Focusing Attention Within and my F27 Place

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Well, after I posted on Monday, I decided to try and visit my place again. I hadn't been there in a week or so. I usually try to do this over lunch time for me, which is what I did on Monday.

I didnt' do any retrievals or anything like that. But I did get to make contact with the 'bear' from the first visit. And I had a really fun and interesting eagle experience too. Here's an excerpt from my journal on this:

I begin imagining my mountain retreat. When I feel it, I float up above the trees and then head down towards the lake. I float over the lake to the other side and help a plant grow and climb up one of the trees. I then turn and imagine the eagle appearing again. Its in the sky, and I take off after it. It heads into the sun. I lose it for a moment, but it then turns towards the right and heads into a dive towards the center of the lake. I follow it. I'm slightly to the right of the eagle and my head is a bit behind its head. It is going very fast, and I am easily able to keep up. But as we are diving down, I begin to change. One second I am the eagle. And then the next second, I'm myself again. This happens several times. And each time, it feels very different. I can feel my face morph into the shape of an eagle's face. I feel like I'm actually inside the eagle for a brief moment.

When we reach the lake, the eagle uses its talons and quickly grabs a fish near the top of the water, which surprises me. It immediately heads back up and towards a mountain peak. I'm following it, but also looking back at the lake. I didn't remember putting any fish in the lake and was surprised that they were there. Although I guess it makes sense that there would be fish. When we get to the peak, there is a nest with several eaglets in it waiting. The eagle drops the fish into the nest and then rests on the side of it. I'm floating parallel with the nest, but not in it or touching it. The eagle looks me in the eyes for a second. I then glance at the eaglets. They were so cute. But I respectfully back away slowly. I didn't want to interfere. I then turn and float back down to the ground.

From the ground, I glance back up at the eagle's nest. I then remember the bear and try to imagine its presence again. I imagine the bear and turn around to see it. I wait a minute, trying to get a 'feeling' from it. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not. So I ask who it is. Intuitively, I feel like it's an Indian. Of course, the bear then morphs into an Indian. I ask something like what does it want. I wait a moment. Then, when I don't feel anything 'coming' from it, I imagine what it would say. I then imagine it saying that I can fly and float very well, but that I need to work on going inside myself. So I levitate above the ground in a half lotus position, and begin to meditate while there. I try very hard to go inside myself. I then hear the Indian say "that is good. You need to continue to practice this."

I then stop and stand again. I ask him his name. I wait, but don't get an answer. Next he moves his arm as if he's tossing something in the air over the lake. I look and see a rainbow appear. But it isn't a full rainbow. It starts just above the lake and heads up into the sky. But the sky is now no longer blue and lit by the sun. It is pitch black. But we still have sunlight where we are. I understand that he has 'moved' my sky and is opening it into the astral, for lack of better words. The rainbow ends up there somewhere. He floats towards the rainbow and follows it up. I follow right behind him.

When we are completely out of my area, I can't see anything. Its completely black. I also don't feel anything. I call out to him. But I don't hear anything. I then close my eyes and try to go inside. As I do this, I hear him encouraging me to do that. I continue and try to go inside as deep as I can. I get the sense that as I do this, I'm moving upwards. But I don't open my eyes. I then come out of meditation/trance. End session.

Its a rather long store, sorry. But I really enjoyed the experience. I also thought it was interesting that I started out imagining the bear presence and the eagle. And they both first appeared as my imagination. But within a moment, I wasn't imagining. Even what I imagined the bear saying to me, I said, but as I heard it, I know I didn't think those thoughts. And the rest was all him.

Also, just like Ginny said, I get the feeling of a bear, or eagle, or lake. But I don't see in full color, 3D like physical sight. However, I will get very crystal clear glimpses or flashes or images like that. For me, this usually happens as I move more into the space consciously. Meaning that, in the beginning, I am there, but also aware of my physical surroundings. I think because my consciousness is split, I don't see either one completely. But as my focus is shifted more into the astral area, I lose physical perception. But the astral impressions become stronger and I get more detailed images or flashes as I progress. But I still rely heavily on feeling and perception. I think images can be misleading. They will vary for each individual. But a feeling is more stable. As I write that, I realize it sounds like a contradiction, but its not.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.




~Also, just like Ginny said, I get the feeling of a bear, or eagle, or lake. But I don't see in full color, 3D like physical sight. However, I will get very crystal clear glimpses or flashes or images like that. For me, this usually happens as I move more into the space consciously. Meaning that, in the beginning, I am there, but also aware of my physical surroundings. I think because my consciousness is split, I don't see either one completely. But as my focus is shifted more into the astral area, I lose physical perception. But the astral impressions become stronger and I get more detailed images or flashes as I progress. But I still rely heavily on feeling and perception. I think images can be misleading. They will vary for each individual. But a feeling is more stable. As I write that, I realize it sounds like a contradiction, but its not.~

I was just this why your Guide suggested you 'go within'? Doing so was perhaps a step towards relying less on our habit of wanting to experience with the 5 physical senses and moving towards opening up to telepathy, feeling, knowing? And yes, you have it so correctly---that images are subjective, no matter how we access the nonphysical--and we're going to experience them no doubt, but it's fascinating when we use nonphysical senses to get to the heart of any experience.

Your description of using your imagination to 'prime the pump' or get things rolling is exactly what can be done. It's like sending out a signal that you want to meet with someone again, or be in a certain place, by recalling the feeling of them/it or just imagining something new...and just allowing it to be there. And then they/it seem to take on a life of their own by stepping in, so to speak, and continuing your intent...but with their own presonality and existence, their own communications...and when unexpected things are said or happen, it's fascinating.

Looking forward to reading more of your experiences--:o).

Much love,




How kind of you---thanks (snif)...:o).

