I've got the manual on a word version, so you could pm me your email and I'll send it to you


QuoteI don't want to move on to the next until I do all of it right, otherwise how am I suppose to move foward.

That's good advice. You won't hit F12 if you can't get to F10.

Someone once posted that they went through the entire series and it did nothing for them. lol

bandana hides blue eyes

I have had the pleasure of figuring out the hemi sync tapes over the last two years through trial and error.

I will say that, like stated above, you do need to concentrate and focus during the tapes.

Every tape is designed for a specific purpose and they build upon each other in steps.

It is highly recommended not to skip ahead because when you do that, you aren't able to fully utilize the newer tape without learning the previous skill. I know it doesn't qualify for every tape, but it is very important in the beginning.(id say the first three waves)

As for how long to take on each tape, consider that the Monroe institute has a six day gateway program in which you complete a wave a day. Their situation is ideal, seeing as how you are in an iso booth, surrounded by like minded people, guided by instructors, and are isolated from society.

I recommend around a week or so for a single tape.

You will recognise and feel things like focus 10 (feels like a trance), focus 12 (an open vast feeling),  resonant tuning, and others. Just go forward when you feel you are ready, not because you are antsy.

If you want any advice or would like a study buddy PM, i still have a lot to learn as well, but i am very familiar with the hemi-sync process.

Also wanted to note, i got the tapes a while ago and tried them, failed and gave up.

But it was when i had taken it seriously and mire importantly, read the manual along with it that i was able to get results out of it.

Anyways, hope you find this useful!



yeah that's really good advice, that's what I came to figure out, but I was wondering for example you take a day for each track?

when I'm moving foward to the next track I always like to listen to the previous one to reinforce it, but I don't know if it will make a difference because you know at the end of each track you have to wake up and then to continue with the next one you have to hit the trance again, so I'm wondering if that would be good for practice or is wrong to do them in sequence.


I haven't been using gateway lately, but I have been using the "Journeys Out of Body" Hemi-Sync.  It's shorter, but it's geared towards OBE.  Particularly Condition D.  I've used Condition D as the background for my own self-hypnosis scripts as well as for helping my to enter trance states faster.
be awesome.


I'll tell you how to use 'The Gateway Experience' Hemi-Sync CD. Open your cd drive, take the cd out and throw it in the garbage! :lol:

bandana hides blue eyes

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 20, 2010, 22:50:35
I'll tell you how to use 'The Gateway Experience' Hemi-Sync CD. Open your cd drive, take the cd out and throw it in the garbage! :lol:

Did you not like it? Can you explain why it didn't work, just curious.

Quote from: personalreality on February 20, 2010, 22:42:14
I haven't been using gateway lately, but I have been using the "Journeys Out of Body" Hemi-Sync.  It's shorter, but it's geared towards OBE.  Particularly Condition D.  I've used Condition D as the background for my own self-hypnosis scripts as well as for helping my to enter trance states faster.

I'll have to try that!

Quote from: lee46 on February 20, 2010, 12:14:49
yeah that's really good advice, that's what I came to figure out, but I was wondering for example you take a day for each track?

when I'm moving foward to the next track I always like to listen to the previous one to reinforce it, but I don't know if it will make a difference because you know at the end of each track you have to wake up and then to continue with the next one you have to hit the trance again, so I'm wondering if that would be good for practice or is wrong to do them in sequence.

Yea, try a track a day, one wave a week, and at the end of the week, figure out if you wanna move forward i guess.


Quote from: bandana hides blue eyes on February 21, 2010, 01:00:04
Did you not like it? Can you explain why it didn't work, just curious..

No, I loved it, it was incredible!  :lol:


Thanks for the link, it is still working.

Downloaded and then sent to my Kindle email address, converted perfectly and now I can access it on my Kindle :)


Quote from: personalreality on February 20, 2010, 22:42:14
I haven't been using gateway lately, but I have been using the "Journeys Out of Body" Hemi-Sync.  It's shorter, but it's geared towards OBE.  Particularly Condition D.  I've used Condition D as the background for my own self-hypnosis scripts as well as for helping my to enter trance states faster.

Isn't The Gateway series geared towards OBE's also? You got me puzzled with that comment... Could you (or anybody else since this is -and I'm sorry about 'waking up this old thread) expand on this?



