Ladies and Gentlemen I present my first projection

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Posts like this one make the newbies like me keeping theyr motivation ! Thank you very much ! [:D]
Lucky you ![:P]


LA FORET MAUVE it is for exactly that reason it is here[:)]

I wish all of you the very best,



congrats!  I am trying still ;)  I can (every night) get to the point whereI  feel like I'm the size of my room, and have gotten INTENSE vibrations before, but, no luck!  I think I'll have to have a I WILL DO IT NO MATTER WHAT night here real soon!!  Good luck with your future travels, and please do continue to post your travels :)

good day my friend


Thank for posting your first OBE. I've been trying a very long time for that first one, and your experience could explain the reason behind my lack of success.

I very often reach the stage where I am just bored, fet up, or too tired and I give up.

QUOTE: ""...but for some reason I kept trying, again and again""

Your determination did it. I work at this every day, sometimes twice a day, but I stop, after around 40 minutes to an hour, of trying.  

Thanks for sharing.


Good job Truth Seeker! I'm still waiting but that post has motivated me even more!


Congrats TS!

Hey when ever I get into a trance with those vibs I do not get a sound. Any reason for that?

Also when I am in the trance do I move my body *what I think is my physical* and I would AP? Please explain the moving.


Dear corvette,

Not everyone expeiences the same "exit-sensations" whn they exit the physical. So this is not a necessity to having an OBE(referring to the sounds).
When it comes to movement:
At this particular projection I moved because I KNEW I was outside my body(I floated upwards, saw my etheric body). So what I did was to move like I would in the physical, I moved by thought somehow. I floated where I wanted to float, I do not know exactly how I did it, but it felt natural.
In other cases when you feel exit-sensations(vibrations, floating limbs etc.) You simply try moving. You might find yourself out of body(the feeling of not moving a muscle to move will accompany it), or you might still be in the physical. If you are infact in the physical, simply lay down and try again.
I advise you to do a realitycheck either way, as you might be in another vehicle(etheric vehicle) without feeling any "astral feelings". Do a simple check by looking at a text or watching your hands(if the text changes, or your hands looks strange or start melting you are in the astral place called "The RealTime Zone", "RTZ".

Good luck,



the swelling you feel, do you have a reference point when you are "out" to compare your astral body size to your human size? I expand about 3 times my bodie's size when i am "out".  When i come back in, i am aware of how much i have to squeeze down to fit back into my body. It seems something like a disapointment to have to be crammed in here, but it's natural. you are right on about the sounds and vibration, though lately, i blow right past the exit signs and just expand and leave.

reference to asking to see God, go to first obe forum and see respnse to "simple question..." by sstonevenuss.

i am new to this site, and am enjoying sharing with everyone, very much, thanks everyone!!


the swelling you feel, do you have a reference point when you are "out" to compare your astral body size to your human size? I expand about 3 times my bodie's size when i am "out".  When i come back in, i am aware of how much i have to squeeze down to fit back into my body. It seems something like a disapointment to have to be crammed in here, but it's natural. you are right on about the sounds and vibration, though lately, i blow right past the exit signs and just expand and leave.

reference to asking to see God, go to first obe forum and see respnse to "simple question..." by sstonevenuss.

i am new to this site, and am enjoying sharing with everyone, very much, thanks everyone!!


   Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the board: I have just projected! [^]
I am having a hard time describing this in words, but it goes like this:
I had formed a big intent to manage WILD this night. The time was about 1 o'clock in the morning. I laid on my back, relaxing my whole body. I tried creating dreampictures of the location I wanted to appear in when I started dreaming. I was trying intensely, but it did not work. I was extremely tempted to just roll over to my side and go to sleep, but for some reason I kept trying, again and again. I got away from my intention of trying WILD, and got the idea that I might try projecting AGAIN.
      I tried "conscious shifting" about the room, I tried feeling myself above my body, I tried the techniqe called ROPE. I do not know for sure, but I think I slipped of it and started dozing of. I got this feeling of getting really obese! Like I was getting blown up like a balloon. I remembered this feeling, but could not establish where I had felt it before(It felt so normal!). Suddenly these vibrations started and a sound followed closely. The vibrations rushed with enormous power through me, and the sound was extremely loud(a motor-sound kind of, but it may be on closer look be like my ears was vibrating). This feeling of vibrations and sounds were so enormous, but I stayed calm and allowed them to do their thing. The vibrations and sound came and went with different power, but they did not dissapear until it finally happened. The vibrations stopped, and I tried moving physically, but instead I moved my real-time body!.
I felt myself moving through my bedcovers. I looked down upon my legs. They were in a strange "color" I can not properly describe(black,white,gold,living,purple,moving,orange,yellow). I got up not sure if I were floating or standing(I could not feel my legs). I was in my room, and it was dark(like it was in the physical). I could see everything perfectly. I was "alone", I was "it" I was "me", not dependant on my physical body. I had a total different view and I did not feel conected to my physical body.I wanted to go out my door and tell everyone    in the house that I made it, but I remembered Robert Bruce's advise about keeping the first ones very short.
So I laid back down in my bed and started trying to move physically. I eventually managed to move and I woke up. It took me about 1-2 minutes to find a paper to record this on. I was so exited! It was so real! No loss of consciousness in between or anything, I just got out!
   I started recording at 02:46 and ended recording at 02:57, I filled in the rest this morning.
It was nothing like expected!  I did not expect vibrations, I did not expect dark vision, I did not expect projection, I did not expect the strange color of my body, I did not expect all the sensations, I did not expect such a "aha!" feeling of remembering, I did not expect such joy after completion,I did not expect to just get my sight    like it had always been there, I did not expect feeling so independant, so alone, such a feeling of "it"/"me". I was all so amazing and seems so unreal, but still I    know that it is real and that I actually went outside my body! And I know I can do it again!

I cannot explain this in words, all of this seems so far off from the actual experience, but it's the best I can do at the time being!
The thing I am most exited about(strangely enough) is the vibrations and the motor-sound I got. They were so enormous, so powerful! Such a great feeling! If I did not know they were harmless I would have just died right there of heart-attack or something! [|)]  
I guess I was "out" about two minutes or so, perhaps less.
I have a feeling of immense joy and happiness! I have just made my first(?) conscious projection and it is BREATHTAKING!!! Thank you everyone at the forum, thank you all my OBE-seeking friends, thank you Robert Bruce and thank you "God"! [:)]


"Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."   (Psalms 23:4)