What did I experience ?

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Hi all...I had an experience lately. On returning from a trip from Vancouver, next day I was seriously jet-lagged. I lay down on the couch and dozed off. Next thing I know is although 'asleep' I can see my clock on the wall only its not on the wall its on the ceiling. Top of my head was pointing to my right hand wall so I was disoriented and I'm saying to myself'why is that clock on the ceiling' !. I suddenly realised I was asleep but could somehow observe my living room from my position on the couch. I panic'd and tried to awake. I could hear myself straining to speak through clenched teeth. I could not move a muscle..suddenly my body gave a tremendous jerk and I was awake...Is this simply mind awake and body asleep.. If so where can it lead and how can I get to this state again..can't afford another trip!!! Any ideas ...


It sounds to me like you were experiencing astral vision. I don't really think it could've been a projection since you could still move your physical body, but in the astral you always seem to misplace objects from the physical plane.
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Quote from: Jimari
Next thing I know is although 'asleep' I can see my clock on the wall only its not on the wall its on the ceiling.

You were seeing through your astral eyes. On the etheric plane, there are reality fluctuations. Some things can be out of place, a different color, etc.

Quote from: Jimari
I could not move a muscle..suddenly my body gave a tremendous jerk and I was awake...

You were in a state called sleep paralysis. The jerk that you've felt was probably your astral body returning to your physical body.

Quote from: Jimari
Is this simply mind awake and body asleep.. If so where can it lead and how can I get to this state again..

Since your physical body was paralyzed (body asleep), and you were consciously aware of what was going on (mind awake), I would say that you were in the mind awake/body asleep state. It can lead to an OBE if you want. You either are lucky enough to wake up in this state or you reach this state through meditation.

Mind Awake/Body Asleep (F10): http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_permanent_astral_topics/focus_10_mind_awakebody_asleep-t24783.0.html
