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Sheer terror

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I woke up at 6am this morning experiencing a supernatural fear. I hadn't been dreaming, but I was partially aware of being asleep. Anyway the fear I felt was unbelievably extreme. I've dealt with negs before, and some frighten me, but I've never felt anything like this before. It was as though I'd done something to REALLY tinkle off God while minimally conscious, and his full attention was on me. I think it also felt like I woke up during something I wasn't meant to witness? I wasn't paralysed, so it couldn't be sleep paralysis... but maybe it was a night terror? Ugh... it felt horrible.

Anybody else do this?



Several times as a child, yes... I remember seeing a hell-type of place and this "demon" there, feeling intense fear of which I never felt to this day... I remember him (or a voice at least) tell some kind of "joke" in this sinister, tantalizing tone of which I'll never forget... the joke itself had no relevance to me directly, and didn't make any sense, but the context of it was horrifying to say the least... I was scared to fall asleep after that episode... but a while after that I had a dream where some older woman communicated with me... she was very comforting and basically gave me the message I had nothing to worry about, directly refering to the fear I associated with that experience. If these were just dreams or projections I can't say for sure...


yeah, I know the feeling. Total fear. Some spirits are fear and terror personified and you'll feel it when they are close.
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.


Quote from: dingo on January 13, 2009, 11:42:01
I woke up at 6am this morning experiencing a supernatural fear. I hadn't been dreaming, but I was partially aware of being asleep. Anyway the fear I felt was unbelievably extreme. I've dealt with negs before, and some frighten me, but I've never felt anything like this before. It was as though I'd done something to REALLY tinkle off God while minimally conscious, and his full attention was on me. I think it also felt like I woke up during something I wasn't meant to witness? I wasn't paralysed, so it couldn't be sleep paralysis... but maybe it was a night terror? Ugh... it felt horrible.

Anybody else do this?

This sounds like a 'dweller in the threshold' experience to me.  Not dweller as entity, but as undifferentiated energy that tickles your amygdala and causes visceral fear.  This is thought to be caused by your own expanded energy causing a feedback with your physical body.


Quote from: CFTraveler on January 13, 2009, 16:47:59
This sounds like a 'dweller in the threshold' experience to me.  Not dweller as entity, but as undifferentiated energy that tickles your amygdala and causes visceral fear.  This is thought to be caused by your own expanded energy causing a feedback with your physical body.

I'm a bit confused by what a "dweller in the threshold" is. Googling turns up results that talk about initiations and seems to imply it's an internal struggle about a change of habbit... and doesn't seem to mention anything about energy feedback. But I was doing a lot of energy work a few hours earlier, and I had tried to RV a past life. Maybe it's telling me I'm not ready for this yet? Hmm... I'm still pretty confused.



The 'Dweller on the Threshold' is an ancient idea and has been interpreted in many ways.  I gave you the energetic definition, but I'll go through all the ones that I know-
Basically it can be an entity or an energy, depends on how deeply in trance you are.  When it looks like an entity it can look like anything, from an archetypal hooded being with red eyes,to almost anyone.  I once had a terrifying experience with an entity that looked just like Rodney Dangerfield, with glowy red eyes.  And I'm not kidding either.
Many schools of thought about it:
Some see it as a 'Guardian'- a Being that will not allow you to enter some gateway or level.  It usually manifests when you are having sleep paralysis or when you wake from a dream and are still in the hypnopompic stage.  In this case it can be called a Hypnopomp.
Some schools of thought see it as an independent entity that is there to keep you from projecting.
Other schools see it as an aspect of yourself that is keeping you from entering on 'forbidden territory' forbidden by your own self because it may be more than you can handle.
The self aspect can also be a teaching entity- it can for example examine some specific fear you have (or belief) and run simulations until you 'get over it'.  I have had this experience also so I know it can happen.  I also 'passed that one test' and never had it again- making me think there is some validity to this idea.
The other is the negative entity- I don't believe in this aspect at the moment, because I have tested this and it hasn't turned out to be so.
The definition of Dweller as energy feedback is my favorite, mainly because I have tested it many times and succeeded.
Mainly, the way to test this as energy is to pinpoint where the fear is coming from (your own projecting energy field) and to go towards it.  If you're paralyzed and terrified this can be very difficult, but it can be done.  Simply try to get up to go towards the energy (not away from it) and if it's an entity challenge it, make it come towards you (if you can't move).  Jump it.  You will find yourself projected, confused, bobbing around the room.  Then get away from your body as soon as possible, before you get sucked back in.


Thanks, I think I understand now.



Sounds horrible. Have had similar also.

I think if you do get the chance to confront the energy, it will disappear as im not sure about 'negs' either.


Aye it has happens to me quite a bit when I wake up half asleep. Do you ever get the feeling your there but your not? If so you could be between projecting and not and the feeling of fear is keeping you from leaving your body.
One Bad Day. Thats what separates me from the rest of the world. Just One Bad Day...


Not sure if this is relevant but one night I thought I woke up in my bed an it was either "supposed to be me" or it wasn't sitting on the side of my bed while I dreamt I was laying in bed. The figure was like a body sitting in a fetal position and it was all dark gray-black looking. Then another shadowy figure came out of it and went into the air and floated down the hall, for some reason this scared me ALOT, so I started yelling for someone, but then woke up in my real bed. I thought I woke up and was seeing this thing first though. Sure was scary.