An unpleasant experience

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I've been having OBEs for years and years and never till today have I had any unpleasant ones and negative ones. Never before have I met a negative "entity" till now.

Once I felt there was an alien outside my window during projection, but it didn't scare me or anything and when I got out there was noone there.

A few hours ago I had trouble falling asleep. I started hearing the loud noise in my ears that felt like my eardrums were about to explode and my body started vibrating. You know the drill. I've had unintentional OBEs lots of times before so I decided to go with.

This one felt very different than all the others I've had. I even left my body in a way I usually do not.

After a few failed attempts I floated out of my body and high up in the ceiling. I was in my room and noticed I was having trouble getting down and usually moving around doesn't give me any problems. I also usually find it hard to see anything, but this time everything was clear. The room was dark though unlike real life.

I saw my mom sitting on my computer chair. My mind was clear and I decided to do something that's been on my list of things to do, contact my higher self. She turned into a creepy bony old man saying he is it. Suddenly I remembered something I read somewhere to ask if he is from the light and truth, three times in a row to make certain a negative entity is just not messing with me. While the firs yes was a quick one the second one came after some stuttering and took a while. I noticed he was having difficulty saying yes the second time. I didn't need that to convince me he wasn't the real deal. He was creeping me out.

He came closer and closer and tried to touch me. I tried to push him away, but I felt him as real as if it had been physical. He finally said something that scared me "I am going to attach myself to you and take away all your energy, you only have one day of it left." I went into panic mode and literally screamed for my guardian angels to help me. At that point I found myself back in my body. I was awake but found it very hard to move, like I had no strength at all. I kept trying and with some difficulty I did. I felt really weird for the next half an hour or so.

Even though I don't really believe I will die in a day or something, the whole energy being sucked out of me does have me a bit worried. I've heard of astral leeches and stuff, but does anyone know more about this? I feel like I should take some protection measures, but I don't know what to do.

Opinions would be appreciated.

I have to go grocery shopping today and somehow it feels like I'm going to get hit by lightning or something.

Thank you and sorry for the long post.


Take a bath with some sea salt.

Number two: Check out robert bruce's forum:

There are a lot of tips on how to protect yourself. He calls them "negs" - and they tend to do just that, attach to you like a parasite and feed on your energy.

Good luck! And do your best not to let fear get the best of you. Hopefully this experience will make you stronger. ( I recently have been encountering such things OB, never have before either so it was very new and creepy to me as well. But I think in the end, it is a sort of test in a sense, from your higher self or whatever you would like to term it, so that you can come out stronger in the end)

Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


Thank you, Leilah!

I'm gonna try the bath with salt water and check out those forums.





This is one of the reasons I am scared to Project.
I don't want to run into any negative energies. :S

jub jub

Taking a bath rebuilds my energy. When I need an energy boost, I draw it from the water. Works wonders.

I don't know how to shake a neg except to bombard it with thoughts of love and positive energy. You can easily do this by watching a romantic comedy or any movie that brings out loving emotion. Negs can't stand it.

Give it a try and see if you don't feel better.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


Thanks for the tip jub jub! :)


Don't be discouraged by that bad encounter. People that have many OBEs will likely sooner or later have a negative/violent encounter. I have 5 or 6 negative encounters but it is only a small percentage of my OBEs, the overwhelming majority of which are quite positive. (Including the two that are now on this forum.) So it could happen again, but if it does it will probably be quite a ways in the future.


Oh next time I'll be prepared.  :-D Or at least try to be...
Anyway, thanks Greytraveller. :)


Quote from: jub jub on July 01, 2009, 09:02:53
Taking a bath rebuilds my energy. When I need an energy boost, I draw it from the water. Works wonders.

I don't know how to shake a neg except to bombard it with thoughts of love and positive energy. You can easily do this by watching a romantic comedy or any movie that brings out loving emotion. Negs can't stand it.

