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I have a question, if anybody knows of any connections to what i'm about to say with my experience at 3am.
So, I am one of those people who has astral projected since I was a kid. It just happens, and I have been able to leave my body voluntarily (when I really got into studying it and practicing controlling it) but most of the time it just happens, and I think "well here we go...".
I don't know how others feel about when it happens without you controlling it, but to me it feels like someone slipped me a sleeping pill or drug and I really have to fight hard not to "slip away" if I don't feel like projecting.
Last night I was wide awake, couldn't sleep, and then the sensation came on very heavily. It was strange because my boyfriend was sleeping beside me and I usually only project when alone. I fought leaving tho, because I knew it was around 3am, and the old belief is that 3am is when the negative entities come out to play. The static sound was whipping in my ears, I was slipping away very forcefully, almost like I was being pulled (which has happened before when my guide was trying to talk to me). But the fact that it was 3am and my BF was right there made me feel wrong about who or why I was projecting at that moment. I had to use every ounce of energy to break from it, "unfreeze", and my initial reaction was to turn over and cling to my BF. Holding another living person immediately made the sensations and "pulling" stop. I looked at the clock and it was 3:33am. So I had probably started with the struggle at exactly 3:00am.
Does anyone have any thoughts about this. Or any knowledge on if 3am has the same negative connections with projection that it does with the rest of the spirit world? I HATE missing opportunities to project, especially when they come on strong because I feel like I'm missing out on seeing something or learning something. But the timing, mixed with not being alone and it being so strong, really made me feel weary and untrustworthy of what was happening.
All thoughts are appreciated!


Listening to what others say is silly. 3am is only a time of the day. The witching hour isnt at 3 so what about that?
Believe nonsense and nonsense will happen, law of attraction.
If you were confident these dark ones will stay as far grom you as they can get. They are like the wizard of oz, a pathetic fool trying to be big.
Shout boo next time and watch em run away. You are very powerful and they know it. They use your fear to decieve you then feed off it.
Boo! and they're gone...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 3 am has always been known as the "Psychic Quiet Time" at least in Magick. It is known as a time of peace and tranquitility. Just like in anything else of belief, if you belief it has some kind of magical power to you, than it shall! You are the only one you have to convince.
Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)


Quote from: Silver004 on April 18, 2012, 13:14:13
Does anyone have any thoughts about this. Or any knowledge on if 3am has the same negative connections with projection that it does with the rest of the spirit world? [....] All thoughts are appreciated!

The Eastern Schools teach that the nightly re-balancing starts at the Crown chakra and moves downward, reaching the Heart center around 3am and the lower centers around 5am (thus explaining an early morning phenomenon familiar to most young men).

The Higher centers are more dormant for many so little recall of notable activity is registered.

If the 3am heart center activity is of the negative variety it is due to negative daily preoccupation of the negative sort and it will manifest in such a manner. If positive energy is channeled into and through the heart center during the course of the day the 3am activity will reflect that.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


The F21 astral (lowest level of OBE, & most common) is a reflection of what what you believe at any given moment.

For instance, most dreams happen in this state. Thus scary nightmares tend to get scarier by the moment.

Thus, if you believe it(intend it), it has a greater propensity to happen, and it will happen more. Then you will believe it more. Repeat, etc. As if life.

You must augment your beliefs before you can ever augment your reality. Take control.



At 3.20am I found myself waking up after a dream where planet earth had been at war with some insect like alien invaders. The outcome was we decided to detonate a planet wide myriad of nukes in close succession (long story). The first near to us lit up the house (I was inside) far brighter than the sun. The second hurt my eyes and a ground rumble was noticed, at that point a slap sound was heard and I was wide awake.
WTF is going on. I left this nonsense back in the 80's.
Or is it the 3 am boogy man. Lol.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thanks everyone for your thoughts. There was nothing scary about the experience, I just became stubborn to not allow the projection to happen because I knew what time it was and didn't know if that was a bad thing lol. From now on I'm going to relax and just let it happen when it comes on. I'm sure there are things I need to experience and learn that I have been missing due to fear.
Kind regards to you all!!!!


