Why can't I astral project?

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Hey guys, I've been trying to AP for quite some time now and just can't manage to do it. I've gotten to a really relaxed state but nothing more. I've used guided meditation and binaural beats but nothing seems to do the trick. Some say you could AP easier under the used of pyschadelic drugs such as shrooms or acid, even weed. I've smoked a decent amount of weed as decided I might try. I was super relaxed and had a slow, falling sensation. I've felt my arms and legs become almost numb but I cold still feel them in a way. Nothing more. About a few months ago unintentionally I think I had an AP or OBE. I was in a really tall building, and it was like I was looking at myself through a computer screen of some sort controlling what I was doing. Eventually I felt the need to fly and the only way I could was if I flapped my arms as funny and weird as it sounds. I started to fly but only in this room I was bound. Eventually I woke up to my alarm for school. Could this have been an AP/OBE? Any tips on what I should do or not do? Please help me, as I want to see the astrals and visit a close friend of mine which passed last year. Thanks for any help you can provide and have yourself a great day :-)


Hello norby12,
Welcome to the Pulse!

I will try and give you some ideas.

The dream you had technically qualifies as a type of OBE/AP...it's a Non-Physical environment where you recognize a certain degree of awareness; you are focused somewhere other than your physical. The key here is to learn to increase your level of awareness, in whatever environment you find yourself. And you did this to a pretty good degree: you gained enough awareness to recognize where you were, then you tried to fly and accomplished that to some degree (I have to admit to flapping my arms a few times, early on lol), then you recognized the constraints of the room you were within (this was a test and you figured out part of it, the next part is to figure how to get out of the room) and another thing is to realize how well you were operating on an instinctive level. Nicely done!

Seeing astrals and finding your friend may have to wait awhile; but who knows? If you can ask in the proper manner, the visit may be granted to you. Otherwise, there are a lot of preliminaries we have to work through before we get the grander adventures.

Why you are having problems transitioning into the Non-Physical can be like a hundred different things; we are all pretty different and unique. Take the time to read through the various methods that are "stickies" at the top of each board; something may resonate with you.

The toughest method is to expect to just lay down at anytime and consciously project 20 minutes later. Instead, my advice is to look for opportunities where your body is tired, but not SO tired that it will drag your consciousness down with it. Therefore, make an attempt after 3 or 4 hours of sleep...or try setting the alarm for 1.5 or 2 hours before your normal wake time, or an afternoon nap...you have to be on the lookout for that perfect balance between a certain physical tiredness and your consciousness' readiness to stay awake and aware. When you find that moment of balance and you feel your physical slide off into sleep while you stay aware, then just stay calm and patiently observe how the process happens...take this as far as you can for a few tries...then feel free to ask some more questions.

You are doing fine.


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you for the advice and providing some clearance to my troubles to AP. I see this isn't just a lay down close your eyes and poof I am there, I understand tat this will take time and patience. I will keep you updated on this post.


Dreaming is a great technique that can be working for you on a subconscious level on a nightly basis. Remind yourself to remember your dreams every night and your desire to become lucid in them. Suggest to yourself to notice dream triggers, obvious incongruities that can signal you to realize you are dreaming. Keep a dream journal as this has many benefits to it.

Simple affirmations can be very helpful in programming your mind for all these things. Keep them short, simple, positive and present tense, as if the thing already exists, such as "I remember my dreams every night."
"I recognize dream triggers and become fully aware."

Try each one for a week or two, repeat them 3 times every night and see if that helps to prime the pump.

Projecting through your dreams (DILD -Dream Induced Lucid Dream) is a perfectly valid form and will provide you with other information which will help you with employing other techniques.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Just today I had a dream with someone i was close to i knee I was dreaming but the environment just made me feel so much better about myself I was to happy to focus on confirming I was aware of the dream. Pretty cool


it helps a lot to eat very healthy too.  Eat raw fruits and vegetables.  If you stay away from meat, dairy, bread, and starch your energy levels stay much stronger which help lead to astral projection i've noticed.  Eat organic, and try to detox your body from toxins.  Also if you meditate standing on your feet everyday i've noticed it helps a lot too. 

Also if your used to flying in lucid dreams, try to use the same feeling you would to get into a trance.  These three things have helped me amazingly.  I went from projecting once a month to projecting almost at will. 
"turf off your mind relax and float down stream.  it is not dying."-The Beatles


Quote from: astralp on May 20, 2015, 03:40:52
it helps a lot to eat very healthy too.  Eat raw fruits and vegetables.  If you stay away from meat, dairy, bread, and starch your energy levels stay much stronger which help lead to astral projection i've noticed.  Eat organic, and try to detox your body from toxins.  Also if you meditate standing on your feet everyday i've noticed it helps a lot too. 
I just want to point out that I project just fine while eating copious amounts of meat, dairy and bread.
I can only assume then, that it's a belief-based perception that this helps.

QuoteAlso if your used to flying in lucid dreams, try to use the same feeling you would to get into a trance.  These three things have helped me amazingly.  I went from projecting once a month to projecting almost at will.
THIS is a good suggestion.  Using sensations of "movement" (not necessarily flying though) seems to trigger the projection reflex... at least within me it does.