Ya know, when I first started accessing the nonphysical, I was truly out of my mind with happiness. I had waited so long to be able to just be There...and while I was zooming all over the damn place wouldn't you know, it was lovingly suggested I share with others what I was experiencing, suggested more than once (I kept putting it Being a person who is usually standing near an exit door in big crowds, it was difficult to just post on the internet, but I did, because remembering the isolation from years back when I had no one to even talk with about any of this was an important reminder. I mean, I lost friends and had family members think I was nuts and scary when I mentioned my beliefs or brief experiences.

So, we're all related, ya know?

Much love,



Has anybody tried or had any experiences they can share accessing the "Real Time Zone" with this approach?



Hey Soulfire!

I'm certainly not an expert in this at all. But I can tell you what my experience has been. I have read a lot of sites that say astral projecting/phasing is the same as an OBE. I wasn't sure about this personally. I tend to read and observe, but I reserve my opinions for my own experiences/intuition.

I have experienced my ethereal body several times. To me, an OBE is utilizing the ethereal body, which is one layer above/out of your physical body. And its that layer that you need to use in order to visit the Real Time Zone. From my understanding, the real time zone is the equivalent of the etheric realm for all things. So your house has an etheric double, if you will, in the real time zone, etc. But in order to access that area, you need to use your ethereal body.

Similarly, you cannot use your ethereal body to access the astral plane. You need to have your consciousness shift to your astral body. From what I've experienced, the bodies correspond to vibrational levels. The higher the vibration, the higher the body used.

I also use phasing to shift to the astral. My (limited) understanding of things at this point, would lead me to believe that you need to exit your body into your ethereal before you could enter RTZ. I don't think that you can phase into your ethereal. But these are my very limited perceptions at this point. So I would certainly see how others respond because I could easily be way off base here.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Hey guys;
Check this lady out and her book,""The Interstate of Consciousness", it will answer a lot of your questions.Also check her discussion forum for Q&A..!!

Here's the link:




Worth looking at indeed  :)


It would be interesting to see if you have further insight to share over and above to the ones already discussed originally in this thread!




Hi everyone,

Here's what I've learned to do regarding phasing or focusing my attention away from the physical and into the nonphysical, to explore the afterlife. From what I've been able to determine, we can use whatever methods seem to resonate with us...but I have discovered that becoming acquainted with and *feeling*  the stages we use to  get into the afterlife can be important. Also, paying attention to what we're *feeling* while in the afterlife, using the nonphysical senses, is just as important. In the beginning of exploring I subscribed to the, "if I can't see it I don't believe it" idea,  and my progress was slow. But this is how we learn: by just doing it, going there, learning first hand.

I started in the late 80's with the TMI Gateway tapes and used those methods (but at that time I thought I had to go OOB to explore) but discovered two years ago that Bruce Moen's simple techniques worked much better for me. I spend less time now preparing to go into the afterlife and get much better results while there, including many afterlife experiences wherein I was able to get verifiable info to really prove to myself that all this was very real ( I was a major skeptic til I got irrefutible proof that even I couldn't somehow rationalize away!---LOL!).

There are 4 basic steps I use to focus attention away from the physical to explore within. **And just a quick note here to Focus 15---when you attend Bruce's workshop soon he'll not only explain these steps  (plus additional techniques) but guide you and the small group into them, several times as you experience afterlife journeys. I'm just a student of his and believe me, he's the teacher and a good one. What I'm describing here is a brief overview---at the workshop you'll get a much more in-depth idea and feel from him on these steps.**

Step 1--Breathing for relaxation
Step2--Energy Boost
Step3-- Filling with love for better perception
Step4--Placing Intent

Step1---Sitting in a chair or lying down, I close my eyes and begin to gently breath in (let your inhale be normal) and as I feel my lungs fill I then gently roll that inhale into a gentle exhale (once again just exhale normally--no forceful breathing, just let each inhale flow into an exhale and gently loop back again). I do this 3 times or as many times as needed so that when I FEEL myself relax (which is a slight phasing or shift of attention in itself) I then can move on to the next step.

Step 2---In this relaxed state, see  with your mind's eye or feel a large pool of sparkling clean energy below you. As you begin to gently inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter your feet and travel up through your body and out the top of your head...and then see this energy curve out and down back to the pool below. Repeat this 3 times, cycling the energy back up through you and back down to the pool,  or as many times as you want. Now see a large pool or body of sparkling energy above you. At the top of your head locate or feel  a spot, perhaps where the center may be...and then as you inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter that spot and travel down your body, exiting your feet...arcing back up to the pool above. Repeat this 3 times or as many times as you feel is good for you.  When I do this I choose to see the cycling energy as something similar to what fireworks sparklers look like when used at night. This is just my preference. What's important is what this does for us regarding gathering energy: it's a great boost. You may want to pay attention to what this feels like too.

Step 3--I know there's been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the use of 'love' in afterlife exploration. I for one, years ago, literally got tired of the word because it was over used, misused perhaps. When Bruce talks about PUL, pure unconditional love, he's not saying to get emotional, sappy or sexual...and especially, he's not talking about intellectualizing it, or seeing love as a concept. Experiencing emotions or other feelings can be the results OF accessing this energy. Bruce  learned in the afterlife that unconditional love is a real energy/consciousness...quite possibly the energy/consciousness that we not only come from, but it's what we are, now. Being the kind of explorer that has to prove to herself through direct experiencing what is real or not,  I have accessed this energy many times, not only to improve my perception for exploring, but to help others while There and even in my conscious physical daily life...and it's impossible to explain the experiencing of it: it's something that has to be directly experienced to KNOW what it really is. While in the afterlife I have unexpectedly been on the receiving end of this energy and it was without a doubt the most incredible knowing/feeling I've ever experienced.
How to access it is not difficult. This energy/consciousness is not exclusive: it does not belong to the 'spiritually advanced' belongs to all of us. And once again, FEELING it is the key.
Remember a time when you either felt love for someone or something, or a time when you felt loved by someone. Feel that love and hold it within you, let it build as you recall more moments or people you've loved or been loved by. Bruce recalls the love he felt for his newborn babies when he held them for the first time in the hospital. I always bring to me the love I have for my husband and two chihuahuas, as well as the love I felt from my mother. Whatever works for you---just FEEL  this love and let it build up and remain within you.  I could go on and on about the numerous benefits from accessing this energy, especially for afterlife retrieving and exploration, but it's something each preson has to experience, to understand.

