Does anyone see what looks like shadow people looking down on them?

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As I deeply relax and stare at the darkness before me, I often see what looks like hooded shadow people looking down on me. They are darker then the darkness of the inside of eyelids; pretty much one big blob of black. Sometimes they whiz around. I'm not afraid of them. I  just don't know what they are. I actually laid there and in my mind said hello to see what would happen! Sometimes there is just one and other times there are several. Anyway, anyone else experience this or have any idea what they are? Thanks guys!


You mean like these guys?

I don't know. When I tried to touch them they weren't made of anything... or weren't of substance. I've seen them a few times and they are very common.


Quote from: Bedeekin on December 17, 2012, 21:15:24
You mean like these guys?

I don't know. When I tried to touch them they weren't made of anything... or weren't of substance. I've seen them a few times and they are very common.

Holy crap, batman!
That's them! Except they are black. Would love to know more. I have seen them at least four times now. I saw one the first time. Last time, there were a few. I tried to 'talk' to one....but no use.


i've seen those all throughout my life. i'm not sure what they are, i usually just ignore them. an old friend of mine used to tell me that they were called Jinns


When I was little... I saw one with wings in real life at night when I went downstairs to the bathroom. I stood there with my mouth open trying to make sense of it. Haha. My mom saw it too a week later.

I'm not sure if these guys are different. But I want to do some more research. Hmmm. Jinns you say? Interesting!



hey bedeekin would u happen to have the other photos of those hoodedentities if im correct i believe last time i had seen that photo there were 2 others.

also ive seen them or those as well most in sleep paralysis, usual white idk about black, i get where u can say they look like shadows but eh its weird to me they appear white but inside it feels like how everyone says dark, black,
never seemed to bother me, it does spook me but they never did no harm neither a word,
my best opinion is that its common for people to report this sighting because in worldly culture a dark silent figure most likely in a hooded cloak seems to be associated with occult or forbidden beings/cults in society. naturally the human mind has fear for the unknown/occult this is why it is natural instinct to have uneasy in the dark, u cant see whats there,.
so in short these figures would be a basic creation of the mind's imagination to represent the unknown, just a hood, no face, one color, it doesnt need alot of DMT to project that
(!)Spark it up


Quote from: Amorda on December 17, 2012, 21:18:39
Holy crap, batman!
That's them! Except they are black. Would love to know more. I have seen them at least four times now. I saw one the first time. Last time, there were a few. I tried to 'talk' to one....but no use.

They were black... I just made them this way so they stood out. :)

I couldn't find the other picture.

I didn't see them while I was in SP... and it was about 3 years ago I saw these. They were part of a profound experience.

Quote from: Xanth on December 17, 2012, 22:08:17
They're the usual metaphor for "the unknown".  

True and that is what I would have said... but I was already 27 years familiar with the unknown when they showed up. Also I wasn't at all frightened or wary of them. I tried to touch them.


and I had an interesting dialogue with the woman who painted this...

It's the same guys on their day off! LOL


Well, one possibility is that the "unknown" could be something so deep down within yourself that you don't even realize you don't know it.


Maybe you forgot to remember to remember, just incase you forgot,
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Maybe... maybe not.

Maybe I am so in touch with the unknown that I know it... maybe I'm not.

Maybe... maybe... maybe.

Maybe some people like to attribute these things as metaphors because it's easier to handle themselves. Maybe they dont.

it's just a big bucket of maybe.


Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


(!)Spark it up


Once when I just got out of body and looked trough the window I saw then i my yard!5 or 6 walking slowly around,and I said "You are not wanted here!" and they dissapeared!
Who am I is not important...My message is...


Wow... They disappeared? Not very good at upholding their orders. That's like a doorman at a night club saying "sorry... you aren't on the list" and disappearing.


strange saw these a few days ago. they disappeared quickly and was over me like a black cloud. interesting that many here have seen them.


i've been seeing these all my life at the foot of the bed.  When i was a child I would wake up screaming that there was hooded figure at the end of my bed.  In highschool when i began experiencing sleep paralysis, there was one at the end of the bed laughing at me.  I have always been scared of them, until adulthood. 

I was researching them and found out lots of people had experienced the same phenomena, so there's something to it.  i read one enlightening theory that suggested they are actually our spirit guides.  They appear cloaked and their faces in shadow so that we don't become too emotionally attached to them.  Sounds kinda cool if that is true. 

Another interesting conspiracy theory of my own....  What if they ARE good but we've been conditioned to fear the characters in movies, cartoons, books, etc that look like this.  Maybe some organization like the illuminati want to keep us fearful after these encounters instead of being interested and exploring our astral lives, becoming enlightened, supressing our potential. That would explain why the grim reaper wears the same garb, as does no-heart from the carebears, and countless villians in movies.   Something to consider....
It feels so good to breathe the air
Another spin around the sun
On this speck of light in the universe
The gift of love is there for everyone


Quote from: Sarahinthesky on December 29, 2012, 17:48:28
i've been seeing these all my life at the foot of the bed.  When i was a child I would wake up screaming that there was hooded figure at the end of my bed.  In highschool when i began experiencing sleep paralysis, there was one at the end of the bed laughing at me.  I have always been scared of them, until adulthood

they just represent the unknown
im still scared of it at times only when i get disorganized
(!)Spark it up


Not exactly beings for me; but I've seen shadows, with the shape of clouds moving around me, up and down my chest and my body in general. It has happened a few times after deep meditation once I decided to open my eyes.

I just let them be though, for some reason I felt they've been there longer than I noticed them


 Yesterday during a Phase Session I did I saw myself surrounded by a group of what I could make out to be shrouded/hooded beings. My first visual was from looking up at them from the bed. They all extended their hands and put them on my body. A weird glow suddenly surrounded my body. A second later I was looking a them from a different view point. This one was from the ceiling looking down and I could see that my body was glowing. Then as quick as this came, it went and I was left in the 3D darkness/depth.

After this occurred I found myself in a very strange kind of Retrieval. One I had never experienced before.

I wrote about it here.

I have only did a couple of Phase sessions since I got out of the mall. During my time in my Kiosk, especially for the month of December, I stopped engaging in any Phase Sessions, due to tiredness and too many distractions. I knew better than to try!

This was my second really good Phase session in awhile and now I am back to doing 2 of them per day. One with the Laxman and one without.



Ohhh I have seen many of these. One time I saw a figure of a man sitting on my bed. I had 100% awareness. He was kinda a shadow figure... but I could tell it was a man. Here is an image on google I found that looks exactly like what I saw when I first started getting into this stuff. It walked across my hallway.

I often see guys like this a lot. They never mean any harm.


Question is why "The unknown" take the same appearence for many/all people. Its almost as if this is programed into universal consciousness.