Quote from: Szaxx on April 19, 2012, 01:53:11
At 3.20am I found myself waking up after a dream where planet earth had been at war with some insect like alien invaders. The outcome was we decided to detonate a planet wide myriad of nukes in close succession (long story).

So Szaxx, do you think it is your "belief" that nuking the surface of the planet is a good solution and is it your "intent" to implement that? Or do you think maybe dreams have nothing to do belief or intent but more to do with images, symbols and the message that the subconscious is pushing to the surface.
Like maybe you have been fighting a losing battle with some project or aspect of waking life and perhaps the message is to just clear the decks and start fresh in that particular arena?
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Im not sure what to think with this. The planet was infested by drones mostly. Our computers were in their control mostly. No country had any air support or defence that was any use. The media still functioned and the news on the tv was reporting of this drastic action.
"The American and British leaders were the last to accept this action regretfully the adapted nukes were the last option. 1 million left on the planet was the estimate with all alien forces wiped out. All cities gone the water supplies were contaminated and this action was the only thing left to ensure human survival. At 1 pm all supplies of power were shut down and upto 1:30 the detonation sequence would be initiated. God bless the world."
Then all went silent until the ground rumbled.
Its a dream typical of what I had in the 70's and 80's. Im confused at its meaning apart from its entertainment value.
All my projects have been stopped for the last 2 years or so. Thats not connected. Ive been so busy with work for this same time too and its still the same. Symbolism, theres nothing in it of value or meaning. The only tie is the 3 am post.
Its not even lucid quality too, I was there so any pointers would be appreciated.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

Lucid Pirate

If you feel that something is after you in a dream or that some evil being is fighting for your spirit with your physical body, please know this: These things only have as much power over you as you give them. If you give them fear, they will notice and feed off of it.

If you let them know:
1) That they are unwelcome to fight with your spirit/body.
2) You know that they exist, but you do not surrender any control of your spirit/body to them.
3) They are forbidden to exert control over you.

...then they will most likely stop or at least let down the assault. The stronger your will, the more resistance you have to the bad spirit's power.

Please remember this: Although you may tell the spirit or evil force or whatever it is that's bothering you that you forbid it to touch you or bother you, it will still try to get at you how it knows how. It's power is still real. Be specific when talking or trying to communicate with it. Some bad spirits are deceivers, and will turn your words against you. If you say "Leave me alone" then it may try to bother you by messing with others that associate with you. As long as you are specific in your communication and with your words, you don't need to worry about this.

Now, whether you believe in these things are up to you. Do I believe in ghosts that go "BOO"? No, but I do believe in spirits, good or bad. Don't let anyone call you crazy for believing it. Even if no one else believes you, you know that it happened and no one can take that away from you.
If you have any need of a dream interpreter or anything similar, PM me. I'll try to help you out.
And if there's something strange in the neighborhood, don't call Ghostbusters. PM me and I'll attempt to guide you through your problem.


I think this whole buzz around 3 a.m. comes from the belief that Christ was crucified at 3 p.m., so it is kinda the proper time for devilish entities to come out  :evil:.... just joking. In Eastern practices, it is actually thought to be the most adequate time for doing some exercise, so you shouldn't be afraid of it :)....
I am sorry, I am so, for the things you don't know
And as for the things you do, I am sorry for those too


@ rain88
I think it is because it is the dead of night.
We have the ability to be up at this hour now because we have electricity. Before electricity the dead of night was a very different thing. Something that no man should logically be up at unless they were up to heavy thinking or no good.

Slightly unrelated, but appropriate:



Thx for sharing :)!

Never heard about the notion before, but makes sense.
I am sorry, I am so, for the things you don't know
And as for the things you do, I am sorry for those too

Indigo Wolf

Slightly unrelated, but I have read about a lot of supposed Alien Abductions occurring at 3am. In fact here is an interesting page:
Spectemur Agendo...


A lot of alien abductions are people having uncontrolled OBE's that don't know what's going on and jump to the conclusion that because it is unexplainable the must have been an outside physical factor. and what describes that better then 'alien abductions.'

Please, you are not that special. If beings with such superior technology wanted specimens that wouldn't be choosing you or me. And they wouldn't be doing it at 3am.

Just like you don't go hunting at 3am for ants; or, for that matter, deer.