Step 4-- When I was using the TMI Gateway tapes over 13 years ago, if I had known then what I know now about the placing of intent, I never would have spent so many hours hanging out in that inner 3D blackness--while using a tape---waiting for something to happen. I would get to a focus level and then just wait for someone or something to happen, having no idea that all I had to do was mentally state my desire---where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do. Now I know that placing intent is a simple thing to do. Actually we do it constantly and really never give it much thought.
What Bruce calls, The Little Finger Exercise: this is where I am now going to FEEL that place within where we actually place the intent for anything. I use this everytime I want to place the intent to explore because it works. As I remain relaxed, knowing I'm going to move, say, my index finger in a few seconds, as I approach that moment of actually moving my finger I first just feel and become acquainted with that area within where we make things happen. Some people 'see' color or perhaps an image, some just feel that inner place. At Bruce's workshop I 'saw' a soft orange color (why I don't know)...but most importantly, I became acquainted with what that area of consciousness *felt like*. And when you're there, move your finger. And then do it again but instead of moving your finger, place your intent (desire) on where you want to go in the afterlife, who you want to meet, etc.  I must say here that I don't feel I'm explaining this step well....but I hope you guys can get the drift. There are times in the afterlife when I just relax and send out a mental my intent. I hope I'm not making it seem more difficult than it actually is. I think Frank has a good handle on intent---perhaps he can explain this better.

So this is pretty much what I do each time I want to Phase or Focus My Attention and move into the nonphysical.  There are a few more techniques I learned, such as Heart Intelligence, but this is probably enough.

My Focus 27 special place:
Two years ago while reading Bruce's first book, he descibed creating his own special place in F27. Since I was so anxious to get going with exploration (and especially since I discovered through his books that anyone could visit all the focus levels at anytime, and that OOBEs were cool but completely unnecessary to explore and retrieve), I decided that if he could create his own place, so could I. Once placing the intent to go to F27, I was then in that 3D blackness,  just floating.  I decided to *trust* that my intent was the key in getting me there, to F27. I then borrowed the image of a city park I had loved as a child, complete with pond, trees, a park bench, grass, sunshine....and just 'saw it there' in front of me. I then walked into it. I sat on the bench and felt the wooden slats on my butt. I felt the soft moist earth and grass between my toes. I looked at the sun twinkling between leaves and branches above. I sat and looked at the water, and then decided on what flowers I wanted and where. I played with different kinds, on that first visit as well as later. All I had to do to return to my park was to just place the intent to be there (and it really helps to recall the feel of the place  too---this is another Bruce technique but I don't want to overload here). Thought, intent.. creates matter and all dimensions, physical and nonphysical.

All righty's late and I hope I've been able to explain well enough. Sorry for the screwed up replies to the wonderful posts from you guys. What can I say?---I'm a certified computer dummie!----:O)

Much love and happy trails,


Quo Animo

Quote from: Ginny on November 16, 2002, 01:32:37
Hi everyone,

Here's what I've learned to do regarding phasing or focusing my attention away from the physical and into the nonphysical, to explore the afterlife. From what I've been able to determine, we can use whatever methods seem to resonate with us...but I have discovered that becoming acquainted with and *feeling*  the stages we use to  get into the afterlife can be important. Also, paying attention to what we're *feeling* while in the afterlife, using the nonphysical senses, is just as important. In the beginning of exploring I subscribed to the, "if I can't see it I don't believe it" idea,  and my progress was slow. But this is how we learn: by just doing it, going there, learning first hand.

I started in the late 80's with the TMI Gateway tapes and used those methods (but at that time I thought I had to go OOB to explore) but discovered two years ago that Bruce Moen's simple techniques worked much better for me. I spend less time now preparing to go into the afterlife and get much better results while there, including many afterlife experiences wherein I was able to get verifiable info to really prove to myself that all this was very real ( I was a major skeptic til I got irrefutible proof that even I couldn't somehow rationalize away!---LOL!).

There are 4 basic steps I use to focus attention away from the physical to explore within. **And just a quick note here to Focus 15---when you attend Bruce's workshop soon he'll not only explain these steps  (plus additional techniques) but guide you and the small group into them, several times as you experience afterlife journeys. I'm just a student of his and believe me, he's the teacher and a good one. What I'm describing here is a brief overview---at the workshop you'll get a much more in-depth idea and feel from him on these steps.**

Step 1--Breathing for relaxation
Step2--Energy Boost
Step3-- Filling with love for better perception
Step4--Placing Intent

Step1---Sitting in a chair or lying down, I close my eyes and begin to gently breath in (let your inhale be normal) and as I feel my lungs fill I then gently roll that inhale into a gentle exhale (once again just exhale normally--no forceful breathing, just let each inhale flow into an exhale and gently loop back again). I do this 3 times or as many times as needed so that when I FEEL myself relax (which is a slight phasing or shift of attention in itself) I then can move on to the next step.

