Overcoming fear for the first time in Astral

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I have been out of town and arrived at home last night after about one week.  I had several very lucid dreams during the night.  At one point I was walking down a street I frequented while away I relized I could fly.  I realized I was having a OBE and became very excited.  I found myself in a vacant white room with no furniture or pictures on the wall.  I then discovered a newborn child being held by a nurse that was choking to death and I made attempts to dislodge an airway obstruction with no success.  It took about one minute for the child to die as it slowly turned blue.  I have never seen a child die and do not have any memories that could create an event like this and am believing that perhaps the ORBS in my home are trying to show me how they died.  I then came in contact with an elderly man with a head wound and felt that I was to heal this man by touch and the ORBS would assist me and was able to accomplish this healing after laying on hands.  I then floated to the ceiling and just hovered as a black man entered about forty years of age.  I told him " have you ever seen a person float?"  He just looked up at me.  I crossed my legs in a lotus position and floated to the ground and stood up and walked over to him.  He did not say anything.  I asked him if he was a Spirit Guide and still he did not speak. I began to panic at this point and was getting ready to end the projection but told myself to just relax and wait to see what happens.  I asked him if there really is a God? He stated you could just be a figment of his dream.  This is funny as I have told people in the Astral they are figments of my dream.  Tit for Tat I suppose.  I told him to tell God I love him and also I am sorry for any sins I might ever have committed.  I still just decided to wait and see what happens as a woman I know who is diseased entered.  It was strange as she was eating a peanut butter sandwich as she walked up to me.  As I turned to her I awoke while turning in bed.  For me the greatest thing about this experiense is that I did not end the projection for the first time out of fear and let it play its self out.