The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: PeacefulWarrior on January 01, 2003, 14:45:06

Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on January 01, 2003, 14:45:06
I look forward to reading this book...I subscribe to the belief that all ills, whether they be psychological or physiological, are linked to evil spirits/"negs" sounds far fetched until you really study and meditate about it and then it's simply obvious...

fides quaerens intellectum
Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Adrian on January 01, 2003, 16:33:23
Greetings PeacefulWarrior,

Yes you are right - once people can understand that the physical brain is simply a receiver for thoughts, inspiration, will etc. then it becomes obvious that these can be potentially be disrupted or even blocked from higher levels by negative beings and influences. These factors are fundamentally important when dealing with negative or unwanted influences. Many "negs" feed off such emotions as fear, hate, depression, anger etc., and in order to obtain their next meal, they set about creating the conditions and influences in a person in order to cause that person to manifest those emotions upon which to feed. Astral "larvae" also feed off such emotions - they generally do not create the state of mind through influence, but they thrive nevertheless. And then there are the more advanced basic being called "schemata" that can be attracted to, and feed from sexual energies.

My only slight problem with the book is the use of the word "sorcery" in its title. I haven't read the book yet, but it seems to me to have very little to do with sorcery which is performed by those individuals trying to make use of  univeral laws, usually for there own benefit, but without understanding the factors that pertain to those laws, or having the necessary equilibrium to use them effectively or responsibly. I think that the author of this book was influenced by the use of the word "sorcery" by Carlos Castenada.

In any case, this book does indeed look truly exceptional, and most imporantly comes from a person who has real life experience in all of its aspects. I suspect that it will be extremely relevant to phasing as well.

With best regards,


Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Gandalf on January 04, 2003, 07:44:05
I was always aceptical as to whether 'negative' beings/energies exist and can feed off of you, I think that the majority of 'negative beings' you encounter by obe are manifistations of personal fear and so on.
However, this doesnt mean that 'negative' beings do NOT exist. Perhaps they do. (by negative, I mean that the being in question is not very healthy for you to be around!)
I think the 'like attracts like' rule applies here in that people like Frank, Ginny and so on are unlikely to ever encounter them as they are not driven by 'negative' emotions whether people who are (cf psychic defence forum) will come across them very quickly!
For similar reasons, Frank Ginny and so on, would find the idea of astral feeders hard to accept as again this is unlikely to happen to them as such feeders would not be in the vicinity in the first place and would have nothing to latch on to...
I think that in the right circumstances this kind of thing can happen however. This does go some way to expaining ghosts and so on, and why hauntings often start with very little activity but grow in intensity as the being gains more power through feeding off the fear generated.
I can well imagine some sorry case wherby someone dies but has no knoweldge of higher astral realms and so is determined to remain attatched to the earth... perhaps by feeding of emotional energy they can generate more etheric energy to keep them grounded here... they are driven by fear themselves as they have no knoweledge of the higher realms, they think this is it.. so they will go to any lengths to stop themselves 'fading out' (although they will actually be fading 'up' but they wouldn know this and would fear it)

Of course this is all specualtion on my part, however, perhaps there is the possibility of astral feeders, and could be a problem for those who are not stable emotionaly and so on... who knows!
However, although I no longer dismiss the posibility of feeders on certain people, I still hold that the majority of scary creatures encountred during obe are fear manefestations.
But who's to say that there isnt something behind even this who eyes up your fear manefestation and thinks 'hmm... lunch!)


Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Do on January 04, 2003, 18:40:27
I agree with Gandalf heartily when he says that most negative entities encountered while OB are personal projections (I'm paraphrasing here).  Although it's cold comfort when confronted with a terrifying situation OB, the fact is that it may be 'designed' for us to confront a deep-seated fear or a 'split-off' part of our personality that needs to be integrated.  This is what I'd consider first when trying to understand my own experience of "negs" when out-of-body.  Of course, as Gandalf says, when encountering negs that may not be personal projections, like attracts like.