Step 2---In this relaxed state, see  with your mind's eye or feel a large pool of sparkling clean energy below you. As you begin to gently inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter your feet and travel up through your body and out the top of your head...and then see this energy curve out and down back to the pool below. Repeat this 3 times, cycling the energy back up through you and back down to the pool,  or as many times as you want. Now see a large pool or body of sparkling energy above you. At the top of your head locate or feel  a spot, perhaps where the center may be...and then as you inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter that spot and travel down your body, exiting your feet...arcing back up to the pool above. Repeat this 3 times or as many times as you feel is good for you.  When I do this I choose to see the cycling energy as something similar to what fireworks sparklers look like when used at night. This is just my preference. What's important is what this does for us regarding gathering energy: it's a great boost. You may want to pay attention to what this feels like too.

Step 3--I know there's been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the use of 'love' in afterlife exploration. I for one, years ago, literally got tired of the word because it was over used, misused perhaps. When Bruce talks about PUL, pure unconditional love, he's not saying to get emotional, sappy or sexual...and especially, he's not talking about intellectualizing it, or seeing love as a concept. Experiencing emotions or other feelings can be the results OF accessing this energy. Bruce  learned in the afterlife that unconditional love is a real energy/consciousness...quite possibly the energy/consciousness that we not only come from, but it's what we are, now. Being the kind of explorer that has to prove to herself through direct experiencing what is real or not,  I have accessed this energy many times, not only to improve my perception for exploring, but to help others while There and even in my conscious physical daily life...and it's impossible to explain the experiencing of it: it's something that has to be directly experienced to KNOW what it really is. While in the afterlife I have unexpectedly been on the receiving end of this energy and it was without a doubt the most incredible knowing/feeling I've ever experienced.
How to access it is not difficult. This energy/consciousness is not exclusive: it does not belong to the 'spiritually advanced' belongs to all of us. And once again, FEELING it is the key.
Remember a time when you either felt love for someone or something, or a time when you felt loved by someone. Feel that love and hold it within you, let it build as you recall more moments or people you've loved or been loved by. Bruce recalls the love he felt for his newborn babies when he held them for the first time in the hospital. I always bring to me the love I have for my husband and two chihuahuas, as well as the love I felt from my mother. Whatever works for you---just FEEL  this love and let it build up and remain within you.  I could go on and on about the numerous benefits from accessing this energy, especially for afterlife retrieving and exploration, but it's something each preson has to experience, to understand.

Step 4-- When I was using the TMI Gateway tapes over 13 years ago, if I had known then what I know now about the placing of intent, I never would have spent so many hours hanging out in that inner 3D blackness--while using a tape---waiting for something to happen. I would get to a focus level and then just wait for someone or something to happen, having no idea that all I had to do was mentally state my desire---where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do. Now I know that placing intent is a simple thing to do. Actually we do it constantly and really never give it much thought.
What Bruce calls, The Little Finger Exercise: this is where I am now going to FEEL that place within where we actually place the intent for anything. I use this everytime I want to place the intent to explore because it works. As I remain relaxed, knowing I'm going to move, say, my index finger in a few seconds, as I approach that moment of actually moving my finger I first just feel and become acquainted with that area within where we make things happen. Some people 'see' color or perhaps an image, some just feel that inner place. At Bruce's workshop I 'saw' a soft orange color (why I don't know)...but most importantly, I became acquainted with what that area of consciousness *felt like*. And when you're there, move your finger. And then do it again but instead of moving your finger, place your intent (desire) on where you want to go in the afterlife, who you want to meet, etc.  I must say here that I don't feel I'm explaining this step well....but I hope you guys can get the drift. There are times in the afterlife when I just relax and send out a mental my intent. I hope I'm not making it seem more difficult than it actually is. I think Frank has a good handle on intent---perhaps he can explain this better.

So this is pretty much what I do each time I want to Phase or Focus My Attention and move into the nonphysical.  There are a few more techniques I learned, such as Heart Intelligence, but this is probably enough.

My Focus 27 special place:
Two years ago while reading Bruce's first book, he descibed creating his own special place in F27. Since I was so anxious to get going with exploration (and especially since I discovered through his books that anyone could visit all the focus levels at anytime, and that OOBEs were cool but completely unnecessary to explore and retrieve), I decided that if he could create his own place, so could I. Once placing the intent to go to F27, I was then in that 3D blackness,  just floating.  I decided to *trust* that my intent was the key in getting me there, to F27. I then borrowed the image of a city park I had loved as a child, complete with pond, trees, a park bench, grass, sunshine....and just 'saw it there' in front of me. I then walked into it. I sat on the bench and felt the wooden slats on my butt. I felt the soft moist earth and grass between my toes. I looked at the sun twinkling between leaves and branches above. I sat and looked at the water, and then decided on what flowers I wanted and where. I played with different kinds, on that first visit as well as later. All I had to do to return to my park was to just place the intent to be there (and it really helps to recall the feel of the place  too---this is another Bruce technique but I don't want to overload here). Thought, intent.. creates matter and all dimensions, physical and nonphysical.

All righty's late and I hope I've been able to explain well enough. Sorry for the screwed up replies to the wonderful posts from you guys. What can I say?---I'm a certified computer dummie!----:O)

Much love and happy trails,


extremely helpful. thank you.


Ginny is great. I don't know whatever happened to her.
"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


this text contains the exercises for making the world on type our universe, in "space f 27". be required russian speaker, translator, for which russian native language contains peculiar to russian language of the word by untransferable automatic translator, even avoiding this - be lost sense under inverse translation, search for the translator, good luck you! though can be this will help you to catch the idea, below ruled by mnoy. but not whole but that I have already bored to rule the text.

Free, as energy of the creation
âëàäåòåëÿ((Possessing)), as energy of our experience and knowledges
Transition level energy, as directional potential.