Give it a try and see if you don't feel better.

Interesting, similar to advise from Tayesin, also,  like the new avatar!


Interesting to read about. I haven't had any negative experiences. I suppose it is because I do not have any fears about what I'm doing conscious or subconscious. I find them interesting to read about though. It seems you do have some kind of subconscious belief in evil, or negative kinds of influences as you mention guardian angels. If you believe in them then you have to believe in their opposite otherwise what would they be "guarding" you from. So to me that answers the question of why or how you could have a negative experience even if your previous experiences were mostly pleasant.


Quite the opposite, actually.
I'm not a believer in the devil or demons. I believe there's only pure positive energy.
I don't have a what you could call a personal relationship with guardian angels. I've never met mine, but I do know it would help to call upon them when you get into trouble OOB.

jub jub

Quote from: Yang on July 09, 2009, 15:04:30
Quite the opposite, actually.
I'm not a believer in the devil or demons. I believe there's only pure positive energy.

Negative energy is just as real as positive energy. It's the way the universe works and helps maintain balance. The folks in the far east refer to it as the ying and the yang. I would have thought you knew that.  :-D
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


Has anyone ever tried to challenge a negative entity? Basically tell them *%&# off?


Quote from: jub jub on July 09, 2009, 20:08:53
Negative energy is just as real as positive energy. It's the way the universe works and helps maintain balance. The folks in the far east refer to it as the ying and the yang. I would have thought you knew that.  :-D

I know that.
I have the right to believe whatever I want. I thought you knew that.


vipassana, your question
QuoteHas anyone ever tried to challenge a negative entity? Basically tell them *%&# off?

Well basically I have had a "negative" (or hostile) entity/discarnate challenge me on a few occasions.
Some of those encounters became violent. Perhaps ignoring those hostile beings would have worked. Or maybe sending those discarnates positive energy could have avoided the violence. Some members of this forum have suggested this course of action when threatened.
However, my personal viewpoint is that I treat beings in the astral/ethereal the same as in the physical. So when threatened by someone/something I first try to avoid the encounter. If that fails then I quite definately feel the need to Defend myself.
Some people believe that you cannot be hurt while OOB. This may well be true. However, I have read of OBE accounts where discarnates (sometimes the OBE'er) were seriously hurt (emotionally or mentally). Recently I read several accounts on other websites where discarnates were "killed". This strengthens my belief that BAD things can and do happen while OOB and it is always best to defend oneself when threatened.
Regards  8-)


At the end of the day fear is fear...if you let it affect you it only gets worse and you get MORE fearful.  Ive had plenty of frightening dream/nightmares especially younger when i felt they were very real which i still remember in detail.  I still get occasional scary dreams now though e.g. the other day i was utterly utterly convinced that something very frightening and threatening was going to break down the door to my flat.  To the point that i felt i had to have a weapon in my bedroom.  Ive had instances where i strongly feel i wont wake up if i fell asleep so ive stayed awake for ages.  In these sort of instances even though i dont believe in orthodox religion or God as such you can be sure i was praying!  I have read about obe encounters with negative entites and the ober has to fight them off etc.  Personally i would rather not fight them (if it happened to me at some point) i would rather help them if possible.  I think the level of threat has a lot to do with the perceiver of that threat also, especially in the astral where emotions are magnified (apparently)

I dont think we were put here -in existence- by a negative or threatening or harmful entity.  So ultimately i dont think we could come to permanent harm.   Trust in something (God, ourselves etc) is key i guess.   

David Warner

have a few beers, call it an experience for the ages and move on..

i have been projecting for 20yrs + now, have had my good and bad experiences.. but
have always fought thru them and learned what was needed.

remember, when we project its not going to be all cake and ice cream, we have to take the bad with the good too... sure, protect yourself and remember most important do this for love, to help others, learn, grow, spiritually... don't do it for selfish reasons, or think its some sort of game, like you have some hidden power...

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012