The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: pulseless on May 27, 2006, 06:09:57

Title: The Third Eye
Post by: pulseless on May 27, 2006, 06:09:57
Any Good links to where I can find complete information regarding how to open my third eye and use it during an astral projection from meditation?
Title: The Third Eye
Post by: Job on May 28, 2006, 05:03:01

This method can be used for learning to exercise that chakra naturally at will. There are other mantras which can be used to stimulate the other chakras, but I didn't post them (once chakral stimulation is learned mantras might be less necessary).

The third eye chakra isn't for astral projection though. There is another chakra for that.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Kodemaster on August 07, 2006, 17:47:39
Hi Job:

I fixed the link you posted, as the URL structure changed when the forum changed over.


Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Gandalf on August 12, 2006, 11:44:04
The third eye is not the chakra used for astral projection.

The correct chakra is the heart chakra.

People who experience astral projection for the first time frequently report how they feel their heart pounding at such a rate that their chest would explode. While a racing heart is to be expected, in fact the sensation is actually the heart chakra or energy centre opening up and generating the required energy for the real time projection. The chakra has to create a temporary second body (or ethereal body) for the duration of the experience.

I have felt this the first time I ever attempted projection so i speak from personal experience, the power of the heart chakra at full tilt can be a terrifying experience if you don't know what is going on. I certainly felt like my chest was going to explode!

Funnily enough, in later experiences i dont experience the sensation as much, but I think a lot if it has to do with your focus of awareness. You typically do not experience this sensation during 'phasing' where you are transitioning to the astral proper and there is no need for an etherial body. The second body is only generated for real time physical projections.

Anyway, next time you feel this, try not to worry about it. It is perfectly natural and is not in any way harmful, but it can distract you so you need to keep focused.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Nostic on August 12, 2006, 17:30:48
The 3rd eye can be used for projection. So I suspect that any chakra can be used.
I have experienced projecting through my 3rd eye. You mentioned Gandalf that your heart feels like it's going to explode when exiting through the heart chakra. I've never experienced that, but similarly, when you project through the 3rd eye, it can be a bit uncomfortable- like something in your head might just burst; somewhat painful, but not intolerable- at least not in my experience.
Maybe it's because I'm a such a mental person that I've been able to project through my 3rd eye. I'm always in my head, thinking, contemplating. Perhaps you are more of a "heart person". I dunno.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Gandalf on August 12, 2006, 21:52:30
Fair enough, other chakras may be utilised, but I would certainly recommend the heart chakra for projection. however, this is only advice, use whatever you feel comfortable with.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Orygbus on August 13, 2006, 01:54:28
I read somewhere that RB suspect that the throat chakra might be highly associated with AP......Although I can't AP yet, I have not notice anything with my throat, although I have noticed the heart chakra.....
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: upstream on August 13, 2006, 03:09:55
In my experiences, there are two set of energy centers associated with OBE and being in the body, respectively. I'm not clairvoyant so not sure that all of these centers are indeed chakras, but I often call them so because of their position.

Solar plexus, neck, and the point above the head is strongly associated with going OB, having RTZ projection, or projecting directly into the astral. It's also a sensory triad that consists the focal point of the sometosensory, auditory and the visual system, in this order, as apparently, concentration on these centers entails the better manipulation of these sensory modalities as well.

On the other hand, the geometric centers of the three cavities, pelvis, chest and head seem to be associated with being in the body, as well as at the edge of it, inducing vibrations and sleep paralysis. This IBE triad seems to be a projection of the reticular system from brainstem to cortex.

Leaving behind the waking consciousness by any means coincides with an orchestrated shift between the two triad respective members and entails the shift of hara/genital chakra to solar plexus, chest to neck, middle of the head to the point above the head. Depending on where awareness focuses within the triad the result will be experienced as either etheric/bioplasmic OBE, projection to the collective dream plane (RTZ projection) or phasing into the astral.

