Feeling exausted in the morning after traveling

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I have no idea... One possiblility that I've recently read is that most people feel better when their bed is grounded.

Maybe ormus could help I dunno [|)]
"... and his eyes had all the seeming, of a demon that is dreaming..."  The Raven

In loving memory of 9/11




Please some expert give me some input in this.

A friend of mine (girl) after a near death experience (she went to the other dimension) she is back with something totaly new to her and that is that she leaves her body  near every night she goes to sleep and she travel to others dimensions and she also sees things that they happen after 1 or 2 days.

The problem is that she feel exausted in the morning!
Any idea why she feel like that? It's hard for her to get use to it.

Thanx for any inputs [:(]