Lost in Space Time- Twilight Zone Experience

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what a movie! hehe i hope newbies don't read it hehe


This just gets weirder and weirder as it goes. Check this out.

My dream last night began and ended with sacred kings. It just kept looping in on itself.

At one point a charecter in my dream approached me and said: "Haven't you noticed this dream hasn't changed?"  

Something wasn't right, something was happening.

I got up and wrote this in my dream journal: I feel like I was put under sedation with some kind of "cover dream" while something was done to me. Like surgery.

Then I signed on here and opened my E-mail to find that someone had been working astral-healing techniques on me, to remove blockages and attachments. Heh. Thanx. I appreciate it. You must know your stuff b/c I can feel I had work done.

Now for Major Toms Question:
> And what did the "astral plains" look like? Was it a general area?

Uh- no- that's just what it's called when you're out of body. If you're not in your body your on the astral plain.


astral plain or astral plane?

"an illustration from astral dynamics showing internal structures of astral planes."


>  astral plain or astral plane?
I don't know, somebody grab a dictionary.

I've had it explained to me that what I experienced was called a "Akashic Pulse" some kind of inter-dimensional event where the forces-that-be grab you up from across time and do god knows what to you.

Man I really need to read Robert Bruces book.

I looked at that picture- all I know is I saw three wavy lines suspended in the air before and after the event.

Can anybody tell me why I always get so hot during OBE's? I swear it's like I'm burning up, does this have something to do with raised energy levels?


I have had several more pieces of the puzzle explained to me [8)] :

1)What happened was an Akashic pulse inter-dimensional event. This is why I saw myself in the past present and future.

2)The wavey lines I saw in the air were heat waves from a "time portal" there are several recorded events of people stepping into them and popping out in a different country in a different year. They are known for being burning hot- this is why I felt miserable with fever.

3)Names have magickal properties: "At times the goddess invoked the power of her own name or several of her names to release forces of creation or destruction." This is why I instinctivly began chanting names, and why they worked.


Very interesting how long have you been into AP?
"... and his eyes had all the seeming, of a demon that is dreaming..."  The Raven

In loving memory of 9/11


Man! what an expierence! You said you were prepared to leave your body again and fight the spirit, well When you left what happened? How did you fight it? Give me the details! lol  Because this is the wierdist Astral Expierence iv heard of.

Hope you feel better.

God Bless


Nightwolf- I've been having AP's since I was 19, so that means ten years.

MAGUS89- Fights with Negs are relativly ordinary actually. Everybody runs into one or two in the course of having AP's. This was my second. I pushed him out through the window.

Really the most interesting part of this to me was the time travel.

It started off normal enough- with me leaving my body to work on whatever problem my subconscious wants to solve.

I've had an overwhelming desire lately to speak with my long-lost grandmother and learn her true feelings about things. No surprise then, that I found myself transported to her house. I ended up eaves-dropping on her conversation.

I then felt I had overstayed and my body was trying to pull me back in- problem: I got lost in time.

A series of portals opened up in front of me:
1) me at age six walking across my great aunts living room
2) me at age twelve laying on my other aunts couch
3) me in this apartment, in bed
4) me in the future, some kind of traveling artist

I did not know where I belonged, until the future me informed the current me that I was "still back in that little apartment."

I got back, sick and dizzy from my overstay. Also I was miserably hot and feverish, burning up with waves of heat.

I rolled over to write down the detailed conversation I had over-heard and realized with shock that it won't take place for five or six more years yet!

Totally confused, and shaken up, I posted the incident and was shortly contacted with this information:

AKASHIC PULSE EPISODE: A regular cosmic interdimensional event, the frequency of which is unknown at this time. It begins with the Astral Wind collecting the projected doubles of all conscious beings in the universe, including those of sleepers, and transporting them to the highest dimensional level for adjustment by the Source, according to Karmic law. This event ends when the Akashic Pulse returns everyone back to their physical bodies, all then containing new or updated consciousness. The Akashic Records can be accessed and perceived (viewed) in various ways during an OBE, (Out of Body Experience)... interdimensional phenomenon, as containing detailed records of all past events; plus future probabilities generated by these, that can be perceived as 'viewable' events. Past and future events can even be experienced 'first-hand' during an OBE, with the projector entering a record/vision and becoming an invisible spectator.

