Usage of Wave 1 & Frank's method - revisit

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Hi all,

I've only recently been exposed to Frank's writings and I have a few questions I'd really appreciate advice regarding.
1. Using Wave 1 to train yourself to attain focus 10, mind awake & body asleep - Assuming there are people here who have a perspective of a decade or so on this, would you recommend this for a beginner who has projected a few times but still is far from being able to project at will?
2. I understand from Frank's writings that he uses the wave 1 track 2 CD for training purposes only, but that the actual projection would be done (once mastery of focus 10 has been attained) without the CD, just going through the mental rundown on your own. After all, not much time for projecting during the few minutes before Monroe tells you to go back to F1. Am I correct in that?
3. What is it in the CD that's supposedly so conducive for getting to focus 10? Is it the binaural beats in the background (I seem to recall Frank not really placing so much importance to that)? Is it simply the progressive relaxation, and if so, could one just as well do a standard progressive relaxation as taught in hypnosis?
4. Any other recommendations regarding this particular training?



Welcome to the Pulse!

I've been working with The Monroe Institute's Gateway Experience tapes and cd's for 25 years and also been to several courses at the campus itself, so I am very aware of how they work for me personally and others generally. Monroe engineered his Hemispheric Synchronization process long before binaural beats were introduced but I understand that may be included within some of the tracks now. Slightly differing methods at achieving the same result and they both can work. With that said, we are all different in how we respond to this form of subtle stimulation, so you have to work with it awhile. Some get nearly instant results and reach a full Focus 10, but most of us, including me, have to work at it a bit longer. Another idea to understand, and I did not learn this until attending my first course at TMI was that all these Focus levels- 10, 12, 15, 21 and on, are not specific targets per se that you have to hit perfectly...rather they describe a 'range' of awareness or consciousness. So you can be in a low/shallow F10 and still get your work done rather than a high/deep F10 and the same rule applies to the other Focus levels. So many students, including myself for many years, struggle with frustration at not achieving what they think must be the deepest level every time, when they should just relax and work from where they are at...and sometimes there is a lesson to be learned just where they are at.


1- Yes, I would highly recommend it. If you find that you can readily achieve the state of MABA or even reasonably close, great!

2- Yes, the exercise is fairly short. If there is a Freeflow 10, then use that as it is longer or in the middle of track 2 just gently pull off the headphones/buds and stay with the F10 state you have achieved...given a few tries you will find this can easily be done without interrupting the state. Then work with an Exit technique or a Visualization or a Rundown that you have previously decided on.

3- It's likely a combination of all you have mentioned and yes, a standard hypnotic relaxation progression can get you to the same state.

4- If you have the time, do the exercise 4 or 5 times in a row with a five or ten minute break in between...this can really get you in the groove and you begin to notice more subtle aspects like differences in depth. If you have more tracks like F12 or F15 then great but don't rush to them right away. Do Focus 10 for a week or two, then each of the others for a week or two before moving on. At TMI, we do 6 to 8 sessions a day, each about 45 minutes and it can take most students two days before good things really start happening; it's like a 'ramping up' effect or getting yourself up to the right frequency. So lots of repetitions are needed for most of us.

Hope that helps!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you, @EscapeVelocity.
I myself have taken the Gateway retreat (the new virtual version), and I appreciated the experience very much indeed.
Two follow up questions:
a. What would you say is the main indicator of having achieved focus 10? I thought it was merely feeling really relaxed, but considering the times I have had success with OBE (assuming focus 10 is enought for that) which was using the wake-back-to-bed method, I tend to think much deeper relaxation and or detachment from the physical is needed (as is natural waking up from sleep, sometimes). Frank mentions focus 10 as being the stage when you can "step into" your imaginiation, ie like a proper dream. I'm not getting there at the moment listening to Wave 1...
b. Do you think Robert Monroe intented for Wave 1 to be used with the kind of visualization (mental rundown) Frank describes? I wonder about that, since that would mean the resonate tuning should be performed in mind only (probably not the way they do at TMI, right?) and not verbally and that the progressive relaxation exercise should be done not on your physical body (since you've visualized already leaving that behind at the very beginning of the track) but on your imagined body...