That said, I truly feel that evil exists and it is not merely the "absence of good."  I think that we put ourselves in great jeopardy, whether in or out of body (probably more when in our bodies than when out) when we are not willing to accept this.  Forewarned is forearmed in this case.  Gandalf writes:

"I can well imagine some sorry case whereby someone dies but has no knowledge of higher astral realms and so is determined to remain attached to the earth... perhaps by feeding off emotional energy they can generate more etheric energy to keep them grounded here... they are driven by fear themselves as they have no knowledge of the higher realms, they think this is it.. so they will go to any lengths to stop themselves 'fading out' (although they will actually be fading 'up' but they wouldn't know this and would fear it)"

I think this is an important understanding for us to have.  It surely is one of the prime reasons to explore out-of-body and in other nonphysical states of consciousness now so that we are able ultimately to transcend the physical-based realms (both physical life as we know it while living and the physical-based astral dimensions).
Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Fat_Turkey on January 15, 2003, 15:09:48
Such negative beings do exist. In fact those people who practice using the energy Ki or the energy Psi (or both) tend to be haunted by such beings when practicing at night. Creatures such as Phantoms and Greys (the little alien things. Big heads, huge eyes, skinny necks and limbs, tiny bodies. Thought to be aliens, but really are evil spirits that dwell in the Astral Planes) are attracted to a signature given off quite noticeably when one practices the energy. Even more so, the chances of being haunted by those creatures increases if you're not very happy while you're practicing using the energy.

I'm looking forward to this book, and with the possibility that it could contribute to phasing will really be helpful to my studies.
Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Brian Hacking on January 28, 2003, 11:26:42
I have found that in the early phases of my development with Chi and Meditation,  that I encountered what I expected to encounter or What I was focusing on.    I was training in Martial Arts (Imperial Chi Kung) and Meditating every day.   At first I encountered many beings that always attacked me and wanted to fight.   I went to tournaments (on the other side)  and extra Kung-Fu classes also.

After about 2-3 years I noticed a sharp decrease from confrotational content while doing AP and Lucid dreaming to doing 'retrievals' - as my focus shifted from the physical aspects of the martial arts to peacful applications.  

Now I havn't rarely fight anyone or anything while in the Astral OR Dream planes.  

Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Adrian on January 28, 2003, 13:29:20
Greetings Brian!

Welcome to the Astral Pulse forums.

Indeed your experiences demonstrate that beyond the physical world, thought and intent translates to perception and action. Because you were trained in martial arts, you initially attracted martial arts type confrontational situations.

I am sure that the source of many "negs" are either peoples overt fears in the Astral, or more likely fears that are rooted in the subconscious and which come to the surface and manifest in the Astral.

Could you please advise us as to your own methods of Astral projection? They certainly seem very effective based upon the experiences you describe.

I am also interested in the sort of meditation and duration your martial arts required.

Thanks again.

With best regards,

Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Brian Hacking on January 29, 2003, 17:45:18
Thanks for the warm welcome.  I've been lurking here for a while and just can't be quiet anymore.  

My conscious experience with the traveling, dreamwalking, and lucid dreaming began about 3 years after I had been taking Imperial Chi-Kung/Golden Praying Mantis Kung Fu.   This system relies heavily on Chi (Ki\Prana\Energy, and I guess PSI are the other terms for this).   It is a totally relaxed, fluid, soft style martial art.

In the development process of this martial art, meditation is an important part.  Specifically Visualizing/Feeling the forms and moves that we practice, and mind calming exercises.   I had not been seriously meditating for the majority of time that I was taking classes, so I guess I had just been meditating for about 6 months when it all began.

The first thing that happened to me was I began remembering dreams that were in a class (kung-fu) setting.  Specifically with other member s of the class and my teacher.  It was not so much as I began dreaming of class, I just began remembering the dreams.   These dreams were always very vivid and informative.  It even got to the point that I was learning moves in the dream state, and often was very surprised when during the next class, we learned the movements/sets in the 'real' class.

After this had been happening for a while, I approached some of my classmates about these dreams, I really had no idea what to expect.  To my surprise after I would say one detail, the other members of the class (who were in my dreams) would then proceed to fill in the details.

Well it seems as if the higher students were aware of these night activities, but it was never talked about 'in the open' until the person (me or another student) breached the subject first.    In other words it isn't talked about except with those who also experience it.

These dreams then came with more regularity - 2-3 times a month. To once a week, to twice a week.  Over the next year.  We would not only have classes together, but also would go on trips and have fun very often also.

