The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! => Topic started by: EscapeVelocity on November 12, 2013, 19:01:03

Title: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 12, 2013, 19:01:03
Something I thought I would share:

Lessons come in many forms and usually not in the way we expect. Or when. Every now and then it is nice to get a solid, substantial feedback on our efforts, just some kind of encouragement, some indicator that we're making a little progress. My current dry spell had been going on way too long.

Finally something must have broken loose.

It didn't fit into any of my previous experiences; it most certainly was not a dream so I finally just called it an Experience.

But I realize now that it was a Lesson...and a Contact...with Someone.

Comments are welcome.


March 2011

It was just a normal night sleeping, not trying to AP or having any expectations. About 2 or 3am I became lucid towards the end of a random dream and after the dream ended my consciousness just floated and drifted in the 3D Void. I recognized where I was and that I could move to the deeper end of the Void and possibly attempt an exit. I also could have woken up with a simple thought, I was that close to the surface; but I was content to just float in what felt like the shallow end of the 3D Blackness pool. Face down in the inky Blackness, very calm, very quiet, comfortable, no effort, no Intent. And maybe somewhat receptive, as it turned out.

(Monroe wrote about communication in the NPR, that oftentimes it's done with NVC-Non Verbal Communication and also thought-packets he called Rotes. I've had varying degrees of success with telepathy in the NPR but never clearly experienced what I thought he meant by NVC or a Rote.)

Just floating there, for probably 15 minutes or so, no thought, no mental chatter. The NVC was so subtle the first time, I easily could have missed it. It was like the most gentle, softest hint of a whisper. Like the soft ding! of an email alert. And it either opened by itself or I somehow knew instinctively how to 'click' on it. It had a voice or I gave it a voice.

---Would you like an Experience?---

Uhh, sure I thought, and I wrapped the response with a little bit of Intent and pushed it outward mentally.

A face appeared before me, maybe two feet away. It was alien, shaped like a horse head but without the ears and staring right back at me, alive and breathing. It seemed a hybrid of both mammal and insect: flaring, pulsing nostrils at the bottom and dark, mantis-like eyes at the top. We regarded each other silently for perhaps a minute. Then, the face faded and another, similar face appeared. Something was happening with this creature however; it was as if a large object was pushing and crunching its way down the left nasal cavity. The creature looked as if it was becoming increasingly distressed and uncomfortable. I had kept my calm up to this point but the image of alien Greys implanting and extracting probes came to my mind and a few seconds later I thought Okay, I've had about enough of this.

And I closed off my awareness.

A short time later, I reopened my awareness and I was once again floating peacefully in the 3D Void/Blackness. I thought about what I had just witnessed and what, if any message I should take from it. Should I have watched to the end? Was I supposed to feel empathy for the creature? Was it a Fear test? Was it a test of my tolerance level and/or to teach me how to close my awareness if I should need to? I could have maintained my emotional composure for a good bit longer, but not having a clear reason to, or understanding a deeper context for the experience, my patience had run out. Should I have offered it a handkerchief? Or let it sneeze a giant alien booger all over me?

I let the thoughts go and continued to enjoy drifting silently. Maybe five minutes passed. Maybe as much as an hour. Another NVC came through, this time even clearer. It had a quality to it, of warmth, intelligence and purpose.

---Would you like another Experience?---

Okay, sure.

Instantly, a landscape opened before me: It was a small town, with simple one, two and three-story buildings, very plain and unremarkable. In fact, I don't remember seeing many, if any windows. Everything was in simple, muted earth-tones: black, brown, gray, drab-green. There were no traffic lights or power lines, almost nothing of what you would expect in a small town: signs, advertisments, benches, trashcans, clutter, etc. No vehicles of any kind. The scene reminded me of something like small-town USA back in the 1850's or the simpler community lifestyles chosen by groups such as those I've seen like the modern day Mennonites of South America. There were people moving up and down the streets but the overall scene was so simply constructed and devoid of other signs of life, activity and general commerce that one might expect, that I had a suspicion that this might be a mental creation of my own. The scene just was not entirely believable to me.

From a distance the people looked like humans. Again the NVC.

---This is a life-form similar to your own, but with a significant difference---

As I focused in more closely on the people, I could see that there was a marked physical difference: On everyone's forehead there was another layer of flesh, maybe an inch, inch and a half thick, wrapping around from temple to temple, and from the eyebrows up to the hairline. It seemed to be outside the cranium. I wondered if it was a separate organ and if so, for what?

---This allows them to experience Time in a way that your kind cannot perceive---

That's interesting, I thought. Apart from that and the apparent lack of detail to the town, this could be from almost anywhere on Earth.

---Would you like to experience life as they do?---

Sure, I guess that might be...

And before that thought could finish, I was whisked across the distance in an instant and 'downloaded' into the nearest guy's head! I had the briefest thought of Oh crap! I hope I didn't just commit myself to a lifetime here!

It was amazing! I was actually in some guy's head, piggy-backing his consciousness! I don't think he knew I was there.

It was like I was sitting with him in the cockpit of a spacecraft with multiple touchscreen monitors surrounding us and all I had to do was reach out and touch on a file to open it. Thousands of files and documents were right there: his memories, beliefs, concerns, thoughts about their world, their society, their Community, the Law. I touched on what seemed a hundred files in rapid succession. I was engulfed and overwhelmed with information. It was too much to take in all at once and as quickly as I thought I was understanding part of one concept, my attention was caught by another, dropping the first and moving on to another, dropping that one, moving to another, and on and on.

As I thought about it afterwards, a couple things were noticeably absent. I got no percept on his family life or children, in general. I got nothing on Love or Emotion, in general. I had the feeling that emotions are tightly controlled, maybe consciously sublimated here. Maybe my idea of Emotion simply did not exist here, had not yet evolved. Possibly I was prevented access to his private or family thoughts to protect his privacy.

Now that I think back on it, in all the headlong rush of information, I definitely did not see any children and I'm not sure I saw any women. Maybe they're some kind of androgenous species. I never got a percept that explained it.

And then I got to their perception of Time. For a few minutes, I 'saw' Time the way they do.

Language fails me somewhat, so I'll just try and convey the highlights of what I experienced; I have no doubt some of it is my mis-interpretation. I didn't get a percept on their civilization as a whole, but their community, their culture, their individual lives are all focused, co-ordinated and prioritized through their understanding and relationship to Time and Causality. I think that like us, they mostly live in a linear, sequential series of Now moments, arriving from some Future set of Potentialities that occur and then retreat into the Past. But, like we have a series of Physical Reality vision-audio-tactile-taste-smell senses, they add one more: a kind of visual sense into Time. They can 'see' Up the Line and Down the Line (to borrow a phrase from Robert Silverberg), as well as the Now. Layered on top of or through this vision, they also see 'lines' of Causality, hundreds of lines of varying probability/potentiality ranging out in all directions, narrowing and merging at certain intersections or nexuses of decision/action/consequence, at Community and Individual levels. The majority of these thin, black lines run parallel, either Up the Line or Down the Line, like bundles of fiber optics, a few lines diverging here or there from the main trunk. Dozens of these lines or filaments, shoot off at varying angles, some merging and others disappearing from sight, widely-divergent Timelines indicating critical decision/action points. They can somehow examine and study these lines or filaments, both individually and in groups, to see where and how actions are likely to alter the Timepath, or to see where past actions have led to a particular nexus. Thus, there is great responsibility and deliberation, careful consideration in minimizing risk to the alteration of the Communities' Timepath. This is a Timepath chosen by everyone in the Community. Everything of possible consequence is considered, outright disruptions cannot be tolerated. The Great Corrections, if ever there were any, are all long in the Past. Of over-riding importance now, is the continuity of the Path. It's like there is a momentum that was started long ago; there's not much to be done now, just tiny adjustments; like keeping a large sailing ship on course, tightening a sail here, loosening a line there, trimming out the ship. Hence the simple, almost monastic lifestyle.

