Drinking/smoking weed/other substances

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Quote from: CFTraveler on August 31, 2013, 13:49:29
And, if you didn't write it down, would you remember it a week from now?

Yes, i honestly would, i still remeber when my cousin visited me in a dream and said " i learned alot after i made it to the other side" 2 months after he died. I remeber it as if it actually happend, yesterday. I woke up after he told me this in the blink of an eye, crying and feeling this joy that i had never felt in my life. This was 2 years ago last month.


melatonin.  Kid friendly.  Its a vitamin it extends the length of your rem sleep.  look it up.  Also Try hypnosis.  and dream recall you could be waking up in your dreams all the time.  Which is ap right so ... what is the point if you wake up and brush off all of those memories without remembering the whole experience.  The more you focus on remembering the better. 


Just make sure it's synthetic melatonin.  You don't want something that came out of a cow's brain.  :wink:



Melatonin is made in the brain.  So it's either synthesized by humans or extracted from animal brains.  Idk if they use other animals' brains, but when I did the research the first time it was extracted from cow brains.  Hence my warning.
If you want to get something that is natural and comes from plants, try 5-HTP - It's tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin.  It doesn't 'bring you down' because your body has to turn it into melatonin, but it will help you stay asleep.


It does muddy your aura.. it's resin.. it makes your aura resiny dont smoke that excrement. i mean.. ive smoked it a couple times but just dont smoke it it's not very respectable if you claim to be spiritualist and it just aint no good. I from experienced that marijuana amkes by bioelectrical fluids to hypersensitive and i get all nervose around people. you're better off without it


Weed does the same to me, always makes me akward. Self conscious. But sometimes it does the opposite. All in the state of mind I suppose
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I've gone some distance in this art without any supplements at all. Clear head and water.
Then everything falls into place.
You don't paint a masterpiece on a filthy canvas do you?
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on September 21, 2013, 01:58:29
I've gone some distance in this art without any supplements at all. Clear head and water.
Then everything falls into place.
You don't paint a masterpiece on a filthy canvas do you?

I tend to agree that all natural is the way to go, based on compared experiences. Two things I'm curious about Szaxx and I ain't lookin to provoke you. OK?  #1- How does one decide or really KNOW, without comparing?  And -B- Have you finished YOUR masterpiece, or feel there's some distance left??
Lately it's occurred to me, what a long strange trip it's been...  the Dead


Life is far too short to finish anything, as soon as you think the canvas is getting short on space it twists and is a couple of A's larger. The more you do the larger it gets.
Im sure you've noticed this one too.

I've had a sample of chemicals donated without permission and hated the effects. Although a similarity existed it was dirty in essence. No real control and what seemed like hypnagogic imagery flashing itself as a reality. It didn't compare to the real thing at all.
Other home brewed extracts too, the one that makes everything colourful was pleasantly surprising. The after effects were not. It's a learning we all experiment with. In the interests of science, naturally. :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


In my whole life, I've tried Mugwort and Salvia.

Once, on Doctor's Orders when I was a kid, I had to take Penicillin pills when I was a kid. When I finished the prescription, I had very strange dreams for days afterward.

Mugwort, I have never tried before doing a conscious OOBE. But then the dreams later were killer!

but now, I don't do anything like that most times. only once a month if that.


Salvia, in my opinion, is the worst mind altering drug ever. It's like a forced dream, good or bad, with no escape route ad you don't even know it's happening untill it's over. Then memories come back as if you were trying to remember a dream you just had. 

I really disliked it, alot.
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What made it crappy for me, the Salvia is that I didn't even have smoking gear good enough to actually smoke it. I had to rely on the "under the tongue" method. As a result, what trips it was supposed to give you was really limited.

Would I go back to it if I could get more? Probably not. I have better, easier dreams with Mugwort.

Mark Alexander

I personally tried Salvia Divinorum after hearing some people speak of how great their experiences on it were, though personally I'm not really into typical 'drugs'.  I tried it under the tongue, tried smoking it, even tried different doses of the stuff.  The best that Salvia did for me was a mild sense of relaxation, like after a decent meditation, and a vague suggestion of a visual pattern after one use.  It did not induce an OOBE, nor did I have any dreams that were more bizarre than usual.

I also tried an herb called Calea Zacetechichi, which is said to be used by certain natives in Mexico to assist in lucid dreaming.  I've also tried that on numerous occasions, both smoked and as a tea.  It gave me no results other than the usual. 

Maybe substances don't affect me very much, but I've never felt much draw to alcohol, tobacco or marijuana either.


I read on some other forum that someone tried Mugwort with a 3 times addition. They did mugwort cig, then a Pot joint, then drank Mugwort tea.

I slightly modified this for me by leaving out Pot (I don't smoke it and never will) and instead smoking another Mugwort cig before the tea. I went to sleep by accident. Something with Mugwort makes me drowsy as Hell. I had thing long but boring dream based on the TV show Longmire. By boring, I meant it was just sitting around in the Red Pony and chatting people up. Ended up with the owner all but telling me to get lost because he thought I was drunk as a skunk! I guess I projected into the dream, as it was too realistic and the colors were normal and everything.

So I guess the 3 pack was a bust....  :|  


Never tryed mugwort, I might give it a try. Iv tryed the calea (aka dream herb) by smoking and tea. i got slightly more vivid, more easily to remember dreams. But i found it hard to fall asleep. It's almost makes you drowsy but keeps your mind awake. Well... It did for me. It's propbably different for everyone.
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How is is Calea in taste? I only ask because Mugwort has a bitter-ish taste to it when it is smoked. Even thought I used it before, the taste is kind of hard to get used to. But since I've smoked that, regular Tobacco tastes like bland cardboard to me.

BTW I've also taken Mugwort tea to treat a swollen Dental abscess. The only time it didn't work was when my infection was too big for the Mugwort to work.


it was awhile ago, I'm guessing it tasted 'woodish' with a hint of incense. i actually have no idea its been long but that's what i can remember. it came in a powdered from and turned rock hard when smoked. it was bitter in tea, but i added honey and some actual tea so it wast bad. it has a very subtle affect. when i closed my eyes it felt like they were wide open, even though thier closed.
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Short answer in my experiences i accidently get close projecting with both substances with out trying but it happens during mid sleep so i wake up feeling close to out of body then i am too tired and go back to sleep but it probably does make it easier to reach the state.... I used to smoke weed regularly i have grown out of it the past 6 months tbh hope it helps (:


Would it be Calea Zacatechichi? I am curious now about it and want to try it. I am trying to search up on Ebay, as I know Ebay carries many herbs and stuff, but don't want to get the wrong thing when I finally order.


raditus, last time i got my herds i bought it on-line on some site call the botanical spirit shop, just google it. there's lots of on-line stores that would sell herbs.
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Since weed can increase your focus to laser beam levels it may help with astral projection.
but this is a double edged sword as it may also increase your fears and paranoia.

as for alcohol in my experiences it's a bad idea overall.
your body is processing it turning it into sugar leaving little room for real relaxation.
you can wake up multiple times through the night with it but not in the way that is good for AP.

i'd say if you were to try projecting with one of the two go with weed.


Quote from: HindSight on September 27, 2013, 22:12:27
raditus, last time i got my herds i bought it on-line on some site call the botanical spirit shop, just google it. there's lots of on-line stores that would sell herbs.

Yeah, thanks. I'll go with the herbs shops.