We would go skiing, swimming, hiking, etc.. All on the dream plane.   I came to the conclusion that one of two things was happening.

Other things happened also, we would be walking along,  when we would be attacked by other beings,  which we would then have to fight off.  Or we would be going to martial arts tournaments.

1. Either I was just sharing dreams with people I cared about and were on the same mental level as I.
2. I was traveling astrally with a group of friends to different astral planes.

At this point it didn't really matter which to me,  it was real and I knew that I was actually experiencing what I thought I was.   This was verified time and time again.   We would throw a party and have all types of food there,   and without consulting one another would write down what everyone ate,  and 8 of 10 items matched exactly.

Then I started experimenting.

I would wake up in a dream, or become lucid, (usually by becoming aware that I was flying or doing something that was not 'allowed' in the physical reality) and then switch my awareness back to the physical.

The dreamscape would go away and I would be in my body.  From that point I could shift to whatever dreamscape I wanted.

 -- please note that I could not always do this,  I was just learning how to control my dreams, etc

After a while (6 months or so),  I was occasionally able to phase mentally from my meditative state.   Well,  to make a long story a little shorter,  I was meditating one night on my couch,  when I became aware that it felt like my heart was beating very rapidly,  I then became aware of a pressure stating to build on the crown of my head,  it peaked and then it felt like a shock ran down my head to my feet and then back up again,  like a jolt of electricity but without pain.  I was still fairly calm,   and had a thought 'Hmmm,  that's interesting,  I wonder what's going on....  hmm..."   It was a calm observational feeling that was in me,  so I just continued to observe.    The energy stated to build again,  then it shot down my body and back up again,   then I noticed that it was starting to sync up with my Heart.   It was weird though,  I could hear my heart beating,  fairly slowly,  not that hard,  but at the same time it felt like it was beating wildly,  and VERY hard.   I also noticed at around this time that I could see the room around me,  it was dark,  but I could see just fine,  it was kind of like there was a full moon out and I could see fairly well.   But without a light source.

Anyway  several minutes of this passed,  and I thought  'Well,  that's enough for one night of meditating,   I'm finished."  At which point I sat up, swing my legs to the floor and sat on the couch.   It was at this point that I became aware of something strange....   to my right were my feet,  and to my left was my head.   but I could feel my feet on the floor beneath me.   I stood up and started to turn around when -- WHAM!!  I was snapped back into my body....  I went from standing up to laying back down in the position that I was in while meditating. It was like a rubber band snapping back into position.

'Huh,  that was weird"  I thought,  still fairly calm.   I sat up again, but this time something different happened.   I 'split' into two perceptions,   I had two full sets of sight, feeling, sound, everything.  I was lying down,  watching myself stand up and start to turn around,  and I was Standing up looking at the room.  It's very hard to explain.  I  was in two places at once.

Well,  I once again was snapped back into my body as I started to turn around again.

I immediately sat up again,  turned around,  and looked at myself lying down,  starting at my feet.  I again got the distance perception of having two bodies,  two minds,  and two COMPLETE sets of perceptions at the same time.  I was lying there,  watching myself stand up, turn around and looking at my feet then my knees, etc..  and I was standing up looking at myself laying down on the couch.   well  needless to say I looked at my face(s) and immediately my gaze locked onto my own eyes.  That's when thing got really odd,  I was locked into looking at my own eyes,  and my perception started 'bouncing' back and forth between lying down and standing up.    emotions and feelings started compounding and multiplying and getting faster and faster.   I then locked my main perception back into the me that was standing back squeezed my eyes shut and 'wrenched' my gaze away from my other self.   Very odd...

Everything calmed down and I was once again standing there in the strangely lit room.   I turned to walk into the kitchen and took a step.  I then 'stretched'  and stepped through the wall,  through the back door and was standing in the back yard.  (about 50 feet away).

I thought  'huh,  ok,  I didn't mean to step that far but that's ok'  jumped and flew over the town and up into the mountains.  After this everything got fuzzy.

Anyway that was the first time that I projected consciously.  

