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I felt since a long time, at dawn, like if it was a special time, and even had started being afraid that it could mean something for the whole human race, which made me even more afraid.

Today, at dawn, I had astral sight, and was in a curious state, neither excited nor fearfull, and I could focus on one element of this sight, and I understood what means "Astral Projection" I could project my being here into the picture, and feel myself inside it, When I managed to hold this feeling for a few seconds, the exit sensations started to rush in fastly and strongly. I knew I was going to be there if I just went thru the whole exit process. But the vision was suddenly so vivid and present, that I started to be shy, and the process ended.

I thought that first I had found one door to astral experience, that I had not read about, then, at midday, I realised the feeling at dawn might be related to this entrance. It would be like a Call... and thinking this a strong shiver came in. Thus confirming, this feeling could be just a call, and not a sign of human schedule. This is so reassuring, and also seems to mean AP might possibly become easy for me if I just accept to live a more vivid experience. I realised my work on this was so shy, and how different it is to actually accept to succeed. Until now I thought of it like of a healthy process, and was mainly expecting vibrations. But now I can see how different it would be to intend to do it, really, knowing it will work, and admiting that very deeply... not as easy as it sounds, given the extreme vividness of Astral Experience.... also I called, myself, and worked a lot, getting this kind of answer makes me feel special.... I hop I'll just get over that!