Now the town and the utter simplicity of its construction made sense to me. The lack of signs of what I considered normal daily life were not here for a reason. They wanted it this way. The fewer the distractions, the fewer the possible complications and things that could go wrong. No one questions it, it's just always been this way.

It had become apparent that they were on a pretty substantially different path of development or evolution from those in my world.

I had the thought that I probably could not survive long in his world, nor he in mine. I would go nuts from sheer boredom and he would be driven insane by all the chaos and conflict. Maybe it was because I thought of my world that the Experience ended. I don't think my awareness faltered...

Abruptly, I was ejected from his head, like a little kid receiving a pat on the rump, pointing him in the general direction of Home. With one last NVC.

---Experience ended---
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on November 16, 2013, 18:53:46
What did you gain from their experience of time?
The boredom you see is not present to them at all. It's too physical a thought. Think about what you feel they are attempting to achieve in their evolution.
How time is utilised in their environment.
I'll wait for your answer before commenting further.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: soarin12 on November 18, 2013, 15:15:39
Wow!  This certainly is an interesting one.  I have absolutely nothing intelligent to add. lol  I just wanted to say thank you for posting this.  So great when people share these kinds of experiences.  We all get so much perspective from them.  :)
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Astralzombie on November 18, 2013, 16:03:49
I really enjoyed reading that. I wish more people would start sharing more of their experiences.

It's as if we are only discussing the test questions here and no one is talking about the course work anymore.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 19, 2013, 18:43:09
soarin12 and Astralzombie--

Thanks for the comments and you're very welcome! I enjoy your posts as well. This was a good experience that had enough depth that I thought was worthwhile to share.


Thanks for the questions; you got me to dig a little deeper on some of these issues--I'd be very interested in your comments.

---------What did you gain from their experience of Time?--------

I think that I gained something on at least a couple of levels: On one I was reminded of the importance and responsibility of my decisions and actions; with greater awareness of the effects and consequences. On another level, I realized that I was being given a great opportunity to get insight and perspective into a peoples' evolution and development that was significantly different from my own. Oh yeah, I also got to 'see' Time in a completely new way, lived it for a couple minutes, felt it. The whole thing was a great adventure!

---------The boredom you see is not present to them at all---------

That was a poor choice of words on my part. I was trying to convey the stark incompatibility that I felt between their world and mine. I didn't sense boredom from them, rather a profound sense of community, an intense one-mindedness and determined purpose.

---------It's too physical a thought---------

Thanks for the hint; I hadn't thought of it quite that way. I was struggling to characterize their mindset. I wouldn't call it a 'spiritual' or 'religious' path; maybe it is more 'mental' or possibly 'causal' in its emphasis. I've read a little of the occult theory of energy body development such as the Mental and Causal Bodies; maybe this has something to do with it, then again maybe not.

---------How is Time utilised in their environment?---------

I'm not sure I have a satisfactory answer for this; I got some details like the Timepath and 'lines' but not the complete overview, the 'why'. I didn't get the sense that they could actually Time-travel or manipulate past or future events, just that they had a keen awareness of patterns and trends emerging from various Timelines. So, in that sense, Time for them is like the weather to the captain of a sailing ship. The weather and wind are largely the central determinants to the actions of his daily life.

---------Think about what you feel they are attempting to achieve in their evolution---------

Looking back at my journal notes this is exactly the question I was considering when the experience ended. I didn't think that I had come up with a complete answer, but maybe I actually had since I was summarily ejected from the event. I thought I had somehow screwed up; maybe that wasn't the case. (CFTraveler wrote an excellent reply on Contenteo's Conceptual Framework of the Astral thread that really helped advance my perspective on an area that I habitually get stuck on involving unexpected transitions/dropouts. She wrote, " You may wake up thinking that you devolved into a dream and be disappointed--yet you actually fulfilled the purpose of the simulation...and the reason for the simulation ceased to exist, so you phased back into your waking awareness.") Does the simulation/lesson/experience end just that quickly, in an instant? I did get a sendoff, but I had no idea whether I had succeeded or failed.
        I was wondering what his personal, developmental goal was? What was the Community goal? Was it a physical place they all were trying to get to? The word 'destination' occurred to me. A different type of destination? A destination in Time? Something else...a kind of mental destination, a destination in the concept of Purpose, a way of thinking...a pure form...perfecting a discipline of thought-action

And at that instant I was ejected from the experience.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on November 20, 2013, 08:00:26
From reading your responses I'll comment on each, they may provide you a different, more non physical way of interpreting the data. You were pulled out at an exact and precise time for a reason; Your immediate thoughts.
Time as they want it to be seems to have a strong purpose behind its existant continuum. As we don't posess this sense organ, can you relate to what it was used for in their early development?
It comes over as initially it was a weapon.
Some large scale event would have occurred to make their incessant conformity to their present environment. It's too rigid and they, as a whole, will not break this bond.
Your perspective on that witnessed is good. I like how you could feel their sense of time.

The boredom, ok on choice. Language is limited. It's your interpretation on having to live there with their 'emptiness' I feel presented in your words.

Too physical,
My view on your thoughts. If you can try to understand their ways rather than comparing it to ours you may recieve more insight from the experience. It will become apparent later. Again language fails here, it's far more appropriate to use the term 'feel'. From this you can almost go unnoticed in some environments. A 'must have' for the darker places.

Time, ever though of adding clairvoyance to the comparison? It appears you may not know this sense too well. It is however obvious, you can arrange things to prevent or increase the odds of a forthcoming event if you have a sense of time in this way. It fits well into their ways and environment. Perhaps the emotional ties that exist with us in the physical manifest with them in an unknown way. It is the most profound experience I know and could easily change everything you are. You have no choice it's that strong. It explains their group mindset on everthing being basic to the point of minimalistic to prevent or accentuate a repeat event or indeed progress. It's hard to explain this in language. It's a telepathic communication of great intensity and our minds are in the kindergarten still.
Evolutionary achievement, yourmind was running at full speed and addressing all eventualities. By sorting out an answer you were using a far larger area of your brain. This is in itself a doubling up of normal physical capabilities. You were ejected with a memory to store. Its important in your development as it displays how the NP can place you outside the known norm and still give credence to your operating within these confinements.
Your contemplations at the end are almost suggesting they are awaiting the next phase in evolution. An expectation of sorts. They are connected to the wider reality data stream through their understanding of time. It's only one connection. Perhaps if they switched off this light they may see more. Thats hard to say but a possibility.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 20, 2013, 15:56:35
Thank you for that incredible interpretation Szaxx.