I've skimmed in and out of the Frank method stuff over the past 8 months or so - is this Wave 1 audio track that you guys are referencing available in like a youtube video or something? I've been thinking what I can do to be able to project during the day, in stead of at the crack of dawn when part of me just wants to sleep!


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on January 21, 2021, 17:06:15
I've skimmed in and out of the Frank method stuff over the past 8 months or so - is this Wave 1 audio track that you guys are referencing available in like a youtube video or something? I've been thinking what I can do to be able to project during the day, in stead of at the crack of dawn when part of me just wants to sleep!
Grumpy, check out this sub-forum, it's loaded with great techniques to help with a daytime shift in consciousness. It's the sub-forum you just posted in. Every single one of those techniques can be used for daytime projections. Well, except for Bedeekin's "pre-nap" method. That's a very good one. But you can only go to the well a few times on that one. Any more than that, your body gets used to what you are doing and sees it now as "routine, so it doesn't get "shocked" anymore. "Self-Hypnosis" will get you there as well.

You could use Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones as a way to "prime the pump" as well. I have used Bin Beat/Iso Tones and  Hemi-Sync in the past to actually shift, but found when the program ended, so did the experience, I then began using them before a session, just to help me shift into the proper brain frequency that was necessary to have a shift in consciousness. After awhile though, I could drop those "training wheels". I now know not only how to attune to, but also how to "recognize" those different frequencies without the "tools". I still enjoy Bin Beats and Iso Tones though. They are so relaxing. For me. they have to have some kind of musical accompaniment. I don't care for the ones that are "mono tone".

When i  was new to this practice, I came across this really bizarre Bin Beat program called "Box Nirvana 2". I had it saved on my old computer. When I upgraded to new computer, I lost all of my old files. But recently I did a youtube search and low and behold, I found it there again. It is a very unusual program with many shifts in it's sound/pitch and tempo. I have a feeling it goes through a number of "frequency" changes as well. It's almost "haunting". It is a "mono tone" program though. Here it is. Good luck and Safe Travels!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you, Lumaza, I'm going to take these for a test drive!


check out this sub-forum, it's loaded with great techniques to help with a daytime shift in consciousness.
@Lumaza - could you perhaps point us to your top three techniques for beginners? :)


Quote from: the-second-man on January 22, 2021, 05:19:34
@Lumaza - could you perhaps point us to your top three techniques for beginners? :)

They are all great. I would say "The Astral Blueprint" by Szaxx. Steps to Success by Contenteo. Definitely Frank's Phasing, The Vigil, by Major Tom and lastly my last posted technique in my Doorway thread. It all depends if you wish to learn a "direct" or "indirect" method. When you are new, "indirect" is much easier to attain favorable results. A tech like Superman's "FILD" or Cosmic Iron's "LDing for Idiots" are great indirect techniques that are very easy to do.
My Doorway tech is a direct technique that you do while fully consciously aware from the beginning to the end. The last tech I posted in that thread will definitely lead to a "sneak peek" of what can be. The same thing with the "Phantom Wiggle" thread. My Doorway techniques applies some of the things, like the use of a focus of directional motion awareness, that are found in the Phantom Wiggle thread.