The Exercise  1.    
Try to disconnect all their own feeling. Do so that You nothing do not disturb. Try be weakened. Now, try to present certain started space. Dark. No light. But You feel this space and try to feel itself in this space. Beside You the feeling that You as it were lad midair. For You appear the determination a space, in which You turned out to be. It Appears that under You that on You. Before You endless space.

The Explanation to exercise  1.    
All simply. Track for their own action. That You have done, possible describe as follows. You have sent its thought in emptiness, which before this had a no place. You created this emptiness. Trying feel this space, You have opposed to itself this emptiness, having added by her form, principles of the formation, made her(its) characteristic. So You created the space. In this space You have been able to install accustomed You coordinates. Now You have felt that was found on You, under You and near by You.
You created the certain unrealistic world. As many from like this world, created by You world exists only while You think about him, keep him(it) in its consciousness. He not about exists long. But even that short time of its existence, he will be real for itself. He will be a world.
Than his(its) existence is conditioned? You have sent in emptiness its consciousness, its thought. The Thought has an energy base. In thoughts, sent by You, are present the elements of Your experience and knowledges, Your desires to make anything, Your longings to that-that high, clean, free from tie, which are bound You. All this elements that that people name the shower, but we - an energy of the symbiosis. Practically, You have put in created by You world its energy, having provided temporary existence of this world. Your energy supports him(it).

At desire, possible produce the following experiment, purpose which graphically show the process of the diffusing to energy of the city in empty space, being revenge of the accomodation of Your city. Visualize that You have placed in certain space, in which was emptily glass ball, pervaded gas. The Walls of this ball do not give to spread the gas in this space. But if take away the walls, that gas with enormous velocity scatters on started space. This comes of energy of the world, which You create. The Initial energy, which You have put in it, founding on their own internal resource, spread disappears in surrounding space. The Emptiness last extends this energy. The Initial energy, which You put in created by You world, - is limited. This restriction is caused Your possibility. If consider the amount to energy in unit of the volume, that possible notice that it in the course of time goes to zero. This possible name constant and general trend for energy of the city. Considering this trend, possible expect arising the deficit to energy required for maintenance of the city. This means that city or will constantly need for energy support essence, created him(it), or will begin by itself to generate this energy, or will stop its existence, since approaches the moment, when energy required for maintenance of existence of the world will become it is not enough.
The Deficit to energy in city brings about vampire of the city to essence, created this city. In this case city renders on its creator certain influence, calling to itself his(its) attention. Such world attracts us its full correspondence to with our desires. We direct their own daydreams to that that to should like to have, what should like to live, whom should like to be. Such a interaction gives us dim possibility to feel the weak response that feeling, which we felt, being inwardly this world, participating in event of this world. Interesting that fact that we themselves often want to live in this illusions that this answers need. As effect this essence created city newly and newly in their own thought returns to its brainchild. Causes the difficulty to define practicability of the similar building. On the one hand, thereby, we capable to express and formulate our daydreams, on the other hand, city extends our energy, which we could direct on the other purposes. Possible that in this instance we have before itself choice, which us there is do.
We shall Expect that someone, having created city, a certain time used this city for development determined ideas. Such a situation possible to observe amongst people creative during that, when they create the new image, or amongst engineer, designing something that they constantly "roll in its head". That s as a result - having resemblance city. This city is not adapted to independent existence. He exists only until to him is directed thoughts of his(its) creator. Hereon city stops its existence as such. However result of the similar building is worded idea. Thereby, possible draw a conclusion that building world is one of the forms of the thinking and is used enough often. At vampire of the similar world in most cases there is justification.
The Deficit to energy of the city is exactly that factor, which limits time of existence of this city. Possible that time of existence of the city defines the degree of his(its) development and importance of this city as such for his(its) creator. As effect we have presence èäåé designed on different level of the realization. Accordingly, for generation and development ideas we use the city, but our ability more full-fledged to use this city defines our capacity to work as a whole. Wholly appropriately remark that ability society to work with city and development of this direction are not last factor in development of the civilizations this society.

If speak of building of the city, as the world, that possible notice that reason of the deficit to energy is not only diffusing to initial energy of the city in emptiness, but also growing or expansion universe, in which is located created world. This reason has its explanation. So To in its work To: SPACE ENLARGES SINCE TIME FLOWS considers the growing an universe with standpoint of the current of time. If You interest scientifically-motivated opinion, that You should get acquainted with this work. Exist and the other opinions about process and reason of the growing space universe.
Vozvraschayasi to question about restriction of time of existence of the city, we once again and once again turn its attention on deficit of the energy of the city, which grows depending on time. In given question defining importance has a question of the arrival to energy. This energy can be worked out as outside of city, so inwardly. When we speak of energy enterring in city from outside, that implies the vampire of the city to essence, created him(it). When we speak of generations of the energy inwardly most city, we imply existence of the laws defining like generation and mechanism to realization of these laws.
In spite of existence different approach to realization of the laws on generations of the energy inwardly city, the main condition like generations is an energy motion and interaction different element this city. In turn this implies presence a factor, which produce the similar processes. Thereby, is defined existence world, executing these condition, and existence world, which are not adapted for like action.

The Exercise  2.    
Execute the exercise  1 having added on completion his(its) following elements:
1. Present in certain place, which You have chosen the certain bundle of energy. Try to put power in it a little more. Try to feel him(it), having added him material form.
2. In formed in space subject add else little energies. Now present that this subject, not having born offered energy load, bursts, scatterring on ensemble splinter. These splinter scatter in all sides, óäàëÿÿñü from epicentre of the blast. Roll this blast in consciousness. Add him suitable for Your perception forshortenings.
At desire You may use the illustration to Exercise  2.