It's all resonating highly within me; I'm going to need a day or two to assimilate the information, and then I might have a couple questions.

I think you actually expanded my consciousness with that post. Thank you!

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on November 20, 2013, 18:37:23
You're welcome. You do possess the ability to use your mind as the primary sense in the NP. The mind meld or imprint as I labeled it was clearly defined in your words. You went inside the mind of an entity and had access to the total knowledge gained therein. A lifetimes info at your disposal, I use this to program others to know things in an instant. It does work both ways. In a posted retrieval I used the imprinting to give lots of info that may have taken more time than that available if spoken. It can give a headache to those on the revieving end though. It's a common complaint.
Generally you think of a range of information you want and read it from their mind. When familiar they can be programmed to not notice your intrusion while info is gained.
With consent you feel better though.
Some are easy to transfer data with while others are risky. Any devious entity should be avoided. It can end the experience in an unsavory mindset if you underestimate their capabilities. You become them in a fashion and their mindset becomes yours until you realise then unlock the changes.
This works both ways too, an advantage if the odds are against you. That's provided the entity has enough of a mind in the first place. Thoughtforms are quite empty. Lol.
I hope others on site have this ability, there's not much posted on its use.
Remember the feel of being inside and try to recreate this with a simple question in mind. You'll be surprised at the simplicity.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 23, 2013, 17:15:05
Okay Szaxx,

I read your second reply and that got my energy body charged up and buzzing; later that night I read your third reply and that nearly caused me to blow a gasket. I've now been buzzing for three days!  :-D And also an odd headache for the first day and a half.(That wasn't you popping in for a visit was it?)

This has been a fascinating learning experience and I want you to know how much I truly appreciate your input and advice.

I have some further observations and then a couple questions.

They just throw you into the deep end of the swimming pool, don't they? You sink or swim on your own efforts. No explanations, not even a hint of what's to come. It really forces you to Analyze-Improvise-Adapt & Overcome.

It's obvious to me that I need to learn new ways in interpreting my experiences; set aside the old belief systems/worldview and stay open for new possibilities. It's just so easy to make an incorrect first assumption and head way off in the wrong direction!

Like you said- Pay more attention to the 'feel' of the experience or the individual percept. 'Feel' is not an entirely accurate word to describe this quality of sensing but comes about as close as any word can. I know exactly what you're getting at. It's a very, very subtle yet distinct thing. I got lots of 'feel' from this experience but failed to properly notice much of it or recognize it's message. More is coming through, like you said.

So this was several lessons all wrapped into one experience: I was tested on emotional control, closing and opening my awareness, more practice in NVC, event interpretation, and a demonstration in mindmeld/imprint to teach me how to do this on my own.

The NVC comes to me almost like a pdf. file, a complete thing, a set of concepts, a complete knowing. In an instant I have to translate it and give it a voice. Even though it is happening in what seems like an instant, I somehow have time to decide on some of the translation. Most of the concepts being communicated fall readily into place, with appropriate words to describe them. Other concepts take slightly more time because they defy translation initially, so I have to pick between words. For instance, the fourth NVC came through like this---This allows them to experience _____ in a way that your kind cannot _____---. I inserted the words "Time" and "perceive" thinking that these were not 100% accurate, but close enough. Again, a very subtle thing.

Clairvoyance. You are right Szaxx, I don't have much experience with this. And it makes a lot of sense in their context. Maybe my interpretation of "seeing in Time" could be more accurately restated as clairvoyance or maybe a combination of the two.

You were right about the 'emptiness' that I felt. I was trying to remain neutral and non-judgemental about the scene. It's as if their evolution has slowed to a crawl. And yes, expectant.

Many experiences like this, I realize that I am somehow too close or too deeply into the scene to correctly recognize what's going on; I need to take a few steps backward and re-focus. It's like staring at some blob of color right off the tip of your nose, wondering, "What the heck is that?" and stepping back three feet to realize you're in an art gallery.

Szaxx, your comment that their 'sense' came across initially as a weapon made me step back a few feet and consider their situation in a different light. It was staring at me right there all the time. I still don't have the final answer and may not ever have it, but the learning process is no doubt a good thing.
I took it for granted that their situation was normal, but maybe it's not; maybe they're in a predicament.
This one solitary 'town' in a shallow valley, between low barren, desolate hills which reminded me of The Badlands.
No signs of activity in the town other than bare survival. (I didn't actually see anyone doing anything)
A 'feel' of rigid, inflexible, single-minded discipline. Little or no emotion. A 'feel' of emptiness. Bleak.
No other percept on other Communities or the wider civilization.
No women. No children.
I'm thinking it's one of three possibilities:
1-It's a military outpost or a military unit that is stranded in this place.
2-It's an expeditionary encampment, maybe colonists of some sort; maybe stranded.
3-It's a prison colony. There's no need for guards or bars or fences...there's nowhere to escape to.



1) Was I pulled out to preserve the memory because I was over-thinking and about to lose control? Should I have slowed down and gone back to 'feeling'?

2) Can you explain a little further?  "'s far more appropriate to use the term 'feel'. From this you can go almost unnoticed in some environments. A 'must have' for the darker places.

