Booted out of the astral?

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I hear lots of talk about getting kicked out of the astral for doing things out of the norm or such. How and why does this happen? can anyone give me a set of rules for the astral?
And for how long can you be kicked out for?


I don't know that that's the case; however, if for some reason you're not ready for an environment/experience, you may not be able to stay long.  It's probably a 'compatibility' thing.


Without going into too much deal, I have been booted out of only higher level experiences F24+ when I did something akin to "sinning." I am not religious, but this is the only way I can explain it. It is pretty rudimentary. Pick something up that is not yours, mess around with a women entity up there, covet and intend something beyond your reach. Honestly, it all sounds like 10 commandment stuff.

Every time I do get booted out, I kinda know why, I mean it usually fits that mold and its obvious, ya know. It's the last thing you were doing, which is usually the easiest thing to remember.

As I get up, the typical "Whoops" dawns on me.



 I have been shown there are rules. You abide by them or you are not invited back.


QuoteI have been shown there are rules.

Could you explain more?


Quote from: Lionheart on April 10, 2012, 00:21:36
I have been shown there are rules. You abide by them or you are not invited back.
This comment pretty well speaks for itself. When I first started to project my early Phase sessions would land me in some type of school. I was told constantly to "just observe". After awhile the lessons became deeper, I was told to keep what I was seeing to myself. I told my wife and this site a couple of those things and found that I could not get back for about awhile. I would Phase, get to the point of visuals and then an entity would be waving their finger and saying not yet. You broke the rules, maybe next time. This occurred for about 3 weeks. I learned my lesson and now everything is back to normal again. I personally did not think that anything could stop me from Astral Travelling. But now I am wiser and listen. It most likely does not make sense to anyone, but your Astral Journey is a personal quest and sometime you just have to keep it that way. This is the way it works for me and I have 2 Phase sessions per day and in the last 2 weeks have had Lucid Dreams almost every night. I always say "if something isn't broken, don't fix it".  :-)


There's no astral police, you do not get punished or banished. You experience what you're ready for. Anything holding you back is your own personal limitations. I find that in "higher realms", the concept of sin is a very physical thing... it's not something you do there, it's something you can perceive from an outside perspective and see it in it's truth and the purpose of it. You can see the consequences of your "sinning" and how it effects others, and in turn become better person from the inside. Redemption, and in turn, liberation.


Quote from: Chrysocolla on April 09, 2012, 21:35:37
I hear lots of talk about getting kicked out of the astral for doing things out of the norm or such. How and why does this happen?

I'm don't know half as much as many here do, but reading this post reminded my of what I once learned about 'belief system territories' (No idea now off hand who it was that coined that term.)  It's basically just how it sounds though as I understand it, areas within the astral realms populated by people and beings with very similar beliefs and ideas about their world. 

Now say for example you were to take off flying through the air in an area that happened to belong to a group that believes itself to be as physical and bound by gravity as we in physical bodies on Earth are.  You might either scare someone who has no idea at all what to think, or just make several of them mad.  I wonder if in part, messing around to much, either on purpose of more likely simply my accident, in the belief system territories, is one thing that would a person politely or perhaps less than politely sent home.               


Quote from: Stookie_ on April 10, 2012, 11:31:44
There's no astral police, you do not get punished or banished.
I find it hard to see how you could say this when it can't be proven either way. You are telling someone that has had this happen to them that it didn't happen. I agree with the "personal limitations" part of your quote. But even if it was a "personal limitation", it still occurred. It was real to me and that's all that matters in my reality.


Fair enough. I actually meditated on this one a bit this morning. From my perspective and learning, it's our virtues that lead us to... "higher astral realms" (I don't know exactly what I should call it). I know a lot of people always mention "PUL" when talking about these areas, but I've never completely agreed with the terminology, and I think that for me it's "virtue", which would include love, compassion, unselfishness, respect, peace, joy. As a person grows and becomes more "virtuous", they begin to gravitate towards these higher levels. There's no desire or temptation for "sin" at this point, it's been transcended and you exist among other virtuous beings.

I've had hard times staying "out" sometimes, but I've never had a guide or being tell me "no, you have to return now" like you read about often. I've never been told "no, you can't do that!". I've hit limitations, but that's what spurs me on towards total freedom and getting past those limitations. So no, in my personal experience I do not accept the idea of astral laws or banishing. I proceed by my ideals toward virtue.


Quote from: Stookie_ on April 11, 2012, 12:06:40
As a person grows and becomes more "virtuous", they begin to gravitate towards these higher levels. There's no desire or temptation for "sin" at this point, it's been transcended and you exist among other virtuous beings.

This is consistent with the teachings of the Masters in the Sant Mat tradition. The "Ten Commandments" observation above was a good start. It is said that the morality and ethics level of those few simple commandments is child's play and very basic. To reach the Higher levels the comportment of a Saint is required.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quote from: Stookie_ on April 11, 2012, 12:06:40
Fair enough. I actually meditated on this one a bit this morning. From my perspective and learning, it's our virtues that lead us to... "higher astral realms" (I don't know exactly what I should call it). I know a lot of people always mention "PUL" when talking about these areas, but I've never completely agreed with the terminology, and I think that for me it's "virtue", which would include love, compassion, unselfishness, respect, peace, joy. As a person grows and becomes more "virtuous", they begin to gravitate towards these higher levels. There's no desire or temptation for "sin" at this point, it's been transcended and you exist among other virtuous beings.
Becoming more "Virtuous".
Lowering your "Entropy".

