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Phasing Question

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I have read the FAQs for phasing; however, I would still like to clarify one thing if anyone knows the answer.  Is preferable to focus on the area between your brow while attempting to phase?  I ask this because focusing on this area is the only way for me to achieve the 3d blackness state accompanied by the heart-rush sensations.  Or, is it really just as simple as not focusing on anything but just being aware of everything that happens?  Thanks for any input.


If what you are doing is working for you, I see no reason why you should stop.
What may not work for others may work for you, and vice versa.

It's okay to tweak techniques.

Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


That's just it though, I wouldn't say that it exactly works because I can never go beyond the 3d blackness via focusing on the area between my brow because of the strong heart-rush sensations as well as rapid-eye-fluttering sensations...


If you are feeling any physical sensations (rapid hear beat and fluttering eyes), then you are not as far as you need to be to phase. I've never broken it down in to minute steps like Frank and others have done, because soon after I hit 3D blackness, everything goes pretty quickly for me. But you want to completely forget about your body. Your awareness should be totally focused on the 3D blackness and what you want to do. If you are in or near the 3D blackness and still aware of your body, you won't be able to go any further. The principle of phasing is shifting your consciousness/awareness to a different focus. You cannot do that if your still even partially focused on the physical.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


QuoteI have read the FAQs for phasing; however, I would still like to clarify one thing if anyone knows the answer. Is preferable to focus on the area between your brow while attempting to phase?

If you are tired enough you can directly focus on the midbrow. But if you are well rested it may be counterproductive depending on your mental activity and involvement in other conscious focuses. Basically it would keep your cortex fairly active whereas you want to shut it down.

The 3D blackness is the same state for the visually inclined as the expanded energy body for those who concentrate on whole body sensations. One can access this state by putting pressure on the temples or by breathing into the navel regio. Both are associated to the temporal lobes, theta generation and the expansion of the energy body.

Then you are ready to roll out and have an OBE or you can internalize into the central channel and propel yourself upward. This is where the ajna chakra comes into view. Although the midbrow and ajna center superimposes onto each other they belong to different layers of the energy body.

To fully access the chakra system you have to internalise into the central channel at first. Focusing onto the midbrow center is a way to keep your frontal lobe active and your waking consciousness stable in a state where sensory and cognitive experiences converge. It's the ideal focus to center and instruct yourself before the real attempt.
