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hypnotic astral projection

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anybody know of good hypnosis files or Cd's to achieve astral projection?


Hey Amadeus ! There are tons of good books on self-hypnosis in stores, try searching  amazon. They are a lot of fun to read and do, hypnosis is a  a lot of fun. There are a lot of tutorial websites as well.

here, by the way is a website that sells mp3's that are supposed to be pretty good :

But you don't really need all that, most people can hypnotize themselves really easy without help like music or tapes... only a few have to put in some extra effort. People who have a very hard time relaxing, for example.  

Once in a pretty deep trance, you can make auto-suggestions ( auto-suggestions are affirmations you " say" to yourself, like " Now i am out of body, now i am out of body ")  that CAN trigger OBE's. I say CAN because I've never managed projecting like that.  I try almost daily, though.

I'm quite sure it's possible !

Keep us posted man, good luck !



Don't know if you intended it this way - forgive me if you didn't - but I never trust advice with an affiliate link in it.


Hahah paranoid Breezeman ! ! Don't use the link then. Read a couple of good books, it's real fun.

If your intrested i can teach you a really easy and fast hypnosis induction technique that will probably work in less then 5 minutes. Wanna hear it ?


if you feel the need to share



nope, there is only sarcasm if you interpret it to be that way.


Hi everyone,

I read some of the post in this room about hypnosis.  I've been doing it for years and I'm a Certified Advanced Hypotherapist.

Once in Theta which is the hypnotic state there are several levels in that area. 1. Light hypnosis, 2 Medium, 3 Somnambulism (Lucid Dream State) , 4. Deep Somnambulism, 5 the Esdaile State, 6. Catatonic State, 7. Ultra Deep which has recently been changed to the Sichort State.

I do live hypnosis in another chat room with small to large groups of people on line.

If you have any questions of the subject let me know and I'll answer then on a professional level.

If anyone is interested in a group session let me know.

Frank ( Certified Hypnotist )


Hello Hypnotist1

I have a question you might have good insight into. When I was a kid, I used to:
-sleepwalk and talk
-sleep so deeply that people pounding on me could not wake me up

Can you shed any light on the states of consciousness involved in these experiences?



Hi California,

Yes in that state of sleep walking a person is in Deep Somnambulism which is the Theta Brain Wave - Hypnotic State which we as hypnotherapists and stage Hypnotists send our subjects into.

In the deeper levels one can eliminate pain.  Our brain in a hypnotic state will produce endorphins which is a very powerful pain killers just like morphine.

So when you described people pounding on you and you didn't feel it that is why.

If you have any other questions let me know.




Very interesting, and thanks for your reply. Interestingly, I seemed to experience the pain reduction just yesterday. I have a very sore back, and when I went into meditation I seemed to be able to move it around and reduce it quite a bit. The reduction seemed to last for some time as the pain came back gradually over a few hours.

Actually, I had mentioned not being able to to waked up as an indication of how far away I seemed to be, and I guess I was trying to fit that into my understanding of the OBE/Astral experiences.

An example of this was when a car went off the road by the house next door in the middle of the night and knocked the support pillars out from underneath a two-car garage, which then followed the errant automobile down the steep slope. It made a tremendous noise which woke up the entire neighborhood. My awakened and shocked brothers tried to wake me up on their way out to see what had happened, but  I neither heard the great crash nor responded to their attempt to wake me.

Thinking again about the pain, it reminds me that when I was small, being the smallest of 4 boys, I took a certain amount of pounding, the way brothers often do. But at a certain point, I discovered I could start to laugh instead of feeling any pain. My brother would hit me and I would just laugh hilariously. This not only kept me from feeling pain, but it drove my brothers crazy and took the fun out of beating on me.

Another instance where I mentally deflected pain was when I fell off a big rope swing and sprained my ankle pretty badly. I thought it was hilarious, and I just couldn't stop laughing and singing songs. I couldn't stand up, so I crawled home on all fours, laughing and singing the whole way.

Thanks for reminding me of all that. As the back pain is keeping enough tension to keep me from relaxing enough to project, I will continue experiment with  how I experience it in my meditation, and pay a little more attention this time.