'Cuz there's no doubt I'll stupidly stumble into trouble at some point!  :-D

Thanks Szaxx


Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on November 26, 2013, 17:09:43
1, You've had a hands on experience of what's labelled as Hell. Until you've learned, you stay.
Read your last paragraph in the initial post and try to interpret YOUR understanding of what Hell is all about.
Look at the environment and it's surroundings, the stalemate they are in and what YOU may have taught them by your presence. If only a subconcious suggestion.
It has the feel of a retrieval too.
A learning experience.
The thoughts at the close were important to you in your learning. The questions you had relate to the info being presented and your interpretation, it's working them out and finding the answers from within yourself. Your higher self knows you and these experiences teach you to know yourself better. You become an adept at exactly where to draw the line. This precision of making the RIGHT decision gets you to many places where it's required. You don't have time to dither and change your mind. Thoughts manifest at an amazing speed and once made there's no going back trying to change a mistake. Unlike in the slow physical, you DO affect the environment you're in. This creativity is limitless in some cases. I use the most efficient method available that  is gleaned from that experienced within the visited reality framework.
The timing was precise, many questions existed at that time and many more afterwards. You wouldn't have been bewildered or overwhelmed, but put in a position, where extracting the precise info  based on your knowledge was required. This is new to you and adding the rest of the teachings in the experience would have pushed you near your maximun ability to learn. This leaves next to no time to ponder. It's the red or blue wire and you've 3 seconds to work out which one to cut. Getting it wrong is not an option. I hope you can relate to the fast pace and have an automatic understanding on this the first time you read it.
The pressure wasn't there in this experience, could you stay within the limits if it really mattered when the livelihood of an entity or more relied on your actions?
Food for thought.
2, The "_______" is the feel, it's almost impossible to word. It's a telepathic communication construct and is almost unheard of in the physical unfortunately. A PDF, I like that analogy. (I have this ability in the physical and call it the ' knowing '. That's your word for it too I read. You simply know in an instant and its never incorrect. Your interpretation can be though).
The fact you recieved this data packet from another shows your mind is developed enough to send the '_____' too. It will take a little practice and you'll be sent to school, or similar to your experience above. Composing the contents of the 'package' is
done from memory, it's similar to writing a paragraph on paper but you form it in your mind and can add anything you know. The more detailed the better, the emotional content has to fit the purpose and be understood by the one or many you send it to.
To create a feel of no threat or passivity is easy. This can be sent to any close by. You get ignored for the most part. If you get questioned though, you have to keep sending it and answer in context with your predicament. The multiple perspective NP treat we experience occasionally needs to be utilised. If you can't multitask in the physical it may require some extra time in experimentation. The use is similar in it's feel. It works in a similar way to telekinetics where you select an object within the experience and mentally move it.
The most common dream experience is falling off a cliff, then realisation kicks in and you '_______' inside your mind and fly away safely.
There's more in this experience but I'll await a reply. Some parts may have started to 'click'. The jigsaw has begun.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 30, 2013, 17:49:08
I need to remember---

Any time that I visit the NPR, I am likely to be given a problem-solving challenge
and not just a sight-seeing tour.


He is me.

or an aspect of me.

His predicament is not only his own, but also a metaphor for my personal predicament in PR at the time (an extremely difficult period in my life).

Whatever we experience in NPR is our creation.

The situation was a creation of my thoughts or was an existing scene that I was drawn to in order to show me something; that their inflexible mindset has led them to narrow their set of choices until they have hit this mental 'dead-end'; they have nowhere to go from here.

They need to somehow act outside of their frame of reference. To risk.

But first, one of them (my host) needs to realize that there is something "other" from "outside". Maybe he just senses me subconsciously and that is enough for my Guide to intervene. Maybe that gets his attention.

Possibly I need to communicate, suggest that he take physical action and literally march his people back out the valley in the direction from which they came, (this seems unlikely to me).

Maybe suggest they somehow unwind what they've done to themselves.

With his stubborn mindset, I'm not sure how I would get through. I think I would have to poke, prod and finally yell to get his attention. Maybe the mindmeld makes that easier, with just a simple "Hello! Can we talk for a moment?".

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Astralzombie on November 30, 2013, 19:05:18
I am hesitant to jump in here because Szaxx is giving you some excellent insights and you are making some great breakthroughs in how to interpret your experiences better.

But alas, I can't resist. :-D

Some of our NPR adventures are just for the fun of it if that's all your looking for but I found that once I took it more serious and wanted to learn more about myself, that's when the real adventure began.

I want to tell you about an experience that I had in which I found myself in the mind of a WW2 soldier.


Feb. 17, 2013
Edited for clarity

Last night I phased right into a ww2 battle. I entered the scene aware that I was in the body of a badly hurt soldier. There was a loud ringing in my/our ears and I was unable to talk or move. A young soldier kept slapping me in a panic and was yelling, "Wake up Lt. We need you." Another soldier told him to forget it and that I was already gone. Sporadic small arms fire was throwing snow up all around us so the two soldiers left me in a frenzy.

Never mind the chaos and horror, what really confused me is that during the projection we (the Lt. and myself) were both aware of each others fear and thoughts. I was upset at the soldiers for leaving us there and the Lt. was trying to calm me down! He must have been an exceptional soldier.

It's as if I was aware of three different realities at once. I knew I was projecting so I was aware that my physical body was safe although that only a momentary thought, I was aware of the Lt.'s thoughts and of course I was aware of my fear related to the events. It's a hard feeling to describe really but one that I'm sure many of you can relate to.

The Lt. managed to calm me down enough and we finally crawled about 100 feet and rolled over into a foxhole. He asked me to leave [his body] and I wanted to but every time I tried, the Lt. would lose his consciousness. I felt that if I left him, he was gonna die. Even though I had no clue as to what I was doing, I desperately wanted to save the Lt.'s life because I felt that the lives of his men depended on this as well.

I perceived that he was verbally speaking to me aloud but I spoke to him telepathically. I guess this could be described as a sort of possession yet I'm not comfortable in saying that's what it was. Like I said it is hard to describe. I also had an overwhelming sense that I was violating him by "possessing" him.

We argued for a while about me leaving and my shame kept me from doing so. He was in extreme pain and his wounds were most definitely fatal. He had already accepted his fate but my ignorance and inconsideration for his own wishes only prolonged his misery.

Finally my guide showed up and pulled me out. He then showed me the aftermath.

The Lt. never crawled into the foxhole and the other two soldiers were killed by the gunfire that I thought scared them off. All the soldiers ended up lying dead next to each other.

I never changed a thing and obviously it wasn't even possible that I could but in those ultra real moments, we don't think like that. I do believe that this was a real event.

---End of experience---

Obviously this wasn't an experience that I would call having just for the "fun" of it so I had to find some lessons in it. Szaxx gave me some valuable insights and helped me to reach some conclusions on my own as well.

So long as we do not abuse the opportunity to experience the thoughts and feelings of someone else (however, I can't honestly say that I did not abuse this opportunity because I did not respect the Lt.'s wishes and leave when he first asked me too) , it can be a very valuable "gift".

If you think about it, it's as if we are being shown a whole new world. The Lt. may have been human and was from Earth but our perspectives of the world are all relative so seeing life through his "eyes" was to see a new world (scary as it was).

I have since had other experiences in which I was able to see through the "eyes" of others and I know now that this particular projection was a baptism by fire.

QuoteI need to remember---

Any time that I visit the NPR, I am likely to be given a problem-solving challenge
and not just a sight-seeing tour.

This is important to remember. We often come away from the experience just feeling blessed to have it in the first place and then forget to think about what lessons we can learn from it. No matter how short or long, beautiful or horrifying-there is always a lesson(s).

They [NPR lessons] are not always obvious and the best ones rarely are but they can change our lives like nothing else can. It's a beautiful thing when you think about it. We have the opportunity to "live" out different lives, be thrown into the most dangerous circumstances and have the same thoughts, fears and reactions that we would have really felt had the experience played out in our waking lives. Not to mention, we can get a "do-over" if we aren't satisfied or failed to realize the lesson.

I hope that I did not derail your thread to badly but I just wanted to share one of my experiences in which I got to see through the eyes of another. :-)

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on December 01, 2013, 04:11:49
AZ we all do our best to learn, sometimes well, others a little off course. It's the interpretation that counts. Getting that wrong can waste decades of learnings.

A question for now EV.
In the physical when we hit a dead end, the only way out is through acceptance of the situation and a definate and unwanted loss.
This loss is the hardest part to come to terms with.
It has to occur or the stalemate putrifies.

