2nd Astral Projection

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Earlier this morning i found my self in a field and saw a strange pale girl. I sent like a wave of energy to her, it was weird.  Almost like, hey whats up. Then she turned all evil on me and started yelling. So, I said to my self Jupiter now. Then all of a sudden excrement got really freaky. Everything turned black and little stars where passing buy me underneath. I then worried about getting to far away from my .... and then it ended. Before hand I had a couple of dreams, that where sexual.

I always wanted to project to the edge of the universe. I guess i taken the first step.   


OMG! It also freaks me. You should try again.


Quote from: roman67 on July 26, 2012, 01:24:31
OMG! It also freaks me. You should try again.
Next time I get out of body I will try. Hopefully I project there. I been to tokyo japan in anther OBE I posted on here a while ago. Best experience I ever had. I think I'm gonna make a video about it on youtube. 


Ya sure, you should make a video of it and post it in youtube.


Here's the tricky question.  Were you projecting into your own subconscious or somewhere else?

I've found that people often project into a realm that is isolated from the greater reality in a sense.  It's a realm created by their subconscious and only exists for them.  There are often people there, but they aren't really people, they are projections of your subconscious.  Parts of you. 

Perhaps you encountered a part of yourself that you aren't ready to confront. 
be awesome.


Reading this freaked me out by how similar it was to one of mine. My 2nd intentional one actually as well. I met 2 girls before the environment got very dark and scary. My guide disappeared after warning me not to be afraid. After the environment got scary I fled the women and felt like I was rushing through a dark vortex at thousands of mph. Then I woke up.
Peace of mind is power over one's reality


Quote from: Landshark on July 27, 2012, 04:38:49
Reading this freaked me out by how similar it was to one of mine. My 2nd intentional one actually as well. I met 2 girls before the environment got very dark and scary. My guide disappeared after warning me not to be afraid. After the environment got scary I fled the women and felt like I was rushing through a dark vortex at thousands of mph. Then I woke up.
Wow dude that's crazy. Have you ever said anything to one of them? It feels like your being shocked. I never felt anything like that in my life. I was able to tell if it was a bad vibration or not. It was really cool.


Hey personalreality, that's a very interesting concept you described - the part about being in a realm that only exists for the projector and the people in it being projections of your own subconscious.  I have not been able to project consciously as of yet, I only project in my sleep but I "wake up" in the process like as soon as my body begins to be sucked up a tunnel and I'm travelling really fast, I wake up and just go along for the ride.  The thing I notice though is that sometimes I am only semi-conscious.  It's like I know that I'm projecting and I'm totally aware of what's going on but at the same time don't feel like I have any control.  What's strange is that I'm with a lot of other people and will find myself being totally arrogant like a real smartass giving someone a hard time (which is totally opposite of the person I really am) and someone else is there acting the same way as me.  Then all of a sudden I say something nice and this other person starts being nice back.  It's happened on several occasions where it seems someone else is mimicking me.  It never dawned on me that these "other people" are created out of my own subconscious mind.  Fortunately some of the time when I project and wake up I am totally conscious of everything and those are the times when I am nice and polite and just being my usual self.  Those are the times when I have more control of the projection.  But those other times are very unusual and when I wake up I always question why I would be acting that way and doing things that I would never dream of doing while awake/conscious in the physical.



Those semi-conscious experiences sound kind of like good old fashioned dreams.  Of course, I'm one of those people who doesn't separate a dream from and OBE or a Lucid Dream or whatever you want to call the experience.  In my opinion, the experience is the same, but awareness of the experience exists on a continuum from completely non-lucid (as in a typical dream that you watch like a movie) to full lucidity where you perceive the other realm, the dreamtime, the astral, etc., etc. just as if you were in waking reality.  So it's not the place that's different, but the angle of perception that is different.

That would then mean that I am implying that all of these experiences take place in your own subconscious.  People fight this idea, because they want to believe that there is an "out-there" that they go to, and I'm not saying that's wrong at all.  I believe the subconscious to be infinite and eternal, a shared gateway into the cosmos, all that is.  You can absolutely meet other entities, access physical realms, other planets, other dimensions/realms, etc.  But I think that on the whole, humans are significantly emotionally "damaged", for lack of a better word, and therefore emotionally immature.  It's like when a person experiences something traumatic at a young age and they get stuck emotionally.  I think something like that happened to humanity in our history and it was passed on through something like sheldrake's morphic resonance idea, genetic memory passed down through the generations.  Because of that, I think a lot of people project into what you might call a "biased" area that is populated by reflections of their own mind.  Until a person begins to heal their genetic emotional and individual emotional  "baggage", they might not really be projecting to the far off fanciful places they see themselves in (well, I mean they are there), but rather a corner of their own mind. 