Heh heh- or invisible eavesdropper.

I was also informed me that time-portals generate great waves of heat, and that accurate information about the future can be gathered and brought back. One example being Nostradomus.

Speaking of which, everybody must go and rent "The Man Who Saw Through Time." The Nostradomus E-mail that floated around after the attack was a fake- but the movie was made back in the 80's long before the 9/11 attack and you will be SHOCKED with the accuracy in which he describes it!

When you think about it, all psychics are time-travelers of a sort; if they're tapping into the future and bringing information back to the present.

I would love to harness this, but is so hard on the physical body- I can't take the damn G forces. Nostradomus must have built up some kind of resistance.

On the plus though, I now know for a FACT that time travel is real. So that's something.

Supposedly there are documented cases of people who got lost in time, and not only wound up in the wrong year, but in the wrong country. I think I read something where it happened to an entire ship or plane.


Leyla, its not "the future". Its one of many futures. One of many places that are connected to this one. They can converge on multiple futures farther away to avoid infinite splitting of timelines, but THERE IS MORE THAN 1. Dont depend on the knowledge of a common scientist. He is only Human.


I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one Beavis- I believe there are certain "contracts" we make before we ever incarnate into a physical body.


I don't even know how to begin to describe the events of last night- except that I've been tearing open doors and windows so fast I've unleashed- gods know what.

First I made a boo-boo by overstaying on the astral plain. I desperatly wanted to overhear a conversation so I hung around. Then I GOT LOST on the way back. Problem? I couldn't figure out what time period I belonged in. Seriously, like, three different periods of my life opened up for me and it took me a minute to figure out which one I was in. My future self was like "Are you still back in that little apartment?" It was sooo twilight zone.

Well, I must be because I woke up here. And immediatly wanted to throw up. My astral-overstay made me (temporarily) dog sick and burning up with fever. [xx(]

I wrote down the overheard conversation and realized that it won't take place for five or six more years yet.

So I thought the weirdness was done for the night. Not a chance.

I go into a dream. In the dream there is a hallway in a house that is blocked off because an evil spirit resides there. WITHOUT THINKING, I threw myself into the hallway and began kicking and attacking it. [}:)]

Boom. I wake up in OBE, and the thing is in my room. It grabs me by my leg and proceeds to drag me. [B)] It is male. I order him to leave and he begins giving my reasons for which he should stay. I refuse to listen to him.

He gets angry and pins me down; I go into sleep paralisys. I started a goddess chant to give me strength and he thinks this is funny. So I said "I'll show you @ssh0le." And snapped bolt awake and upright in bed, completely free of his grasp. "Told you I wasn't kidding!" I said. [^]

Now fully awake, I lit a banishment candel; it went out. "You realize I have more matches" I said, being a smart @ss.

Began yelling "Blow out one candel and I'll light two. Blow out two candels and I'll light three."

So I lit a second candel which he proceeded to blow out- but then I concentrated on them real hard and they both stayed lit.

I brought my electically operated chimes in the room, also good for banishment. I'll be damed if the things refused to ring. They'd wiggle and sway around without ever hitting each other.

I continued to get p*ssed off. [:(!]

Grabbed the chimes by the hand and began shaking them loudly all over the room. But then the moment I'd set them down again they'd stop ringing. Frustrated, I began to concentrate real hard on the chimes, just like I did with the candels, until they started ringing.

Called the corners, called to my guides, grabbed a crystal a pentical and a besom and whatever else might help me and laid down in bed prepared to leave my body.

"I'm coming to kick your butt" I said. [8]

So I just woke up an hour ago and feel like I was hit by a truck, it was a long hard fight but he's gone. [8D]

I've developed up a notch, and gained more ability, but the things you have to fight at this level also get bigger.

I got into magick to weave garlands and love charms, wear crystals and pet kittens. If somebody told me about all the astral kung-foo I'd have rethought it.

I had to call in sick to work. I can't believe the astral plain is interfering with my job now. [:(] This is ridiculous. I can't go busting out all "Kill Bill" every other week.