Attempted Astral Projection just right now

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So here I was attempting Astral Projection and I was at that point where I couldn't feel my body but then I saw a faint image of the wall in my room with a huge creature or something in there. I know it was my room since it has the same orange wall with the illusion of it being huge bricks and there were the three mini spotlights you'd see in art galleries for paintings on the wall. Oh don't forget that I saw the brown headboard of my bed. I think I saw my body but I was far too entranced with the huge creature and I'm like wth is that.

Either way, in cases like that, I'm nearly in the exit point of my body right? So I really shouldn't be feeling too much excitement or really forcing it since it'll just cause me to tense my body. But anyway, all these progress are really encouraging for me. It's just little but hey, when I was a baby it took little stumbling steps too before I could actually walk and run.


Wow! You have made exellent progress! I have no doubt next time you achieve this state you will be able to exit. :)


Definitely getting there, no fear either from the wall creature. That shows you have the correct mindset, no fear is difficult to obtain, that's a great achievement.

Let's see how you do next time. Progress in action.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Personnally I think it was still an AP. To be able to see what you describe means you had phased if you ask me. If you get in another environment than the one that is your bedroom, then you're experiencing another reality. That monster on the wall wasn't in the ''physical'' reality, so you experienced something else. Which means your awareness was turned towards the ''astral reality''. Congratulations on your achievements!