The Explanation to exercise  2.    
Call attention, with what lightness You have been able to produce the changes to realities created by You world. The Material from which he consists - obedient You. This is explained èäåíòè÷íîñòüþ((identical)) of the source material. The Energy created by You world and energy of Your energy symbiosis have a general base. Herewith, energy created by You world are created on base energy Your symbiosis. Practically, created by You world is Your continuation. Exactly so You easy can produce necessary change in him.
Follows to note that thought consists of energy itself. In she is reflected and energy free, as energy of the creation, and energy âëàäåòåëÿ((possessing)), as energy of our experience and knowledges, and energy of the transition level, as directional potential. So, dialect about energy, participating in making the city we imply whole complex of the energy symbiosis.
Sometimes beginner in building world do the mistake. They try by itself to define all functions of the world, which they create. This brings about increase the necessary volume of the work on making the City. As effect of power of such person scatter in infinitely enormous amount molded, image, notion. It is Necessary to note that when making, the world to You not without fall itself define all physical, chemical and revolutionary laws, acting in Your world. You define only that want to note or change to Your world. The Whole focus is comprised in that that when creation of Your world, You use the energy of Your symbiosis. Amongst these energy is present the energy âëàäåòåëÿ((possessing)), which carries in itself information on nature of the things, and in particular: physical, chemical and that similar laws. Your thought gets the information base. À if speak of created by You world, that necessary to note that Your world, founded on Your idea, èçíà÷àëüíî((in the beginning)) gets this information base from You.
As that once to I came the letter, in which asked to explain what image energy changes in city. Call attention, on exercise, which You have executed. You have produced the action. It has caused the row others. Practically this You have changed to energy, having given birth motion in infinity. This and there is initial change to energy. But afterwards  Afterwards take effect accustomed laws physicists, chemistries. But further all go on logical chain action.
Considering exercise, which You have executed, we find not only lightness of the building, but also ability to ñàìîâûðàæåíèþ((have a liberty in production of their own ideas, action, show itself (as teenager) creative to express itself)) image ideas, which we put in this exercise. This moment possible to estimate, as way of the development of the abilities of the creator of the similar city. Producing action You "roll him(it) in head", but this gives You possibility to more full understanding the process, which reflects this action.
So, executing exercise  2, which we have offered You, You pass simultaneously several things. This and experience, which You have got, executing exercise; This and knowledges, about nature of the blast, physical law, acting in determined ambience and condition.
For the world, which You created, executing exercise, actions, made by You, mean introduction new factor, influencing upon development of this world. So, having created material body, You have defined the notion to matters; producing blast, You entered the notion of the motion to this matters and laws, on which is realized this motion. That You have produced, was founded on Your knowledge, experience and intuitions. Accordingly, notions characteristic Your perception render the influence and, possible say, define essence created by You things and processes.

The Exercise  3.    
Execute consecutively exercise  1 and exercise  2. Not making break, got mindset on performing the exercise, produce the following actions:
1. Turn its attention on separate splinter, flying to endless space, which presents itself world, come up for result of the performing the exercises  1 and  2. This splinter is found in constant motion. Around he flies dust, which attracts the mass of this splinter. We look at it as on splinter, but indeed sizes of this splinter can turn out to be enormous.
2. We shall Expect that before us such enormous splinter. His(its) sizes comparable sun with size, to which You got accustomed. Dust around he forms the concourses, which move over to heavenly bodies, referred to as planet. We look at rotation of these planets, on appeared before imaginative âçîðîì((see)) ñâîåîáðàçíóþ((looking like)) solar system.
3. Now turn its attention on any one of planets. Before You platform for developing world. There possible create the life in any forms. There You may realize their own daydreams and desires.