There are more details and depth to my ideas, but that's kind of the gist of it.  Maybe i'll write something a little more thorough on psychological/astral theory later.
be awesome.


Yes personalreality I agree about the different levels of awareness of the experience itself. It makes perfect sense. I'm still new to all of this and at times have difficulty in distinguishing between projection; OBE; lucid dream; etc. As far as the subconscious mind theory I do not have enough experience to make that judgment myself. However I am beginning to see how incredibly powerful the subconscious mind really is.  Last semester in one of my psych classes I was amazed to find out that there are a few psychological theories that do not even acknowledge the existence of a subconscious mind.

BTW I just clicked on your SOC link; read for a bit and subscribed to your blog. However when I click on "Nonphysical Journal" I get an error message telling me the content is not there.


Quote from: StrangeDreams on August 01, 2012, 10:10:48
Yes personalreality I agree about the different levels of awareness of the experience itself. It makes perfect sense. I'm still new to all of this and at times have difficulty in distinguishing between projection; OBE; lucid dream; etc. As far as the subconscious mind theory I do not have enough experience to make that judgment myself. However I am beginning to see how incredibly powerful the subconscious mind really is.  Last semester in one of my psych classes I was amazed to find out that there are a few psychological theories that do not even acknowledge the existence of a subconscious mind.

BTW I just clicked on your SOC link; read for a bit and subscribed to your blog. However when I click on "Nonphysical Journal" I get an error message telling me the content is not there.

My undergraduate is in psychology and I can tell you right now that the field is mostly corrupted.  The kind of psychology that pertains to what we do is classified under "parapsychology" and most psychologists don't think highly of parapsychology.  They think it's a joke and that is gives a bad name to their field.  Neuroscience has usurped the throne of the once great psychological minds like Jung and Freud, people who had the imagination to think about those deeper places in the mind.  Today psychologists are so afraid of being called superstitious and "soft" that they completely black list and block real inspired consciousness research.  I think there are more sinister things at work, but that's another talk for another day.


that's the address to my online projection/dream journal.  all the links should work correctly now.
be awesome.


I bought 'The Red Book'... Jungs "Liber Novus".. apart from the fact it is a beautiful book... it is his journal of ideas and experiences he had when he took a 5 year sabbatical from professional psychology. His peers thought he'd had a mental breakdown. He was in fact getting heavily into what he called 'active imagining' which must be put in there with OOBEs/LDs/AP... all the same thing like you said. He worked out archetypes and didn't fully believe it was completely his own subjective mind that was causing it. He attributed a lot to religious iconography. All in all he derived his whole approach to psychology because of what he had learned.

As you know personalreality... Freud rules mainstream psychology... Jung is studied as a sideline... which I think is a shame.


Quote from: Bedeekin on August 01, 2012, 21:24:17
I bought 'The Red Book'... Jungs "Liber Novus".. apart from the fact it is a beautiful book... it is his journal of ideas and experiences he had when he took a 5 year sabbatical from professional psychology. His peers thought he'd had a mental breakdown. He was in fact getting heavily into what he called 'active imagining' which must be put in there with OOBEs/LDs/AP... all the same thing like you said. He worked out archetypes and didn't fully believe it was completely his own subjective mind that was causing it. He attributed a lot to religious iconography. All in all he derived his whole approach to psychology because of what he had learned.

As you know personalreality... Freud rules mainstream psychology... Jung is studied as a sideline... which I think is a shame.

Active Imagination Techniques is a thread that I started a while back that Xanth stickied.  Totally with you on that one.

Freud is a two sided coin.  One side is brilliant, he first posited the subconscious (though he called it the unconscious) and was a great mentor and collaborator with Jung.  The crappy side is Freudian psychoanalysis.  The idea of psychoanalysis isn't all bad, but Freud was too hung up on his stages of sexual development and based way too much of his analysis on sex.  I think that burned his reputation.  But his work before psychoanalysis was brilliant stuff.

You're right though.  Freud is focused on because in its day, psychoanalysis was seen as a huge breakthrough in mental health treatment.  But in psych classes, it's just treated as a section of psychological history.  Nowadays, they focus on this multi-dimensional cognitive-behavioral type of therapy that manifests in various different forms of treatment. 

Jung is seen as a passed fad.
be awesome.


Methinks he will have a resurgence...

The Red Book needs to be made available more widely.. .and cost less.


Thanks for the link personalreality. I agree with you about Freud.  I used to read a lot of Freud's work and some Jung as well when I was a teenager just out of personal interest. However I am now 43 and in my second year of school. Our textbook covered a small section on Freud but focused more on the sexual stages. Only a brief paragraph mentioned Jung in reference to archetypes and the collective "unconscious". The author blatently stated in the back of the text that psychic abilities simply do not exist. My professor agrees with Maslow and believes all people have an innate desire to achieve self actualization which really isn't saying much but they would never admit to exploring ahstral projection abs a means to achieving that potential. Such a shame. And yes there's a reason we are taught a lot of BS in school...the government doesn't want anyone to know the truth or to discover our true power.