For some reason this will mean something to you.

In the NP this same predicament is avoidable. Can you say how this is, from your experience?
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 04, 2013, 16:22:43

No, you didn't derail the thread, but rather added a significant insight which I was missing. Thank you for that.

That was an intense situation you were dropped into.

Mine was nowhere near as intense but the confusion factor was pretty high in retrospect; as well, I received no instructions beforehand on what to expect, what to look for, or what actions were expected of me. If it was also a retrieval, I sure didn't know. Maybe, like yours, mine was a baptism of sorts; drop him in with no instructions and see what he can figure out instinctively.  One thing's for sure, if I'd never posted this experience, I'd never have had the benefit of Szaxx leading me through this analysis; I never would have gotten this deep by myself, nor gained the insights.

The triple perspective- Yeah, I had it once with my energy bodies: I was momentarily caught with my consciousness slamming back and forth between my sleeping physical and either my etheric or astral, and then I realized that I was also observing this process from a third vantage point, my astral or mental maybe? Very interesting effect.



"It has to occur or the stalemate putrifies.       For some reason this will mean something to you."

Yeah, it does mean something. It's a harsh, ugly word, but it's also sadly accurate. A relationship that went way past its 'expiration date'. My fault in prolonging it, unable to accept the failure and loss. And the shame that I felt (AZ's insight).

"In the NP this same predicament is avoidable. Can you say how this is, from your experience?"

Several points come through to me-

It's avoidable if we keep open all possible channels to the data-stream/guidance/communication.

When that fails, we have to accept failure as a legitimate function of change and growth, and move on.

Moving on may require a complete overhaul in perspective, from whatever materials are currently available.

Also, I get a deeper understanding of the absolute necessity to know and control my thinking and emotions in the NP in order to not distort my perspective, and the sheer speed that this can require.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Szaxx on December 05, 2013, 04:10:16
I've answered your comments without reference to your recent experience. An attempt to put them into perspective with the NP in general from my experiences. Comment as necessary, if unclear.

It's avoidable if we keep open all possible channels to the data-stream/guidance/communication.
At times all the channels are closed. You are imprinted with minimal information and have no knowledge of your physical existance. Your mindset still remains and any analytical prowess gained does too. You have an amazing clarity in your awareness too. The one thing in the NP you don't have is time. How you deal with this counts. Its extremely complex and eventually the 'do it now'  becomes apparent. The 'I wish I did this earlier' isn't an option. It effectively speaks volumes about being lethargic. A concious unit of self is all you are. The info is imprinted and the quest is known (most often). Outside this you really are on your own. A self perpetuating intellectual precision tool in use, so to speak. In computer talk, you operate as an antivirus program.

When that fails, we have to accept failure as a legitimate function of change and growth, and move on.
Never accept failiure as the end. Your experiences will never progress. You learn from them as you've correctly assessed.

Moving on may require a complete overhaul in perspective, from whatever materials are currently available.
Your perspective has to change, your analysis of the environment gains a great deal more than materialistic items. Read the minds of the indigenous, is flying accepted? for example. Pulling people through walls really scares the **** out of them. Try to avoid these actions.

Also, I get a deeper understanding of the absolute necessity to know and control my thinking and emotions in the NP in order to not distort my perspective, and the sheer speed that this can require.
You develop a second personality. It's not applicable in the physical as the physical ruleset dictated by its rigidity doesn't exist in the NP. The fluidity becomes apparent and can be used, with care naturally.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Lionheart on December 05, 2013, 14:43:25
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 04, 2013, 16:22:43
Mine was nowhere near as intense but the confusion factor was pretty high in retrospect; as well, I received no instructions beforehand on what to expect, what to look for, or what actions were expected of me. If it was also a retrieval, I sure didn't know. Maybe, like yours, mine was a baptism of sorts; drop him in with no instructions and see what he can figure out instinctively.  One thing's for sure, if I'd never posted this experience, I'd never have had the benefit of Szaxx leading me through this analysis; I never would have gotten this deep by myself, nor gained the insights.
My first Retrieval was exactly like this. It just happened and I was aware of the scenario being set up. I saw a soldier lying against a rock, all cut up and bloody and my first "instinct" was to help him. That was my "baptism".

After while you just "know" what is happening and what your supposed to do. But, I experience many "loops", when I have done something that "someone" has deemed to be wrong. Who is that someone, I don't have the foggiest. Call it "higher self", Guide, or Other. I never have figured out exactly who's rules I am following.  :?

I have found myself in APs where I was in a regular neighborhood, with people around and for some reason I just jumped/flew up to a rooftop (I had posted this event last year here on the Astral Pulse). It caused quite a stir. The Police were even called and were giving chase. I messed up bad.

Another time I was told not to divulge some things I had seen and was "banned" from the NPR (at least consciously aware) for a couple of weeks. I didn't think that would be any repercussions and did not feel guilty about it all. But, I was punished. Once again, was it by my "higher self", Guide or Other, I never did find out.

Just lately I have been going through a string of strange Township events whereas I am aiding entire communities. I can do amazing things there, but only do them if the circumstance calls for it. Usually I first observe the entire scenario to get a better grasp on the entire situation. Then I set out my "game plan". These Township events seem to take place over many of my LDs nightly.

I completed a major one on Dec 4th and last night I did not become aware of any LDs at all. This is the first time this has happened in over a month now.

It's nice to have a rest once in awhile!  :-)

These nightly events also become the focus of my awakened physical time. You are always contemplating what to do next or second guessing the way you handled your last situation.

I think this is why most people don't remember their Dreams/NPR visits. It would be hard to just turn it off the following day and focus 100% on your daily life. These scenarios/events also have a bearing on my emotional state the following day. I am trying to learn how to control that, but that's a real challenge. You can't just turn off what you just "lived" or experienced.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Nameless on August 09, 2016, 08:16:51
Thanks for posting this experience. It and the ensuing conversation have given me lots to think about.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Nameless on December 06, 2018, 04:15:21
Hey All, I wanted to come back and re-read this now that I've learned a few things and have a better grasp.

Three things stood out for me beyond what I gleaned initially.

One -
Quote"---Would you like an Experience?---

Uhh, sure I thought, and I wrapped the response with a little bit of Intent and pushed it outward mentally.

A face appeared before me, maybe two feet away. It was alien, shaped like a horse head but without the ears and staring right back at me, alive and breathing. It seemed a hybrid of both mammal and insect
This describes well a personal visit I received.

Two -
QuoteAs I focused in more closely on the people, I could see that there was a marked physical difference: On everyone's forehead there was another layer of flesh, maybe an inch, inch and a half thick, wrapping around from temple to temple, and from the eyebrows up to the hairline. It seemed to be outside the cranium. I wondered if it was a separate organ and if so, for what?
I have had two experiences involving a people that fit this description. My exp was not as remarkable as yours but very strange indeed. Reading through yours and Szaxx's replies has really made me rethink those.

I'm curious at the similarities in descriptions. Is this because we are encountering the same 'species' or is this a possible similarity in our minds only? I would be very curious as to what you and Szaxx think here as well anyone else.

