A Soul's Personality

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Hey guys :) I've been having astral experiences quite a bit lately (twice a week) and I've noticed that every single time I project my soul reacts a different way. For instance, I once exited, flew through my bedroom window and towards the only thing that seemed to be outside which was a white cat. My soul's reaction was to bother/tease it and try to get it to run away. Very unlike my awake self, I was feeling a bit mean and mischievous. During another experience, as soon as I left my body my soul....freaked out....was so incredibly happy and bouncing around....and just feeling ridiculously elated. Other times, especially if I've become lucid and exit through a nightmare, I'm very panicked and screaming/running away somehwhere.

The point is- my soul seems to have an intensely different personality or mood each time I'm astral. Has anyone else noticed this or am I the only weirdo? Thanks :)


maybe when we project our soul in more in touch with other lives and personality traits... just an idea :-)
i do notice that on many occasions i have different memories, that seem so real, that i could swear to while out there


I cannot really relate to your use of the term "soul".

To me, you don't HAVE a soul. You ARE a soul. So I don't understand why you use it in 3rd person instead of saying "I".

Also, in many theories and teachings, "soul" or "higher self" is sth more complex and an astral body is just one aspect of the (over)soul (who we are). But of course, terminologies differ.

I think you experience different moods (like in physical life), possibly in different energy bodies, also with differing lucidity.

Have you been always 100% lucid and in control when you projected? Possibly an unconscious, and partially non-lucid personality aspect of yours acted out some themes (fear, joy, etc.), which it normally does in dream situations.

In some teachings the Astral Body is also called the Emotional Body. So these experiences should not surprise you then.  :wink:

Just my two cents.


yeah, your soul sounds like a cat.


Quote from: Volgerle on January 16, 2011, 15:49:47
I cannot really relate to your use of the term "soul".

To me, you don't HAVE a soul. You ARE a soul. So I don't understand why you use it in 3rd person instead of saying "I".

It's like saying "my self" really. I'm guessing she's using "my soul" instead of "I" to convey to the reader a reduced sense of responsibility for "her soul's" actions.

And yes, I know exactly what you are talking about, Melissa. I too notice being uncharacteristically aggressive in some projections, especially in ones where there is plenty of strange people around. I trash talked a middle aged woman in one projection and slapped a guy across the face in another. I felt bad doing these things after the fact but in the moment I guess I had a "I can do whatever I want, yay me!" mentality.


Quote from: Astral316 on January 17, 2011, 07:47:00
It's like saying "my self" really. I'm guessing she's using "my soul" instead of "I" to convey to the reader a reduced sense of responsibility for "her soul's" actions.

And yes, I know exactly what you are talking about, Melissa. I too notice being uncharacteristically aggressive in some projections, especially in ones where there is plenty of strange people around. I trash talked a middle aged woman in one projection and slapped a guy across the face in another. I felt bad doing these things after the fact but in the moment I guess I had a "I can do whatever I want, yay me!" mentality.

The slapping part made me giggle :) Thank you for your input everyone.....glad to know I'm (my soul...whichever you prefer... wasn't aware my phrasing would cause a stir) not the only obnoxious person when in the astral :)


Great topic. One time I left my body, I sat up in my bed and went to my table.. Then I looked up and saw a man in front of a chalkboard. I smiled, thought "Oh he got a haircut!" I felt I knew him. But I had never seen this man in real life before   :?

I'd agree with the astral body as the emotional body. I find the emotions almost have a mind of its own, but I can always say that I know where it comes from, why I feel the things I do. I can't say it's a completely other personality.

Anyway.. I thought you might like to listen to this! http://www.monroeinstitute.org/downloads/explorer-series-29-aspects/ It is a person who goes into trance, their personality "splits up" into separate entities..!