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astral bagpipes!

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Sounds to me like "sleep school" and they were teaching you that what we call thought is a primary energy that goes to creating the circumstances that surround you.


Brian Hacking

I would agree to what Frank said.  

I often have 'Sleep School' dreams.   The teaches seem to be pleased when I 'wake up' in these dreams, even though after 'waking up' it takes a few minutes to get oriented again.   It's like when I become concious my dream memory fades out and it take a few minutes to get reconnected again.

Don't know how to describe that any better.

With Love,


yas, I thought that might get your attention!

I had a weird dream last night which seemed to take the form of another one of those 'astral lessons' that I sometimes get (this was standard dream format however, I was not lucid).

I was one of a small number of people being shown around some buildings, at one point we were in the stairwell of some flats (somewhere in my area I think).
Our 'tutor' was telling us about how it is possible to create 'astral objects' through the power of thought; once created they could be quite long lasting. You could leave these astral objects anywhere and pick them up later. As an example, the tutor said that he had created an astral set of bagpipes and left them in this stairwell a while back.
As this appeared to be the RT zone, he said that such objects would be invisible to most people but those who are able to switch on their 'astral sight' should make them out. He then asked if we could see them. I couldnt at first but then, presumably after turning on my astal sight, I started to make out the outline of the pipes and they came into full view. We were then able to pick them up and play around with them.
That is all I can remember about the dream, quite odd. Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm Scottish that the object chosen was a set of bagpipes, who knows!

All for now,
"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.