Three - Szaxx gave you a headache!!  :-D Forgive me for grinning/ I think you'll understand why I say that.

Just wanted to thank you again for posting this and the ensuing thoughtful conversation. It helps me examine myself more thoroughly now that I am a bit more comfortable and have at least enough knowledge to follow what you are saying with meaning.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Lumaza on December 06, 2018, 20:18:35
 Nameless, I am curious to hear EV's reply on this too. What his new revelations on this may be and how it may have led to other similar ones.  Many times, way after the fact, the experience seems to make more sense to us. It's like it needs time to "stew, then simmer"!  :|
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 08, 2018, 22:19:36
Nameless, you raise some interesting points which we have touched on in other discussions. Lumaza, you are definitely right about some of these experiences requiring time to 'simmer and stew'...I call it 'percolating' and sometimes other, outside information needs to be gathered and this often occurs in interestingly synchronous ways, as I will presently describe. This will likely take more than one post and will necessarily spill over into another thread as it promotes discussions of other topics.

First, I want to re-cover some ground and backfill  some areas in my original experience-

In 2011, when this experience occurred, it was around 2-3am and I was deeply asleep. I must have gained some degree of higher awareness as I shifted out of one dream and found myself in the 3D Void. I was barely aware though, maybe a 2 or 3 on the lucidity scale. The experience played out and I came fully awake with the knowledge that a fairly significant experience must have taken place, but my memory was already very foggy. I made it a point to write down a brief paragraph outlining the major points of what I did remember and then slid back off into sleep. In the morning, I looked at my notes and really could not recall much in the way of details. It was 2 and a half years later that while reviewing my OBE notes, I came upon that paragraph and decided to lay down and see if some quiet reflection would bring anything forward. What occurred stunned me! It didn't take five minutes of relaxation and it was as if a computer keystroke simply opened a compressed zip file- torrents of information and detail came flooding into my mind. It took about ten minutes for the 'download' to complete and I actually had the ability to shut it off a few times, then to re-start the flow. I had to shut it off the first time because the information was overloading me; the second time I shut it off in complete disbelief that this could really be happening. And there was a different quality to these memories somehow; during this time, I could stop and start and even re-wind the memory in a way even better than a video disc. Now the whole experience was crystal clear in my mind but the nature of this memory process was and still is mind-altering for me.

Another aspect of this experience which I neglected to mention and didn't necessarily understand the significance of at the time was that in the Void and throughout the alien planet adventure, I don't remember having a Physical body or even a RTZ or Astral/Mental form. I felt like I was simply a 'point of consciousness'. I never noticed hands or legs or feet and typical PR movements didn't even occur to me. When I was placed outside the town, I was about 150-200 yards out, the people were far away and yet, when I was suggested to focus in on them, it was like I had 'zoom vision' and could see them up close. Again no physical sensation of any kind of movement.

Upon reflection, I realize that I was overwhelmed with data while in the guy's head; I felt caught in a whirlpool or vortex and was spinning out of control and had to be pulled out. Maybe I was in danger of losing the integrity of my own identity/consciousness. The next thing I knew, I was floating in space above his planet, maybe 5000 miles out, with a spectacular view. I looked around at the distant star systems and wondered which way was home, then focused in on one cluster that 'felt' right but was lightyears away and started moving towards it. Then I received a friendly 'boost' from the rear and sped off until my awareness faded and I awoke.

My personal metaphysical library is over a hundred books and my collection of OBE-specific books is just shy of a hundred. I remain open to many forms of interpretation and whatever ideas I have today, I will gladly replace tomorrow when new theory or evidence presents itself in a convincing fashion. As an explorer/experiencer, I have no choice but to point out that there are distinctions and patterns within these experiences. It is not simply random experience. There appears to be order, organization and some degree of hierarchy, teaching even...and I will venture this: maybe even some form of curriculum.

Of all the books I have related to any of this, only a few speak to these experiences either in reference or directly; none of the most popular and common OBE books get anywhere near the specifics of these types of experiences, much less explain them or give them context (one exception being Monroe who had the experiences but could provide little other than his individual interpretation, which was understandable given his situation). The books of reference are some of the Theosophical works that relate to the development of the various energy bodies-Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, etcetera and the related planes and phenomena. It was all very dry reading for me thirty years ago and held little to no meaning for my experiences at the time; but now, I am beginning to see some evidence of what they were talking about. Markedly better, is the more contemporary work which draws from these earlier ideas, and those are the books by Kurt Leland.

Scattered throughout Kurt's Astral Projection Log (on his website) and in the books Otherwhere and Multidimensional Human, Kurt makes specific reference to encounters such as mine and Nameless'. He points out that these are specific examples of our education and progression-for example- Our earliest testing begins in the Etheric/RTZ with learning mobility, navigation, awareness control, vision, basic understanding of Intent, etc. As the Etheric body develops, more of our awareness moves into the Astral and a whole new set of tests begin- Fear and Sex, focus and distraction, more navigation, noticing form and function of the various Dream Zones and testing areas, and more Intent... Once the baser instincts are brought under control, we move our consciousness into the Mental body and the testing becomes more complex and nuanced; our thinking is more clear because the pollution of emotions is left somewhat behind; maybe this is where Retrieval work begins? The progression continues as our consciousness learns to operate in the higher energy bodies, the next being the Causal, then the Buddhic and so on. And actually, the book I have on the Causal is quite limited in description so I'm kind of waiting and hoping Kurt will eventually produce something on that. Sadly, I'm not aware of any other reliable material on the subject.

And Kurt has some superb insights into this, one of which is the idea that we are concurrently activating and exploring the next higher level of consciousness, while still consolidating certain experiences within the lower bodies. Working backwards as we move forward, as it were. This explains for me, and may for some others, why we have a clearly Astral event one day and then a RTZ event a week later; or a series of formless Mental level experiences followed by a Lucid Dream. The experiences are not confined to a specific order; we necessarily jump around from one to another.

According to Leland, the experience of being placed within another person's head is a Mental/Causal level event and often starts with an alien. Why, I don't know. Eventually, he had the experience of being placed within a great human composer's head to understand the process of creating a great symphony. Maybe that was specifically for Leland as he is a big Classical music buff. This also led to a Retrieval where he needed to understand the world-view of a deceased person caught in a loop, so by then he was comfortable going into someone's head without risking losing the integrity of his own identity.

Nameless, the fact that we both were 'presented' with similar aliens, then other times visited alien human-types and were allowed to observe their's just too coincidental not to be significant. Maybe the curriculum is that commonplace, maybe there is more to it considering the resonances you and I share. There is possibly more to these aliens that I will share presently, something a new friend shared with me recently. I've run out of time for now but will return.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Nameless on December 09, 2018, 00:20:42
There's a lot here EscapeVelocity. Thank you so much for adding on to your previous post.

