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Couldn't get back

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Last night was really amazing. I decided on a long trip... A journey "out there". I got out of my body and started flying. Straight up I went for like what seemed 15 minutes. I saw space, and stars, and galaxies. I kept going and going with the intention to find something beautiful. Then... Bump... I found it.

Out of the mists appeared a mountain. I flew above it looking down at the most charming mountain village. It was sizable though with pretty little white washed brick houses with pretty little red roofs. Toward the center of the community rose some really modern looking buildings that contrasted yet complimented the town.

I flew down toward the building and found an open window. Some lady greeted me with surprise and invited me inside. She was friendly enough but was really surprised. In a matter of minutes they came to arrest me. I was taken down to the town and processed. They asked a lot of questions and I told then that I was just exploring the Universe when I found them.

They weren't mean at all. I think they were shocked to see me as if they hardly get any visitors. My astral body was given a medical exam and I was given a few injections and some kind of energy treatment. Afterwards I felt really good. They gave me a uniform and eventually someone picked me up. I had been assigned to one of the processing stations. My boss was some dude or other that explained to me that their little town surrounds a hot pocket of some kind of energy they mine.

This had all taken a really long time and I just wanted to wake up but I couldn't. I was starting to get worried. The way they acted was like a didn't have a body waiting for me back on Earth. They had no idea I was just projecting. To them I was an outsider that miraculously had found them and their little operation. I was processed and made part of the community.

But I still couldnt wake up. I started thinking maybe I had severed my connection with my body somehow or they had.

Still, this wasn't the worst place to land. Everything looked clean and bright and everyone looked really attractive. After the tour of my job I was given quarters and some free time. I visited a gorgeous little park with lots of friendly and happy people. They were flying around, having picnics, dancing, and enjoying themselves.

I remember thinking that my astral body had never felt so good and healthy. Whatever they had done to me at their hospital I felt great. I felt the awareness of not just my astral body but other finer bodies beneath that. I knew for the first time that astral bodies are just one of finer and finer bodies we all have. And like our physical body sometimes they need to be maintained. Anyway, i also projected this afternoon after I got back and took some time to checkout my new healed astral body. It feels quite good.

So anyway... I was at that park when I had to go pee. But astral bodies don't pee right? That's when I realized that the feeling had been creeping up on me from Earth where my physical body needed to urinate. I concentrated really hard and I was suddenly in my bed. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself.

I was back but I felt really different. The physical world almost seemed like a dream. I was sure I was back but not 100% sure.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


That's a neat one.
Perhaps they were keeping you there while they study you a bit. That's my guess. I know there are secret places on Earth where, if people catch you astral projecting into these places, they'll keep you there for questioning.

I've been studying how the astral form works. It seems to be a disposable body created out of the aether, and these bodies are fairly typical in the outside universe. If they pick up enough plasma - as yours probably did on this planet - they can solidify more and more. Thus an injection would have an effect.


Hallo shineling
That quaint mountain village must have been a nonphysical location because All the residents could see and interact with you. Probably a small BST were all the inhabitants opted for an idyllic (after-) life style over the hustle and bustle of modern (nonphysical) cities.

Cheers  :-)


Quote from: shineling on May 02, 2012, 22:51:28In a matter of minutes they came to arrest me. I was taken down to the town and processed. They asked a lot of questions and I told then that I was just exploring the Universe when I found them.

Much of the experience could be a kind of Monroe Focus 27, but the part
about "being arrested" indicates that it's something slightly different.

What did the "police" look like and do you remember the questions more
in detail?

What reason did they give for "arresting" you?
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Hey, thanks for the replies.

Well... I remember the injections where more like pricks on my skin. Might have been part of the examination. The energy treatment was quite bizarre. I was laying down and suddenly everything went white while I could hear a low humming. After that I felt more solid... Like as if my astral body was sort of physical. Instead of the half hazard feel of an astral body right after you project it felt defined like a solid body. I felt full of vitality as well.

Yeah, it was quite beautiful. Just a town nestled in the mountains with a charming rustic feel to it yet with technological aspects of it too. Everyone seemed happy to be there and were extra friendly.

Well... Arrested might be a strong word. I was escorted to the authorities and asked some strange questions. How did I find them? What was I doing flying around without a board? Was I attracted by the power pocket they mine? Where was I from? How did I find them? How did I find them? What I think they were doing was mining something living. They were kinda paranoid about it. As if they where doing something kinda wrong.

The aspect of their astral bodies that made them more solid and stable than usual didn't allow them to fly. So they were real surprised at my ability for some reason. They used these little board and flying go carts to fly instead. I saw a bunch of them using them at the park.

Anyway... It was one of the strangest APs I've ever had. I hope I don't find my way back there anytime soon. They were really nice people but where driven by some kind of dubious purpose.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Wow Shineling, that sounds like an amazing experience.  You brought something to mind about the injection though.  One of my previous posts that you replied to mentioned those guys in the white lab coats.  At the end of that projection when the guy pulled me out of what I assumed was a "fear test" he tried to give me some kind of injection around my left side while I was laying on that metal gurney.  But I got scared and woke myself up.  There were also two other instances where someone was trying to inject me with a needle.  Both times I got scared and woke up.  Now after hearing your experience, I am wondering if those people were actually trying to help me? If it happens again, I will allow them to inject me and see what happens.