After this experience I went searching for 'reliable' sources on astral projection and came upon many articles written about it.  But none of them matched what I experienced until I read Robert's Treatise on Astral Projection.  Where he had a section on Astral Feedback.   If I remember correctly,  this was about 7 years ago...    95 or 96..  don't remember exactly when,  but I remember reading his stuff and going -OMG  someone that is for real!

Anyway,  that's enough for one post.  I will post more later if you wish.

Thanks for listening,

If you want I can post more of my experiences.   I want to post a couple topics about Dreams/philosophy etc...

Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: James S on January 30, 2003, 14:38:05
Hi All,

Yesterday when I looked at this topic, I started to compose a somewhat lengthy reply as to why I do not consider negs to be the big issue that many seem to so troubled with. I considered almost all causes to be within the relm of normal human control, or something that a bit of healthy introspection and positive action could resolve.

Before I actually posted my comment I came under personal attack (not physical) from someone I would have considered a friend, in a way that was out of the blue, totally unjustified, unreasonable and completely without provocation. So yes, I do agree that negs can have a definite influence on the actions of people. A rather nasty way of learning this point, but it got my attention!

I have looked at the two excerpts from Esmeralda's book, and I do believe it would be well worth the small price she is asking for it. Her writings in the second excerpt definitely struck a chord within me. This is information well worth knowing, even if for no other reason than to stop unprovoked attacks.

Thanks Adrian and thanks Robert for bringing it to light.

Title: The Path: Book review by Robert Bruce
Post by: Adrian on January 01, 2003, 03:51:08
Greetings everyone,

Herewith is a book review by Robert Bruce, and which he has asked me to post here. The book appears to encompass so much of relevance to members, that I am posting this in several forums.

Please feel free to respond to this post with your own comments and observations.

With best regards,


Book Review, by Robert Bruce:

"THE PATH: a practical approach to sorcery" by Esmeralda Arana.

Price: $12.95
ISBN: 0-595-21299-9
Publisher: Writer's Showcase, 2002
Also available as an e-book via author's website.

"THE PATH is a veritable treasure trove of insight into the dynamic nature of human consciousness and the greater reality, and of course into the mysterious interaction between these two great extremes: between us imperfect human beings and our higher selves, between the mortal and the divine, and between human minds and unseen negative influences. Full of hope and of practical ways to overcome negative urges and influences.  Well thought out and beautifully written.  Outstanding and highly recommended reading!"

Robert Bruce


website description:

How much of a role do unseen negative influences play in our lives? More
than you could possibly imagine. These influences are responsible for
addictive disorders, chronic depression, mental illness, accelerated
aging, obesity and conflict on a world wide scale. Learn practical tools aimed
at revamping your lifestyle in order to resist these influences and to
live a life of peace, balance and serenity.

Book description and blurbs:

'The Path' is a book about alcoholism, recovery, astral projection,
sorcery and 'The Matrix'. It is the most unusual self-help book you will
ever read. How much of a role do unseen negative forces play in our
lives? More than you could possible imagine. Learn practical techniques
to reclaim your true mind and the magick lying dormant within you.

"The Path: A Practical Approach to Sorcery" is a very realistic glimpse
into the true meaning and purpose of a Sorcerer's journey. With
breathtaking visualization and a deep level of understanding, Arana
exposes the reader to the discipline of a Sorcery apprenticeship".
Thunder Strikes, Twisted Hair Naqual Elder, Author, Song of the Deer.

"Fresh New Insights Into Sorcery, Addiction & Perception
Esmeralda Arana's educational and entertaining book, THE PATH, is packed
with amazing revelations about the similarities between the Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) Twelve Step Program, Carlos Castaneda's Warrior's Way,
Robert Monroe's Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), and Gurdjieff's concept
of hypnotic sleep. The key to transforming your life is in transforming
your perception of reality. You can change channels in your life from
one reality to another just like changing channels on TV, by tuning in
to a different perceptual station with sufficient energy and intent.
Arana describes her fascinating experiences with lucid dreaming and some
of the side-effects of lucid dreaming (such as hearing voices, and
knowing intimate and seemingly unknowable details about others). THE
PATH is intensely practical and transformative. I highly recommend this
book for its excellent down-to-Earth writing, original ideas, and
fascinating insights into how you can make small shifts in perception in
order to make big changes in your life". Cynthia Sue Larson, Editor,
Reality Shifters ezine.