Quote from: StrangeDreams on August 04, 2012, 19:33:38
And yes there's a reason we are taught a lot of BS in school...the government doesn't want anyone to know the truth or to discover our true power.

Interesting point to ponder.....
"Astral projectors do it in a vortex"

My Website: www.microguy.net


Quote from: StrangeDreams on August 04, 2012, 19:33:38
And yes there's a reason we are taught a lot of BS in school...the government doesn't want anyone to know the truth or to discover our true power.
I'm amazed how everyone jumps to these inane conclusions... haven't any of you considered the idea that maybe people just either don't KNOW anything about this spiritual side of life or they just plainly don't want to?

Nah... that'd be too simple.  There's GOTTA be a conspiracy behind it instead.  >_<



There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Xanth on August 04, 2012, 23:12:10
I'm amazed how everyone jumps to these inane conclusions... haven't any of you considered the idea that maybe people just either don't KNOW anything about this spiritual side of life or they just plainly don't want to?

Nah... that'd be too simple.  There's GOTTA be a conspiracy behind it instead.  >_<

You're naive if you don't think that the government intentionally teaches us impractical knowledge to keep us in line.  That's what capitalism is all about.  We're all taught to be good little robots who will reproduce and be good workers.  The Matrix isn't just a movie. 

I'm not denying that people just don't want to know the other side of reality or that they just don't know, but they don't know because we're taught to think those kinds of things are stupid.  Think about it.  What do the scientists say about our dreams and "Astral Projection"?  That it's all silly and we're deluded to believe in such things.

There is a conspiracy.  That word isn't dirty.  All it means is that a group of people plan things without letting others know what the plan is.  They teach us to think that conspiracy is stupid and only people with tin foil hats believe in such things.  But it's not.  It's real and they don't want us to know the truth about who and what we are.  They want us to be neurotic and on their drugs.  Whether their drugs are pharmaceutics or street drugs, they keep us loaded so we won't question our reality. 

We are a unique group.  We are seekers of truth.  It is our job as guides and mentors to let people know about the other side of the coin, about the yin to the yang of the world they've made for us to live in.  They want us to fear the darkness within us, but the darkness isn't bad.  It's our heritage.  It defines our physical life in the light.  Or vice versa. 

You know better Ryan.  You are one of us.  Take responsibility for the souls that we're here to save.  That is our job.  To know ourselves and point others toward their selves.  We can't do it for them, but we can point out that others have walked the path and it is possible, they just need to find their light and head toward it.  We can point them toward that light and let them find themselves.  We are here to help them learn that they way they were taught to live, out of pure reaction and no thought, is detrimental to the sovereignty of their soul, their being, their whole self.  It really is us versus them and we are waking up from the false reality they feed us. 

Fight the good fight.

As they say, "Quit bitching and start a revolution". 

Well, that's what we're doing.  Starting a spiritual revolution. 

Ok, my rant is done.

be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on August 06, 2012, 02:13:38
You're naive if you don't think that the government intentionally teaches us impractical knowledge to keep us in line.  That's what capitalism is all about.  We're all taught to be good little robots who will reproduce and be good workers.  The Matrix isn't just a movie.
Oh, I do recognize that. 
But the government isn't as smart as everyone makes them out to be and they're just spreading the lies along with the rest of the greedy people hoping to keep power and keep $$.

Not that government, conspiracies or anything else physical of this reality really matters in regards to your spiritual growth.
What matters most are the non-physical components which interact with this reality.  The consciousness(es) which you interact with and how you interact with them... right down to how you interact with yourself.

QuoteYou know better Ryan.  You are one of us.  Take responsibility for the souls that we're here to save.  That is our job.  To know ourselves and point others toward their selves.  We can't do it for them, but we can point out that others have walked the path and it is possible, they just need to find their light and head toward it.  We can point them toward that light and let them find themselves.  We are here to help them learn that they way they were taught to live, out of pure reaction and no thought, is detrimental to the sovereignty of their soul, their being, their whole self.  It really is us versus them and we are waking up from the false reality they feed us. 
Yup, you can only save yourself, however, through saving yourself... you save others.  At least, you save the ones who WANT to be saved and who WANT to follow suit.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

QuoteFight the good fight.

As they say, "Quit bitching and start a revolution". 

Well, that's what we're doing.  Starting a spiritual revolution. 

One self at at time.  hehe


i'm gonna say touche and victory at the same time.
be awesome.