If I was new, I would read them all and see which one "feels" right to me. Do the technique you read and see what happens. After a while, if you don't see favorable results, switch to another. Give it a fair chance though.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: the-second-man on January 19, 2021, 11:37:42
Hi all,

I've only recently been exposed to Frank's writings and I have a few questions I'd really appreciate advice regarding.
1. Using Wave 1 to train yourself to attain focus 10, mind awake & body asleep - Assuming there are people here who have a perspective of a decade or so on this, would you recommend this for a beginner who has projected a few times but still is far from being able to project at will?
2. I understand from Frank's writings that he uses the wave 1 track 2 CD for training purposes only, but that the actual projection would be done (once mastery of focus 10 has been attained) without the CD, just going through the mental rundown on your own. After all, not much time for projecting during the few minutes before Monroe tells you to go back to F1. Am I correct in that?
3. What is it in the CD that's supposedly so conducive for getting to focus 10? Is it the binaural beats in the background (I seem to recall Frank not really placing so much importance to that)? Is it simply the progressive relaxation, and if so, could one just as well do a standard progressive relaxation as taught in hypnosis?
4. Any other recommendations regarding this particular training?

Oh damn man... you're very much like me.  I asked ALL of these questions (and more probably!) when I was first learning this stuff.

Everyone else has done a great job answering so far!!  (you all rock! <3)

You are very much like me.  Extremely analytical minded... my ONLY advice I'd suggest is this: TURN THAT PART OF YOUR BRAIN OFF IMMEDIATELY.
One of the big things which I believe got me stuck over so many years (10+!) was over-analyzing everything... sadly, it still does haunt me from time to time.



Your questions are good ones, and they demand a deeper and finer, more subtle explanation of many points. Like Xanth pointed out, I also suffered from too much intellectual over-analysis...the answer to this is to just relax, accept where you are and 'Go With the Flow' of whatever presents itself. You may be working on a deeper F10 state and a visual of something shows up and you think it's a distraction...don't fight that...accept it and relax and just 'observe' where it takes you. That's an example.

The classic definition and indicator of achieving Focus 10 is the Mind Awake/ Body Asleep state...and it is literally that. To be honest, I've never been able to relax sufficiently, never given up enough conscious control to get there, from an awake state in the middle of the day. You mentioned WBTB and that is a great method that I have made work, the first time for me being quite by accident: I had a terrible night of gastro pains that wouldn't let me sleep so I finally propped myself upright with several pillows and gained a certain amount of relief and finally drifted off. Next thing I knew, I was awakened by someone snoring...and I realized it was me! From there I was able to make a few 'Etheric' exits, each time coming back into body and then exiting again. Then I did a couple 'Phasing' exits like Frank describes and directly entering a dream or Non-Physical Reality (NPR). And my physical body remained asleep the whole time while my mind adventured! it was quite a night for learning! So that was what I consider to be a deep/high F10.
At home or even at TMI, I can only get to a low or medium F10...but I learned to accept that and can still do my work. In later courses at TMI, I asked many advanced students about their F10 depth and realized that maybe only 40% could get to that depth. And yet, everyone could still Exit/Phase/Project. So again, understand that each of these Focus levels are continuums or ranges or degrees of scale and you don't have to hit any one of them perfectly. And sometimes, outside forces may actually restrict you so that you notice and learn something from exactly the point you are at. A big mistake I made for years was in 'not simply letting go'...and that is to just keep relaxing even to the point of dropping off to sleep. If you mentally state an Intent to learn, say from F15, and relax into it striving for F15, and fall asleep...often learning takes place at an unconscious level. And you may wake up realizing that something unusual happened. Sometimes you may notice a distinct "CLICK" sound as your awareness disengages. This is known as a 'Click Out' and is a definite sign that something significant took place. The WBTB method is an excellent timing device that works after a certain amount of sleep that refreshes your consciousness and allows it more opportunity to disconnect from the Physical as your body slides back into sleep.

The next discussion is one about the subtleties of the different types of OBE. Monroe started his books describing one type- the 'etheric' OBE, where you literally climb/float out of your Physical Reality body (PR) like a ghost and by his second book he noted the distinct transition to the 'Quick-Shift method' or what Frank Kepple and many of us refer to as direct Phasing. This means either stepping directly into a lucid dream or into a visualization or rundown of some sort and there really is no sense of separating from the PR body. There is still much discussion about the differences between the two experiences, and their implications, but in my mind the distinction is clearly evident and it is also clearly a progression from the first to the second and not the other way around. The key is to be ready, willing and able to go in whichever direction you start again, just go with whatever unfolds. That's also part of the teaching and the fun!