The third eye regio is very amibigious. When we deal with the head region, brain centers and their representations within the inner body image are in close spatial relation. Usually, what people feel as third eye is the frontal lobe, which is the focal point of the brain bounded waking consciousness but the center in the middle of the head also projects here.

When you submerge your focal point from between your eyes to the middle of your head you also switch to the OBE persepctive and to the inner body image. From this perspecive this shift seems to happen from the middle of your head to a point above.

I know this sound confusing, but the head regio is the only part of the triads where the switch can be directly encouraged, by point shift. In some extent, the direct switch works at the hara/sola plexus regio as well, as of flying upwards in the body, but doesn't seem to help if I'm not already close to paralysis. Therefore, still, the best way to switch between triads is to manipulate associated sensory systems.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: EqualThoughts on August 18, 2006, 17:08:34
hey guys i am new to this forum this is my first post, however, i have been attempting lucid dreaming and astral projection for about half a year now and i have only one experience which i beleive was a very short lived obe. it happened when i awoke from a dream and did not move, however felt a waving kind of feeling in the center of my chest and stomach, which was followed by a rushing, static like feeling growing stronger and stronger throughout my body, after this i streamed out of my third eye and looked at my room, it wasnt painful or anything, and when i looked at my room it looked a dark grey colour but everything had a silvery outline. after this quick glance it ended, and i awoke.

Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Gandalf on August 18, 2006, 19:39:32
Yes Equalthoughts, an excellent example of the energy sensations assiociated with a projection into the physical zone.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: dotster on October 09, 2006, 16:23:26

All of the chakras are used for astral projection, just as the are for anything else. they are all "intwined" if you will. One of them by it self could not rightly function without the rest of them. They are all conected. You do not astral project and just "take" one of them with you or just use ONE. You are made up of many diferent "bodies" and one of these are the astal body. When you go to sleep, or you are preparing to AP, your energy body/field is expanding so that it may store and balance energy. At its fully extended state, chakras start releasing energy into, which becomes etheric matter. During this period, your astral body seperates (and that is truley a terrible word, because it is still very much connected.) and this is when dreaming/OBE's occur. Your chakra's are, again "intwined" not only to eachother, but to all residing bodies as well. They have seperate functions, yes, but they all feed (meaning communicate, and transfer enrgy) off of eachother. This is a common problem when first starting to AP. A person's chakra's might be unbalanced. For example, there is a man named Bob. Bob is new to all of this OBE, AP whatever you wish to call it. Now all of Bob's Chakra's are in decent working condition except for his solar plexus, where there is a slight blockage of energy. Well, Bob has a problem. Chakra's cant fully communicate and transfer energy. This is a reason that it takes a lot of people so long to start AP'ng. Now Bob doesn't know about this energy blockage, because he is just not sensitive to that sort of thing (yet), but aftter relentless devotion and practice, Bob manages to AP. He has subsonciously gotten rid of his blockade. He has let his subconcious mind know what he intends to do, and that he intends to do it, and his subconcious "see's" the effort, and nurtures of the problem.

Don't misunderstand the chakra system though, it is far wider than most tend to realize. Yes, there are 7 basic chakras, but there are also countless others.

Hope this helps. This is all just my personal oppinion, that has been handed down to me, and that i have discovered through personal experience.

Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: gangta on October 09, 2006, 17:40:49
well is th 3rd eye the main or most powerful chakra because as far as i know its the only one i use and in my lifetime ive been able to see the future,astral project,see other planes while in the physical,sporatically hear peoples thoughts,and things like that. im sure it was the third eye because i would get a pulse in my head first
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: dotster on October 09, 2006, 17:56:29
no, not neccesarily the main or most powerfull, but it is the chakra most commonly known, and used. but as mentioned above, it would'nt function without the other chakras. that's where it drawls it's energy from. they all function together. some of this infromation is gathered from other chakras as well, and they are all incorporated and interpreted by the brain as a concievable thought, so that you recognize the data. you are correct though, that the 3rd eye is the one most commonly thought to be utilized independently.

Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Vvid1012 on October 09, 2006, 22:57:52
Quote from: dotster on October 09, 2006, 16:23:26

All of the chakras are used for astral projection, just as the are for anything else. they are all "intwined" if you will. One of them by it self could not rightly function without the rest of them. They are all conected. You do not astral project and just "take" one of them with you or just use ONE. You are made up of many diferent "bodies" and one of these are the astal body. When you go to sleep, or you are preparing to AP, your energy body/field is expanding so that it may store and balance energy. At its fully extended state, chakras start releasing energy into, which becomes etheric matter. During this period, your astral body seperates (and that is truley a terrible word, because it is still very much connected.) and this is when dreaming/OBE's occur. Your chakra's are, again "intwined" not only to eachother, but to all residing bodies as well. They have seperate functions, yes, but they all feed (meaning communicate, and transfer enrgy) off of eachother. This is a common problem when first starting to AP. A person's chakra's might be unbalanced. For example, there is a man named Bob. Bob is new to all of this OBE, AP whatever you wish to call it. Now all of Bob's Chakra's are in decent working condition except for his solar plexus, where there is a slight blockage of energy. Well, Bob has a problem. Chakra's cant fully communicate and transfer energy. This is a reason that it takes a lot of people so long to start AP'ng. Now Bob doesn't know about this energy blockage, because he is just not sensitive to that sort of thing (yet), but aftter relentless devotion and practice, Bob manages to AP. He has subsonciously gotten rid of his blockade. He has let his subconcious mind know what he intends to do, and that he intends to do it, and his subconcious "see's" the effort, and nurtures of the problem.

Don't misunderstand the chakra system though, it is far wider than most tend to realize. Yes, there are 7 basic chakras, but there are also countless others.

Hope this helps. This is all just my personal oppinion, that has been handed down to me, and that i have discovered through personal experience.

To go along with this, I would theorize that its different for all people because people seems to have their chakras resonating differently than others.  Perhaps it is somehow associated with attaining that resonant frequency(science terms I know)that we call astral to coincide within it... hence the vibes we naturally feel...perhaps a form of harmonics.. ?
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: dotster on October 10, 2006, 15:13:07
i would definitley be in accordance with you on that Vvid.

i would also note that there are more chakras that extend far beyond the body that most people don't tend to realize, and aspectes of astral projection corelate with these chakras also.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Vvid1012 on October 11, 2006, 00:24:38
What do you mean extend far beyond the body?  Are you referring body to the phsyical realm? or in everything?  Both?
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: andonitxo on October 11, 2006, 06:46:55
I've had different semi outings. But I've always experienced the same things: sometimes from the feet and others from the forehead.

And I noted no heart beating when it happened. It all went really smooth and I felt like a balloon floating while being held by a child. I felt a subtle wind flowing through me and my body seemed as made of air.

The technique used was improvised, I mean my own mind provoked it and I took advantage of it. I imagined I was like an electron, orbiting around a nucleus and being thrown toward it and apart from it in a yo-yo movement. That to and fro took me to a semi projection state.

Other time I was practicing with one of Mr Monroe's tapes, and after getting asleep accidentally I "woke up" in the middle of the so called vibrations. Due to that was my first experience with them I went nervous and they just stopped. But the vibes were all around, as if my surroundings were full of vibes (not my own body).

And when I had my first lucid dream (what a experience!) I was just litterally sucked from my bed, down through a tube, till I get to the "body" I had in the dream. So to say, first I was in my dream body, suddenly I realized I was dreaming, in a second I felt myself on bed and being sucked abruptly and "down the earth", and finally my body clashed my dream body and they melt together, giving me total control over the dream stage. Quite weird, isn't it? ;-)

But there's an important fact about heart chakra. I've felt fear when I've sensed I was going to have a projection. And that fear has produced a nervousness that has ruined the experience. When you work on your heart chakra you feel but love, infinite love and a feeling that makes you want to help humanity. That dissolves any fear in your mind, because you just don't worry about yourself but about others. So I guess that inundating your body with your heart's chakra's energy is a great help to project.

Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: dotster on October 11, 2006, 15:46:05
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: CFTraveler on October 11, 2006, 16:26:46
Quote from: upstream on August 13, 2006, 03:09:55
In my experiences, there are two set of energy centers associated with OBE and being in the body, respectively. I'm not clairvoyant so not sure that all of these centers are indeed chakras, but I often call them so because of their position.

Solar plexus, neck, and the point above the head is strongly associated with going OB, having RTZ projection, or projecting directly into the astral. It's also a sensory triad that consists the focal point of the sometosensory, auditory and the visual system, in this order, as apparently, concentration on these centers entails the better manipulation of these sensory modalities as well.

On the other hand, the geometric centers of the three cavities, pelvis, chest and head seem to be associated with being in the body, as well as at the edge of it, inducing vibrations and sleep paralysis. This IBE triad seems to be a projection of the reticular system from brainstem to cortex.

Leaving behind the waking consciousness by any means coincides with an orchestrated shift between the two triad respective members and entails the shift of hara/genital chakra to solar plexus, chest to neck, middle of the head to the point above the head. Depending on where awareness focuses within the triad the result will be experienced as either etheric/bioplasmic OBE, projection to the collective dream plane (RTZ projection) or phasing into the astral.

The third eye regio is very amibigious. When we deal with the head region, brain centers and their representations within the inner body image are in close spatial relation. Usually, what people feel as third eye is the frontal lobe, which is the focal point of the brain bounded waking consciousness but the center in the middle of the head also projects here.

When you submerge your focal point from between your eyes to the middle of your head you also switch to the OBE persepctive and to the inner body image. From this perspecive this shift seems to happen from the middle of your head to a point above.

I know this sound confusing, but the head regio is the only part of the triads where the switch can be directly encouraged, by point shift. In some extent, the direct switch works at the hara/sola plexus regio as well, as of flying upwards in the body, but doesn't seem to help if I'm not already close to paralysis. Therefore, still, the best way to switch between triads is to manipulate associated sensory systems.
Upstream- when are you going to write a book and what is it going to be called?  I know I'd buy it.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: andonitxo on October 16, 2006, 05:22:57
I've had time to read the entire thread more thoroughly.

Just a note. Once I read that beyond the powers of the other chakras Mudalara is the strongest one of them all. It has three layers in order to protect its unlimited power. In fact, muladara is the seat of kundalini and it must contain her force.

In several sources you are impelled to avoid working with it due to the consequences of a premature awakening. So to say, they advice to work the rest of them, and once they're prepared Muladara itself flourishes and opens its veils so the serpent can go upward.

Its curious that relationship between the three veils of Muladara and the three ones of Isis.
Title: Re: The Third Eye
Post by: Hagethuriel on October 16, 2006, 20:06:02
Quote from: Nostic on August 12, 2006, 17:30:48
The 3rd eye can be used for projection. So I suspect that any chakra can be used.
I have experienced projecting through my 3rd eye. You mentioned Gandalf that your heart feels like it's going to explode when exiting through the heart chakra. I've never experienced that, but similarly, when you project through the 3rd eye, it can be a bit uncomfortable- like something in your head might just burst; somewhat painful, but not intolerable- at least not in my experience.
Maybe it's because I'm a such a mental person that I've been able to project through my 3rd eye. I'm always in my head, thinking, contemplating. Perhaps you are more of a "heart person". I dunno.
It is possible to project from any of the stones . I am not convinced that it is possible to project from any chakra though . Imho , the stone to project from for Astral , Etheric or RTZ OBEs is the earth stone . To project from the moon stone is a form of mystic projection .