I love it.  :)

QuoteI've had hard times staying "out" sometimes, but I've never had a guide or being tell me "no, you have to return now" like you read about often. I've never been told "no, you can't do that!". I've hit limitations, but that's what spurs me on towards total freedom and getting past those limitations. So no, in my personal experience I do not accept the idea of astral laws or banishing. I proceed by my ideals toward virtue.
I, too, have a hard time wrapping my head around such ideas.

Chaos Mage

I had an experience where I was sent back to this reality.  It happened in an astral projection just a few nights ago.  I had done some invocations and as I was going to sleep, I was doing banishing.  So I was in some great reality, the thing is, it is all emotions and visuals with only minor sound patterns.  It is like there is only impulses of the 'reality', which form a general overview of a potential temporal situation.

At points within the dream state, time can slow down directly and time no longer exists, only a moment of pristine happiness and peace.  This can also be a slowing of time in which time has not entirely stopped.  At those points, I can control the reality and have choices, the problem is that the choices are made by my sub conscious mind in combination with the objects that are directly perceived or made manifest as an integral part of the formula for the making of a choice.

There are alternate realities.  The Multiverse is in itself "Multiversal".  I've noticed that when I go to the dream world, there are at least five different places that I can go.  Some of those places are the Etheric, the Astral, Parallel Time Line 1A and 1A2, and then a special type of place which I don't go often.  That's why I like phantasy so much.  If you can find the right entry point and generate a control, then from the most basic type of signature of a reality, you can expand your own astral avatar.  If you can find people that love you in the Multiverse, they might temporarily loan control of their bodies for you to have an experience.  But there are other ways, which require only the perserverance and time to pressure the dimension into a new dimension which includes you as an additional component.

Anyway, my experience was that I was doing something wrong with a boat, and then these kids showed up.  We were all in a garage, and I was climbing on the boat and trying to get to the second floor.  It's some kind of garage/house mixture.  So I was telling these kids about something, a game to play, and the adults thought that I was talking to them about bukkake.  You see, in this situation, with the fragmentation to the dream state, this is all just the sub conscious calculating with an internal function of memory and thought, producing an imaginative environment to experience a summation of my experiences.  So then, after the adults told me that, me and these kids played with some toy guns, and had some fun with little toy cars, then, it was time to go.  My Parents showed up, and they begged me to come home, and to just live, don't worry about being great or having a lot of things, you still have family.  So then some things happened and I gradually woke up out of diminishing sequences of dream state vibrations.

I think, that we convince ourselves to have specific types of experiences.  Our dream state then becomes the reality in which we are preparing more experiences.  Or it can work the other way around, as well.  You could be spending time enjoying the wind, and dream about flying in the wind.  Or if you were really craving sex, you would have some type of sexual dream.  If your daily focus shifts towards the astral, you are more likely to have astral experiences.  Some people don't even use their memory, much less worry about having experiences in alternate reality.

For higher planes, I believe that it really depends on how much you love and respect all-creation.  If you are going and crapping on somebody's plane, and harming it's people and ruining the reality, then you can expect resistance to going back there.  I believe that you can access the higher dimensions at any time, simply by watching for the radiance of the environment and your ability to regenerate and levitate.  If you can levitate in the physical plane, then you are already at one with the higher dimension.  You will have all the supreme power of God that can exist, and discover, it is still the same 'reality'.  It's Cosmic.  It takes courage to fly, and hope to fight.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


Authority is directly proportional to responsibility. The more authority one has, the greater the responsibility there is to attend to it wisely, I believe.


Im with chas on this.
From R. Bruce's book, Astral Dynamics page 152 a somewhat authoritive view. If you like his works on this subject.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on April 16, 2012, 06:09:47
From R. Bruce's book, Astral Dynamics page 152 a somewhat authoritive view. If you like his works on this subject.

I think Bruce is a pretty good source and reference;

From R. Bruce's book, Astral Dynamics page 304 (free download version, PDF format)

Privacy, Ethics, and OBE
An unfounded belief that out-of-body activities are policed from above continues in popularity today. Some believe that if projectors misbehave they will be stopped from having further OBEs — banned by a higher authority. Some even believe an astral police force watches out for and punishes unethical and immoral behavior.

According to my experience, this is a complete myth.There are some natural barriers associated with OBE, but no ethical or moral limitations. Conscience and natural consequence are the only true behavioral modifiers. Can you imagine the mind-boggling logistics keeping tabs on several billion projectors — on planet Earth alone, every night?

I have found no astral overseers policing the out-of-body environment during my many years of OBE exploration. Some of my out-of-body experiments have most severely tested this theory over the years. But nothing has ever hindered or stopped me from having further OBEs at will.

[here is a partial section of the book online where this text is taken from]
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.