Monroe modified his Focus tracks over 20 years as more knowledge was gained, so I think your F10 works fine either way...again just pull off the headphones and try whichever exit tech you have chosen. Lumaza has given you some of the best techs including his own; I would add Personal Reality's 'How I got out for the First Time'.

Resonant Tuning- TMI still recommends it highly. It works on both PR and NPR levels and helps move your frequency up. Do it verbally and play with the internal resonances it produces. I learned to even play with the vowels of it-A, E, I, O, U...and see if that changes things...again this is very subtle energy stuff...don't discount it; there's usually a good reason for something that has been around 40 years.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Have to say, everyone here are really so nice and helpful!
@Lumaza - thank you for the pointers, I will check those out.
@Xanth & EscapeVelocity - yes, over-analysis is definitely an issue for me. I must say I'm quite surprised that I've been able to have a few successful OBEs and LD inspite of this trait of mine. :) I do know, however, that practice and surrendering to the experience is key, not theoreticizing, so that's for sure where I put the onus. But, on the other hand, sometimes a bit of theory is necessary to get the practice right.

Regarding what I asked concerning Frank's take on using Wave 1, I would like to dwell on this a bit more. It makes perfect sense to say that it should be your imagined body doing the resonate tuning and your imagined body doing the progressive relaxation, as the idea is to remove focus from your physical body. It just seems like this isn't what Bob Monroe meant, as he said nothing of the sort. But, then again, maybe Frank never intended to interpret Monroe but simply felt the track was useful as some kind of an anchor for the mental rundown he himself designed. If that's the way, however, I wonder what exactly he felt was so special about the track...


Again, at Monroe they do Resonant Tuning the same way they've done it for some forty years- physically and vocally as a group every morning, and individually and vocally before each CHEC session. They no doubt find good reason to continue it.

But by all means, try both ways as you see never hurts to experiment.

Regarding the second part of your comment, I agree and think that Frank saw the F10 track as additionally conducive to the process he was pursuing.

What you may likely find is that nearly all these techniques work brilliantly at one point or another...but then they somehow lose a degree of effectiveness and you need to search for a new technique. And in fact...this may be part of the learning process...and Lumaza and I have had this ongoing discussion for about 4 years now, lol.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 26, 2021, 00:50:05
What you may likely find is that nearly all these techniques work brilliantly at one point or another...but then they somehow lose a degree of effectiveness and you need to search for a new technique. And in fact...this may be part of the learning process...and Lumaza and I have had this ongoing discussion for about 4 years now, lol.
I think this is where I'm at. Thanks for the suggestion!


Quote from: tides2dust on January 29, 2021, 13:56:24
I think this is where I'm at. Thanks for the suggestion!
If I may add to what EV said.
Remember that your consciousness also flows on its own continuum of knowledge.
It's always a good idea to go back to old books and you'll notice that after gaining some knowledge, old things you read about might actually start to make more sense.
I go back and re-read a lot of books I own.  That's the fluidness of consciousness. 

It's true that the more you know, the more you can gleam from any experience.  :)


The purpose of resonant tuning is multi faceted.  Most reasons we know about already - raise your energy (for creating REBAL) and vibration, relaxation, and eases the mind.

One thing that isn't really touched on that i found Skip Atwater mentioned in a report on the effects of hemi sync years ago was that it acts in someway to make you more susceptible to binaural beats. I can't quite recall how it does this. Something in a resetting of the brain by doing it or something along those lines. That is why when you do a residential program at TMI the first exercise, regardless of how advanced the course youre on is, is always an extended resonant tuning session. Its setting you so you respond better for the course ahead.