Quote from: Walker on June 19, 2014, 11:46:34
Isn't The Gateway series geared towards OBE's also? You got me puzzled with that comment... Could you (or anybody else since this is -and I'm sorry about 'waking up this old thread) expand on this?

When he says it's "geared towards OBE's", PR means that when you use these, you'll more than likely end up in a reality which is similar to this physical reality.  More often than not, you'll find yourself in the surroundings where your physical body is actually.

It's still a projection.  Or whatever you want to call it... you're just in (mostly) familiar surroundings.


Hello Xanth,

Firstly, thanks for replying so soon;

You said:

Quote from: Xanth on June 19, 2014, 12:17:54
When he says it's "geared towards OBE's", PR means that when you use these, you'll more than likely end up in a reality which is similar to this physical reality.  More often than not, you'll find yourself in the surroundings where your physical body is actually.

It's still a projection.  Or whatever you want to call it... you're just in (mostly) familiar surroundings.

So, according to this, the Gateway Series would take you to a less similar reality?

I am new to the Hemi-Sync products and I don't know the differences among the Gateway, Journeys Out-of-Body and Lucid Dreams Series; I thought they all were the same stuff with the same goal  :?



Quote from: Walker on June 19, 2014, 15:04:22
Hello Xanth,

Firstly, thanks for replying so soon;

You said:

So, according to this, the Gateway Series would take you to a less similar reality?

I am new to the Hemi-Sync products and I don't know the differences among the Gateway, Journeys Out-of-Body and Lucid Dreams Series; I thought they all were the same stuff with the same goal  :?

One way to put it is that it takes you to where you'd expect to be... consciously or subconsciously.
There's a certain amount of unknowing expectation about this, in that you'll be lying in your bed... so when you go "OBE" (I detest the term OBE now, because it's horribly inaccurate), you EXPECT to appear around or near your physical body surroundings... so this is what usually happens.  It's all about expectations, known or unknown, it matters not.

When people speak about projecting into their bedroom, they're not ACTUALLY in their bedroom.  They're not within what they would consider their bedroom within this physical reality.  They're in a non-physically created room to their memory of their room.  This is why things aren't always as they seem to be... or as they call it, the Alice-in-Wonderland effect.

Does that help?


Quote from: Xanth on June 19, 2014, 15:18:15

When people speak about projecting into their bedroom, they're not ACTUALLY in their bedroom.  They're not within what they would consider their bedroom within this physical reality.  They're in a non-physically created room to their memory of their room.  This is why things aren't always as they seem to be... or as they call it, the Alice-in-Wonderland effect.

Does that help?

So, the Journey O.O.B.E Hemi-Sync takes you to a 'closer-to-the-physical' reality while the Gateway Hemi-Sync takes you (if it works) to a different reality / dimension / realm?

Sorry to bother you with all these questions. Over the years I've been reading on and off much about AP/OBE's (forums, books, articles, tv and radio shows, etc) and in this time of my life I would like to give it a serious try to see how this can help me grow spiritually.



Quote from: Walker on June 19, 2014, 15:52:41
So, the Journey O.O.B.E Hemi-Sync takes you to a 'closer-to-the-physical' reality while the Gateway Hemi-Sync takes you (if it works) to a different reality / dimension / realm?

Sorry to bother you with all these questions. Over the years I've been reading on and off much about AP/OBE's (forums, books, articles, tv and radio shows, etc) and in this time of my life I would like to give it a serious try to see how this can help me grow spiritually.

Ultimately, where you end up is entirely up to you, not something you listen to.
Look up my posts regarding "Intent".  :)

I'll PM you shortly about other things.  :-)



As a TMI facilitator perhaps I can help clear this confusion a little more for you with some simple facts. The Gateway Experience has many exercises from problem solving, healing, connecting with guidance, and also OBE exercises. JooTB is tailored specifically for OBEs with the manual giving you specific instructions on how to separate. It offers nothing else.

Hemi-sync is merely a tool of exploration. What you choose to do with it is up to you. There's nothing stopping you successfully going OB while using a freeflow 10 exercise from the Gateway experience and likewise nothing stopping you from problem solving using the JooTB exercise. I'm not 100% sure but I think the frequencies from JooTB are basically focus 10 and maybe some 12. Gateway Experience uses 10, 12, 15, and 21. The Gateway experience is a more structured series in my opinion