QuoteAnd Kurt has some superb insights into this, one of which is the idea that we are concurrently activating and exploring the next higher level of consciousness, while still consolidating certain experiences within the lower bodies. Working backwards as we move forward, as it were. This explains for me, and may for some others, why we have a clearly Astral event one day and then a RTZ event a week later; or a series of formless Mental level experiences followed by a Lucid Dream. The experiences are not confined to a specific order; we necessarily jump around from one to another.
This does make sense and personally I feel better knowing I'm not alone in seeming to evolve so well then finding myself back at ground zero (so to speak).

QuoteNameless, the fact that we both were 'presented' with similar aliens, then other times visited alien human-types and were allowed to observe their's just too coincidental not to be significant. Maybe the curriculum is that commonplace, maybe there is more to it considering the resonances you and I share. There is possibly more to these aliens that I will share presently, something a new friend shared with me recently. I've run out of time for now but will return.
I'm honestly on pins and needles waiting. Maybe it's just me (don't know) but I feel we are close to something here. Recently I was informed I would be taking on or developing a new talent or hobby. I'm not sure if that is in reference to the cards I recently picked up or something else or maybe both. I just feel something coming together. I wrote about the cards in my journal so as not to off-track this discussion.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 09, 2018, 05:33:23
Well, the synchronicity is that earlier this year, I attended the Gateway Program at the Monroe Institute, had an absolutely great time and made several new friends. I shared a copy of my Fieldtrip experience with one of them and she wrote me a few weeks later about it. She had just read a book by Tom Kenyon which was a series of channeled communications called The Arcturian Anthology. The Arcturians are apparently an alien race from another dimension and star system, some of whom are dedicated to protecting Earth and its current evolution. It is a 180 page book, with intros by the authors and channeled interviews by several of the Arcturians. The intros are quite good, with information and insight regarding our cosmic genetic heritage (many of us apparently have alien genetic/spiritual heritage), but some of the interviews bog down into repetitive, generalistic kinds of intergalactic bromides...and maybe that's my human heritage simply wanting to hear something more...(lightning, please don't strike me!)

Now let me just say that I am by nature half accepting and half skeptic... and ONLY through personal experience have I come to believe and understand the fact of OBEs, then ghosts, then UFOs. And I fully admit that my understanding on any of these subjects is provisional and incomplete.

'Channeled communications': the concept of it, I can accept...but the quality of much of what is available has left me somewhat resistant and skeptical. Honestly, I haven't explored much of it because what I have encountered has left me doubtful and a bit uneasy. And yet, (this just occurs to me) when a disembodied voice pops into my head, like in my Fieldtrip or Talking To The Hand experiences, it is kind of hard to ignore, lol. (So who is going to believe me?!)

So my new friend from TMI writes me and says 'Hey, I just read your Fieldtrip experience and then this book by Tom Kenyon. Here is a quote that struck me.' (I am expanding the quote as I find some new relevance both before and after what she shared)

"Your universe is filled with alien intelligences, some of which resemble humans. But many of them do not and it would stretch your imagination to conceive some of these in your mind, as they are so alien, meaning strange to look at. But my suggestion to you is not to judge an alien by the way he or she looks.

You have to go beneath the surface to find the character, the quality of the individual, and the cultural values of his/her civilization, even though it may be very different from yours.

Since we are on the topic of visual impressions, let me say a bit about how Arcturians generally appear. We are quite human-like in our features. We have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears, two arms with hands, opposing thumbs, and two legs, like you. But our heads tend to be rather squarish-looking, and in certain energy states our faces resemble horses.

Indeed, our appearance will shift according to the energetic state of an individual Arcturian and the energetic state of the one perceiving the Arcturian. It is a mix. Since we exist in a fifth-dimensional reality, or higher, and your brain patterning is of a third dimensional reality most humans will heavily filter their sight of us through their expectations. This is true of most encounters between higher dimensional beings and those of a lower level."

In momentary conclusion, I have to say that this quote offers at least a few insights into our discussion. The synchronicity of my friend sharing it with me is just one more confirmation of a sort.

Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Nameless on December 09, 2018, 17:19:00
This makes more than enough sense to me and the sync is very plausible.

So this to me does indicate we are in contact with the same species. The 'horse heads' are Arcturians.
Now to know who the 'turbans' are. Those are the ones you described as having an extra layer of flesh around their foreheads.

Like you I find on the one hand I am totally skeptical but on the other I have just seen and experienced too much to discount these things. I no longer even care what others think beyond those like here who are willing to discuss and are seeking their own answers. I don't have conclusive answers either but I know what I know based on personal exp.

Whatever else we may know or learn we are definitely getting somewhere.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: Lumaza on December 10, 2018, 21:58:58
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 08, 2018, 22:19:36
This will likely take more than one post and will necessarily spill over into another thread as it promotes discussions of other topics.
We will patiently await this!  :-)

QuoteFirst, I want to re-cover some ground and backfill  some areas in my original experience-

In 2011, when this experience occurred, it was around 2-3am and I was deeply asleep. I must have gained some degree of higher awareness as I shifted out of one dream and found myself in the 3D Void. I was barely aware though, maybe a 2 or 3 on the lucidity scale. The experience played out and I came fully awake with the knowledge that a fairly significant experience must have taken place, but my memory was already very foggy. I made it a point to write down a brief paragraph outlining the major points of what I did remember and then slid back off into sleep. In the morning, I looked at my notes and really could not recall much in the way of details. It was 2 and a half years later that while reviewing my OBE notes, I came upon that paragraph and decided to lay down and see if some quiet reflection would bring anything forward. What occurred stunned me! It didn't take five minutes of relaxation and it was as if a computer keystroke simply opened a compressed zip file- torrents of information and detail came flooding into my mind. It took about ten minutes for the 'download' to complete and I actually had the ability to shut it off a few times, then to re-start the flow. I had to shut it off the first time because the information was overloading me; the second time I shut it off in complete disbelief that this could really be happening. And there was a different quality to these memories somehow; during this time, I could stop and start and even re-wind the memory in a way even better than a video disc. Now the whole experience was crystal clear in my mind but the nature of this memory process was and still is mind-altering for me.
For me the "download" experience seems to be the most powerful I have had, other than getting a brief glimpse of what Kurt would call the Buddhic Plane/body. It is so powerful that it overwhelms the mind.

QuoteAnother aspect of this experience which I neglected to mention and didn't necessarily understand the significance of at the time was that in the Void and throughout the alien planet adventure, I don't remember having a Physical body or even a RTZ or Astral/Mental form. I felt like I was simply a 'point of consciousness'. I never noticed hands or legs or feet and typical PR movements didn't even occur to me. When I was placed outside the town, I was about 150-200 yards out, the people were far away and yet, when I was suggested to focus in on them, it was like I had 'zoom vision' and could see them up close. Again no physical sensation of any kind of movement.
Once I learned to fully release my focus on this physical reality here, while in my daily Phase soak sessions, I learned to utilize the "point of consciousness" mindset. I am still being taught things all the time to further the experience. But the "point of consciousness" mindset opens the doors for a whole new realm of adventures. It's amazing how limiting holding a physical mindset while in the NP can really be.

