Anger/Fear test, I think I failed?

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So I woke up from a dream a bit ago and could feel something trying to pull me into the astral. Every time I get this feeling it's always some kind of test. So I allowed it as I wanted to confront whatever it was. So this being took on the appearance of an overweight older man. It tried to weave a false story of me being a member of it's family with the proposed family also just a lie. I was lying down and not facing it, it told me to turn around. I turned slightly towards it but not completely, because I felt the need to be defiant.

It then went on this tirade about me needing to do something and how my actions were affecting this false family. It wasn't making much sense. It became extremely angry. Up until this point I had remained calm, but then it started moving closer and getting louder. I started to feel a slight fear for about 1 second, then resolved to revert back to calm. It then got so close that it was literally pressing against me, and with all the yelling I could feel it's breath on my neck.

I didn't mean to, but I actually started to get irritated. I reached up and put my hand over it's mouth. I started getting a rush of energy onto the palm of my hand. It became extremely hot, and felt almost like the vibrations on my hand, except maybe 10x stronger. It started reaching the point of being painful, and the best way I could describe it is what it would feel like to leave your hand on a running jackhammer for a few minutes.

So I understood what was happening, and knew that this thing was trying to get under my skin. So I brought myself back to focus, and after about 10 seconds, although this being was still ramping up, I started to feel the vibrations all over. They got almost to the intensity of my first OBE, but then it all stopped and I came back to the physical.

My hand was still having this intense feeling of energy on my palm side, and was borderline painful. Even now as I'm typing this my hand is still cooling down. My temperature as a whole was quite elevated, as I was sweating upon coming to. This seems to happen when anything AP related goes on for me.

So I'm not really sure if me getting the vibrations but not breaking through was me failing or means something else? Nonetheless it was a pretty intense experience and completely unexpected.


I tried to get another hour of sleep before getting up for work, but I started hearing random sounds. I could tell it was going to happen again so I went right in. I felt the vibrations, but maybe half as intense as my first OBE. I floated out of my body feet first, and started getting dragged around fairly quickly by something pulling my feet. It stood me upside down, and I was occasionally opening my eyes to see what was going on. After opening up my eyes one of the times, I was back at my bed. I checked my phone, but the time it said was way passed my alarm time, so I realized this couldn't be the physical. This game of checking my phone and the time being different happened a couple times. After the last time I checked it I laid back down and then got pulled to and placed into a corner of my bedroom, with my head almost to the ceiling. Sort of like the Blair Witch Project except I was facing towards the rest of the room and not the corner.

Realizing that regardless of the time not lining up with the physical, it was without a doubt close to or passed the time I needed to wake up, I brought myself back. Ended up being 10 minutes until my alarm was set to go off.

I know I was open to it all, but not the best timing.  :?