The Explanation to exercise  3.    
We do not deny existence of the other types of the building, which, possible, will are determined other law, but accordingly to him will are presented other requirements. The Purpose persisting work is concluded in that to give You example of the similar building. We hope that You, founding on its experience, knowledge and intuitions ñîçäàäèòå((you will do to create)) in over and over again more beautiful creations, than that, on which You begin the study of this subject.
Either as in previous exercises, You have produced the row an action, having rendered direct influence on created by You world by means of directed èäåé, expressed in the manner of image, which generates Your consciousness. Either as in previous exercises, You were easy given these change, You created the directed actions, having logical and information central to Your perception. On base of these buildings You capable to produce the further evolutions.
Analysing process of the building of the city, we come to conclusion that any building (change), which we produce in city, is called to do created by us world more available our perception and change, which he can be subject to hereinafter. Herewith necessary to pay attention one more characteristic of our thinking. Possible that You already have pointed to the fact, executing offered You exercises You follow the way of the selecting the best image, which answers Your perception. However, generating these images, You "ïðèìåðÿåòå"((measure(try) to)) them to building, which You produce. This means that producing building You create not one, but immediately several realities. Under the further processing You change these realities, return to already created. This allows You to produce greatly suitable choice. The Additional realities created by You on way of the main building, are identified the reflections first degree.
Making the reflections first degree possible to observe not only when selecting the best variant to realities of the world during process of the conscious processing the city. Falling asleep, essence, not possessing ability to check its dream, continues the development to realities of the city, which it creates, but process of this development occurs on unconscious level. Considering this process, come to conclusion that falling asleep we render the direct influence on created by us city, herewith if process passes without our checking, that we generate and support existence of the reflections first degree for our city. Some researchers of this process point that reflections first degree are such consumer to energy essence, creating city, either as the main world. This opinion is conditioned èäåíòè÷íîñòüþ of the determination and initial energy, the general method of the formation and unconscious address to certain source point this created world.
Together with this is indicated on that existence of the reflections first degree carries the volatile nature. The Majority of the researchers of the process of the making the city points to typical trend, to which predisposed ordinary user to technologies of the making the city, which consists in that fact that, definable that reflections first degree are an ñâîåîáðàçíûìè vampire to its creator, they break the process of the making the city and are subjected to exactly that consequence, which expect. The Approach of the similar users not only is not believed, but also dangerous. The Problem is concluded in that that created by You worlds carry in itself certain danger for its creator, as the worlds-vampires, but this process has not a constant nature. Such characteristic world acts in that event only, when world not capable by itself to generate the energy required for maintenance of its existence. After the world is capable to provide itself necessary energy, he not only ceases to need for energy of its creator, but also capable to return excess generated energy such.
Either as in previous events, î÷åâèäåí((obviously)) choices, standing before creator of the city. This choice is concluded in question to create or not to create the city with reflections first degree. Your choice - Your choice. Only You have the right to take him(it). But our opinion that like reflections capable to help You more deeply study these aspects and hereinafter create the city more making in these attitude. Except this, exist else several advices, which offer the researchers of the process of the creation city. The First advice - carefully study the material and ïðîäóìàòü Your actions before making the city. Think that this advice does not follow to neglect and at other times. The Second advice more specific and has a direct attitude to subject of the creation world. He is founded on characteristic of the thinking be repulsed from already existing base of the determinations, which was designed earlier. The Second advice is concluded in full making the base world, under which understand the world, already capable to independent ãåíåðèðîâàíèþ((generate)) energy, but, accordingly, capable to independent existence. Making the reflections first degree hereon already does not carry the dangers its creator, since for base of these reflections rs the base world.
Having Returned to exercise, which You have executed, we trace that in him was created platform for the further buildings. Built by You platform has not only visual nature, which You have been able to observe during performing the exercise, but also hidden - energy, èäåéíûé. As it was said, there is no need to produce literally all actions, which comprise full creation of itself. Your thoughts get through filter of Your knowledges and experience. So formation energy, èäåéíîãî of the base occurs at a rate of Your subconscious automatically. This base is superimposed on ideas, images, which You use for making the visible base, producing ñâîåîáðàçíóþ inflexion èäåé and image to visualizations. Later You will be able ïîäêîððåêòèðîâàòü these notions, resting in already existing base.
So on base built by You platforms possible creation conflict and contradiction, types of power and their oppositions, which will bring about maintenance of the constant motion energy in Your city. As, for instance, opposition of the light and shade, time and emptinesses (See subjects "City: Directions"). This motion under determined condition will bring about independent generation by city to energy, which he, city, will be able to use for maintenance of its existence.
As it was said, during VWVappear in the dreams essence, creating city sometimes renders the certain influence on city. Often this brings the reflections first degree about making. But if essence is capable to check its dream, that influence on city will nowhere near not unconscious. In this case organism be capable to render on city influence, equal on power or even greater, than influence rendered during specially conducted for this session. In this case dream not only does not render bad for You and Your city of the influence, but also capable greatly to consolidate created by You.

Building of the world
Okinite glance its past, are brought back into the childhood, when toy in Your hand gained importance of the friend, when in their own play You created the worlds so colorful that got ready take them for reality. You are a veins in the world their own fantasy. You put in their own creations feeling and daydreams. The Personages, which You created, veins together with You.
That changed presently? You became senior. You often restrain their own feeling, ñòðåìÿñü be such, as all. Thereby You strike a blow its personalities. Forget all this. Live on its feeling. Become itself itself, become the person, capable to create the world, free itself from that restrictions, which constrain You, keeps You in hutch of the public relations. Try. This simply.
That You âûðîñëè((growings)) and anymore child, means only that You may use that knowledges and that experience, which You have gained for all these years. This experience will help You to build the world thought-outed, than beside child. In him You may reflect their own knowledges and daydreams, which actual for You presently.
Do Not are afraid to create its world. The most small, on that he capable - give You to realize that ideas and feeling, which move You, give You to look at this on the part of. This already not little. Such way ñàìîîöåíêè((estimation itself)) will help You to set in order Your looks at that or other belongings. Possible that having looked at itself on the part of, You solve to change in itself something.
The Worlds are divided on type of its creation on the worlds created under the individual approach, when You create the world different from that, in which You live, and the worlds, created on principle of the resemblance with that world, in which You live, but herewith exist some elements of the difference. In other words possible say that possible to create its not to look like the other world, but possible take the elements already existing and create the world to look like Your. Not all have a talent to create something its.
The Worlds are divided on zero hour of the counting out the action. This signifies that possible to create the world, having begun with started place, but possible take already designed beforehand platform. Making the world, described in Vethom Precept, is a making the world from the very beginning. But if You begin;start;commence with city, which You know and remember, âçÿâ him(it) for base, this will too operate.
The Worlds are divided on energy building on the worlds, autonomous that is to say capable by itself to work out the energy required for their existence, and the worlds-users (the worlds-vampires), which need for Your energy support.
As You understand, create the world, which comsumes our energy, - simply. To create the world, capable to exist autonomous, necessary more complex technology. All that was considered before this time - a worlds, which possible create. But our purpose to show You that possible to create the world, capable to survive by itself, without our support. Why we confirm that such worlds present the greater interest? The Answer forgive;pardon. The World, which generates the energy sufficient for maintenance of its existence, can continue its existence and in that event if our feeling will are unplugged from it. On the other hand possible say that possible existence and inverse energy relationship, which allows us to get the energy from created by us world.
In conclusion possible only want You success and give the small advice. If You solve to concern with the questions of the building of the city, You may create all that will only want, but without fall delete that You created if this not final variant or created by You World not capable to generate the energy. This advice is conditioned by nature of the city.