QuoteUpon reflection, I realize that I was overwhelmed with data while in the guy's head; I felt caught in a whirlpool or vortex and was spinning out of control and had to be pulled out. Maybe I was in danger of losing the integrity of my own identity/consciousness. The next thing I knew, I was floating in space above his planet, maybe 5000 miles out, with a spectacular view. I looked around at the distant star systems and wondered which way was home, then focused in on one cluster that 'felt' right but was lightyears away and started moving towards it. Then I received a friendly 'boost' from the rear and sped off until my awareness faded and I awoke.
I have never experienced being in another person's or being's head. I have experienced being in other forms before though.
I feel that a spinning or vortex sensation occurs when a Dream begins to spiral out control. I experience it during "downloads" as well. Sometimes, while consciously aware in a Dream scenario, things will begin to happen vey fast and the whole situation just gets overwhelms. That's when I feel I am spiraling back to my physical reality. It happens really fast though. So fast that you abruptly awaken disoriented.

QuoteMy personal metaphysical library is over a hundred books and my collection of OBE-specific books is just shy of a hundred. I remain open to many forms of interpretation and whatever ideas I have today, I will gladly replace tomorrow when new theory or evidence presents itself in a convincing fashion. As an explorer/experiencer, I have no choice but to point out that there are distinctions and patterns within these experiences. It is not simply random experience. There appears to be order, organization and some degree of hierarchy, teaching even...and I will venture this: maybe even some form of curriculum.
I have hundreds of pages, not hundreds of books. I stopped logging my adventures a few years back. I did it because the NP had become second nature to me. It's nice to have a walk down memory lane and those past loggings help me to help others. Today I still log extraordinary experiences and what I consider new level or next levels teachings and lessons.

QuoteOf all the books I have related to any of this, only a few speak to these experiences either in reference or directly; none of the most popular and common OBE books get anywhere near the specifics of these types of experiences, much less explain them or give them context (one exception being Monroe who had the experiences but could provide little other than his individual interpretation, which was understandable given his situation). The books of reference are some of the Theosophical works that relate to the development of the various energy bodies-Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, etcetera and the related planes and phenomena. It was all very dry reading for me thirty years ago and held little to no meaning for my experiences at the time; but now, I am beginning to see some evidence of what they were talking about. Markedly better, is the more contemporary work which draws from these earlier ideas, and those are the books by Kurt Leland.
I have a few good books on the subject. Most of my info though comes from PDFs, videos and Forums just like this. Of all the authors/speakers I have found on this subject, I can only fully relate to two of them and that's the teachings from Kurt Leland, Dr. Stanislov Grof. There is one more that you might not have heard of and that's Dr. Albert Taylor. I like Albert because of his positivity. The interviewer tries to sway him into talking about the "evil" side of Astral Projection and Albert won't go there.
I still go back to that Kurt talking about Annie Bessant video quite often because there is so many great things said in it and many of those things don't quite make any sense until later in your development and the evolution of your practice in general.
All three of these video interview/seminars were fantastic.

QuoteNameless, the fact that we both were 'presented' with similar aliens, then other times visited alien human-types and were allowed to observe their's just too coincidental not to be significant. Maybe the curriculum is that commonplace, maybe there is more to it considering the resonances you and I share. There is possibly more to these aliens that I will share presently, something a new friend shared with me recently. I've run out of time for now but will return.
I recently made a post here on the Astral Pulse of becoming aware of actually flying the ship. No one here replied to it though!  :|
The beings I see though are very small. I would compare them to the size of a 3 year old here on Earth. The scene plays out the same way. I am in my backyard in the Dream, looking up into the night's sky. I soon see all kinds of streaking lights in the sky. The streaks change to that of color. The visual display is extraordinary. Then one of the streaks gets brighter until it lands. I have no fear of this. A few beings then get out and approach me. I follow them to the shop and as I do, I too feel like I am getting smaller. I then enter the ship. There is some kind of silver ball shaped thing in front of me. I wave my hands over it and the next thing I know, we are off. I am flying this thing. Unfortunately I soon loose my conscious awareness on this, even when I am trying to ground myself to the scene.
Title: Re: Fieldtrip
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 12, 2018, 02:47:59
Thanks for the Links Lumaza! The Leland discussion on Besant is excellent, have watched it a few times.

I haven't had anything like your 'piloting the alien spaceship' experience and so had nearly nothing to offer by commentary. Sounds like a fascinating event!

A few points I want to reinforce to anybody in general-

1- 'Fieldtrip' was a barely-remembered, middle of the night experience and even though I remembered almost nothing of it, I made the effort to write down what I could when it happened. I had no idea it would become what it did, for me. If I had not done that, it likely would have been completely forgotten and lost to me. So this became a paramount example of the importance of a journal for any serious exploration of the NP.

2- In my experiences and my analysis of my own and other's, I often make reference to Kurt Leland, Theosophical theory and its admixture of Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, etheric/astral/mental energy bodies, etcetera. In no way am I asserting that these concepts are the only and final truth to any of the NP experiences we encounter. These concepts only reflect what I perceive as the most current and best form of interpretation of these things. They work for me...not 100%, but for now they work. Over the years I have used, then discarded, certain theories and replaced them with others only to replace some of those with even newer thought and theory. And I don't see this changing anytime soon. Leland calls them 'provisional beliefs' and I agree with that. These are my 'translation tables', my 'interpretation forms'. What I have been fortunate to witness a few times is a kind of quick glance behind the scenery, to see what appears to be, not physical forms or structures, but simply the pure energy behind the forms. And what this tells me is that none of these 'reality models' is entirely correct, and by their very human perception they probably cannot ever be entirely accurate. But we have to choose some method of consistent description, otherwise we might as well just argue with each other in 17 different languages. So, if my analysis works for anyone else, then great; otherwise I invite them to work out their own. One conclusion I have is that everyone will eventually have to work out their own 'interpretation model' at some point within this happy mess, lol. Hopefully, somewhere within the Cosmos, it will all dovetail together.

3- I relate some of my more interesting experiences here on the Pulse for several reasons: For one, it's an easy and accessible document with all the commentary which I can eventually print off for my personal records. Second, I want and value the feedback and analysis by thoughtful commenters. I hope it is helpful to them and in return, helpful to me! I have received and been truly thankful for the many unexpected insights I have received; the learning for me has been incalculable. Is hubris or pride involved? Maybe a little, but I'd sound like a phony if I said none. Actually, I feel more at risk in posting something new and sounding like a fool; I think my embarrassing moments of ignorance and naivete have far outnumbered any of my better moments, lol. Those who are more circumspect in what they share, I understand their reasons and they have my complete respect. I have put the sharing question out to my NP advisors every now and then; when I get no response, I share. A few times, I have received a 'NO' response in fairly clear terms, so I pay heed then.

What I do share is my best, clearest and most honest memory of what happened. I don't fabricate, embellish or modify or fill in the blanks; if I don't know or don't remember then that is what I write. If I am wrong about something then I am plainly wrong and will say so. Anything else does neither the reader nor myself any good and I would not feel any need to be here. The Pulse is too important to me to disrespect it with falsehoods.