The Reality and not reality.    
The World, in which You live, is a real world for You. This world You may real to feel. The World, which You created, for You unrealistic. You do not feel him(it) also, either as Your real world. Created by You world - a world unrealistic for You. But, he real for essence, which are found inwardly this world. They define the degree to realities of their world also, either as You.
You possess the ability to change anything in that world, which unrealistic for You. The Percent of the change, which You capable to produce strives to 100. But after all essence, dwelling in the other realities capable to change to produce the changes to our world, as in unrealistic for it, but, accordingly, available to change by way of the change energy potential.
What image for us, inhabitants to this realities, is made other reality. We define her(its) as certain building from imaginative image. But our thought carries the energy in itself. She is founded on energy. Thereby we can present other reality as energy building, in which thoughts creator this buildings have importances controlling potential.

Importance of the person with standpoint of existence of the world.    
The World, in which we live, possible consider, as the world created. In this case person presents itself essence, which this world it is necessary to keep and îáåðåãàòü (take care), perfecting creation and increasing his(its) borders. All this sounds beautifully, but requires the certain knowledges about that that such world, as he is made as his(its) laws. The Duty of the person - understand its world, understand his(its) necessities, understand his(its) laws. If person will leave from observance of the laws of the building of the world, will not inflict he lead;guide;êîíò)conduct most world and its existence in particular?
The World - frail, in spite of its greatness, exists too much weak places, residing on border of power. We shall Cite an instance. One of the most most important for essence of the world, for person in particular, structures is an information flow. His(its) existence and reception capacity are stright connected with life expectancy essence, living in the world, their ability to occupation different type to activity. The Information flow influences upon choice and decisions each essence separately and all together. Public structures are formed On base of the choice. But, in spite of all its importance, information flow frail. And ignorant address with he bring about overloading that negativly tells on most world, but in the first place, on essence, his(its) inhabitting.

Exercises  1 and  2
on subject "City or building world"
Try to disconnect all their own feeling. Do so that You nothing do not disturb. Try be weakened. Now, try to present certain started space. Dark. No light. But You feel this space and try to feel itself in this space. Beside You the feeling that You as it were lad midair. For You appear the determination a space, in which You turned out to be. It Appears that under You that on You. Before You endless space.

Present in certain place, which You have chosen the certain bundle of energy.

Try to feel him(it), having added him material form. In formed in space subject add else little energies.

These splinter scatter in all sides, óäàëÿÿñü from epicentre of the blast. Each of such splinter we can itself to present in our understanding as sun.

Roll this blast in consciousness. Add him suitable for Your perception forshortenings.

think you will it is enough machine translation

when world it is enough will develop, physical body (creator) to move in built world.

will is attracted by world, and will occur process of the transition(laws universe)

or possible adjust the portals and other ways...


I think I need someone to translate that translation for me.


Reality is what you perceive it to be.


copy txt on russian

Óïðàæíåíèå ¹1.    
Ïîïðîáóéòå îòêëþ÷èòü âñå ñâîè ÷óâñòâà. Ñäåëàéòå òàê, ÷òîáû Âàì íè÷åãî íå ìåøàëî. Ïîïûòàéòåñü ðàññëàáèòüñÿ. Òåïåðü, ïîïûòàéòåñü ïðåäñòàâèòü íåêîå ïóñòîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî. Òåìíî. Íåò ñâåòà. Íî Âû îùóùàåòå ýòî ïðîñòðàíñòâî è ïûòàåòåñü îùóòèòü ñåáÿ â ýòîì ïðîñòðàíñòâå. Ó Âàñ ñîçäà¸òñÿ ÷óâñòâî, ÷òî Âû êàê áû ïàðèòå â âîçäóõå. Äëÿ Âàñ ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ îïðåäåëåíèå ïðîñòðàíñòâà, â êîòîðîì Âû îêàçàëèñü. Ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ òî, ÷òî ïîä Âàìè, òî, ÷òî íàä Âàìè. Ïåðåä Âàìè áåñêîíå÷íîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî.

Ïîÿñíåíèå ê óïðàæíåíèþ ¹1.    
Âñ¸ ïðîñòî. Ïðîñëåäèòå çà ñâîèìè äåéñòâèÿìè. Òî, ÷òî Âû ñäåëàëè, ìîæíî îïèñàòü ñëåäóþùèì îáðàçîì. Âû ïîñëàëè ñâîþ ìûñëü â ïóñòîòó, êîòîðàÿ äî ýòîãî íå èìåëà ìåñòà. Âû ñîçäàëè ýòó ïóñòîòó. Ïûòàÿñü îùóòèòü ýòî ïðîñòðàíñòâî, Âû ïðîòèâîïîñòàâèëè ñåáÿ ýòîé ïóñòîòå, ïðèäàâ åé ôîðìó, ïðèíöèïû îáðàçîâàíèÿ, íàäåëèâ å¸ ñâîéñòâàìè. Òàê Âû ñîçäàëè ïðîñòðàíñòâî.  ýòîì ïðîñòðàíñòâå Âû ñìîãëè óñòàíîâèòü ïðèâû÷íûå Âàì êîîðäèíàòû. Òåïåðü Âû îùóòèëè òî, ÷òî íàõîäèëîñü íàä Âàìè, ïîä Âàìè è ðÿäîì ñ Âàìè.
Âû ñîçäàëè íåêèé íåðåàëüíûé ìèð. Êàê ìíîãèå èç ïîäîáíûõ ýòîìó ìèðó, ñîçäàííûé Âàìè ìèð ñóùåñòâóåò òîëüêî ïîêà Âû äóìàåòå î í¸ì, õðàíèòå åãî â ñâî¸ì ñîçíàíèè. Îí íå ïðîñóùåñòâóåò äîëãî. Íî äàæå òî êîðîòêîå âðåìÿ ñâîåãî ñóùåñòâîâàíèÿ, îí áóäåò ðåàëüíûì äëÿ ñåáÿ. Îí áóäåò ìèðîì.
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Old Dood

Great...just great!
Even my son that has taken 5 years of Russian would take some serious time to read all of that....
Time will Tell...


Yes, thanks, that clears it all up!   :-D

God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda